adrasteiarose-blog · 8 years
When she heard where Adra moved to, she knew that was the place she should go. She needed to have family around. The offer from the art museum only confirmed what she had to do. “Thank you,” she replied, taking a small sip of wine. Keila knew Adra’s family was coming to town and it would be crazy. She was excited to meet everyone. She only wanted them to like her too. “I think I can handle a crazy American Christmas.” She chuckled softly. “I promise I will keep you sane when it comes to your mom. I will also make sure to have lots of wine around.”
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“You have to handle my parents asking me if they can build snowmen and make snow angles if we get snow,” Adra laughed, sipping her drink. “I have never seen my Papa so excited before. I guess it stems from mild winters during Christmas,” she shrugged. “You’re a life saver,” Adra said dramatically, pushing some dessert pastries in Keila’s direction. “I will forever be in your debt.” 
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Catching Up | Adra & Keila
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adrasteiarose-blog · 8 years
“At Queens? Yeah, we moved in a year ago.” Claire nodded with a small smile. “How about you? I haven’t seen you around before, are you new?”
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“A year! Are you a Denver native? Ah, it has only been three months. I have been busy with work and not mingling around much actually... I’m trying my best,” Adra smiled. “Actually with my family visiting this week, you will see me more -- running around that is,” she joked.
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adrasteiarose-blog · 8 years
“Sadly no,” Thor laughed. “I do have a Mjölnir though,” he teased. 
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She laughed and wrinkled her nose. “Okay, if that is a dick joke, please do not flash me,” Adra chuckled nervously, waving her hand around. 
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adrasteiarose-blog · 8 years
“That is true. I was actually cooking with Keila the other day, showing her an easy vegan recipe. we need to do cooking sessions together, all three of us.” She suggested with a grin. As she continued to brew the tea, she watched Adra, listening to her speak about her mother taking over the kitchen and how she missed her parents. Lilja gave her a small smile but there was an obvious hint of sadness in her eyes, missing her own family dearly. Still, she was happy for Adra, that she would get to spend time with the people who obviously meant a lot to her. When she mentioned it was going to be their first American Christmas, Lilja’s brows rose but her smile widened. “Oh really? Oh! That is exciting. I remember the first time we did Christmas in America. It was fun to see how others did it and trying to follow some of those traditions as well as our own.” She chuckled, remembering the day fondly. “Don’t be nervous though, I am sure it will be great.” She offered her a reassuring smile. When Adra brought up Tennessee, Lilja shook her head, quickly clarifying “Oh no, his family is coming here for the holiday. We will be spending the day at Emmett’s.” She smiled at the thought, already looking forward to it, though she was a little nervous about how his family would receive her. When Adra mentioned though that she’d enjoy it, Lilja gave the other woman a small smile. She didn’t want to get too hopeful about it but she really couldn’t help but be happy. “Have you met them? I have heard great things about the two and I can’t wait to meet them. It’ll be nice to be around kids again. I miss them.” She said. She’d gotten so used to Maverick’s daughter being around and then he’d left and her own young family members were so far away. “Thank you though, I hope so.”
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“Yes! Definitely! Hopefully her schedule lets up and we can have free time on the same day,” she replied with genuine excitement. “hopefully we can get together before my semester starts and it becomes crazy,” she remarked, tapping a finger to her chin. She poured a cup of tea and pushed it to Lilja before pouring herself one. She could tell that Lilja missed her family even though she masked it well. She knew too well how it felt like to have family far away. “I’m sure my parents would be excited for snowfall and making snowmen during Christmas. It was one of the things we never got to do whenever we spend it over in Santorini,” Adra mused out, chuckling at the thought of her parent’s childlike excitement. “Oh!” she felt so silly for assuming that they’re going to Tennessee. Adra hadn’t seen Emmett since their encounter and she merely shrugged. “Then it’s all good! I’d make vegan bklavas and you can enjoy it with his family then,” she said casually, masking any depressing emotions she now associate to him. “No problem,” she said gently. “So, I’m going to try and make Curried Coconut Quinoa and Greens with Roasted Cauliflower! I saw it at this cooking show and I was drooling. How does that sound?”
