Adapting The Mystic Path
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✨ A Disabled Witch’s Journey ✨🌛🌕🌜
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adapting-the-mystic-path · 25 days ago
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The fact that this is a month focused on purification and new beginnings gives me a little comfort seeing how I originally planned to start this series in January. But that’s ok
Grab a deck and let’s go!
|FEB prompts|
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adapting-the-mystic-path · 2 months ago
One of the first forms of magic many of us ever encounters in life is music. While it is not what we traditionally think of when we hear the word magic - candles, cauldrons or witches on broomsticks - music is an undeniable force. It has the power of influencing emotions and states of mind, inspiring painters, poets, writers, musicians, actors, etc. People have been inspired by music to live authentically in fashion, gender identity, sexuality, nonconformity. It can transport us into different worlds where love is all we dream of or one where we mourn a loss so deeply only the music can express our pain. Particular tempos and rhythms have the ability of inducing mesmerizing trancelike states.
I have noticed the power of music in many different situations over the course my life. Cheerful Disney and animated films or cartoons’ melodies color happy carefree moments of the past while musical productions of shows like West Side Story, Phantom of the Opera, and Wicked evoked emotions I had no words for or experience with and yet became part of my being. Funerals were marked by the solemn ceremony and the cathartic tears falling in a church as the gathering sang hymns I didn’t know yet tugged at my heart.
In recent years I’ve dabbled in a few different digital hobbies. One of the adventures I explored was DJing for a club in the virtual reality platform called SecondLife. I did not go so far as learning how to alter speed, pitch, or other fancy manipulations of music. But I did learn there is an art to the arrangement of song order. Much like a radio DJ, I would select tracks to play and specify the order in the software I used and occasionally did short voiceovers or commercial breaks to promote the club or the DJ playing after me. Some of my favorite sets - usually two hour sessions of music - were when nothing was fully prepared. I selected a few songs and either added or rearranged song order by feeling the vibe of my audience. This was a magic combination.
About a year later I started DJing at an occult/pagan/witchy hangout for full moon gatherings. This new path took me on quite a deep dive into music I had never explored before as i looked for songs to play that struck a particular chord. Popular choices were from SKALD, Heilung, and Kerli. Other modern style bands were included as long as there was an undercurrent of spiritual resonance, empowerment, or depth of emotion and feeling. In This Moment has a fantastic album which is heavily spiritually focused. Born This Way by Lady Gaga was also extremely appropriate as an empowering anthem to live authentically. Over time I grew my music collection and worked hard to hone my skills for smooth transitions. Often I would be playing songs that made guests remember another that they sometimes requested so I would move it into the queue. Building the energy together while dancing virtually and connecting through the rhythm of the drums or the vocals created such a high that is hard to replicate.
A morning ritual I began a couple years ago is creating a short playlist to listen to while I drink my morning coffee. Inspired by a friend who has a similar concept for a playlist, I have been particularly selective about which tracks are in the playlist. They must meet a few pieces of criteria but the most important is that listening to them raises my vibrations. My mental energy and confidence level should rise with each song in the list. “Good Morning” by Qveen Herby is the first track that includes a short breathing meditation which often helps me center and ground regardless of current events.
The point of this post? If you are looking to for a place to start your practice, dip your toes into the mystical realm, or simply ground, music is a wonderful place to begin. Experiment with different songs to reflect on the emotions they evoke. This exercise is extremely helpful for discovering the music you may wish to listen to while doing spellwork. Can you create the emotions you desire by being selective of what you are listening to? Give it a try.
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adapting-the-mystic-path · 4 months ago
A common theme I see from my limited experience as a witch is that the first spell many perform are fueled by very powerful and somewhat negative emotions. They are often acts of self-defense and a way to reclaim power over our lives. But are these actions fueled by our emotions overriding our consideration for our safety?
