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Stochastic Terrorism
In 2011, an anonymous blogger defined the term “stochastic terrorism”.
Stochastic terrorism is the use of mass communications to incite random actors to carry out violent or terrorist acts that are statistically predictable but individually unpredictable. In short, remote-control murder by lone wolf.
This is what occurs when Bin Laden releases a video that stirs random extremists halfway around the globe to commit a bombing or shooting.
This is also the term for what Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity, and others do. And this is what led directly and predictably to a number of cases of ideologically-motivated murder similar to the Tucson shootings. As of this writing, there is no evidence to link Jared Loughner to a specific source of incitement; but some of the other cases can be clearly linked.
The stochastic terrorist is the person who is responsible for the incitement. For example they go on radio or television and stir up hatred toward a particular person or group.
During the 2016 Presidential campaign, David Cohen noted in Rolling Stone that Donald Trump was practicing stochastic terrorism.
Speaking to a crowd in Wilmington, North Carolina, Tuesday, Trump expressed concern about Hillary Clinton possibly picking Supreme Court justices and other judges. He then said, “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I don’t know.”
Let that soak in for a second. One of the two major-party nominees for president just called for “Second Amendment people” to “do” something about his political opponent’s judges. According to the Trump campaign’s rapid response team, he was talking about those “Second Amendment people” coming together politically - “unification,” as they called it. The Clinton campaign, and pretty much the entire Internet, saw it differently: as a clear suggestion of violence against a political opponent.
Rewarded for this rhetoric with the highest office in the land, Trump has kept on stoking his base into a furor with tweets and rallies, resulting in the recent pipe bomb mailings to prominent Democrats and the massacre of 11 people at a Pittsburgh synagogue.
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“We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”
Elie Wiesel
Vote. It is the only way to change this dangerous course. No excuses….
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Georgia Risa
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justin mcelroy opened a podcast recording studio open to the public for rent in huntington, to let people who may not have the equipment share their voices and tell stories that deserve to be told
this man. is a good man. he is such a good good man
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Je sais que ce n'est ni le bon jour ni la bonne heure pour poster, mais peu importe, j'en ai marre de vivre au rythme des réseaux.
Pas loin d'une semaine que je travaille sur ma dernière image des #perséides. Et là encore, le timing n'est pas bon. Il fallait la sortir le lendemain, quand c'était encore dans l'actu, lorsque tous les sites photos et astro partageaient les images de la veille.
Oui, mais voilà, un vrai beau traitement astro cela prend du temps, et je ne veux pas faire du travail bâclé ou du fake pour poster vite.
Il faut se battre contre le bruit, les aberrations thermiques, récupérer le signal des étoiles et des météorites au milieu de tout ce grain et à travers les nuages, les trier des satellites et avions, tenter de sauver les poses où des voitures sont passées… tout cela pour espérer voir la nuit comme en plein jour… pas une version fantasmée, pas une version bruitée, mais la vraie nuit dans toute sa clarté, sa subtilité, sa dynamique…
C'est long, mais c'est toujours passionnant de voir l'image finale. Le résultat est si loin de nos perceptions, tant en luminosité qu'en temporalité, que l'on découvre une autre part du réel.
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Remember when
@channel @david Gatorade Gala Candles Karaoke kave the band room Nitehawk soil 9East Candy Bucket ™ The sward award YOUR LIPSTICK HIS COLLAR DON’T BOTHER ANGEL Choose life The steck fund and making $2 delcath industries danielle hating two princes We pretended it was Wilkes birthday Pain-focused Aomeba Booster packs YACHT LIMOS TO YACHT #aesthetic and how good it is Never trust steck red red wine we all went to keith’s show Fidget spinners Piss temples Kenny’s 21st birthday Always be my baby the hard times Jakefest Prima punisher dirt Willr winning every raffle Getting sprayed with champagne Face dips Friends Friends Friends Lizard election THE. MOHONK. ARMWRESTLING. TOURNEY. Mohonk generally and how weird it got The women’s march Coming together YIR 2014 party HARD WORK Brandon playing acoustic guitar all night Bill .tmoney Live video Kage’s pages Tents in the yard The real will Wheaton It’s all coming back to me now CONGA NFL stream SF The $70 in-and-out burger trip Gold Bus vs White Bus Annie is a vampire singing backstreet boys in the parking lot with our arms locked the webs from all the spiders Haunted Luau Ello I’m oli Someone rescue foush help him pls Hack Days balloons “you’re welcome, tumblr” America’s dog Round robin Megan’s freaky contacts Pulp fiction y'all ready to die tonight?! Conrad’s toe socks “THIS IS WHAT YOU’RE EATING” Trying our best Christmas time is once a year the roof Travy t Success Failure Plumage Cycle Chains Jawns Fire president Dudley! Drinking a mountain dew past midnight Olive garden 4th of July Dark universe Coalesce Friends Friends Friends The good times
Thank you thank you thank you
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late night walks
in dumbo.
guess how im feeling?
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As an FYI, you don’t need to block them, they’re already banned. The list is just a record.
It would be really useful and helpful if there were an option (or, more likely, an x-kit extension) that would automatically block blogs that are on this list.
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