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Girls’ Cook Out | Lilja & Adra
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adrasteiarose-blog · 8 years
Adra looked at the tree as Eisley talked. “It’s a great tree,” she remarked. Personally, she didn’t like Christmas trees because of the hassle but every year her parents would coaxed her into decorating one, just like how Eisley is. She wasn’t complaining though. “Man, you really know how to make people work,” she joked, brightening up at the sound of hot chocolate. “So, where are your decorations? Ornaments?”
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“So I might be late to the party on all of this stuff when it comes to the holidays, but I finally had a free moment to get a tree. It might not be the best one, but it’s still a tree, right?” Eisley said as she looked over at her friend. “Will you just stay and help me decorate it? Come on, it’ll be fun. I can make some hot chocolate from scratch for us, order some take-out and throw on a Christmas movie or music and we can go to town.”
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adrasteiarose-blog · 8 years
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“Huh, 1952,” said Derek. “Well, the good news is, paper records are easier to get ahold of. You know, easier than hacking a computer. I’m not much of a computer savant anyway. Bad news is, paper records are just as easily ruined or destroyed,” he nodded. “So, what’re you looking for? An aunt? Uncle?” 
She nodded as he spoke, hoping to whichever deity is out there, that her mother wouldn’t find out anytime soon and put a stop to it. She has always been difficult when it comes to finding her side of the family despite encouragement. “Anyone or anything really. An aunt, uncle, or even a cousin if you may,” she mused out loud. “Or even if they’re deceased or something like that... whatever it is, just a prove that she wasn’t the only Callaghan in the world you know? Do you need anything else other than her full given name?”
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adrasteiarose-blog · 8 years
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        ❛ If you want to, yeah… ❜ adra could feel her body, shivering from cold. she put her own fingertips on her dark circles, & her thinner she was comparing to the last time she came from filming, she didn’t even realized she looked this crap. in the other hand she doesn’t care. briar rose wasn’t the type of girl that smile a lot behind the cameras, but she gave a ghost smile, looking with those pair of grey bluish eyes full of sadness but not because she didn’t like the idea, it was just cause she is the way she is… there’s a sadness beneath her eyes never left her.  once the lift arrived she looked at the other woman, holding the leash, picking the key from her pocket. ❛ I do. I asked them for my therapist. Sometimes it’s necessary. ❜  she put her key inside of the hole twisting it, until her door open, & she  turn on the light. she removed the leash from levon & he running further inside, going to the sofa to check her furry cat, that was laying on the sofa.      briar rose was fan of art deco, everything was well decorate in art deco style, she had vinyl players, vinyl  ( they works ) , there’s a table with a chrystal jar of cognac, & a lot of chrystal glasses,  & a big glass container ( that stays in the middle of the living room ) with antique knives from her mini collection ( they were originals & type of knives could be easily found on museum, she bought in an auction ). she had a fascination with blades.     ❛ Make yourself comfortable, don’t play with Mary Elizabeth Christine, take a drink if you want to.❜  again, briar rose warned about her cat, as she running away till her bedroom, closing the doors to change the wet clothing to warm ones, but she ended up taking a quick shower, before dressing something warm & a few minutes later she appeared on the room, pouring to herself cognac. ❛ I have absinthe if you want to. ❜  picking from her pocket, a cigarette & a lighter & lit it, dragging the smoke inside of her own lungs.
It scared her -- the fact that the expression on Briar’s face reminded of her own some time ago. At that point of time, Adra remembered her smaller frame, lying on the cold hard ground, hand propped up onto a marble grave marker with rain falling onto her and soaking her skin. She had the same gaunt look as well, something gloomy and dark in her eyes. Adra had look away for a moment, recuperate and cleared her own thoughts. Maybe it was just her own imagination playing wild again. “I understand,” she replied with regards to the sleeping pills. “Sometimes I really need them too.”