One of the first spells I ever cast, while budget friendly, was not…the wisest for a person in my position. A recognizable staple to most practitioners is the candle. Matches, candles, incense, anything that creates the beautiful element known as fire. Strong, passionate, a force to be reckoned with. Fire is an extremely purifying element that is a logical choice for cleansing yet quite destructive if not handled properly.
The spell itself was fairly simple and straightforward. To banish an individual who had betrayed my trust rather terribly, I found a budget friendly banishment spell in a Facebook group I had joined. Essentially it said to write a name on some toilet paper and flush it down the drain. Most banishment spells I’d see used candle fire so I altered it to paper towel and lighting it on fire with a match. Fire aligned closer to the pain and heat of the anger I was experiencing whereas flushing their name down the drain felt anticlimactic. I wasn’t sure it would be effective. Due to my own physical limitations, I had a friend help with the actual lighting of the paper towel after writing the name and tag lock. We held the paper towel over a tub with water, I asked that the named person stay away from me until such time that their energy would no longer negatively affect me, lit it on fire with the match, then let it burn and dropped it into the tub with water.
A few things to note. At times, I require supplemental oxygen. We were on a wooden deck. This was not the safest way to perform this spell because one wrong move could have set the deck on fire. If I had been using supplemental oxygen, it could have caused an explosion of fire. I was also being a bit sneaky about this while my primary caretakers were not home. The spell worked beautifully but in hindsight, there were other ways I could have achieved the same outcome that would have been much safer. I could have followed the instructions to flush it down the drain. Simply tearing the paper up and letting it drift away in the wind would have been safer.
At the time I did not know just how adaptable magic can be to consider other methods. I was in emotional pain and fire felt much stronger and powerful than flushing something down a toilet. We’ve all been in positions where emotions colored our judgement. Emotions are powerful and fantastic for fueling spellwork but not at the expense of our own safety.
A few years later and I shake my head at my poor choice while simultaneously thanking my guides and guardians for protecting me in that instance. But I will not count on that being the case in the future. I know they are there watching me as I write this, admitting my own stupidity to hopefully prevent future disasters from occurring to other mystics. Intention is important when doing spellwork, but if your health and safety are at risk, consider other options or don’t do the spell at all. It is not worth risking your life or the lives of others.
Another excellent example of a common element in witchcraft is the use of lavender. Lavender bundles for smoking, lavender teas, lavender oils, potpourri, poppets, etc. It is a very versatile plant but…some people are allergic to it. If that is the case, DO NOT USE IT!! Herbs have fitting substitutes in many cases. Fire can be represented in other ways than the actual element itself. There is always another way.
Part of the journey that we find ourselves on is to find the best solutions to suit our own circumstances. There is no one size fits all when it comes to magic. Commonalities are certain yet we each bring something unique to the table, our energy. Our Will. This is the core of our craft to make any spell work. Intention. Intention alone will not make things happen but without it, there is no purpose to guide our efforts. Find your purpose and assess whether or not your plan has unnecessary risks involved. In coming posts I will share different ways I have adapted my path and ways I am experimenting with.
Continue exploring your magic as I am, prioritize your safety and what is within your abilities, and don’t burn your house down!
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adapting-the-mystic-path · 4 months ago
Yesterday I was reminded of a struggle that likely plagues many disabled practitioners or those with chronic illnesses that wish to practice. Individuals without chronic illnesses struggle with this condition. Artists, doctors, scientists, writers, actors, athletes, musicians, and more often struggle with Imposter Syndrome.
According to Psychology Today, “People who struggle with imposter syndrome believe that they are undeserving of their achievements and the high esteem in which they are, in fact, generally held. They feel that they aren’t as competent or intelligent as others might think—and that soon enough, people will discover the truth about them.” Over the course of my life, I have felt many instances where I did not feel deserving of praise or recognition despite the obstacles I have overcome for which I am often told to am strong or brave. I am not strong because I want to be strong. I am strong because I was left no choice to be anything but strong.
