๐ง๐จ๐ฐ๐ก๐ž๐ซ๐ž ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ก๐ž๐ซ๐ž.
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dependent muse for @boroughshq.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
adamcohen ยท 1 year ago
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adamcohen ยท 1 year ago
"OH, COME ON... I didn't even cheat once!" Adam replied, looking at the other with disbelief. "I could've cheated like twice, and you wouldn't notice, but I chose not to because I'm a good friend."
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who: open (@bhqextras)
where: anywhere with games (bars/parks/house parties/apartments - puzzles works best!)
what: our muses are playing a game (pool/darts/jenga/board games/uno/mario kart/chess/checkers/axe throwing/etc-you pick!), and sherri is losing/lost.
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Eyeing the move her opponent just made, Sherri declared, "Okay, soooo, you're a cheater."
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adamcohen ยท 1 year ago
IT WASN'T UNUSUAL to find Adam enjoying the remainder of his lunch break outdoors. He loved relaxing amongst the greenery, escaping the mayhem that came with setting up Kodo Tech's new offices. However, it seemed that the next half hour was going to be anything but peaceful. He had only just settled on one of the park's benches when he caught a glimpse of a large dog running, followed by a high-pitched yelp. It took him a moment to compute what the stranger was asking, but he didn't hesitate to jump up and chase after the big golden retriever. "Got it!" he shouted back, running after the dog. A game of who gets who first quickly ensues - the pigeons running from the dog, the dog running towards the pigeons, and Adam running towards the dog, desperately trying not to stumble over the desperate pigeons.
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Location: Central Park Status: CLOSED (@adamcohen)
Nadia was both house and dog sitting for the week. Her friend having to go out of the city on a business trip. Did she have any experience with dogs? No. But was she going to turn down a friend in need? No. Hence why she was in Central Park, walking the dog along one of the winding paths.
What started out as a beautiful and serene walk, turned into a nightmare all because of a ballsy pigeon. The little guy deciding to be brave and flying almost right at Nadia, who screamed and flailed and dropped the leash. Now, the big golden retriever was running after one of the pigeon's cohorts, and the petite brunette was chasing after Buddy.
"Stop that dog!" She bellowed out, her hands acting as a megaphone over her mouth once she made eye contact with the person. Her pace not letting up, even with her curls going wild in the air around her.
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adamcohen ยท 1 year ago
ADAM GLANCED AT the other with a slight frown, doing his best to hide a grin. "Are you trying to get on Santa's next nice kids list?" He questioned, eyeing Delilah with a wry look. He didn't quite know why, but there was always an answer on the tip of his tongue whenever he was with her. "Sounds fair," the Cohen said, offering a faint smile. "I'll get you one as well - you can take it as a thank you for giving me the chance to shine once again."
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โ€œpsh, i only asked you to join because i knew you were probably sitting all alone in that apartment of yours and felt bad,โ€ the brunette teased back with a slight roll of her eyes. of course she would call adam as backup, not only was he easily one of the smartest people she knew but it also gave her an excuse to spend time with him. delilahโ€™s eyes scanned over the drink options. โ€œhmm, how about a stella? iโ€™ll get yours โ€” consider it a thank you or whatever.โ€ she smirked.
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adamcohen ยท 1 year ago
WHO: @wildflcwerx
WHERE: trivia bar, brooklyn.
"CALLING ME AS a backup for your team was the best thing you could do. You would not even be in the top three if I wasn't here. None of you were thinking straight." Adam said, teasing the other - a common occurrence. Their team had just won that night's trivia game, several points ahead of the other teams. It was safe to say he attributed that to his intellect. "What are you drinking, little miss brainy?" He asked as he was about to order himself a beer, pulling out his wallet.
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adamcohen ยท 1 year ago
my entire life is me dropping things and whispering โ€˜fuckโ€™
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adamcohen ยท 1 year ago
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ADAM LOOKED AT the other with a soft smile. He thought the complete opposite - picking gifts for others was torture, so he always played it safe. "If I were you, I would keep them for future use. Those come in handy, especially when you least expect it." He said, looking at the gift cards. "Or you could use them next Christmas to get the fam some goodies for cheaper. No one would know."
open starter! @bhqextras
where: anywhere they can be doing post-holiday shopping.
