advadventures · 4 years
Luxury Everest Base Camp Trek
Day 01: Arrival in KathmanduDay 02: Kathmandu City TourDay 03: Flight to Lukla, trek to PhakdingDay 04: Trek to Namche BazaarDay 05: Acclimatization at Namche BazaarDay 06: Trek to DebocheDay 07: Trek to DingbocheDay 08: Acclimatization day at DingbocheDay 09: Trek to LobucheDay 10: Trek to Everest Base Camp and return to Gorak ShepDay 11: Trek to Kala Patthar and Fly back to KathmanduDay 12: Final Departure
All things considered, no spot gets more unbelievable and more tasteful than Everest Base Camp. Regardless of whether it's an exemplary significant distance hiking course or customary Nepali villages and homestays, the base camp is brimming with ponders. 
What's more, with the Ultimate Luxury Everest Base Camp Trek, you'll get a totally different experience of hiking as nobody has ever lived. The package will deal with your extravagance and solace as much as it will of your adventure. 
The Ultimate Luxury Everest Base Camp Trek exchanges standard enhancements with sumptuous hotels at the cost you'll pay. We likewise offer you an entrancing view with marvelous scenes and rich forests, that stays a prime focal point of a trip. 
Everest region has been home to Sherpas for quite a long while. Along these lines, during your outing, you'll get an opportunity to know about their way of life and culture intently. 
According to our package, you'll start the Ultimate Luxury Everest Base Camp Trek by taking a brisk visit through Kathmandu. The next day you'll take a beautiful flight to Lukla from Kathmandu. 
From that point, you'll take a much natural trekking course to Phakding while at the same time appreciating the fabulous perspective on the valley. The trek will at that point take you to the stunning Namche Bazaar and little villages including Deboche and Lobuche. 
En route, you'll see memorial sculptures and fields fenced with stone dividers to ensure crops. Eventually in the wake of arriving at the Everest Base Camp and investigating Kala Patthar (5643m), you'll return to Kathmandu on a flight.
Highlights of Ultimate Luxury Everest Base Camp Trek
Accommodation at a luxurious hotel where guest are dealt like royal
Beautiful departure from Kathmandu to Lukla with snow pinnacles and landscape to view
Exploring Sagarmatha National Park, home to wild species and birds
Visit most commended religious community in Khumbu area Tengboche
Experience neighborhood culture and convention of various ethnic gatherings
Best time for Everest Base Camp Trek
The ideal time for ultimate luxury Everest Base Camp trek is indistinguishable to that of the customary trek. Of course, it's spring and pre-winter which overwhelms the remainder of different seasons with its gentle climate and normal temperature. 
Fall out of all has the most wonderful climate close by the best view. As the storm clears all the foreboding shadows, the perceivability improves both at the base camp and valley.
Trees of Autumn may lose their leaves, however, the path is as yet clear with stunning fall tones. All through the season, the sun continues sparkling throughout the day aside from early September.
On the off chance that you missed the quality of pre-winter, at that point better arrange the excursion for spring. The season also has an exquisite climate with terrific landscape and rich green forest. The daytime temperature in spring regularly ascends to 15 Degree Celsius while evenings are somewhat cold as the temperature dips under less.
In spring, the sun sparkles right around 9 hours a day after which you can undoubtedly recognize Mt. Everest. For its sharply chilly climate, travelers frequently decline to think about winter as an on the season for trekking. 
Spots at lower height are as yet attractive after a hypnotizing view of snowfall. Be that as it may, as you move higher, the climate gets terrible, bringing hefty snowfall and here and there blizzards as well.
Cost for Ultimate Luxury Everest Base Camp Trek
The expense of the Luxury Everest Base Camp trek relies upon how long you'll remain in the country. Additionally, the cost can fluctuate based on how the standard help and convenience you're willing to have. According to the standard, the more luxurious cabin it is, the more it will cost you 
 Concerning the 12-days luxury Everest Base Camp Trek, it can cost you something from $4000 to $8000. Nonetheless, on the off chance that you're prepared to follow off your comfort, at that point, the cost naturally falls.
