19th November 2014
聽The application process for an actor using using UCAS to apply for university or drama school is to fill in your application via the website and then the website will offer you help on how to write your personal statement and also what you need to do about the reference andapplication fee, also about sending the form. They also give you guidance on how to track the application after you鈥檝e sent it and what happens when you鈥檙e waiting to hear back.
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Quote and image
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. -' if u jump I jump' - titanic
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23rd October 2014 To start with we did cut the cake to get us a little pumped for the day then we did actors fitness which was good because we warmed up and pled make us more flexible,I found it quite difficult doing the splits though we used our coordination and our balancing skills. We also did some basic dance for actors witch included step for change and spins witch helped me as an actor with my rhythm and point of focus.we also did objectionable manipulation to help us with our focus and our control. We also did verbal acting by doing yes or no it was good how you can create conflict with two words with the tone of your voice we developed it and used insults and compliments to see how we can keep on going. After that we did miskins got talent rehearsal and I think it went well we just needed to work on our presence and have more confidence in what we are doing. Overall today I've learned to approach things with confidence.
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The importance of trust
22nd October 2014 Today we discovered all the similar features we have with other members of the company and who will be likely competition for getting parts,also the uniqueness we all have that is likely to get us cast for some parts. We did would you rather and it was interesting to see people's point of view on certain situations , also it started some debates within the company. We also did some trust and exercises we did some blind bumper cars envoy in non verbal communication I found it easy to be lead then to lead I think because I trust people more then I trust myself sometimes. When we did call and alert I think that I let my guard down a bit more because I had to listen to my partner and I just let my self go during that exercise.truth lie and a bottle was interesting to see how someone's tone of voice can indicate their intentions and what they are doing. It was also interesting to see who people chose to listen to and how they made their decision on who to follow.we also found out something unique about ourselves and it was interesting finding out all of these different things about members of the company it's also a great way to bond.with snapshot we all had a snap shot of a pose and we had to mirror it with that small snapshot it was good because I found I was able to do it quite well. And with big chief I found that I had to use my visual , listening and rhythmic skills as an actor and it was interesting to see how every one still kept focus and in time with out looking around so much. When we did the artist and the clay I found it easy to mould some one into a character and it was very good to see the different interpretations of each character. For pass the dance we did terrible dances it was good cause we got to be as weird as we wanted it also helped us be more confident and bond with each other. We went to the secret garden and it was nice to feel the different textures of every thing it also helped build trust because we all were out of our comfort zone and we had to look after each other for the task to work. Overall today I learned that it is important to trust people in your company and also to trust yourself.
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Just keep smiling
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3rd October 2014 Quote and image 'Smile like you don't give a damn about the consequences'-all time low
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Action plan
Action plan To improve on my weaknesses I will try to make myself heard more and improve on how I pronounce words properly without hesitating by thinking things through before I say it I will improve on my confidence to be able to volunteer more by taking myself out of my comfort zone.
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Strengths and weaknesses
Strengths and weaknesses My strengths are that I can socialise very well with fellow actors, I can work well with others and I also can use skills I have picked up from previous workshops. My weaknesses are my voice projection , diction and volunteering.
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Build of confidence
Weekly evaluation Over this past week I have learned how to lift people and trust myself to lift people safely and trust that they know what their doing and also what I am doing which has helped me be confident with being lifted. I have applied it twice during this week. Also I have learned that u can create a piece of physical theatre without any dialogue and still create tension and tell a story. This helped me as an actor because now I realise that doing nothing can tell a story in its self. I learned that u have to just get up and do and u can't stand their and think to much about it. I personally think that this week went well and that I have learned so much that can build my confidence and trust in myself.
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24th September 2014 This morning we had a physical and vocal warm up with the HND actors I learned how to release tension in my body and how to keep my body in a fit state. The vocal warm up helped with my breathing and how it's important to be able to control it,it also helped with my diction during a tongue twister.this benefited me as an actor because know I know how to pronounce certain words properly and breathe properly by using dierphrmatic breathing: when you breath out your dierphram pushes the air first then your ribs. In Carly's and Clair's workshop we put our selves into hight order without talking , after that we had get in a line and copy every move that Clair was doing it was like a Brazilian carnival. This helped me because know I can commute to being an actor who can dance. We also did some pair movements lead by Carly and Clair this helped me get ideas of how I can move in a space. After that we started to look at how to lift people and counter balance,doing this exercise I discovered that I am a flyer: a person who can be lifted. First we looked at how to lift when when the bass: the person who is grounded to the floor.is flat on their back flat on the floor and their arms and feet straight up in the air ready to take the waiter of the flyer,when the flyer has found balance and confidence will eventually be able to stay of the floor with no hands it looks like they are on a pivert . Then we had to counter balance were the heaviest person is on the floor with a flat back and legs as far back as they can go so they can lock their feet tightly on to the lighter persons shoulder blades.after that the lighter person will slowly sit in a right angle then they should be counter balanced. For the last lift the flyer had to run into the bass push on their shoulders while they lift them from hips and then holds them by thief thighs. This benefited me because now I can be able to confident and trust people when being lifted. In our ways of seeing groups Carly partnered us up with someone and we had to create an eight move movement sequence but we had to start shoulder to shoulder and create a piece of physical theatre. After that we had to develop a physical sequence were one of us is pursuing the other but constantly get rejected , we had to add a lift , jump , fall and pause to add tension and tell a story. This helped me as an actor get a good sense of how to tell a story without dialogue and jesters . 'Smile like u don't give a damn about the consequences'-All Time Low.
