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5 posts
•17 years old• | Amateur Writer | Aesthetic Kid | Someday I'll shine☆
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aestheticchai · 4 years ago
Before She Dies
I was in school when I saw this girl
Beautiful and Brimful
Full Of loved ones
But there was something in here eyes
She was in a trap of lies
Everybody thought of her as the popular kid
Who's loved by all and they were jealous
Wanted to be like her
Because they thought she was perfect
But I saw something that was different
She was pretty , the school's sweetheart
Good grades, funny and whatever you ask
She was nice to everyone
The girl who would have regrets
Immediately after an anger blast
She was the girl who'd believe in you
Even if you never did
But you know expectations kills
She had them all
Her eyes were so small
But nobody even imagined she held so much
Trying to maintain the perfection
But lost her identification
I saw it but she refused to agree
Saying she was just spree in happiness
But her smile hid it all in perfection
Soon I heard her news
She couldn't make it
Love fades
A suicide kills
A happy place
Of a little girl
Who was brutually raped
I wish she knew a way
Couldn't survive her unsolved battles
But people being people
Talked after her absence
Saying she wasn't strong enough
She was just a stupid girl who made a bad decision
She had everything they said
But they never realised not everything matters
I still pray
Hoping she's in a better place
Atleast she's free from all her struggles
Waited for a miracle that didn't happen
She is now in peace
But what about the many others
Who are fighting with their conflicts
Who have complaints but no one to listen
You're the main character of your story
Don't take any wrong decision
Don't fake your expression
You are strong and you have our attention
Be Bold, you don't have bad intentions
And people should think before making any assumptions
As Before She Dies
Let there be no misconceptions
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aestheticchai · 4 years ago
Can you please reblog if your blog is a safe place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, asexual, aromantic, pansexual, non binary, demisexual or any other kind of queer or questioning people? Because mine is.
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aestheticchai · 4 years ago
I created a group particularly for the depressed generation to discover and help each other pin down their thoughts!
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aestheticchai · 4 years ago
A plead by a 12th Grader
I'm so done with you, I know I was the one whining to god about how much I hate you and how it was unfair for us to give you offline when all we did was study online but in my defense... I honestly did not think God was going to listen..(because he never listens to me when I ask for an Iphone as a birthday present smh!)
Do you even know I'm literally stuck between whether to study or not? And if I should,then what to study and from where to start...
And I get it, there's a pandemic and it was necessary for you to get postponed but HELLOOO!?!
3 times!?!? Are we a joke to you!?! We give you our heart and soul but all you do is break that up just like that?!? How long is this relationship going to last!? Because I really want to end this, We are not a compatible couple and we definitely need to break up.
And ahhhh you got cancelled for the 10th graders!! No, seriously, tell me, are we the worst batch you ever got that you had to release all the frustration on us!?!?
We did not get a farewell party , which mind you I was looking forward to since 6th GRADE!! (I even bought a dress and now I have no occasion to wear it).We did not get a proper goodbye from the school and we didn't even meet our teachers and NOW YOU ARE TELLING ME YOU WANNA BAIL OUT ON US BY GETTING POSTPONED!?!?
Look I'm sorry for all the mean words I said to you when my 10th board's result came out and I'm sorry for making fun of you whenever I had the chance but I was a kid back then, are you really going to take revenge like that!?!? Absurd! Grow up for God's sake..
Do you even understand my mental state right now! I don't wanna study but I have to yet I'm still confused if I want to or not although I do have an entrance Exam so should I start with that or this and if I start with this then I'll fail in that and If I study that then I won't be able to dedicate myself to this, ughhh....
So my whole day goes with me thinking of what to do aka procrastinating...and you still expect me to have hopes!?!? I was confident before that I'll get good grades this year but now, I am..
So dear Exams, I conclude by saying You win and I lose. Now please just stop being a bruise.
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aestheticchai · 4 years ago
"There was a little girl
About 10 years old", she said
"She was careless, free and content
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She had a crown of innocence on her head
She was the definition of beauty
Because she loved herself
She was so pure
That her grace reflected to the world itself
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Unfortunately She hit that stage of insecurities
Her originality started fading abruptly
Hiding her face
She isolated
Forgot her shine
And her innocence was rusted
Now she was okay being not okay
She was not who she really said",
The lady started laughing
Said she had to let her crown decay
Because for people she was too innocent
Manipulation was not indecent
For the world who let her purity end
She's back to being who she is
With the will more stronger and persistent
She's now an eccedentesiast
Hiding her pain behind her laugh
Not trying to play a victim
Want to be heard, a shoulder
To lean on and to Listen..
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