adrudge-blog · 13 years
Chosen But Free - Norman Geisler
Are we chosen or are we free? This debate is very controversial and has been argued a lot. We instantly jump into the debate of Calvinism and Arminianism in which many Christians have become calloused to the topic. There is evidence in the Bible to back up both points to some degree. It seemed like Geisler used scripture for most of the book to let the issues argue for themself, which Geiler did a pretty good job of. I agree with his statement that "we are free in volition, but chosen in eternity." I believe that God did give us free will, and that he also knows who will choose Him and who will not. God already knows the answer, but i believe that He allows us to choose him or reject him. God is infinite and is not confined to the dimension of this world. It is impossible to say that we are predestined or that we have free will, but as Geisler states what the debate really comes down to is that we are chosen, but yet remain free.
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adrudge-blog · 13 years
Worship in the Church
When someone is looking for the right church they base their choices and decisions upon different things going on, one of the most important being the worship. Many churches only have one kind of worship music that they sing, some sing hymns, some sing more traditional contemporary versions, and some sing to worship that consists of electric guitars and drums as if we were at a rock concert. We shouldn't base a church on the type of music that they play and sing to and we definitely shouldn't criticize it. Worship isn't even about the music, its about praising God and speaking to God from our hearts. When we worship we are saying that God has worth and that he is worthy of our praise and we sing about how good and powerful God is. Many of us are even to stubborn to praise God because we don't like the type of music that is being played in the church. Anyone can sing and dance around to worship, but if our hearts aren't filled with love and joy towards God, then what's the point. If we only look like good Christian people and go to Church ever sunday and sing along, but we don't mean it in our heart, then we are not worshipping the Lord and it is worth nothing. When we worship the Lord he deserves all of us, not part of us.
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adrudge-blog · 14 years
My Testimony
I grew up in a Christian home like almost every other Christian. Ever since I can remember I always went to Vacation Bible School in the summer which is when a Church, which is a building for public Christian worship, gets together and for about a week during the summer so kids that are on summer break can learn about God. One summer when I went I was sitting in my class listening to my teacher talk about God. She told my class that if we wanted to after class we could accept Jesus as our personal savior which means to ask Jesus to forgive us of our sins and to give up our life completely to live for Him since he died on the cross for our sins. I stayed after class because I felt convicted by the Holy Spirit and to repent of my sins. Being convicted by the Holy Spirit means to be guilty of and to repent of your sins which means to be deeply sorry for your sins and turn away from them. So after I accepted Jesus into my heart as my personal savior I lived my life for Him the best I knew how, but as I got older I began to fall away from God.  My senior year in high school God totally intervened in my life and and had a major impact on my life as well as my family's. At that time I didn't see how He was working in my life, but looking back I see how he used my family to bring me back to Him.
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