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carnival fun
24th September 2014 This morning we had a physical and vocal warm up with the HND actors I learned how to release tension in my body and how to keep my body in a fit state. The vocal warm up helped with my breathing and how it's important to be able to control it,it also helped with my diction during a tongue twister.this benefited me as an actor because know I know how to pronounce certain words properly and breathe properly by using dierphrmatic breathing: when you breath out your dierphram pushes the air first then your ribs. In Carly's and Clair's workshop we put our selves into hight order without talking , after that we had get in a line and copy every move that Clair was doing it was like a Brazilian carnival. This helped me because know I can commute to being an actor who can dance. We also did some pair movements lead by Carly and Clair this helped me get ideas of how I can move in a space. After that we started to look at how to lift people and counter balance,doing this exercise I discovered that I am a flyer: a person who can be lifted. First we looked at how to lift when when the bass: the person who is grounded to the floor.is flat on their back flat on the floor and their arms and feet straight up in the air ready to take the waiter of the flyer,when the flyer has found balance and confidence will eventually be able to stay of the floor with no hands it looks like they are on a pivert . Then we had to counter balance were the heaviest person is on the floor with a flat back and legs as far back as they can go so they can lock their feet tightly on to the lighter persons shoulder blades.after that the lighter person will slowly sit in a right angle then they should be counter balanced. For the last lift the flyer had to run into the bass push on their shoulders while they lift them from hips and then holds them by thief thighs. This benefited me because now I can be able to confident and trust people when being lifted. In our ways of seeing groups Carly partnered us up with someone and we had to create an eight move movement sequence but we had to start shoulder to shoulder and create a piece of physical theatre. After that we had to develop a physical sequence were one of us is pursuing the other but constantly get rejected , we had to add a lift , jump , fall and pause to add tension and tell a story. This helped me as an actor get a good sense of how to tell a story without ideologue and jesters .
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Trust in myself
23rd September 2014 In today's session we started by standing in neutral and trying to get a good feel and sense of the room and the atmosphere in the space and listening to each other as a company without verbal communication or gesturing to each other this helped me as an actor because now is can sense the atmosphere in a space and act upon it. We tried to sense the atmospheres he room and have it so that only one or two people can move at a time. We struggled to begin with but after a few attempts got the hang of it. After that we started to look at balance inside the room and how it works in a piece of theatre.we did an exercise were Carly was one force in the room and we as a company was another force this helped me as an actor because it gave me a good sense of how to balance a scene in a piece of theatre and special awareness.we used a skipping rope to time when we could walk under neath without getting hit by the rope at first I was a little uncertain had ago and failed but I succeeded second time round because Carly said 'don't think just go'.To make it more challenging we had to partner up with some one and one of us had to guide the other person with there eyes closed under the rope. This helped me as an actor by putting trust my self to be able to guide people.
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La freak
22nd September 2014 Today in our ways of seeing session we started by huddling together in a group and getting use to being in physical contact with others in the company and breathing , and moving in sync with each other. This helped because it gave me the sense of an actor being able to feel part of a company. Then we started to follow Carly around the room whilst being tightly huddled together. It felt like we were all moving as one body. When Carly decided to walk through our huddle we had to create a big enough path for her to walk through and still be tightly close together. We created a situation were Carly was an outcast and we wanted to be close enough to find out something but not close enough to associate with her. This gave a greatest story line that could be used in our performance. After a small break we stood in neutral and we started to develop ourselves into a freak starting with the feet and ending with the face and vocals. This helped me as an actor get into character and a new method of how to create a character. We all regrouped tightly together still being freaks and communicating with vocals but not words. We did the same exercise again but we played it like a situation were we were a community of freaks and she was a normal person. This gave me more confidence in moving and sounding weird. After that we had to act as if Carly gave us all sweets but all broke out into a deadly rash and Carly had this cream that was a cure and us freaks had to nominate a person to get the cream of Carly. After we were cured we started to get a little bit carried away with it and ended up hurting on of our freaks. This helped me as actor to see how much a simple situation can escalate over some thing quite small. After that we nominated a leader so we had the crowning ceremony to anointed him as alpha of the group. To finish the ceremony we all mad a human mountain for him to climb. This would give the affect of making him what the audience would focus on in a piece of physical theatre and also how actors use their bodies to support each other. After witch we had to pretend that Carly's name tag was a strange object and we all became curious and cautious about what it could be,one of our freaks suggested that it could be a bomb so we all sent him to try to disarm it but unfortunately he failed and we all ended up dying but one of our freaks survived and started to see if we were all alive but then out of the fear of being alone she also died. The session really benefited our ways of seeing piece because we were all freaky zombie or primal ape type of creatures and it gave us a good idea of conflict and seclusion witch would be good as a piece of physical theatre. The session benefited me as an actor because it gave me the confidence to be a freak and to go for it no matter what. 'A company is only as strong as it's weakest link' #dailyaccount
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