Cost Inclusions:
Domestic flight to Lukla and return from Kala Patthar
Special accommodation at a 5-star lodge
Standard hotels and lodges throughout the trek
Covers porter and guides insurance, meals, and salary
Entry permit fee of Sagarmatha National Park
All locals and government taxes
Farewell Dinner
Cost Exclusions:
International flight Fares
Additional tip to guide and porter
Personal expenses including charges for a hot shower, wi-fi, and battery re-charge
Travel insurance
Excess baggage charge
3 meals accommodation in Kathmandu
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According to the timetable, our authorities will be there at Tribhuvan International Airport on this day to get you. Not to get mixed up, they'll arrive at the airport practically thirty minutes before your flight lands. 
 Demonstrating a warm signal, they'll welcome you in the country. From that point, you'll be driven right to your residence organized at a 5-star hotel. Since you more likely than not got depleted from the flight, we'll let you have your time and rest in the room. 
At night, you can take a visit through the city where shopping centers and stores are beautified with shining lights. Guarantee that you return to the lodging before dinner and after that call it for a day.
After a relaxing day, it's an ideal opportunity to go on a trip to Kathmandu City today. Thus, without easing back down, you have your morning meal and meet us outside of the lodging. 
It just bodes well to begin the visit by visiting Pashupatinath Temple so we'll drive there in any case. Recorded On the World Heritage Site, Pashupatinath is a sacrosanct sanctuary of Hindus and has around 492 temples. 
While halting by the temple, you can observe several enthusiasts visiting the temple to offer their petitions to Lord Shiva. In the wake of investigating the temple, we'll take you to Boudha Stupa which takes around 30 minutes to reach. 
Recorded in UNESCO World Heritage Site too, the stupa holds strict significance for Buddhists. From here, we'll drive you directly to Bhaktapur Durbar Square, a prime spot for rich Nepalese culture and history. 
While going on an outing of the area, you can see noteworthy craftsmanship and antiques on each stone temple and palaces. After you're finished investigating the spot, we'll drive you back to the hotel where you can eat. You'll remain the night at the hotel and we'll embark for Everest Base Camp Trek the next day.
Flight Distance: 136.17 km
Trek Distance: 6.2 km
Flight Duration: 30 minutes
Trek Duration: 3 hours
Maximum Altitude: 2850 meters
The best ideal opportunity to see the scenes and mountains during a flight to Lukla is morning hours as the sky is clear. Thus, you need to rise promptly in the first part of the day and have your morning meal or you may starve when you arrive at Lukla Airport. 
It takes around 30 minutes before your beautiful trip to Lukla reaches a conclusion. We'll acquaint you with your group part at that point and after you can have a lunch break. In under 60 minutes, you'll be strolling towards Phakding close by Dudh Koshi Streambank. 
Since the trek is generally short to other people, you'll arrive at the village and still spare a couple of time.
In the extra time, you can investigate the villages and even visit cloisters close by. Overnight  stay in a hotel in Phakding.
Trek Distance: 9.4 km
Trek Duration: 6 hours
Maximum Altitude: 3440 meters
On the fourth day of the Everest Base Camp trek package, you'll trek up to Namche Bazaar. Beginning from the early morning, you'll hike along the bank of Dudh Koshi River. Hardly any miles ahead from here, there's a suspension overpass which you'll cross to arrive at the opposite side. 
As you continue strolling the path, you'll show up at the check post of Sagarmatha National Park. Subsequent to checking the grants, you'll rise through thick forest and lastly arrive at Namche Bazaar. For the evening, you'll remain at a guest house in Namche Bazaar.
The day has been planned for acclimatization, so no compelling reason to get up early today. In spite of that, you'll actually have a short hike up to Everest View Hotel. Thus, subsequent to eating and exploring villages, gone ahead on the trek that takes close to 60 minutes. 
You'll be strolling a tough way to the Everest View Lodging where you can see an all-encompassing perspective on Everest. For the individuals who would prefer not to trek to Syangboche, you can rather go to Sagarmatha National Park. Overnight in Namche Bazaar.
Trek Distance: 12 km
Trek Duration: 5-6 hours
Maximum Altitude: 3820 meters
The trek will keep going for just about 5-6 hours today so you'll need to plan yourself and begin trekking as ahead of schedule as could be expected under the circumstances. The path prompting Deboche has adequate beautiful views to offer you alongside astounding mountains like Nuptse and Ama Dablam. 
