adrianengine · 7 years
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Dear Students,
Writing by hand on paper is becoming a revolutionary act.  Reading a physical book is becoming a revolutionary act.  Protecting the books in our libraries, the arts and humanities in our colleges and universities is becoming a revolutionary act. Doing things with warm hand to warm hand, face to face, without photographing them, posting them, is becoming a revolutionary act.
Those two original digital devices you have at the end of your forearms are the means of resistance.  As is eye-contact with the world instead of staring at your phone.
Why not go to your Facebook account and see what they have on you. And all your phone calls.  And all you texts.  And all your contacts.
Here is what Facebook’s data from your phone looks like.
The most valuable thing you have is your attention.  It’s also the most valuable condition for survival of the non-digital world.
Professor SASQUATCH!
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adrianengine · 10 years
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adrianengine · 12 years
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How Two Artists Are Staying True To Metal Gear's Legacy With The Series' Next Game Luke Plunkett, kotaku.com
Most of the time here on Fine Art, we can only show art for games that are already out, because that's the way the business works. Most of the time.We've got a nice break from that today though, with a large collection of art for the upcoming Meta…
Awesome character design!
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adrianengine · 12 years
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You know what? (Taken with picplz.)
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adrianengine · 12 years
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i’ve been a fan of austin kleon’s work for a few years now, and i was eager to get my hands on his latest book, “steal like an artist”. billed as a “manifesto for creativity in the digital age”, it’s chock full of great quotes, illustrations, and advice on how to follow your interests and embrace your influences. and though the title says “artist”, the material inside is applicable to any medium. it’s perfect for creatively-frustrated creative types (which i know many of you are), and i loved it so much that i want to give you a copy!
what you’ll get
your very own copy of austin kleon’s “steal like an artist”, shipped anywhere in the world, at no cost to you.
the rules
you have until may 1st to enter. every reblog is considered one entry (likes don’t count, nor do replies). i’ll use random.org to choose three winners. keep your inbox open so i can notify you if you win. if a winner doesn’t respond within 48 hours, a new one will be chosen.
good luck!
p.s. if giveaways aren’t your thing, you can always pick up a copy on amazon. p.p.s. this giveaway is not affiliated with or endorsed by tumblr or my employer, new york media.
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adrianengine · 13 years
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2012 will be just…
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adrianengine · 13 years
Love your craft everyday. Design the simplest, most delightful product you can. Write organized, performant and readable code. Watch people use your product and make it better for them. Improve your work by learning from others and from your own experiences. Help create a better web for its 2 billion users.
Dave Gamache on Craftmanship
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adrianengine · 13 years
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Minimalist business card by Boris Smus
I couldn’t remember where I saw this so I just Googled “business card twitter email web” and there it was. Who needs a memory, eh?
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adrianengine · 13 years
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“Follow your dreams. You can reach your goals. I’m living proof.”
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adrianengine · 13 years
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adrianengine · 13 years
If you’re looking for the more honest, truthful answer to pretty much any question on web design and usability, here it is: It depends.
Jeremy Keith
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adrianengine · 13 years
It worked for Creed. http://canv.as/p/8ln97/reply/401336
Join us on Canvas!
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adrianengine · 13 years
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Fabian Gonzalez (USA) - Portfolio
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adrianengine · 13 years
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Christoph Niemann on Happiness, Work and Creativity | Brain Pickings
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adrianengine · 13 years
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adrianengine · 13 years
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adrianengine · 13 years
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Ninjago meets Storm Trooper (Taken with picplz.)
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