A Christmas Miracle
Here’s my Elriel secret Santa fic for @hellas-himself !! I must warn you beforehand, this is the first fic I’ve written in 5 months so I am very rusty. I’m so sorry if anything seems OOC but I hope you still enjoy! It’s just pure fluff, no conflict or anything because it’s CHRISTMAS! Let me know how you like it! Happy holidays! :))
Also, thank you to @rosehallshadowsinger for organizing this! I’d also like to dedicate this fic to you because I honestly didn’t think I’d be able to write again but this was super fun!
Word count: 1,442
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Elain ran a hand through her flour-coated hair and rushed to the back of her bakery to retrieve the next batch of cupcakes from the oven. Outside the windows to her store, she could see the streets of Velaris crowded with citizens. There was a line almost out the door to her shop alone.
It had been three months since the grand opening of the Rolling Pin, a bakery she and Feyre worked together to open up. It became an instant hit and, soon enough, Elain was making a very steady salary and living in her own townhouse by the Sidra.
Well…maybe not her own.
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Friendly Reminder
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KoA was a really good book and anyone who disagrees can literally fight me
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This Impossible Year Pt. 2
So sorry that I have not posted in a while! This chapter was a bit difficult to write, and I’m sure for some of you it will be hard to read. But I promise things will get better! Also, I have to note that not all songs will be directly quoted; some will just describe the theme of the chapter. Enjoy!
WARNING: This fic deals with sensitive content that may be difficult for some readers. Proceed with caution.
Song: Love on the Brain by Rihanna
I hated living in this city.
When I first arrived here, the city seemed so full of magic. The tall skyscrapers seemed to reach to the heavens, the people seemed so determined, and the stores were a dazzling display of possibilities. Now the skyscrapers just felt like a cage, the people seemed apathetic, and the stores seemed to personify the gap of the haves and have-nots. 
And then there was the police force. I always had a tail on me. At first they were discreet about their followings; now they didn’t even bother pretending. If one is called away, another squad car was pinpointed on me within a minute. I didn’t blame them though. Who could say no to Spring City’s Chief of Police?
Tamlin will always claim the burden of being the Chief is one he never wanted. I didn’t believe him. Tamlin would pull rank whenever it suited him. Someone questioned his decision? They were put on desk duty for a month. Though his abuse of power was so discreet that he always got away with it. I should have known then that he would have no qualms about controlling me. 
I checked over my shoulder as I crossed the street to Amren’s Coffee House. Driving just a few yards behind me was officer Lucien Vanserra. Lucien was one of the good ones; Tamlin frequently used Lucien’s good nature against him. I gave a slight wave to him as I strolled into the coffee shop, and he offered an apologetic wave in response. I felt bad for him, I really did. 
Mor was seated in our usual corner sipping at her latte. She offered me a smile and scooted my favorite tea across the table towards me as I sat down. 
“Jasmine and mint, as usual”  she gave me a wink as I greedily took a large gulp. I sighed heavily as the warmth seeped into my bones.
“You’re a saint” I murmured into my drink.
“Oh I know” she winked at me again. “Just don’t tell Az that. He’ll never stop repeating it.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it” I replied. I studied her face as she glanced down at her phone and frowned. “Something wrong at the shelter?”
“No no” she replied hastily, still frowning. Mor’s life was running the House of Hope Woman’s Shelter. While she was the executive director, she was unpaid; she absolutely refused to take a single penny away from the shelter. It helped that her parents had left her a sizeable inheritance - the only good thing they ever did for her. 
“Then what is it?” I was puzzled. Mor rarely let her dazzling smile down. She sighed.
“Az and I are... having problems” She admitted. My eyes widened with shock. “I know, I know. It’s just we -” her voice trailed off as she spied the dark bruise peaking out of my sweater around my wrist. I hastily covered it up.
“Why.” It wasn’t a question. 
“Mor -”
“Why do you stay with him Feyre? He leaves you black and blue!”