Since the path is unevenly adjusted, you may struggle to stroll them. All things considered, the excursion is very worth having the option to observe wild species, for example, Himalayan Tahr and Musk deer. 
The path walks downhill from the point on prior to getting across Dudh Koshi River. The path on the opposite side will introduce you to an alpine forest and a remote village, Phunki Thenga. 
After almost 6 hours of hiking, you'll at long last arrive at Deboche from where you can see Tengboche Monastery. The outing to the religious community will be made at night. You'll spend the night at a tea house in Deboche.
Trek Distance: 13 km
Trek Duration: 5 hours
Maximum Altitude: 4360 meters
Since the trail you'll be walking today is like that of prior, the trek may be less tiring. Coming from Dingboche, you'll go for a trail that walks right to Pangboche village. 
Next, it will take you through lovely religious communities including mani walls and Chortens. In the wake of going through Imja Valley, trekking gets somewhat simpler as you stroll along the Lobuche River. 
Subsequent to descending to the river and taking a lofty slope, you'll show up at Dingboche. Placing the trek to an end in the town will give you a mesmeric view of a field enclosed by stone walls.
One more day arranged for height acclimatization however this time, it's Dingboche. As you walk at higher elevation, the air begins to get slender so you need to adjust your body with the atmosphere. 
That being so you need to take a short hike and become acclimated to the climate. Never helping to assist you with forestalling height affliction including breathing issues. 
With no decision, you've to climb the bluff above Dingboche and tenderly stroll along the trail. Since the trek won't keep going long, you'll have the option to completely appreciate the view of mountains, Island Peak, Lhotse, and many more. 
After you're over from gazing at the peaks on the north side of Khumbu Khola, follow the means back to the valley. Concerning the night, you'll stay at a lodge in Dingboche.
Trek Distance: 10.7 km
Trek Duration: 6-7 hours
Maximum Altitude: 4930 meters
As for the ninth day of Luxury Base Camp Trek, you'll be having a good time all through the trek. Thus, leave a little space in your stomach while eating as there's something lying ahead. 
Toward the start of the trek, you'll walk tough to the edge and immediately cross a glacial moraine. As you walk further, the perspective on the snow-covered mountains gets greater and more clear. 
Preceding arriving at the village, you'll come to see memorials of climbers who passed on in the locale. You'll stay the night at an inn in Lobuche.
 Trek Distance: 10 km
Trek Duration: 6-8 hours
Maximum Altitude: 5364 meters
We spared you the best for the last and that is Everest Base Camp. At long last, the day is here when you'll be locating the tremendous Mt. Everest from as close as Everest Base Camp. 
Not long after eating, you'll climb through the terminal moraine of Khumbu Ice sheet and arrive at Gorakshep. The trek turns out to be very exhausting from here as you've to climb rough trails prior to showing up at Everest Base Camp. 
Considering the incredible exertion you've put on the trek, we'll give you enough to explore the site. In the stretch of time, you can appreciate the mesmerizing view of Mt. Everest just as and even the glaciers close by. 
In the wake of getting around the campsite and clicking pictures, you'll move down to Gorakshep. With that, you've effectively finished the Everest Base Camp Trek. Presently, it's simply Kala Patthar that you've to vanquish prior to going to the valley. So get a decent rest and stay arranged for the enormous day.
Flight Distance: 151 km
Trek Distance: 1.2 km
Flight Duration: 2-3 hours
Trek Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Maximum Altitude: 1400 meters
It's seemingly one of the significant attractions of The Luxury Everest Base Camp Trek package. Since, you're likewise to return to Kathmandu after the Kala Patthar trek, begin hiking promptly toward the beginning of the day. 
The trek is short and just goes on for simply 90 minutes. However, even in that limited ability to focus time, the trail will offer you a beautiful view of Mt. Everest and assorted scenes. 
You'll additionally appreciate the delightful dawn from Kala Patthar and the sparkling glaciers. In the wake of remaining some time at the mountain, you'll remember your means back to Gorak Shep and load up on a flight to Kathmandu. 
As soon the flight brings you down to Kathmandu, our authorities will help you to the hotel. Appreciate the farewell dinner served by your hotel and call it for the afternoon.
 It's sad that now you're leaving the country and will head back home. But at the same time, we're happy that we could assist you with achieving your Ultimate Luxury Everest Base Camp Trek. 
