adamgetawaydriver · 28 days
Life sucks knowing you’ll never find that one fic u lost
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adamgetawaydriver · 28 days
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adamgetawaydriver · 11 months
hi! this is me begging for some fluffy, protective steve rogers please 🥺🙏🙏
fluffy and protective are my 2 favourite words
steve is protective by nature; even before he was a super soldier, even before the war, even before everything. he lost his parents young & had no one to provide for him, so it's exceptionally important that he doesn't leave his loved ones in the same position.
he looks out for you in every way - making sure you've eaten, had enough sleep, drank enough water, etc - but his strongest instincts lie in protecting you from his job. whether it's an enemy that wants to get through you to him, or maybe you even work together in the field. whatever it is, you can bet your ass that his priority is ensuring your safety.
it's nothing overbearing, and if you tell him to back down, he will, but steve has you do little things so he knows you're safe. you both have life360 on your phones, you text each other when you're home safe and he runs you through code words that you can use to text or call him when you're in danger.
but, knowing his job, and yours too if you're on the team or at shield as well, something is bound to go wrong at some point. maybe you get kidnapped - and obviously he finds you quickly - or you get injured on a mission. hell, even if it's just a close call and steve thinks you're in danger??
he's raining hell on everyone and everything to get to you. there's no resource that he will not abuse. any other mission, task or meeting he had that day is canceled and he's unreachable until he knows you're safe.
although, it does take a gentle warning from sam & bucky that calling the president on his private mobile at 3am is a little too far (and also a reminder that calling the british prime minister would be useless)
when steve does find you, he's not gonna leave your side for a while. he's crossing the room in seconds, taking you in his arms and not saying anything for a moment. he just has to hold you, to breathe you in, to really it sink in that you're safe and you're home.
good luck if you need to pee that night, cos getting a super soldier off of you is a task in itself.
he's behind, one arm under you and the other across your torso, holding you tight with his neck buried in yours. his grip on you only tightens when you to wriggle away.
it'll be a few days before he strays away; mostly for fear of it happening again
but you remind him of how quickly he found you, and that you're safe if anything else happens
to which he asks "are you saying this because you're planning on getting kidnapped again?"
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adamgetawaydriver · 1 year
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I wanted to try something different today so here's quick modern AU Lucien in watercolors and ink 🧡
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adamgetawaydriver · 1 year
Boromir with a hyper partner
a/n: requested by the sweet @aphroditesmoon​ - headcanons of Boromir with a hyper reader who likes to talk abt their special interests!! i did my best and I hope you all like it! 😊 let me know, and reblogs + comments are always greatly appreciated! 💖💖💖
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adamgetawaydriver · 1 year
Being the Youngest Member of the Boys
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Billy Butcher
Almost never calls you by your name. It’s either “kid” or “that fuckin’ kid” if you’ve done something. Sometimes you’re “little shit” if you’re in real trouble.
Whatever qualms he may have had about recruiting you in the beginning, it’s far gone now. You’re in the shit now, no turning back. It’s likely you two meet by sheer accident, like a sibling or relative was the one joined up with him, and after they were killed he came upon you. Or perhaps your parent’s “accidental” murder by a Supe was high profile, and he meant to ask you for information, not expecting you’d be a good candidate to help him with revenge. Well, no matter how it happened, you’re here now.
You’re something of a morality chain for Billy. Even when he’s angry and too damn stubborn and self-destructive, there’s always a ledge you manage to pull him away from, whether you intend to or not.
And if he ever does lose his temper at you, the others are quick to come to your defense. If he’s the reason you joined up, he gets a ton of shit from Frenchie and MM for bringing a kid on board. Sometimes he apologizes for getting pissed at you… sometimes.
You shouldn’t be afraid to call him out or direct him to a different plan. He might listen, he might not. But there’s something about a fresh-faced kid, with eyes getting darker by the day, telling him he’s full of shit.
There are days when he deeply regrets bringing you along. Wondering if there’s family worried about you, knowing if that’s the case and watching you ignore their calls. Or if you’re all alone, and this screwed up band is all you have, what would happen if they all died and left you the next day. He wonders what Mallory would think, hell, what Becca would think. But he pushes those thoughts aside and keeps on.