She waited patiently for Briar to open the door and enter. Upon the lighting up of the apartment, she couldn’t help but looking around her home, admiring her decor and wondering why she kept certain items. She nodded as Briar left the room and Adra found herself looking through some of the items on display before sitting on the couch, checking her phone instinctively. When Briar appeared again and offered her a drink, she shrugged. “Do you have something not so strong?” Adra asked shyly. “Absinthe tends to make me very emotional, I realised a few months back,” she chuckled nervously. “I wouldn’t want to go all cry baby on someone I just met.... or if you don’t have any, water is fine,” she nodded. 
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adrasteiarose-blog · 8 years
“No it was my fault…sometimes I get so excited I get ahead of myself. But yea, a younger brother of mine passed from cancer as a child so it’s just something I like to do… it was just a random idea I was throwing out there; thought it would give other people a chance to support as well,” he replied. “So anyway, I didn’t mean to go off on a tangent.  How is Denver treating you so far?”
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“I would love to help out! Just point me to the correction and I’ll be more than happy to.” she replied him before he started talking again. “Oh...” she went mum for a moment when he mentioned of his brother’s death. Adra was never good at handling death even if it’s someone she has never met. “You didn’t go off tangent,” she assured Keegan. “I asked about it.” She was secretly glad he diverted away from the subject. “Denver has been good to me. I can’t complain. I’m still getting used to staying here, I guess. I’ve been a pampered girl so far.”
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adrasteiarose-blog · 8 years
Her eyes widened at the offer of the tray, her face lighting up at the prospect… Until rational sense kicked in and her mind told her not to. “Oh… that’s probably not the best idea. I’ll take the tray and then eat them one after the other. Before you know it, I’ll have doubled my weight and have a bad stomach because I don’t know how to stop,” She joked, laughing all the same. “Plus, I’d feel like a food thief. Here I am, stealing all of these from you and we’re not even on a first name basis,” Lydia pointed out, grinning. “Unless we change that…? Hi, I’m Lydia.”
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Warmth spread through her person when Lydia’s eyes widened and lighting up. It was a sense of pride, Adra decided and also the joy of sharing something she loved making. “That’s a long line of fallacies!” she quipped, laughing at her lament. “I wouldn’t mind really. I have two more trays at home!” Adra was actually planning to put half a tray to some of her friends. “It’s nice to meet you, Lydia. I’m Adra,” she replied, returning her smile. “I gather you’ve been staying here much longer than I am.” 
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adrasteiarose-blog · 8 years
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adrasteiarose-blog · 8 years
“She doesn’t get that from me. I don’t know where she gets it.” Claire teased as she smiled down to her daughter. “Claire White. Nice to meet you.” She smiled as she stuck out her hand.
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“No matter what it is, she still manage to make people smile.” She tapped the little girl’s nose and when Claire held out her hand, Adra shook it. “It’s nice to meet you too. Have you been staying here long?” 
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adrasteiarose-blog · 8 years
Regina smiled back, relaxing as the dark haired girl let the topic go. “Dope name! I’m Regina, it’s nice to meet you. What made you bake today?”
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“Thank you!” Adra returned her smile. “Stress. I bake when I am stressed and sometimes it’s really bad,” she chuckled at herself, making a face.
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adrasteiarose-blog · 8 years
“Yeah? Thanks,” Thor smiled as he took another baklava for himself. “Nice to meet you, Adra. I’m Thorn but please call me Thor.”
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“Nice to meet you, Thor! Like the Norse God and Avenger! You’re not going to call for lightning or anything right?” she joked.
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adrasteiarose-blog · 8 years
When Adra let him go, Emmett instantly felt a cold shock to his system. Hearing her voice call out to him instantly ripped him from his urges. Her words plunging into his chest making it feel heavy.. starting to hurt. His eyes instantly closed tightly as she got dressed. His mind starting to whirl, not exactly sure if the drinks were still to blame. He swallowed hard as if trying to clear something. Her words repeating in his head. What on earth was he thinking? He wasn’t and now he felt nothing but regret. Hearing the word sorry pressed even more onto his chest. Almost as if he couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t even find it in  him to look at her, the only thing going through his mind was wanting to leave. He felt naked, even though he was the one more dressed than she was. 