I am a witch. I am disabled. These two identities are not mutually exclusive but they are not easily melded together. A fellow practitioner in a discord server I am in asked what magical goals we had for the week. I mentioned consistency with small daily rituals. Someone else chimed in with doing daily card pulls and a bigger weekly spread. While I love the idea of pulling cards daily, the number of spoons it would take to do so are more than I have available for the task most days. If you are unfamiliar with The Spoon Theory, please check here.
Depending on what needs to happen on any given day, I am very physically and mentally fatigued after work. Shower days, medical appointments, obligatory socialization with colleagues or house guests all take a toll on me in different ways. Often I do not have the energy to dig through my drawer for a tarot deck to pull cards, journal my reflections, then put it all back. There is, however, another option. Digital apps like Labyrinthos, web simulations such as Moonlight, discord bots, and tools in the virtual reality of SecondLife all provide alternative ways to draw tarot cards for readings. Modern witchcraft should take advantage of modern tools yet I admit to feeling I am a lesser witch when I am not utilizing my physical tarot or oracle decks.
An element of elitism colors the magical world in certain spaces. There are many who won’t consider technomancy as a valid form of practice. Others say that there is only one way to practice. Sounds awfully familiar to other spiritual belief systems doesn’t it? Still others continue to attempt to recreate the old ways and forget that new ways serve to work for the current generations. Modern transportation utilizes GPS instead of physical maps more often because they are more up to date. It doesn’t mean the old method doesn’t work, yet that doesn’t make it the most efficient choice.
What works for one may not work for all. The only person who can say that we are not a witch, mystic, pagan, etc. is ourselves. We are our own limitations so let us not box our practice into a cage of perfectionism and rigidity.
Accepting this struggle, the realization of what work needs attention will be a journey. So many doors will unlock once the obstacle is dismantled to bring new ideas to light.
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The Door Gate is Abandoned with Light Shining by IIIuzel
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adapting-the-mystic-path · 5 months ago
Challenges abound in life. No one is free from its difficulties, big or small. Stereotypes and discrimination based on race, sex, sexual orientation, economic status, etc. Granted there are many born with privilege, yet we can’t deny that no one leaves this world unscathed.
My time on Earth has been in a word, unique. I have spent more time in hospitals and doctors’ offices than any human deserves. Hearing impaired, visually impaired for years, and physically disabled, I have learned to adapt as best I can to maintain a semblance of independence wherever possible amid the constant medical challenges. Eventually time and age may bring my fellow 30 something millennial peers to a state that they may better understand my struggles.
If you are familiar with Norse mythology, you may have heard the tale that described the only being that could best Thor. Her name was Elli. She was an old woman and the the embodiment of old age. Should one manage to survive pestilence, war, and famine, old age will still bring Death to our door.
We all have our own ideas and fears of what awaits us after death. Part of life for us is exploring what we believe will happen and how best to live our life until that unavoidable moment. There are countless religious belief systems that strive to provide answers to this question. Yet not one organized religion has resonated with me completely.
From a young age, my curiosity into the unknown and realms of magic never ceased. Crystals, mythical creatures, gods and goddesses of civilizations long dead. Over time I became aware that alternative belief systems existe but it was not until my late teens that I became aware of how vast and real these practices are.
In the last five years of my life, I have begun a deeper exploration into my spiritual beliefs. While five years may seem long, there will be no end until I reach The End. As I learn the ways practices of divination like Tarot, candle spells, and other mystical practices are done, I shall be adapting them for my needs and capabilities. Spirituality is for all.
With that said, all that is and will be written on this blog serves as a diary of sorts as I venture further along my path as a currently self proclaimed eclectic pagan witch. I am not an expert nor do I ever expect to be one. But I do intend to share my journey with whoever stumbles upon my words and finds comfort or inspiration in them. As Bilbo Baggins once proclaimed, “I’m going on an adventure!”
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