Even if you’ve been wronged and you’re suffering as much as them, if you’re a Supe, Billy will lash out and see you as “them” when emotions are high. He’ll be fine most days, apart from a sarcastic comment here and there. You might even get a compliment if you save their asses using your powers. But on the bad days, his distrust and dislike is obvious. You’ll call him out on his bullshit, mentioning all the times your powers has helped them, but Billy doesn’t want to hear it. Sometimes he apologizes, sometimes he won’t. The others will come to your defense and see you as one of them, and Billy will experience the regret and self-loathing of bringing a kid on board and taking out his shit on them. The guy’s got issues, and you unintentionally bring out a lot of them.
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Hughie Campbell
“It’s Monday. Shouldn’t you, like … be in school or something?”
When you irritably tell Hughie you’ve graduated, he doesn’t believe it. Then he’s wondering how the hell you got roped into this, and if you should be here — nevermind he’s not exactly qualified, either.
Hughie is the one that speaks up for you when Billy is being too harsh, or Frenchie is teasing too much. While MM is more parental, he’s more brotherly. Hughie never had siblings but falling into a “sheepish older brother that just wants the best for you” role comes easy. If you’re more of the shy and quiet type, he finds himself trying to get you to open up and talk about yourself. If you’re more fiery and outgoing, he probably ends up getting dragged around by your whims.
When things get bad, he often suggests you go back home, where it’s safe. If you have a good home life with loving parents, he and MM are ready to send you back. If you’re basically on your own, he’s more sympathetic, but still doesn’t want you getting dragged into their nonsense.
Absolutely terrified and worries even more if you murder someone. Look, he’s done it too, but — seriously, aren’t you too fucking young for this?! What’s Billy thinking?
If the stress and pressure of being in the Boys is getting to you, he understands completely. Hughie will take you aside and try to talk to you, again suggesting that you should step away before it gets worse. Okay, he’s not that much older than you, but it’s starting to mess with him that a kid is getting this involved. You still have a chance at a “normal” future.
If you’re a Supe, Hughie is one of the most sympathetic towards you. He sees you as a kid that should be protected and doesn’t deserve the shit they grew up with. Whenever Annie tells him about her childhood, he finds himself asking you questions the next day, wondering if it was the same. If you’re the sort to use your powers to help them and save others, Hughie absolutely can’t see you as the "bad guy" and defends you regularly.
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Totally takes the piss out of Billy for bringing you here. “What are you doing here, huh? You think this is a game? Go back to your maman!”
(He’ll feel awful if you tell him you don’t have anywhere to go back to, especially if a Supe caused it. Or if you’ve always been on your own. Oh no, his protectiveness is kicking in — oh no, he wants to get you some proper food and make sure you have a place to sleep and —)
Frenchie introduces you to his line of work if you’re interested, showing you how to safely handle weapons or how he conducts some of his research. He tries to be sober around you, even if you aren’t technically a child anymore, he can’t help it. He’ll snap any alcohol or drugs out of your hands and tell Hughie to keep an eye on you.
(If you routinely disobey Hughie or give him the slip, Frenchie rolls his eyes and tells MM to do it).
He wants to know about you, learn about your situation. He’ll tell you some of his, if it comforts you. Frenchie is definitely projecting some of his past on you, but he’s also highly empathetic. He can tell when you’re pretending like you’re fine and not overwhelmed by the sheer batshit insanity this group gets up to.
Many times he suggests you should just run away, put this all behind you. Go somewhere safe. He’ll curse Billy for bringing you around, curse you for insisting on staying. Even if you’re damn useful, he worries.
Yeah, you’ll basically end up an adopted younger sibling. You, Frenchie and Kimiko will cook up something for the group while Billy is missing, Hughie is off somewhere and MM is with his family. The three of you will make your own little rituals and routine, and everytime you glance over he has a bright smile on his face.
If you’re a Supe, Frenchie’s opinion of you is the same. You’re still too young to be here, and he’s not so sure Billy will play nice forever. If you’re using your powers to help and protect them, Frenchie will be even more defensive and protective of you. He’ll absolutely give you a proud smile and kiss on the cheek when you save his ass.