For one final time, we'll get you from the hotel and drive to the airport. On your help, we'll continue keeping an eye on you till the time you don't load onto the flight. 
It would be ideal if you don't hesitate to Contact us, in the event that you look for more travel related subtleties and information.
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advadventures · 4 years
The 5 Best Treks to do in Nepal
5. Annapurna Circuit Trek
Set out on an exemplary long trip with Annapurna Circuit Journey of about fourteen days. Perhaps the best trekking in Nepal will give you knowledge of the geological variety of Nepal. You will start your trip from hillside villages and will stroll through the thick wilderness. The scene will change slowly; inadequate slopes will change into arid hills against taking off snowy mountains.
Crossing perhaps the most noteworthy mountain passes Thorong La Pass will be challenging. After climbing on a lofty slant to the head of the pass, an amazing perspective on transcending mountains will welcome you. Wonder about the perspective on mountains including Dhaulagiri, Annapurna Massif, and Manaslu. The spirit blending all-encompassing perspectives will merit all the difficulty. Further, you will see the distant Upper Mustang and Tibetan plateau. Additionally, the desert-like territory of Manang valley emits an inclination that you are strolling in a Tibetan plateau, not Nepal. You will climb across Kali Gandaki Gorge which is the most profound canyon on the planet. Additionally, climb past the worshipped sanctuary of Muktinath which is of strict significance for the two Hindus and Buddhists. Connect with local people and find out about the nearby mountain culture.
04. Manaslu Circuit Trek
Manaslu Circuit Trek is picking up ubiquity as an off in an unexpected direction journey. Stroll in the way less trampled and wonder about the dazzling mountain sees. You require a Restricted Area Permit to trek and solo trekking isn't permitted in this area. Manaslu Circuit is an arduous trek so you should be sensibly fit. Gear up for the difficult Larkya La Pass which rewards you with emotional and dramatic perspectives. Walking on the lofty slant of the mountain pass is hard while a few parts loaded up with ice increment the difficulty. The stunning perspectives on Manaslu, Lamjung Himal, and Annapurna II will be satisfying.
You will travel in Manaslu Conservation Region which highlights colorful Himalayan greenery. In the preservation territory creatures including snow panther, musk deer, and brown bear lives. Your trekking course goes through one of the distant territories of Nepal, Nubri Valley. The territory is immaculate by modernization and their everyday lives aren't entirely different than times past. Individuals follow Tibetan Buddhism. Show regard to their way of life and convention by circumambulating monasteries and spinning prayer wheels a clockwise way.
3. Upper Mustang Trek
The colorful traveling region of Nepal is Upper Mustang, recently known as the Realm of Lo Manthang. Upper Mustang lies in the downpour shadow locale which offers ascend to dry desert-like scene one of a kind to the district. The landscape intently takes after the Tibetan plateaus. It is the best trek to do in the late spring cum rainstorm period of Nepal. The great perspectives on mountains like Nilgiri, Dhaulagiri, and Annapurna leave its observers enchanted. Lifestyle in Upper Mustang is like their Tibetan neighbors.
Upper Mustang wasn't open for vacationers until 1992 and you need special permits to enter. The far off territory and disengagement for quite a long time helped the area to hold its old culture and convention. Submerge in the profound vibe of Upper Mustang. You will discover the dominance of Tibetan Buddhism and can observe an extraordinary compared to other protected Tibetan Buddhism here. Visit the antiquated caves, religious communities, Chortens, and see rock artworks. Likewise, spin the prayer wheels, watch the prayer flag shudder in the breeze, and climb past antiquated Mani walls.
2. Annapurna Base Camp Trek
Annapurna Base Camp Trek is probably the best trekking in Nepal which takes you to the exemplary traveling course of Nepal. trekking past slope villages and totally cut terraced fields. Clear your path through the thick wildernesses loaded up with rhododendron trees. Stroll on the shadows of mountains and enjoy the shocking Himalayan perspectives. The amphitheater of mountains will welcome you at Annapurna Base Camp. A snowy wonderland with Annapurna Massif and neighboring icy mass will make your day. You will travel Annapurna Safe-haven, an icy mass bowl situated underneath the Annapurna range. Investigate the intriguing widely flora and fauna of Annapurna Sanctuary. After a tiring trip, restore in the common natural hot spring of Jhinu Danda. Visit the pleasant Ghandruk which included among Asia's most beautiful towns.