“He fucks so good?” I tried joking. Her stare gave no nonsense. I sighed. “He put me back together, Mor. I can’t ignore that.
“Yeah, just so he can throw you against the wall.” she grumbled. I gave her a look. She sat forward and took my hand in hers. “Listen. You know I love you. And I will always have you back. So whenever you decide is enough is enough, I will keep you safe.” 
A single tear fell down my face. “Mor, he will find me wherever I go.” I whispered, looking across the street to where Lucien was parked. “And..I still love him. I’ve got to give this another shot.”
“You do not have to do anything!” She took a deep breath. “Feyre. I know of a place that Tamlin would never go looking. When you need me, I will be there.” I had to look away from the sincerity in her eyes. 
“Thank you” I whispered.
“So. I hear you spent a great amount of time with Morrigan today” Tamlin said as he poured me a glass of wine over dinner. While his voice revealed nothing, his eyes told a different story. He was pissed.
“Yes. We went for coffee” I replied simply. He frowned.
“Feyre, you know I don’t like you spending time with her. She’s a bad influence.”
“But why?” I questioned. 
“Feyre.” He chastised, “Morrigan comes from a bad family. They are nothing but bad news.”
“I don’t care about your stupid family feuds! Mor is my friend!” I yelled at him. As the words flew out of my mouth, I knew that I had made a grave mistake. 
Tamlin flew out of his seat and grabbed my face. “I know much more than you do Feyre! You are ignorant to the ways of this city! You do not know anything! You will listen to me so you will stay safe! Do you understand? Does your simple brain understand? YOU. WILL. LISTEN. TO ME.”
I trembled in my seat, unable to do anything but give a simple nod. He released my face and placed a kiss on my brow. 
“See?” He said as he took a seat, “that wasn’t so hard.” He began cutting his food as he continued, “You know I only do this because I love you Feyre. I love you so much and I don’t want anything to happen to you.” He looked up from his plate. “You do love me too, right?”
“Yes. Yes, I love you too” I somehow succeeded in saying without a wobble in my voice. He gave me a dazzling smile, so at odds with the anger he had just displayed minutes before. I had fallen for that smile too many times to count. 
“Good. Now let’s forget that nastiness and enjoy dinner, okay?” He didn’t wait for my answer as he started digging in. 
“Okay” I whispered. 
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Rowan, about Aelin: 
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Friendly Reminder
Cassian is NOT stupid. He is not some stupid jock with no common sense. He is an intelligent commander of the Night Court’s Armies and known as the Lord of Bloodshed for a reason. I am tired of seeing posts where he is portrayed as an idiot. Let’s not degrade him like that. He is a jokester, but he is smart, selfless, and brave and he deserves respect. Thank you. 
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From Bloomsbury India’s Twitter
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Reason No. 3937 why Elorcan are mates
The last Throne of Glass book is coming up! It is time for my little Elorcan heart to start beating again. We all know how EoS left off, but I am very convinced that we have nothing to worry about. Lorcan and Elide are mates. Not because of the many reasons that have already been listed by other amazing people, but because it’s literally in the book.
Lorcan was about to tell Elide that they are mates.
Hear my theory.
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« We need to talk », he rasped.
There are two ways to interprete this scene: perhaps Lorcan simply wanted to tell Elide that he had called Maeve. In that sense, it might be foreshadowing for the betrayal later. But that theory lacks logic.
Lorcan knows that Elide is loyal to Aelin and that she would have informed her right away. In telling her he would have destroyed his plan (which, ironically, is to save Elide.) Elide also doesn’t refer to this scene later when she discovers this betrayal (« omg, didn’t Lorcan want to talk to me about something back on the ship? »). This little sentence- « we need to talk »- goes unnoticed, uncommented. But we know SJM. She doesn’t put anything anywhere by accident.
There’s a second possibility. He was about to tell her that they are mates. And a strong proof that this second theory might be right can be found…in ACOMAF.