“I’m sorry,” she muttered again. Her throat burned and she could barely breathe. Adra tugged down her shirt again and stood up. She didn’t even bother saying that she’d be leaving. he looked like he was in so much pain. What was she even thinking? Putting him through this? Adra was used to having fear plague her being. But this time round it was excruciating. She could barely remember running down to her own apartment and entering the bathroom. It seemed to be having sharp talons tearing into her flesh as they sink into her skin. Moisture glistened over her brown hues as they focused on the her own reflection. Slowly, Adra took off her clothes, leaving herself bare. Her eyes traced the scars on her skin – the ridges, the crookedness, how each one of them was an indicator she was a walking grenade. She didn’t deserve Emmett’s friendship. Not after what she has done. Her body buzzed and her fingertips went cold. And like putting a pin to a balloon filled with water, Adra burst. Her hand clawed at the things in the washroom, flinging whatever she could get her hands on to the floor, to the walls. Then came the screaming. She couldn’t control it. She couldn’t escape from the very monster she had wanted to keep in check. Adra had always wondered if she would ever taint their friendship and tonight… she proved to herself that she could. 
Her chest ached, her muscles and guts twisted in protest as she screamed. And when she couldn’t find anything else to throw around, Adra staggered to the mirror. Her eyes were bloodshot, her face was red and looked gaunt somehow. It was unexplainable. Perhaps she was hallucinating. Because her reflection was laughing at her. The heaviness in her chest doubled and her fist connected to the glass, cracking it open. The searing pain only came when she saw the blood pouring out of her fingers. The brunette whimpered, cursing under hear breath as she rummaged around in the sink cabinet to find a bandage. Adra picked out the shards of glasses stuck in her flesh before applying pressure to her wounds. When it seemed that she had stopped bleeding, Adra flicked on the tap to wash away the blood. Some time later, Adra found herself on the floor of the shower stall with the water beating down her body. Every inch of her skin was scrubbed raw. She felt dirty. Not because of Emmett but because of her own doings, her own thoughts, her lust. Her freckled skin had wrinkled from the exposure of running water. There was something about the small beats of water pounding lightly on the skin – it was soothing to her. It calmed her soul. And her tears had mixed together, making it unclear to distinguish between them and the running water. She gathered enough strength to lift herself from the floor, switching off the tap. Adra wished she didn’t have to face whatever that was waiting for her on the other side of her apartment door.
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adrasteiarose-blog · 8 years
“Well the couldn’t possibly say no,” Thor grinned as he took one of the baklavas. “Thanks for this.”
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“No problem!” she grinned, “You can take more if you want,” she urged. “I’m Adra by the way.”
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adrasteiarose-blog · 8 years
“I do know the way to your heart.” Keila wasn’t sure how to take all of that. Adra was her best friend ever since she moved to LA. She was the one person Keila knew she could rely on. If she ever did have a sister, Adra would be it. “I am excited. Once I have everything down then I will look more into the other side. Denver is good. Cold, but good. There are nice people around here. I like that.” Keila smiled at the treats Adra pulled out. “I should have known you would have all of this out for us.” She laughed. “Should we grab a glass of wine, sit down and indulge over treats?”
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Adra hummed and grinned when Keila admitted it. Well, they did have harmless talks about being married to one another if they turn out to be single by 40. She was glad Keila felt like home here. LA was drowning her too, she guessed. “Of course! Let me pour you a glass,” she quickly said, opening the bottle and reaching for their glasses. She grabbed all that they needed and urged Keila to sit on the kitchen stool as she sat opposite. “Now that the holidays are officially upon us and my cousins and parents bombarding me about Denver... It’s going to be a crazy American Christmas,” Adra cringed. She pursed her lips and held out her glass to Keila. “Please keep me sane while my Mama tries to drive me nuts,” she pleaded. 
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Catching Up | Adra & Keila
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adrasteiarose-blog · 8 years
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Dear Adra, 
Here’s a new set of baking kit because I’m sure a new set of baking kit will never hurt anyone. I think the pattern is adorable and it puts you on a good mood and I always believe that good mood always makes the best kind of everything! And don’t forget to put your baking stories in The Baking Journal, it’s a journal where you can put all of your recipe on it as well as little tips and trick on every other pages. Happy Baking and Merry Christmas!
Secret Santa.
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