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Melvin Milk
He suspected you were probably young, but wait a second — there’s no damn way you’re out of high school. It doesn’t matter, he rounds on Billy for bringing you here. MM gets straight to the point, asking you why you think it’s a good idea to be part of his plans. Don’t you have a family? Friends? Anywhere to go? What could have possibly led you here?
MM is great at listening to you without judgment. He listens without comment until you finish, but then he can’t help himself. He has to try to talk you out of it. If you’re truly determined to help the Boys, he’s keeping a close eye on you.
Which is to say, you now have an overprotective dad. Sorry, no take-backsies.
He makes sure you’re eating well, you’re getting sleep, you aren’t on jobs that are too dangerous. Are you interested in college? Please say yes, he’ll help you study. Please tell him you have a job somewhere, he’ll help you get a place. Okay yes you’ve told him you want to stay but can you please reconsider —
A large part of his worry is how he might see his daughter in you, and some of the young men he counseled in the correctional facility. He knows you’re at a turning point in your life, and he’d like for you to choose the right path. It hurts to see you alone in the world. You too young for this shit. Don’t give him any of that “I’m mature for my age” crap. You’re too young.
Still, when you really need advice or just a shoulder to cry on, MM will put aside his worrying and warnings and just let you express your feelings. He’s glad you’re talking to him, and not bottling it up. He wants to be someone you can rely on, and he has the experience to help you through panic attacks and stress.
He will absolutely go feral papa wolf on anyone that tries to hurt you. If Billy’s plan intentionally puts you in danger, MM will flip. He’s not about to let a kid fight their battles, or be their bait.
While he isn’t thrilled about bringing a Supe into the group, he can’t find himself resenting you. MM wouldn’t treat you any differently, and might actually forget about your powers… Until you use them. At first you see the discomfort in his expression, but once it’s obvious you’re using your powers to help people, he goes to bat to defend you. Once the truth of Compound V gets out, his first thought is to check up on you and make sure you’re alright.
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Kimiko Miyashiro
Initially, Kimiko was avoiding you and not interacting at all. You expected that, but you still tried to communicate with her, and did your best to make her comfortable. She’d stare while you prepared food or brought her blankets, but not in the intense way she stared down Billy. Sometimes you thought she was trying to remember your face.
Her expression was getting softer around you, and she found herself being more open to communicating with you. Kimiko was watching your interactions with others, trying to figure out young you were. She wondered how the hell you ended up with these men, what would have drove you to help them, and before she knew it, her protectiveness was beginning to grow.
It was a bittersweet sort of feeling. She thought of how she protected her younger brother, and often she found herself protecting you, either by literally shielding you from something dangerous or glaring down someone that insulted you. She kept close to you and Frenchie, since the two of you were the only ones bothering to treat her like a person.
She’d listen with apt attention if you told her about why you were here, and what your life before the Boys was like. If it was a good life, you see a ghost of a smile cross her face. She likes listening to your happier memories. If it wasn’t a good one, there’s an expression of empathy. Of understanding. Someone should have been there for you.
There’s no avoiding her more overprotective tendencies. She’ll use her strength to pull you away from a room, try to keep you from going into a dangerous situation, take a gun from you, and so on. You’ll always seem fragile to her, both because of your age and your lack of powers. Her protectiveness reaches its peak when her brother dies, and she wants you as close as possible, as if you’re a security blanket.
If you’re a Supe with powers similar to her, Kimiko’s protection is less keeping your physical safety and more making sure you’re emotionally safe. She doesn’t trust the others much besides Frenchie, and they don’t hide their distrust of you and her. She might feel like you’re in the same boat. On the same team, so to speak. She might open up earlier to you, and would be grateful at your attempts to help her brother.
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adamgetawaydriver · 1 year
Me on tumblr search bar looking for fics:
hmm..who am I going to be in love with today?
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adamgetawaydriver · 1 year
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Gemini Sun | Scorpio Moon | Virgo Rising
  Together, these three placements create a rather secretive and mysterious person. Never fully revealing themselves, they can be rather expressive and emotionally charged. People can’t help but notice you. 