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Let’s compare notes. Intimate moment? Check. Fae warrior trying to find the right words? Check. Annoying interruption that keeps said fae warrior from confessing his love? It’s all there.
Rhysand later tells Feyre about this moment, admitting that he wanted to tell her about the bond in that moment. It is the same for Lorcan.
« Some emotion she couldn’t place » my ass. He was about to confess. And it didn‘t happen in EoS, but it will happen in the next book, and I CAN‘T WAIT.
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Friendly reminder
wHatS iN thE bOx CaSsiAn?!
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Reminder: throughout your life, you’ve caused at least one puppy to wag its tail when seeing you and that is a Good Thing™
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Omg I didn't even see him at first! Wonderful job!
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the shadow and his light 
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I'm also part of the lgbtq community, and I also think that SJ Maas does a good job portraying them. You can't say try to speak for an entire community - just as I can't, but I'm just saying that I'm one that rejects those toxic ideas. These ideas only further divide the fandom and make it an unfriendly environment
as a latinx you should be ASHAMED to stand with sjmess and her white feminist fangirls. where's your loyalty to poc and lgbt people? you're better than that.
I’ve explained this many, many times before.
I’m aware of the problems with Sarah J Maas’s books. I am not blind. I have criticized her work multiple times, and I’ve also criticized her for reasons no one else seems to care about. And I know there is probably NOTHING I can say to you that might make you understand me or agree with me or even be less angry with me (as I’m assuming you are).
And I HATE being vulnerable with people, but apparently that’s where we are right now.
For me, the good FAR outweighs the bad. And you know what? I know a lot of people don’t think so, but I think her representation has massively improved. I’m not going to give her a pat on the back or anything, but her books mean more to me than any other book on the face of this planet (excepting the Bible). Aelin is the most important character I have ever read, for me personally.
Aelin has helped me accept myself. I used to HATE so so so much about myself, I used to pick at every flaw and wonder why I couldn’t be a certain way. When I first met Celaena, I read three chapters of Throne of Glass before literally throwing it down in the bathtub. I can show you my very waterlogged paperback copy as proof. I hated her with ever fiber of my being and I didn’t realize why until I was 19. Every single trait Celaena seemed to embrace about herself was every single trait that I was trying to change and suffocate about myself.
I spent years wanting to be a princess and reading so many princess stories and wanting to be nice and perfect and quiet and well behaved and then along comes this girl named Celaena who is vain, and arrogant, and obnoxious and loud and all the things I hated about myself, and she was still a princess. And I didn’t think that was fair. I hated that. And then I got older and Celaena matured into Aelin and I ended up loving her because she’s vain and arrogant and obnoxious and loud and she’s still a princess.
There are so many other things in this world that I hate. There are other books and authors where everyone worships the ground they walk on that are so deeply offensive to me. FAR more offensive to me than anything SJM has written. There are books I’ve read in the past year that have absolutely infuriated me, and it’s the very reasons they make me angry and offend me that people love them. And I know the world doesn’t revolve around me. I get that. But SJM’s lack of representation isn’t something I’m going to pour my energy into being angry about.
And I’ll tell you the same thing I tell my siblings about my little brother.
You know, they pick on one of my brothers more than anyone else. So I defend said brother more than I defend anyone else. I know said brother does a lot of dumb stuff, and he’s destructive, and he doesn’t stop and think before he says or does something. But I defend him more than I defend my other siblings because he gets picked on more than my other siblings. And ripping him apart for everything he does wrong is going to change NOTHING. AT. ALL.
Ripping apart SJM for all the “horrible” stuff she does will solve absolutely nothing. I defend her writing a lot because it gets ripped apart a lot, and the “anti” conversation has drastically veered from anything critical to petty garbage that has nothing to do with critiquing a work of fiction and everything to do with tearing down a human being so that those doing the tearing can feel better about themselves.
