Abortion industries and abortion itself is ableist.
Firstly, what is ableism? Ableism is defined by the Oxford dictionary as “discrimination in favor of able-bodied people”.
In the United States, over 6,000 babies are born with Down syndrome each year. In Iceland, there are next to no babies and people with Down syndrome since nearly 100% of all babies diagnosed with the disability are terminated. Denmark is following in their footsteps, terminating 98% of all babies diagnosed. France terminates 77%, and the U.S is at 67%.
Some disturbing facts:
One of the only laws on abortions past 16 weeks are that if a fetus has a disability, you are allowed to kill them 16+ weeks into pregnancy.
Only 1 or 2 people are born each year in Iceland with Down syndrome, who’s population is over 330,000.
Missouri legislators wrote a bill that would prohibit disability selective abortions, which was looked down on by pro-abortion advocates that said taking away this right was taking away a “woman’s right”.
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Fetuses aren’t just a “clump of cells”. Especially when we have scientific evidence that while you’re growing in the womb, the things the mother does influences who you are outside the womb.
According to Monell Chemical Senses Centre in Philadelphia, “15 to 16 weeks after conception, foetuses will show their sugar appreciation by swallowing more amniotic fluid when it's sweet, and less when bitter. Penchants for salt and umami tastes are also innate. Most of our food preferences, however, are learned, and a growing body of research shows that this learning also begins before birth.”
By 21 weeks, the fetus has developed a full sense of taste and smell, and smell over a trillion different scents!
According to Peter Hepper, director of the Fetal Research Centre at Queen's University in Belfast: "foetuses exposed to garlic in the womb are more likely to prefer garlic in later life, indeed studies show up to the age of eight at least." The same went for the junk food and carrot juice studies.
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Health clinics that specialize in helping low-income people.
For some unknown reason, pro-aborts love to act like Planned Parenthood is the only clinic in the world that can help low-income people. In fact, they do less health care services than anything. The majority of what they do, and make profit from, are abortions.
Here are some lists of health care clinics, that are non-abortion related, that help people that are low income or struggling and need medical care:
Medicare. Medicare is a free or low-cost medical care insurance plan that is based off your income and needs. To qualify, you can go online to healthcare.gov.
The Health Resources & Services Administration provides free healthcare, and even provide free illness and disease treatment plans.
Your local health department. The health departments state-by-state offer free condoms, STD/STI testing, free pregnancy tests, and free checkups. I’ve personally gone here with a friend of mine for her STD tests and pregnancy test. They also offer rape kits and mental health care and support.
Urgent care. Urgent care is a free way to be seen, looked over, and offered prescriptions as a treatment and recovery plan. Most urgent cares don’t require any insurance to visit, but to make sure your local urgent care doesn’t require insurance, go online or call.
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Planned Parenthood admits to selling fetal limbs and organs for profit.
To no surprise, P.P has been exposed for selling fetal limbs and organs for extra profit on top of the millions of dollars in tax money and abortions funds each year.
According to the Center for Medical Progress:
“The DaVinci companies’ admission of guilt for selling baby parts from Planned Parenthood is a ringing vindication of CMP’s citizen journalism methods and accuracy,” says CMP Project Lead David Daleiden. “In light of the news that Planned Parenthood is now under federal investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice for the sale of fetal body parts, the next step is for Planned Parenthood of Orange & San Bernardino Counties to be held accountable under the law for their 7-year-long aiding, abetting, and profiting in DaVinci’s criminal scheme to sell baby parts for profit.”
Planned Parenthood has been under fire about this since early 2015, and investigations continue to go on as the president of P.P admitted in a letter to Congress that the limbs can be sold for as much as $100 a piece, but most of them sell for $50-$75.
After an abortion, they typically pay to hold fetal tissue and matter in containers that will be sent to a crematorium to be cremated, then emptied in a large body of water or a desert.
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Late-term abortions and how many of them actually happen?
People like to push off late-term abortion with the “1.3%” statistic. This is true, but when broken down... this means 13,000 late-term abortions happen every year. 35 of them happen everyday, which is bigger than a classroom of children.
By this time, the baby is beyond viability, they can react to sound and light, and survive outside the womb if born prematurely.
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