A trek to Annapurna Base Camp is socially huge as well. You will travel the towns possessed by Magar and Gurung ethnic gatherings. These ethnic gatherings have an unmistakable culture and convention. Additionally, stroll through villages that are home to overcome Gurkha officers. Interface with local people and trade stories. Experience nearby accommodation and find out about their day by day way of life. Additionally, find out about the mountain culture of Nepal.
1. Everest Base Camp Trek
Everest Base Camp Trek draws in a huge number of travelers consistently and many add it to their bucket list every year. Perhaps the best trekking in Nepal, Everest Base Camp Trek positions among the best trekkings on the planet. The delight of journeying to the base camp of the most elevated mountain on the planet is preferable experienced over explained. Trek in the UNESCO World Heritage Site recorded Sagarmatha National Park and investigate its uncommon flora and fauna. Appreciate the momentous perspectives on mountains including Lhotse, Cho Oyu, Ama Dablam, and Makalu. Visit the Everest Base Camp and lounge in the best views of Everest from the vantage point of Kala Patthar. A staggering view on Makalu, Lhotse, and Ama Dablam anticipates you at Nagarjun Slope. Engineered overpasses are a basic piece of Everest journey; it's an ideal opportunity to overcome your dread of statures in the event that you have any.
Walk through the quaint Sherpa villages and get firsthand insight of Sherpa culture and custom. You will see the impact of Tibetan Buddhism in their strict practices. See colorful prayer flags decorated on suspension bridges, walls, and spin prayer wheels. Visit the hallowed Tengboche Cloister and feel its profound vibe. Unwind in the well-known Sherpa Town of Namche Bazaar and visit Sherpa Culture Historical center to find out about their way of life and custom. The Himalayas draw in sightseers to Nepal and warm nearby accommodation wins their hearts!
These are the 5 best treks in Nepal hand-picked by our Travel Specialists. Talk with our Travel expert and realize which trip suits you the best. The most ideal approach to enjoy the characteristic magnificence of Nepal is traveling while differing societies and customs enhance your experience. Leave on an excellent excursion in the lower regions of mountains and gain never-ending experiences.
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advadventures · 5 years
Mera Peak Climbing
Mera peak climb is claimed as one of the highest trekking peak which is technically an easy and adventurous climb. It is one of the excellent and permitted trekking peaks for those without having climbing experiences. The trek leads you through dense and incredible natural scenery of remote, Sherpa villages and beautiful Hinku valley. The trip starts with a flight from Kathmandu to Lukla. The peak is situated at Mahalangur range of Himalaya in Solukhumbu district of Nepal at Hinku valley region which offers eyes-tickling view of Everest region, yak pastures, green meadow areas, flowing water streams, swinging bridges and magnificent view of exceptional 8000 meters mountains including the highest Mt. Everest (8848m) followed by Mt. Lhotse (8516m), Mt. Makalu (8463m), Mt. Cho Oyu (8201m), Mt. Kanchenjunga (8586), Mt. Nuptse and Mt. Chamling. The fun, your dare and pleasure you get during the entire trek is unexplainable. The trek includes basic mountaineering above the snow line to move efficiently from glacier, to rock, to use ice axes, climbing boots with crampons, ropes, back and forth in number of variations. Mera Peak Climbing trek unshackle favorable time and moment to all the experienced trekkers and layman (non-professionals) who dream and defy doing something to achieve the sensation of standing on the apogee or top of the Himalayan peak. The beautiful flora and fauna, unique culture and custom of local and Sherpa’s living in this region, all these are the plus point of trek and worth fruitful. The Sherpa’s guesthouses, rest in pastures and tent camp at high altitude point are a welcome, acclimatization and rest place for tired and drowsy trekkers. The well experienced guides are one who not only shows the path but also provides all the necessary trainings, information about the itinerary. As we trek higher to awesome remote valley from rivers to glaciers, our body gradually gets acclimatized for climb. While moving downwards and retracing our steps back to Lukla via Zetra la to Mera peak, we feel energized from our achievement and maneuver. The best and favorable season to visit and trek in Mera peak is from March to May and September to mid. December. Experience the magnificent panorama of Himalaya, plan an itinerary to one of the most fascinating peak climbing of Nepal.
