advaitapath · 4 years
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advaitapath · 5 years
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advaitapath · 5 years
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advaitapath · 5 years
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advaitapath · 5 years
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“Spanish Village”
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advaitapath · 5 years
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The truth established in the Vedas, the Puranas and the Tantras is but one Sat-cit-ānanda (Existence, Consciousness, and Bliss. Supreme reality). In the Vedas it is called Brahman, in the Puranas it is called Rama, and in the Tantras it is called Shiva. One Sat-cit-ānanda is called Brahman, Rama and Shiva.
~Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa.
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advaitapath · 5 years
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advaitapath · 5 years
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What might we say to Rudra, the provident, the most generous, the very powerful;
what might we say that is most wealful to his heart?
To the lord of songs, the lord of ritual offerings, to Rudra whose remedies are healing
We plead for the favor of luck and lifetime- Rgveda 1.43
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advaitapath · 5 years
“When the Gods forget how to slay demons and call on the universe to aid them in their task, who do you think the universe sends to help them destroy evil and wrong doing unmask? The Goddess Durga, riding towards the darkness on a tiger, countless weapons in her arms, her daughter is the one the universe trusts to protect her against all odds. Because on one hand she wipes out evil, on the other she nurtures good better than any God. In the end, even the universe knows that it is her daughter she should trust to protect her from ignorance, from darkness, from every downfall. And what does the birth of Durga, fully formed, ready to fight demons say about you? You were born to take on monsters. You were born to eat the darkness that tries to absorb you.”
— Nikita Gill, Ma Durga
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advaitapath · 5 years
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Durga by Dr. Bks Varma
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advaitapath · 5 years
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Hanuman and his monkey devotee
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advaitapath · 5 years
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Krsna worshipped Shiva
Shiva is not a man, Shiva has never walked on this planet. Shiva is the Divine (Brahman), ‘He’ is the Universe, the sentient consciousness and intelligence of the Universe (Ishvara), and our true nature / original Self (Atman).
Krsna however was a man, an historical person who was born on this planet several thousand years ago. He was a very special person though, he was born enlightened and knew from a very young age that he was Divine. In the Bhagavad Gita, when Krsna talks about being God, this is because Krsna identifies himself with the Divine rather than his ego/mind - something we should all do! Krsna’s claim to divinity, like the Rabbi Jesus’s, wasn’t special or unique, its recognition of a common divinity that we all share in, the whole universe.
All Gods and Goddesses are One God. Whichever deity we worship we ultimately worship Brahman.
Om Namah Shivaya
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advaitapath · 5 years
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advaitapath · 5 years
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Day 20: Seema Malaka (Ganesha) , Colombo
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advaitapath · 5 years
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Jay Govinda!
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advaitapath · 5 years
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Jai Hanuman ji 🙏🙏 Keep supporting🙏#loveuall 🙏 Turn on Post notification 🙏 God bless you all #followme ⤵️ @shivling_world #shivling_world @shivaye_world #shivaye_world @preetvats11 Follow ⤴️ #kali #shiva #ayurveda #yoga #🕉 #om #omnamahshivaya #asia #europe #harharmadev #omnamahshivay #insta #picoftheday #bali #jakarta #sumatra #indonesia #malaysia #thailand #singapore #india #newzealand #love #devokedevmahadev https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs7JMJuArlY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fdiapa28z58
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advaitapath · 5 years
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Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara
(Another Shiva Mantra)
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