aellacontos · 7 years
“What’s that look about? A drill sergeant can’t have a normal day off? Did you think I just shut down at night like the computer system and recharge for my weekend?”
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aellacontos · 7 years
“Oh I’m sorry, we were just about to close. Did you need something?” He asked, looking up from the paperwork spread out in front of him. 
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“No I’m good. Just checking in on things as I went by. It’s a habit.”
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aellacontos · 7 years
“As much as I enjoy company, you’re kind of in my light babe.” Sera said, looking up from piece of metal she was currently welding. “Are you going to just stand there or do you want to help?” 
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“I’ve got nothing better to do. What do you need help with,” Aella answered with ease not even bothering to apologize for blocking the light. She was do so with good reason as she kept track of a few of the security members who were doing their rounds.
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aellacontos · 7 years
A smile crept onto his lips at the familiar voice and he turned his head to her as she leaned in “Oh dear. I don’t know about that. What if some ruffian should try and accost me and i will be all defenseless without my weapon.” he chuckled “Or was it something else you were referring to.” he asked with a wink before leaning in to steal a quick kiss from he.
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“I don’t think you’ve been defenseless a day in your life,” Aella countered with a smirk unable to keep any sort of serious look on her face when Markus turned to her. “Ewww gross,” she teased back before being gladly cut off by the soft kiss. Coming around the bench she took a seat beside him. “How’s the morning brooding session going?”
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aellacontos · 7 years
Markus sighed as he left the coffee shop, a warm tea in his cup as he headed off towards his destination. Checking his phone he saw he still had time so he decided to sit on a bench and watch the world whilst he enjoyed his tea. His outfit and the weapons he carried identified him as military or security of some kind to the average passer by. 
His free hand subconsciously rested near his holstered side arm as he watched the world go by. Footsteps approached him from the path behind from what he could tell and the way they sounded made him think it was someone coming to see him. “Good morning.” 
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Seeing the very familiar form up ahead Aella immediately changed course as she made a beeline for Markus. She couldn’t help but be pulled towards one of the few people she felt closest to even though most may think she was sick of him she definitely wasn’t. Seeing his hand resting near his holster she smirked. “Sir. I’m going to need you to surrender your weapon,” Aella commanded as she leaned in from behind him.
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aellacontos · 7 years
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    The woman shakes her head. She’s bent over the other person’s wound, examining it, and when she probes the skin around the gash, her fingers are surprisingly gentle.     “‘Tis but a flesh wound’ only covers so many injuries. You need to get this cleaned up by the medical authorities.”
“I tried to tell him that. He said I was unqualified,” Aella answered giving the man a pointed look to which he looked almost fearful. “Go see a doctor.” The words were sharp and a command not a request which seemed to send him on his way. “I can’t believe he bothered you too.”
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aellacontos · 7 years
Markus gave a light chuckle at her answer. “Fair enough then.” he said as he moved over and put his hands on her shoulders “How about the opposite of violence then. some relaxation.” he offered as he began to massage her tense shoulders. “I don’t know what has you so tense but hopefully i can help. You would think the people on the planet would know better then to wide up the people trained to kill who carry heavy weapons.” he joked. He looked behind himself to the chair there and he moved backwards, pulling her gently with him as he sat down the sit her on his knee as he continued to kneed her muscles. 
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The smallest of smiles appeared on her face when he laughed at her. It was nice to have someone who understood her at her side in times when she felt her temper flare. She gave off a harsh demeanor at all times but genuine anger was so uncommon for her comparatively. She easily gave into his touch and guidance to move and sit on his lap. Something which she would have laughed at herself for doing a few months back. “They came up to me and demanded I come help them with the sheep. I told them I was working. Then they tried to pull the victim card like I was the one who said something wrong.You try and command me to do something but I’m the rude one for being busy? Yeah okay. Sometimes I wonder what made me want to protect these people.”
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aellacontos · 7 years
Markus was a perceptive man at the best of times and it didn’t take his level of insight to see something had upset her. She was silent and her movements were strong and angry. “Bad day then?” he asked but wasn’t expecting and answer. He thought for a second then made a suggestion. “Hey how about a few rounds on the bag before we relax?” he said referring to the punching bag they trained with. It was good to keep in shape and stay sharp and in this instance it might be a good way to work out whatever had upset her. In this mood she was in Markus would likely be the only person able to hold the bag while she hit it. He really did love aella and he understood her like most wouldnt, she was a soldier too and a tough one. People like them needed an outlet. “or we could do some sparring if you want?” he suggested, sometimes a sparring match with gloves could really let you get into a combat headspace and funnel your energy into something that wasn’t going to do too much lasting damage.
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Letting out a sigh her shoulders slumped forward as he spoke again. As much as she wanted to punch away her annoyance she had a feeling that would just send her running after Caleb. Then their face would be smashed and she would be in trouble. “No. I’ll just end up running off to hurt someone if I start with the hitting,” Aella answered gruffly. “Even though they deserve it I need to avoid violence right now.”
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aellacontos · 7 years
Markus walked into the tent where he kept more of his heavy gear. He sighed heavily and rubbed his shoulders. Another quiet patrol, and that was a good thing. With some people away he was making sure the perimeter was safe and that he had his radio on him incase anyone needed help. His way of constant alertness was draining but he was used to it and happy to do it if it kept other safe. 
He got rid of most of his stuff apart from his combat knife and sidearm that he always kept on him. As he stretchted his arms up and his shoulders gave a satisfying crack he turned as he heard footsteps approaching the tent. Aella came bursting in and he was glad it was her. She was his partner, in more ways that one these days, plus she could understand the strain of their job unlike anyone else in the camp. “Hey you, how was your patrol?”