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advadventures · 5 years
Annapurna Base Camp Trek Difficulty
Thinking of going for Annapurna Base Camp Trek? Wondering how hard is it? Annapurna Base Camp Trek is a moderate type of trek that is relatively easy even for unseasoned trekkers. This trek takes you to the feet of beautiful Mount Annapurna.  Since Annapurna Base Camp Trek doesn’t demand any advanced physical fitness level, a normal person with a good health condition can go for this trek.
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Trekking in Nepal is popular for a closer view of tall peaks above 7000 meters of height. This trek is absolutely amazing and quite easy in terms of the altitude but the constant up and down in the Himalaya might be a challenge. Trekkers can have enough adventure without a technical climbing in this trek.  The trekking route to Annapurna Base Camp is very popular. There are networks of Hotels and Guesthouses all along with the trail. There also is an option for comfortable, yet typically local accommodation every few hours of the walk where trekkers can seat, rest or even sleep if they are tired. The Annapurna Base Camp trek starts with around 10 km walk from Nayapul to Tikhedhunga on the first day of the journey through the hilly terrain. There are around 3200 steep stone steps in a place named Ulleri, on the way to Ghorepani from Tikhedunga that can slightly be a challenge for trekkers. However prior training for those steps by doing a few trips up and down can make this challenge easier. The final 2 days in this trek can be a bit difficult as the trekkers will be trekking in high altitude but it would not be a big problem for a physically fit healthy person even if there might be some breathing difficulties. The trek may be tiring but it’s worth it. Just be slow and steady. Even if this trek is of moderate level, it can be extremely challenging for anyone who isn’t reasonably physically fit. A minimum amount of fitness and a plan to walk is needed prior to hand. It will be about 4-6 hours walking up and down per day on well-constructed stone steps and trails. You will be accommodating in lodge or tea house with a Tourist friendly food menu including pasta, pizza, eggs, etc. If you are seeking low risk but a life-changing adventure experience then Annapurna Base Camp Trek is perfect for you.
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advadventures · 5 years
The 5 Best Trek in Nepal
Nepal is home to some of the most spectacular treks in the world. The highest peak is 8000metres plus, there's another 13 that nudge past the 7000metres mark and another 16 over 6000. Each year many travelers throng to various trekking regions of Nepal making Nepal the most sought-after and popular tourist destination. Ranging from classics like Everest Base Camp, Annapurna Circuit, Langtang to up and coming treks such as the Manaslu Circuit Trek and Upper Mustang Trek.
If you plan on going trekking in Nepal, read on to decide which trek is best for you with the ultimate guide provided.
Everest Base Camp Trek 14 Days
Labeled as the classic routes between the Himalayas, the Everest Base Camp or one of the must-visit destinations, Khumbu Valley is simple and certainly a place of extraordinary beauty. The Everest Base Camp Trek follows a well-established trail, winding its way up the river valleys along the glaciers. Reaching the foot of Sagarmatha – the base camp for expeditions aspiring to climb the highest mountain in the world and raise the Kalapattar (5545m) are the key points of this trekking. Although reaching Everest Base Camp is everyone’s goal, the villages and viewpoints along the way are the real rewards. You will be renowned with the serene Namche Bazaar too with glamorous culture and traditions of local people.
Getting to the trail-head: A 30-minute flight from Kathmandu to Lukla
Best Time: Autumn (Sep-Nov) and spring (Mar-May) are the most popular seasons for Everest Base Camp Trek. This two seasons have almost identical climatic conditions with moderate amount of sunshine and low amount of precipitation which is ideal trekking conditions and perfect viewing of the mountains.
Annapurna Base Camp Trek 14 Days
Annapurna region is Nepal’s most popular trekking destination especially for beginner. This trek offers a great view of lowland villages, some wonderful close up of the sacred mountain Macchapuchre (Fishtail) and other high peaks. In some ways, the Annapurna Base Camp trek is less-intense version of the Everest Base Camp trek. This is moderate level trek and can be done in a shorter amount of time. The trek takes you deep into Annapurna massif to the foot of Annapurna South. Trekking start from Nayapul with an easy walk meandering through villages and rhododendron forests. The route further ascends a river valley that gradually narrows before opening up into an amphitheater of mountains. Enjoy your stay in comfortable luxury lodges along with local lodges and experience the local Gurung culture.
