acxalderic · 5 years
in all honesty, potions is one of taeyeon’s least favourite subjects. there’s too much thinking involved, what with the contradiction of both strictly following the steps and knowing when to follow her instincts. and yet here she is, only with less desperation to perform flawlessly and more focus on just surviving the class. 
“why, thank you so much for this honor.” she replies dryly, her gaze sliding to the student beside her. “how will i ever repay you.” 
despite herself, a slight smile plays at taeyeon’s lips. she’ll never admit it aloud, but alderic is the saving grace of this class. her partner for years now, he’s pleasant company that doesn’t pressure the witch into getting an outstanding on every test. so instead of getting irritated any time alderic happens to make a mistake, and ditching him for someone else, she’s always been able to forgive him for the sake of maintaining their acquaintanceship. 
the cauldron already prepared, taeyeon checks the directions for what must be the hundredth time (she doesn’t care that much, but she does need to pass). “okay, pour the moonstone in slowly. just until the potion’s green.” she glances at alderic, then directs her attention to her own task. “we’ll be fine as long as we follow the directions.”
            a part of alderic had already given up despite not having started yet.
               he faked a smile. just like he was taught whenever he was in doubt. he remembered that this unnerved theo when they were younger. alderic would be on the ground, scratches on his legs and a bruise on his knee after being pushed but still he would smile up at his older cousin. this time, however, he used it to calm himself down. he nods at taeyeon’s words, eyes on the cauldron that was waiting for them to brew the potion.
               at the teacher’s signal for them to start, he looked at taeyeon and nodded when he was asked to pour the moonstone powder. he tilts the bowl towards the lip of the cauldron, watching as the iridescent silver powder joined the bubbling potion mixture. he watched as it transformed, imagining a pointer at the color wheel slowly starting to gain some green pigment. he needed to pour a bit more, though. what shade of green did they need it to be? there were a lot of shades of green.
            “should i stop pouring?” he asked, voice steadier than he felt. he really wanted to ace this forsaken class. his grades have been dropping faster than flying a broomstick. the war’s aftermath still lingered in the air and definitely stayed with the students still. if he closed his eyes, he could almost hear the cries of those he died. a chill ran down his spine which he shrugged away. not today.
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acxalderic · 5 years
              today’s lesson in potions makes alderic nervous. he read of the potion many times in his textbook once their professor had mentioned it. he took a few minutes to explain the steps to them, however, noting how difficult it was and how it had to be made meticulously or else it would not work. the draught of peace was a potion that claimed to provide comfort as well as calm anxiety and agitation. perhaps he needed a huge gulp of it if they ever manage to make it successfully. or maybe he’d save some for himself after for future use.
           “i’m just saying,” alderic said as the students stood up to gather the ingredients. “please do the honor of stirring.” he turned to look at taeyeon, his dependable potions partner who he stuck to like bowtruckles on doxy eggs. they’ve been partners for a few years now and thank merlin she didn’t drop him because others definitely would considering the number of accidents he had caused, even if they did lessen over the years. 
            “i’ll add the ingredients. or wait.” sighing, alderic takes the bowl of powdered moonstone and powdered unicorn horn back to the table carefully. he looked up and saw their potions professor looking pointed at alderic which made him even more nervous. 
            oh merlin...
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acxalderic · 5 years
intro .
hi it’s ya girl jackie-- jk it’s peach and welcome to my youtube channel!
so i was basically dead tired yesterday when acceptances were going on and didn’t get to post this before now but hi!! i’m so excited to be here. i know my pages and all that isn’t fixed but i swear i will work on it eventually. please have a cookie while i introduce this snotty brat aka my alderic
so he’s an art nerd but also a nerd nerd in general
but he’s like the nerd who doesn’t have much common sense but is like really good at thinking his way out of things
he has a huge thirst for learning and would actually berate himself internally if he doesn’t know certain things. he prides himself in being knowledgeable and he’s kind of a know-it-all.
he was very clumsy as a child and had a hard time applying what he read in books and learned from his aunt in practice. 
he seems like a huge snob but (and there is always a but) he really is but (again, another but) he is really a lonely kid who just wants some love.
he’s also had his Gay Awakening a few years back and his first love died in the war so he’s all emo and stuff. grades fluctuating a bit, concentration zero and pain maximum hundred
as for plots, i’m looking for the following: 
first friend - he doesn’t consider you guys best friends but you’re really someone he hangs out with a lot. you were his first friend in hogwarts and you may or may not hate his guts but you still hang out with him because you’ve invested too much time already so rip
bully - can be multiple. slytherin. maximum three ‘cause ya boi already going through some stuff. alderic was bullied because he was living off of his aunt’s and his cousin theo spread that around school. you’re one of the kids who used to bully him. maybe you still make his life hell with hexes and what not. maybe you’re irritated he’s actually deflecting them now or whatever. or maybe you’re the bully he’s most scared of. the one who he avoided
connected with his first love - so you’re either family or whatnot and know of the letters alderic sent. you’re either disgusted, concerned or actually hesitating to tell him that the guy isn’t dead but somehow can’t find the right opportunity to. 
a crush - female preferably. back when he was still new and being bullied by his cousin and his posse, you were kind enough to offer him comfort and was his companion. he developed a crush on you because of that and wrote you a letter but the following day when he brought it up you say you haven’t received any. so what is the truth, hun?
annoyance - you and alderic often debate about shit like it could be any topic and the competitiveness just rises in him. but you guys respect each other and actually acknowledge that the other is smart and capable.
and idk of anything else but pls do be friends with my babie
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