Gossiping about why Susan Dennard and SJM are no longer friends is not literary critique. Making snide comments about how SJM is bringing her infant son on tour with her is not literary critique. Neither is ripping apart a cover she likely had little to no say in.
I’m sick and tired of it. The gossip, the drama, the high school atmosphere disgusts me, and it always will. I loathe the way people rip her apart. I would loathe it even if it was an author I had no respect for.
So no, anon. I will not be ashamed of standing by her. And I will likely never be ashamed of standing by her. Because ripping her to shreds and denouncing her will never ever ever change how much or in which way she represents POC or LGBTQ people. It also will never change how much her books mean to me. Or to other people. Close the book and walk away and live your life.
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Not sure if anyone noticed this already, but I was rereading ACOMAF and came across this gem. LUCIEN USED HELION’S SPELL-CLEAVING POWER TO BREAK FREE OF HIS BONDS IN HYBERN. How did none of them figure out he was Helion’s son sooner?!
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This Impossible Year Pt. 1
I’m baaaaaaack! I’m so excited to bring y’all my newest fic: This Impossible Year. While this fic will revolve around Feysand it will also heavily include the inner circle. There will be a couple crack ships that will eventually be rectified (I began writing this before ACOWAR). Each chapter will revolve around a song. Sit back and enjoy the ride! I will try to update as often as possible!
WARNING: This fic will deal with sensitive content. I will tag each fic with trigger warnings - but proceed with caution. This first part has physical/emotional abuse.
Summary: Feyre is trying very hard to hold on to her image of a fairy-tale relationship as she slowly falls apart. As a violet-eyed musician slowly makes his way into her life, Feyre has to make some tough decisions about her future.
Song: Hey Look Ma I Made It - Panic! At The Disco
I swear Mor had a sixth sense for when I needed her.
Are you busy tonight? Her text had lit up my smashed phone screen a few minutes prior. I was still sitting on the floor, staring at the pieces of my mother’s vase strewn across the floor. The vase that he knew was one of the only things I had left of her. But that didn’t matter as he chucked it at the wall in his rage.
At least he didn’t hit me this time. 
Wiping the tears off my face, I picked up my phone and responded No, what do you have in mind? The remnants of Tamlin’s rage still stained my apartment. I would have to clean it up if she wanted to come over.
Az is playing tonight!! You coming?? Ah yes. Mor’s beautiful, brooding boyfriend performed in a popular local band, and she had invited me a million times to see him perform. I had always declined, as Tamlin didn’t want me to go. But Tamlin wouldn’t be with me tonight - he never said sorry until the next day, unless he hit me of course. So I had two choices: spend a night alone, thinking about all the things I had done to make him angry, or....
I’ll be right over I texted back as I grabbed my coat.
The House of Wind Theater was a sight to behold. 
Mor had told me on the drive over that this was a very important show for The Illyrians. Since their sudden jump to fame a few years ago, they had toured all around the world. However, this was their first tour since their separation from Hybern Records - a highly anticipated tour that would apparently determine the fate of the group’s future. Mor was practically jumping with excitement as we entered the House. 
Azriel had ensured that we had front row seats to the big show. As we waited for the show to start, I slowly took a look around. Had a been a painter I would have loved to capture the beauty of the House. Huge vaulted ceilings soared high above us covered in murals of clashing beasts in bold colors. The dark beasts grappled with the shining monsters in an apparent battle of good and evil. I pondered why the artist decided to depict the ‘good’ side as monsters as the lights started to flicker in a signal for the show to start.
The opening bands for the Illyrians were very talented. One of them, The Summer, especially caught my attention. If I was being honest, it was mostly due to the gorgeous lead singer Helion. I almost wanted to laugh as I saw Mor blush more than once from the knowing glances he threw her way. Some long forgotten part of me wondered what was going on there, but was soon forgotten as the memory of a shattered vase flashed through my mind. 