Getting to the trail-head: A 25-minute flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara, followed by a 2 hours drive or an 8 hours drive from Kathmandu.
Best Time: Much like the Everest Base Camp, the best time to trek Annapurna Base Camp is in autumn (Sep-Nov) and spring (Mar-May).
Langtang Trek 10 Days
The Langtang region, nestled between Himalayan glaciers and the Tibetan border, lies north of Kathmandu in central Nepal. Perfect for beginners and those with less time to spend in Nepal, Langtang offers the same beauty of longer Annapurna treks without the lengthy approach Langtang valley trekking is popular as trekking to the valley of glaciers sheltered within the Langtang National Park. It is considered to be the third most popular trekking route in Nepal that offers the magnificent views of snow-capped mountain, interesting Tamang culture and the accessibility from Kathmandu. The 2015 earthquake and subsequent landslide had an enormous effect on this region but aid and reconstruction have recently reopened this valley to trekking again. The trails and guesthouses have been rebuilt. This trek takes you through the forests to the high alpine meadows and yak pastures around Kyangjin Gompa (a Buddhist Monastery), with an optional day hike up to the top of Kyangjin Ri (peak).
Getting to the trailhead: A 7 hours drive from Kathmandu
Best Time: Trek in Langtang region is perfect during summer (Jun-Aug). Although the trek can be a bit wet, getting to Langtang during the month of August is one of the best trip as one gets to see and observe Janai Purnima, the Hindu festival in Gosaikunda Lake of the Langtang region.
Manaslu Circuit Trek 16 Days
Manaslu Circuit Trek joins the Annapurna region with the Manaslu region and you truly get the best of both. The Manaslu Circuit Trek has become more accessible since new lodges were built in 2010. The trek has all the great features you would expect from a classic Himalayan trek. The deep lush valleys at lower elevations, amazing views of 8000m peaks and a 5000m above pass crossing off-the-beaten trail.
Despite its rising popularity, the Manaslu Circuit still feels very remote and has fewer trekkers than the more established classic treks of Nepal.
Getting to the trail-head: an 8 hours drive from Kathmandu
Best Time: The best time to trek Manaslu Circuit is in autumn (Sep-Nov) and spring (Mar-May).
Upper Mustang Trek 16 Days
The valley of Upper Mustang Trek features a distinct landscape compared to almost all other treks in Nepal. With its many shades of brown and crumbling sandstone cliffs, this region lies in the desert rain shadow of the Himalaya. Mustang used to be its own Kingdom and its strong Tibetan influenced traditions make this a culturally very interesting trek. The trek starts from Jomsom and follows the Annapurna Range. This is indeed a very remote trek that takes you close to some of the ancient monasteries and caves. The terrain is dry and mountainous. This was just a slice of what mammoth Himalaya can offer. People who love camping, trekking and treading the mountains should never miss trekking along these popular Himalayan trek routes.
Getting to trail-head: You will need to take two connecting flights: Kathmandu to Pokhara (25mins) and Pokhara to Jomsom (20mins)
Best Time: Unlike most other trekking destinations in Nepal, the best time to trek to Mustang is in summer/monsoon (Jun-Aug). High mountains in the north of the region protect it against monsoon clouds making the region dry.
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advadventures · 5 years
Advanced Adventures (AA) is a leading Adventure Travel company in Nepal operated by the most experienced and dedicated team of local professionals providing you budget treks, tours and peak expeditions. We are authorized by the Government of Nepal and registered/licensed with the Nepal Tourism Board (NTB), Ministry of Tourism and Culture and Civil Aviation of Nepal for operating tours, treks, mountaineering and other various adventure activities in Nepal, Tibet & Bhutan. We are an active member of Trekking Agents Association of Nepal (TAAN), Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA) and Kathmandu Environmental Education Project (KEEP). Some of our best-selling trekking or peaking climbing holidays in Nepal include Everest Base Camp Trek, Annapurna Circuit Trek, Annapurna Base Camp Trekking, Manaslu Circuit Treks, Island Peak climbing, Mera Peak Climbing and Northern Everest Base Camp Tour (Tibet Tours) and Cultural Tour in Bhutan.
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