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Storming into the tent Aella was gritting her teeth to keep from screaming about the idiot vet she’d encountered. Thinking he could tell her she was doing nothing so she should do his job instead. Ordering her around like he had any right to tell her what she could and couldn’t do. She was quick to shed her supplies and silently seethed even though Markus had spoken to her as soon as she’d entered. She didn’t want to snap at him so she kept her mouth shut.
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aellacontos · 7 years
“No, I can’t. If I try to do it myself, I’m gonna hurt the sheep or myself, and no one else is around to help right now. If it doesn’t get done soon the sheep is going to get hurt or sick, and die, and then we’ll have no sheep. We can’t afford that right now.” they said, narrowing their eyes. They didn’t see any reason why they couldn’t tell a team soldier what needed to be done. Did she think she was more important than the rest of them?
 “I would maybe say out of the two of us, you’re the only who’s ‘talking to a human being like that,’ seeing how you’re threatening me.” they reasoned slowly, narrowing their eyes. “I need your help for something important. I wouldn’t ask otherwise. It will only take a few minutes.” 
“Do I look like I care if you’re incapable of doing your own job,” Aella asked blankly her patience quickly wearing thin. “Oh is that so? You commanded me to do something and expected me to immediately obey or did you forget already? Well guess what, doll? I don’t take commands from Vets. And we were just attacked two weeks ago by animals that ate your sheep alive. As well as injuring multiple team members. You really wanna tell everyone you were the one that told the only soldier on guard that she had to stop doing her job when the sheep end up dead because one of those animals gets in? Or maybe you won’t be able to because you’ll be dead this time. I have a job to do. An important one. Find someone else.”
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“And next time you go looking for help try asking and not demanding the first time around. Don’t play hurt puppy dog with me when you’re the one that caused this problem by being an asshole.”
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aellacontos · 7 years
“I wouldn’t come bother you unless I needed something.” Caleb reasoned, shrugging a bit as they approached. They were quiet for a little while, watching as they marched back and forth, and then spoke up again. “I need someone’s help to trim the sheep’s hooves. You’re it. Come help me.” they said, not really asking so much as they were telling Ella what to do. But it wasn’t like it wasn’t an important task. And someone needed to do it.
The demand immediately brought a bark of laughter to her lips. They thought they could tell the team soldier what to do? Let alone telling her what to do. They were clearly losing it. Plus she didn’t take commands from anyone but her team leader. “You can do it yourself. I’m on guard. You know protecting your ass as per usual. Or perhaps try a farmer like Eleanor. I can tell you right now talking to any human being like that isn’t gonna get you anywhere but she has a temper. I’d love to see her knock you out. I’d do it myself if I didn’t value my job. Now get out of my face before I change my mind.”
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aellacontos · 7 years
Choosing to stay back and keep the campsite safe and watched over Aella was on watch as she moved back and forth through the area. Her thoughts were usually very concise as she did her job but a little part of them kept straying to Markus and wondering what he was up to. She shook that off as the sound of footsteps came from behind her. “Did you need something,” she called knowing they were the footsteps of a person and not a animal and not even having to turn to face them as she continued to focus on her job. 
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aellacontos · 7 years
Pleasantly surprised, Agnes nodded. “Of course, that sounds like a plan.” She took the dagger. “I’ll bring this back to you, don’t worry. Thank you.” Somebody else was sensible.
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“Good,” Aella answered with a firm nod. She struggled with socializing more than most would think. It was the harsh demeanor she held that always made things harder. “Yeah alright. Sounds good. Hopefully everything goes smoothly for you.”
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aellacontos · 7 years
Agnes frowned, raising an eyebrow. “I’ll try to, thanks,” she replied dryly.
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“Take this. Don’t be stupid,” Aella replied holding back the urge to roll her eyes as she handed a dagger to Agnes sheathed in a holster that would strap to her leg. “Firm hold on the hilt at all times if you mean to use it. Follow through if you need to take anything out. Don’t think. Act. Protect yourself. Protect our people. When you get back we should probably train or something.”
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aellacontos · 7 years
“Here for a checkup?” Marianne was poised elegantly onthe edge of her desk, almost tittering on the edge of slipping on. One long legthrown over the other, the heel of her shoes occasionally tapping against thefloor. “Because I don’t accept walk-ins.” The blonde is teasing, her lipstilted in a slight smile.
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“No,” Aella answered bluntly barely sparing Marianne a glance as she moved into the tent. The flirting was lost on the ever serious soldier and since she wasn’t bothering to look at her she didn’t see the smile that would have given it away. “I need to grab something to wrap a sprain. One of the group members just tripped over their own feet,” she explained as she found the item on her own and tossed it in the air catching it as it fell. “And now I’ll be out of your way.”
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aellacontos · 7 years
“Yes, I am going with them, and no, it isn’t a big deal. It’s our responsibility to make sure they don’t make the same mistakes as us.”
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“That wasn’t at all what I was going to ask but great. Have fun.”
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aellacontos · 7 years
Memories flooded back as Adom looked at Aella. Of the times she had saved his life, of the camp and the missions. She had always been someone he admired, if it weren’t for her he was pretty sure he wouldn’t be here now. He still had scars from the attack they’d been through together, but they were now joined by others. Adom smiled at the dog like creature, petting the top of it’s head experimentally. “Really? I’m living with Kenzi, Dani, and Eli now. We’re quite a hike away, but we’re sort of forced to expand as time goes on.”
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Ever loving of attention Fang nudged the hand petting him and sat down with a thump beside the two of them. “Really. It’s been a long time for the two of us but somehow we still manage to work well together,” Aella mused a happy smile creeping wider on her face. When she came on the mission she never expected to find someone she loved so much. “Well I assure you that you came to the right place. We’ll help with whatever we can.”
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