  Gemini Sun’s are expressive, quick-witted, affectionate and communicative. They’re extremely curious and have a sense of wonder about the world. Ruled by Mercury, Gemini’s are witty and intelligent. They have fast ideas and are usually a step above the rest. 
  Scorpio Moon’s seek out emotional intensity. They may seek out intense experiences, but constrastly, need committment. Some Scorpio Moon’s may even put their loved ones through ‘tests’, to see if they ‘truly love them’. 
  Virgo Rising’s somehow always seem put together, no matter how scattered they feel inside. They pay attention to even the smallest detail - a trait that shows that they leave nothing out of the picture. 
Traits: ambiverted, sensual, intense yet carefree, an anomaly, two sides of the same coin, deep-hearted, paradoxical. 
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adamgetawaydriver · 1 year
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Ladies and gentlemen, Lucien VanMerman arrived. Go with him, he's friendly!
Happy Mermay! 🧡
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adamgetawaydriver · 1 year
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Barbies of the Ring? Lord of the Barbies?
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adamgetawaydriver · 1 year
SFW alphabet: Éomer
a/n: this was requested by anon, I think (I barely keep track of who requests what, SORRY 🥺) y’all really love the Rohan siblings (valid) because I already have an Éowyn alphabet as well 😁 anyway this man is so FINE. I hope you enjoy, let me know in comments or reblogs! 💖💖💖
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adamgetawaydriver · 1 year
Per Lucien request. Please just make my boy have a wonderful and happy life. Thank you ❤️
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author's note: when i tell y’all that lucien has me in an absolute chokehold… warning: smut under the cut.
“What are you thinking about, lover?”
Lucien chuckles softly, tracing his fingers down your spine with a fond smile. The two of you decided to take the day off from duties and responsibilities, opting to stay in bed all day having lazy sex and savoring the pleasure of each other’s presence. As the sun sets over the horizon, basking your bedchambers in its soft golden hue, your lover, your mate, the other half of your soul, stares at you with such intensity that you’re convinced he’s trying to commit every curve, scar, and freckle of yours to memory.
“I’m thinking about what I’m always always thinking about,” Lucien replies, pressing a soft kiss on your bare shoulder. “You, my love.”
You giggle. “What about me?”
The redhead tugs at your wrist, pulling you flush against him. Your hands travel down his solid chest, those sculpted abs, that trim waist that you loved wrapping your legs around. Perfect. Lucien was so fucking perfect.
“How lucky I am to have you as my mate. You’re beautiful. Smart. Strong,” his fingers trail down the curve of your hips. “And incredibly sexy.”
“Mmm,” you murmur as Lucien trails further down, cupping your perky ass in his large hand. “I think I’m the lucky one, baby. You’re so perfect. So good to me. I couldn’t have asked for a better mate.”
Lucien groans. “You know I can’t resist you when you talk like that.”
“You never have to resist me, Lucien. I’m yours for the taking.”
The grin on his face was sly, curving through those plush lips with foxlike mischief. “Wicked little fox. Do you know how badly I crave you every time we’re apart?” He cups your breasts, his lips hot and needy against your skin while you arch into his mouth. “You consume my entire being. My lover. My wife. My mate.”
Gods, this male. You brush your lips against his, twining your fingers through his russet locks, grazing the side of his handsome face, running your thumb over his mechanical eye, down to those plush lips and sharp jawline. He was so pretty it was unfair.
“Say it again,” you breathe. You loved hearing Lucien call you his mate. Craved the possessiveness that took over him when he claims you.
Lucien smirks, flipping you underneath him and slipping into your already wet pussy with ease. It feels good, so good, to have his cock stuffed inside you once again, filling you to the brim as you gasp into his mouth. You take him so well, shifting your hips upwards in desperation despite the fact that he’s been fucking you since the break of dawn.
“My mate,” he repeats, watching his cock slide in and out of your pussy as he claims you. Lucien owns you, mind, body, and soul. “You’re mine.”
“I’m yours, Lucien.”
“Gods, baby,” he groans, feeling the slickness of your arousal coating his length. “How are you still so wet? Does it turn you on when I claim you like this? When I fuck you so well that everyone can hear your moans from miles away? Is my pretty little fox just dying to be reminded of who owns her?”