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"i've done all of this shopping for everyone else for christmas, but now it's weird shopping for myself. i'm not good at it and i have all of these gift cards i got from family." emma pulled a face. "do you want a few?" she laughed as she held them out.
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adamcohen ยท 1 year ago
* ย โธป ย ๐€๐ƒ๐€๐Œ ๐‚๐Ž๐‡๐„๐ย :ย  convos.
* ย โธป ย ๐€๐ƒ๐€๐Œ ๐‚๐Ž๐‡๐„๐ :ย  visage.
* ย โธป ย ๐€๐ƒ๐€๐Œ ๐‚๐Ž๐‡๐„๐ :ย  musings.
* ย โธป ย ๐€๐ƒ๐€๐Œ ๐‚๐Ž๐‡๐„๐ย :ย  playlist.
* ย โธป ย ๐€๐ƒ๐€๐Œ ๐‚๐Ž๐‡๐„๐ :ย  sms.
* ย โธป ย ๐€๐ƒ๐€๐Œ ๐‚๐Ž๐‡๐„๐ :ย  inbox.
* ย โธป ย ๐€๐ƒ๐€๐Œ ๐‚๐Ž๐‡๐„๐ :ย  task.
* ย โธป ๐€๐ƒ๐€๐Œ ๐‚๐Ž๐‡๐„๐ :ย  event.
* ๐Ÿ๐ž๐š๐ญ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ข๐ง๐  name.โ€‹
* ๐ญ๐š๐ฌ๐ค number.โ€‹
* ๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ง๐ญ number โ€บ name.โ€‹
* ๐ฌ๐จ๐œ๐ข๐š๐ฅ ๐ฆ๐ž๐๐ข๐š โ€บ name.โ€‹
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adamcohen ยท 1 year ago
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[ charlie rowe, cis man, he/him ]ย  โ€” whoa!ย  ADAM COHENย  just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city forย  2 MONTHS, working as aย  SOFTWARE ENGINEERย  &ย  TECH ENTREPENEUR. that canโ€™t be easy, especially at onlyย  TWENTY6 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bitย  GREEDYย  andย  RECKLESS, but i know them to beย  ADAPTABLEย  andย  GENIUS-LIKE. whatever. i guess iโ€™ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back toย  MANHATTAN!
hey, everyone !!ย  thisย  isย  zazz (ย  she/her,ย  twenty3, gmtย  )ย  bringingย  youย  mr.ย  adam cohen. here youโ€™llย  findย  allย  theย  infoย  youย  needย  to get to know him.ย  ifย  youย  wannaย  plot,ย  hmuย  onย  discordย  or through private messages !!
* ย  ย  โธป ย  ย  ๐‹๐€๐˜๐„๐‘ ย ๐Ž๐๐„.
nameย :ย  adam clark cohen. dateย  ofย  birthย :ย  november 6, 1997. zodiacย  sign :ย  scorpioย  sun,ย  geminiย  rising,ย  capricornย  moon. placeย  ofย  birth :ย  london, england. occupation :ย  game & app developer + tech entrepeneur. educationย  :ย  massachusetts institute of technology. sexuality :ย  heterosexual. relationshipย  status :ย  single,ย  interested in dating.
* ย  ย  โธป ย  ย  ๐‹๐€๐˜๐„๐‘ ย ๐“๐–๐Ž.
positiveย  traitsย :ย  charismatic,ย  energetic, adaptable, easygoing, friendly. neutralย  traitsย :ย  observant,ย  sometimes awkward, big-thinking,ย  sarcastic. negativeย  traits :ย  ruthless,ย  calculating,ย  impatient, greedy, disorganized. likesย :ย  flannel shirts, partiesย  andย  clubs,ย  cats, black coffee,ย ย retro music, lateย  nightย  drives, brownies. dislikesย :ย  rainyย  days,ย  wet socks,ย  longย  phoneย  calls,ย  waking up early,ย  romanticย  movies, hypocrites, most business meetings. habitsย  :ย  gesturing when speaking, smirking, glancing at his watch,ย  cracking his knuckles. alcoholย ?ย  cigarettesย ?ย  drugs ? sometimes.ย  yes.ย  sometimes.