I was lost in thought of how I would make my mistakes up to Tamlin as the lights again faded to black. The energy in the air became palpable as the crowd collectively held their breath in anticipation. Suddenly the first chords of a song rang out, and the crowd lost. Their. Shit.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Almost everyone in the theater began screaming as the lights slowly began to rise. Two figures stood among the shadows, barely moving beyond the strumming of their instruments. As the lights came to full power I immediately recognized Az from Mor’s pictures. The other man with long shoulder-length hair was possibly Cassian, if Mor’s descriptions were to be trusted. The two began jamming out the opening to one of their more famous songs. Still, the lead singer had yet to appear.
“ All my life been hustling, and tonight is my appraisal” A voice boomed out from the speakers. The crowd somehow began screaming even louder at the sound of the singer’s voice (though it had a distinctly more female tone to it). I looked around, and suddenly he appeared.
I heard the stories of how stunningly handsome Mor’s cousin was, but was forbidden to even look at his pictures by Tamlin. While I never felt the urge to look, I had always wondered why Tam felt so strongly about my seeing of him. And now I understood. 
Rhysand was beyond handsome, and beyond words. Here in front of me was the most breathtakingly beautiful man I had ever seen. His body seemed to be carved out of the finest stone, and has face a gift from the Gods themselves. However, all of his beauty was nothing compared to his eyes. At first they seemed to be blue, but on deeper inspection they showed to be the brightest violet. I looked upon them and felt speechless.
“Are you ready for the sequel? Are you ready for the latest?” He sang as if he was putting on a personal show for every single person in the room. His voice made you feel like you were the only one in the room.
“Hey look ma I made it!” everyone cried out with him. My foot began to tap to the beat as the room continued to go wild. As much as I tried, I could not take my eyes off of Rhysand. His energy was infectious. I seemed to be the only one who noticed when it guttered.
“ And if you never know who you can trust, then trust me you'll me lonely” for half a second, Rhysand seemed to deflate at the mention of trust. It was gone before anyone else could notice, but it left me wondering what was going on in his head.
No, I thought to myself, no you can’t do that. He’s none of your concern. Still, I found myself searching those eyes for the pain I saw before. As the song came to a close, I was beginning to think I had imagined the look. Maybe it had been a sad projection of my own feelings -
“Hey look ma I made it...” as the final notes rung out, he tipped his head to the sky and sang the final sentence as if someone above could hear it. And there- there was the pain of before, glittering in his eyes. I blinked, and it was gone, replaced with a sensuous smile that had the females - and some of the males - in the room swooning. 
And then our eyes connected.
Never in a million years would I ever be able to explain the emotions that came crashing through me the moment his eyes met mine. My very soul seemed to awaken from its slumber as his eyes stripped me bare. His eyes widened slightly as he read whatever was shining in my eyes. I forced myself to look away from the intensity that radiated from him. When I looked back towards him his eyes were again toward the crowd, as if nothing had ever happened. 
My hands hovered over the keys of my grand piano. I sat there, hoping emotion would come pouring out of me in the form of music as it did before. It had long since stopped coming from me. 
“Damnit” I whispered “please work” I begged my hands, as if it would somehow get them to begin expressing everything that was bottled up inside me.
My finger strummed a chord just as I noticed the shard of vase sitting by my foot. Whatever music was in my soul erruptly died out as I remembered what I would have to face with Tamlin tomorrow. Slowly, gently, I closed the piano and trudged toward my bedroom.
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Alright that does it I'm writing this!
Rhysand’s singing voice is Brendon Urie’s voice and you can’t convince me otherwise
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No offense but how is it fair that Fae get to be beautiful and immortal and magical and they get to have mates? It seems wildly unjust and I’d like retribution, preferably in the form of a soulmate, I’m not picky although an Illyrian would be appreciated. In this essay I will
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Morrigan A court of thorn and roses series by Sarah J Maas #fanart #acotar #acowar #acomaf #sjmaas #acofas #morrigan #digitalart
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