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Day 1: Ring Hello, police? Hello, police. A felony you need to see.
Art block was kicking my butt pretty hard, so I decided to follow the 2019 Inktober prompts and fill them with New Albion fanart. Because I’m doing inktober in spring, I’ll tag each day as: Sprinkt. 
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i don't know from right and wrong, the wagers of the gods, but i will no longer be a pawn
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hes just a little guy Zasza is such a hater
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behold the greatest thing I have ever created. A puppetshade Chronicles Animatic
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Policeman, it is time you know The spirits come and now you’re gone! (close-ups under the cut)
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I wanted to try a Leyendecker-style illustration, and Jackie and Dorothy were the best of subjects. I’m not claiming I nailed the style 100%, but I still learned a lot I think. 
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I don't think we talk about Lloyd Raven and Isabela enough. Power throuple fr.
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skyler saying he'll get yery to a therapist n lying about it is so funny. he was so close to breaking the curse (being the first shaperaverse character to get therapy) but alas!
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I do think it's really funny that Magic Skylar tells Geri how sad they are about this totally necessary sacrifice and then instantly whips around to sing their song about how rad the cool magic trick where they shatter the wheel of realities gonna be
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Look! A perfectly normal invasion of a planet.
Oh, what's that?
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compiling all my oki wips in this mess of a post
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let the fires alight, the vampire hunts tonight!
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Assuming time exists etcetera etcetera . Feel free to ramble about reasoning.
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love is perfect. love is all.
(redraw of album cover for paul shapera's the lost kingdom, original by @pixelwayve. now on bandcamp!!!)
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I'm Generally more of a one sided sarahlein Fan but i think them Dating and having a super messy breakup does make Mistress even more funny. Like Imagine you Open Up to some demons about this Traumatic experience that ruined your Life and the next day one of them Shows Up dressed Like your shitty ex
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