character sheet thing
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@ask-tipplegnostalgic yo its me quickthunder back at you with the bare bones character sheet ;0
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Ah, !t appears you m!sunderstand. ! mean no harm, ! am s!mply cur!ous, as th!s seems to be a un!verse very d!fferent to many others ! have been able to v!s!t. But !f ! am correct you two are... mo!ra!ls? Cur!ous that you would use the form of romance !nvented and pract!ced by a completely d!fferent spec!es.
!t would appear you have close relat!ons to a certa!n John Lalonde, !f ! am correct? Do you come from "John Egbert" un!verse?
He glanced at him before crossing his arms and examining him carefully.Sign: [I do not know. Either way Johnbot is my very close companion and I would do anything to protect him.]
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Aeros Athictos
Your name is Aeros and you are generally feeling indifferent. You stand at a nice 6′7″, towering above some of your shorter friends. Your skin is very pale and seems to even glow, and you have a lot of messy black hair that you much prefer to not style in any particular. Your eyes are startlingly blue and are the most prominent feature of your body. You love your god-tier outfit so much that you rarely take it off. You have very mediocre self-esteem but you also don’t really seem to care that much anymore. You are the horseman of CONQUEST and will damn sure show it whenever the chance arises. You’re pretty strong and smart, and you do well in social situations, but you are quick to anger and can’t let go of a grudge. You also have an unhealthy obsession with games related to luck, and you usually gamble your money away as it comes. Your abilities mainly revolve around manipulating literal light, usually in the form of illusions.
With the help of a few of your friends, you’ve managed to escape your broken session and now kind of just wander the multiverse, looking for things to do, considering you’re a god now.
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