aenielle 22 days
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aenielle 22 days
I wear a uniform now
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aenielle 3 months
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my favorite girls
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aenielle 3 months
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even I was distracted, it's okay to look
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aenielle 3 months
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*insert vincent*
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aenielle 3 months
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aenielle 3 months
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aenielle 3 months
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aenielle 3 months
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aenielle 3 months
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aenielle 3 months
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new cabinet picture with mama <33
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aenielle 3 months
When in Silang, visit Tagaytay
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who goes to Silang and not visit Tagaytay?
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aenielle 3 months
Miracle in Cell No. 7 Father's Day 2023
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Father's Day 2023 is so special. I finally got to talk to my dad about everything, the questions that were not answered for so long, we talked about the pain he caused me, my sister, and my mom. He apologized and he recognized what he did. He is not a perfect dad but I've never doubted his love for me.
mag bubuhat na ako ng bangko; he is lucky to have understanding daughters. My sister and I, our bond is so strong, we always talk about our problems even though it is not in my nature to talk about my feelings I've come to learn that it is healthy and sometimes the only thing that could save a lot of relationships in my life.
This was also the day when my father recognized that he had a lesbian daughter. I remember it so vividly, he was on a video call with his close friend and his close friend noticed my nose piercings
"alam mo ba the girls who have those are gay" "Well, she is gay, she's a lesbian. My daughter's a lesbian."
my father would always ask me if I have a boyfriend every time we see each other and that is after I came out to him as a lesbian. I cry to my friends about that. Hearing him admit and recognize that he has a lesbian daughter was such a big deal for me. I know I might appear unapologetically myself and that I don't give a fuck about what anyone might say about my sexuality, but hearing my dad say I'm a lesbian was so special to me.
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So, if you're not okay with your relationships with people, talk about it. It took us 1 drinking session to fix our issues.
++ He's not the only lucky one here. Understanding daughters would've gone nowhere without the father who's ready to admit his mistakes and apologize for the things he did.
Talking about your problems with people would not always work if the other party is not ready. But then again, at least you tried.
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aenielle 3 months
i want to get tattoos for my bday
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aenielle 3 months
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aenielle 4 months
I am lucky to be me.
I am lucky to have friends and family who love me so much. They are given to me. Because I didn't work hard to have a family like this, I did not try to fit in to have friends like this, these people were sent to me as a gift.
It feels so good that even though it is not always my birthday or Christmas I always have presents. Not once did these people ever make me feel that I was alone. I always have my back-up, I always have a shoulder to cry on, I always have people to laugh with, and I always have people to hug whenever I need one, they are all so caring towards me. I am so full of love and I didn't do anything to deserve this, I was just myself and loving these people around me like I know how.
My family, every single member loves me. I am their baby girl even if I am not the youngest on both sides. They'd be there for me in a heartbeat.
I grew up in a family where my parents were not exactly ready to have kids but they never made me feel unloved. We are not wealthy, we fight, we sometimes don't understand each other but we try to listen, I never doubted that my Mama and Papa love me. They don't know how to raise kids because they were kids too, they just know they love their daughters and would do everything for them.
When I was in hell (high school) my friends were there for me. Those 3 best friends that I have, Kc, Kyanah, and Ni帽o. I would never trade them for anyone. I am so lucky to have them. I love those kids so much. You can talk to them about anything, no matter how big or small the talk is. They love me so much. And I love them too, very very much. They never made me feel like I had too much trauma and problems to be loved. Keisha too. They are a lifesaver.
My sister, oh god my ate, that's my superhero. She made this world so much better for me. She raised me, and she did a very good job raising a kid who is only two years younger than her, she did that since I was born. We are extremely close and I am so special and lucky to have her in my life. I love you ate.
I could not wish for a better support system because I already have the best.
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aenielle 4 months
Why do I talk to people who I usually won't talk to?
I've been through hell and back and hell and back multiple times. Sometimes people need people, that's why I don't get it when people say "ginamit niya ako kasi convenient ako" sad people tend to do that, that's not because of you. That's their problem, not saying they are right, just try not to be attached to vulnerable and sad people if you are expecting something in return. People use people, and since I am capable of lending an ear, I talk to them, that's not me having a superhero complex, that's just me being there and accompanying them because I know for a fact that I would not have survived if the people around me weren't there for me, if I was not loved, heard, valued, and taken care of I would not be here typing this piece of opinion.
And unfortunately, some people don't have the friends and family that I have. I'm gonna be there for them no utang na loob included. This is not me being plastic or doing things to make people like me, because I don't do things expecting them to be returned to me, I just do things in general because I want to. That's why I don't take things personally (unless you're one of my best friends)
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