Lucien hikes your leg over his shoulder, rutting into you in a different position so he could thrust further in, stuffing you full and fucking you dumb into the mattress.
“So good. Feels so fucking good, baby,” you moan as Lucien picks up the pace. “Don’t stop, Lucien.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it, my love.”
Your mate captures your lips in his, swallowing every moan and whine that comes out of your mouth while he rolls his hips onto yours. You’re seeing stars as you close your eyes, grasping at Lucien’s back, wrapping your legs around his waist even tighter, your ankles slapping against his ass to take him in even deeper. You couldn’t fucking get enough.
Lucien’s silky hair falls like a curtain around you as his tongue slips into your mouth, devouring you as you both slip over the edge. As his thrusts grow more frantic, you could feel your orgasm nearing, your sixth or seventh of the day, and allow the wave of pleasure overtake your senses while Lucien growls. You cum from the sound alone and your mate follows soon after, spurting his seed into you. Lucien watches as the hot liquid trickles from your pussy, swiping his fingers and coating it with your arousal before bringing it to his mouth.
You groan at the sight, kissing the male with fervent passion. “I love you, Lucien.”
“I love you too, little fox.”
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adamgetawaydriver · 1 year
Hello! Can I request kissing/making out with Lucien? Thankyou 🥰
i am so sorry this is so late, this has been rotting in my inbox for so long.
sweet like candy - lucien vanserra
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his lips were wet against yours, saliva slickened and swollen from the past hour they spent smooshed against your own, yet he couldn't find it in him to ever want to tear away.
your cheeks were warm from his hot touch and spit was forming at the corners of your mouth as you swirled your tongue around lucien's, pulling his face closer to yours by the back of his head. your fingers were laced loosely in his soft strands, yet you had full control of the male.
a small whimper left his throat and caught into your mouth when you rolled your hips over his, teasing the hard on pressed to your clothed core. he was too shy in this moment to ask you if he could sink inside of you, you could tell by the way his thighs tensed but the whimper gave him away even more. you pulled way ever so slightly, nipping at his bottom lip in the process.
lucien chased after your lips but was quickly shot down when you lightly shoved against his shoulder. respecting your wishes, he pulled back softly.
"wh-what it is?" he asked breathlessly.
you smiled softly at the flushed sound of his voice and pecked his lips in adoration. tucking a strand behind his ear, you nudged his nose with your own.
"wanna feel me, sweetie?" you asked sweetly.
for a moment, you could have swore that you felt his heart stop beating against your chest, but the small whimper that left his lips told you he was still breathing thankfully.
"please." he whined.
you smiled gently at him, sending strokes of love down the bond before reconnecting your lips to his lovingly. his hands moved from your face to you hips, his fingers lightly digging into the plush curves as his hips bucked into yours suddenly.
"wait a second, honey, i still wanna kiss you."
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adamgetawaydriver · 1 year
Girls shoot their shot by including you in their fake scenarios in their head before bed
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adamgetawaydriver · 1 year
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adamgetawaydriver · 1 year
Boromir - “Don’t touch me. Your skin is poisonous. Everything about you is poisonous.” (Fluff) - LOTR
Word Count: 1,254
Boromir x Human!Reader (Gender Neutral)
Requested: by @wellfuckmyexistence​
Y/N - Your Name
Additional Notes: We need more love for my Gondor boys so here’s a Boromir x reader! This one was kind of hard, but I’m satisfied with how it turned out in the end! I have a Faramir one coming up because I cannot just write Boromir without writing about Faramir! (That one was requested by me, because Faramir is my forever boy). Anyway, I hope I did your prompt justice!
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adamgetawaydriver · 1 year
One Lifetime With You (ep. 1)
a/n: okay so I’ve come up with a new fic concept: non-elf (mortal) Tolkien characters FALLING FOR SOMEONE WHO’S AN ELF! 😱🎉 idk where it came from, maybe because for me elves have always been more distinct than other races in Middle-earth AND also the immortal x mortal concept?!!? I REALLY do hope you like this, plsss let me know (i’m nervous! 😬) and consider reblogging to support my writing even more! 🥰🥰💗💗
+ I have more coming up, can you guess who?
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