* ย  ย  โธป ย  ย  ๐๐ˆ๐Ž๐†๐‘๐€๐๐‡๐˜.
adam had the great luck of being born into an old money family. aside from many years of inherited fortunes, his father, edmund, was an investment banker, while his mother, dominique, was one of england's most-played singers and later turned socialite. clearly, he never had to care much about money. for that reason, they invested a considerable amount of money on him since he was very young, running away from the possibility of their child being anything less than genius-like. adam would grow up with the title of a child prodigy on his back. he was always exceptionally calculating about what his life would look like in the future : something grand. his main source of entertainment and curiosity came from videogames, which he would play almost daily, seeming like he was studying the science behind each one.
being an exceptional student, his parents decided to make him skip some classes and at sixteen, he moved countries and started attending the prestige massachusetts institute of technology for computer science, later specializing in software engineering. he graduated top of his class and worked in a big company in los angeles for some time before launching his first successful app when he was only twenty-two. with the help of his father, he would start his own company based in los angeles, kodo tech, at twenty-four. in just a few years, he built an empire, competing with pioneer companies in the tech world. recently, he moved to new york after opening offices there, and has been working on launching kodo games, looking to expand his name to the gaming scene.
( p.s. : i am aware kodo tech is a real life company but for the sake of adam's story, please ignore that. )
* ย  ย  โธป ย  ย  ๐‡๐„๐€๐ƒ๐‚๐€๐๐Ž๐๐’.
he has already been featured on some of forbes lists, like "30 under 30".
the absolute love of his life is a rescued cat named pickle.
he works better at night so it's not unusual for him to stay up until like five a.m. most days of the week.
even though he has always been rich, he's not spoiled or entitled at all - he's really down to earth.
i imagine he has some sort of connection to literally everyone with power or reputation. his family is and has always been very well-connected and he knows how to take advantage of that.
he is super friendly and considers he has a bunch of friends.
adam has money but doesn't see the point in spending a lot of it on himself, so he donates large sums to various charities.
he is also a music geek. absolutely loves retro rock music and has a bunch of interesting music memorabilia. his faves are the beatles, led zeppelin, the doors, creedence clearwater revival and queen.
* ย  ย  โธป ย  ย  ๐–๐€๐๐“๐„๐ƒย  ๐‚๐Ž๐๐๐„๐‚๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐๐’.
TECH ACQUAINTACES :ย  other tech-related personalities, theyย  couldย  beย  friends,ย  rivals,ย  frenemies...ย  give me some unhealthyย  competition.
UNI MATES : someone who went to mit as well and stayed friends with him.
UNLIKELY FRIENDS : they don't belong in the same line of business but that doesn't matter, they've built a good enough friendship regardless.
BEST FRIENDS : adam has a bunch of friends but has a harder time trusting a bunch of people, however these are different. they're his go-to people for every occasion.
PARTY BUDDIES : being someone who loves to party, adam is always down for some fun. they share the craziest and most random drunk/high stories.
FLIRTATIONSHIPย :ย  he's super sarcastic and he is very much single so give me some cute banter, i beg you.
ONEย  NIGHTย  STANDย  :ย ย maybe after some after-party they hooked up, it was good but that's about it.
EX GIRLFRIEND : probably someone around his age, who he dated after becoming more famous. i imagine they lasted one/two years and their breakup was unexpected. they can love or hate each other now, i'm down for both.
OTHERย  DESIREDย  RELATIONSHIPS :ย  people he worked with, host of something he was on ( show, video, podcast, etc. ), frenemies,ย  enemiesย  withย  benefits,ย  wingman/wingwoman,ย  crushย  (ย  one-sidedย  orย  notย  ), leading on...ย  anything you think fits, really !
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adamcohen ยท 2 years ago
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adamcohen ยท 4 years ago
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adamcohen ยท 4 years ago
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adamcohen ยท 4 years ago
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A guide to second date sex (2019) โ€• dir. Rachel Hirons
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adamcohen ยท 4 years ago
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adamcohen ยท 4 years ago
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adamcohen ยท 4 years ago
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Letโ€˜s appreciate the man that is Charlie Rowe
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adamcohen ยท 4 years ago
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