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caught in the act pt.2
friar lawrence
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caught in the act pt 3 
benvolio and mercutio 
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caught in the act pt.2 
tybalt, mercutio and benvolio 
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caught in the act pt.1 
romeo and juliet
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by Dennise Balacanao 
Anyone who has read the iconic book “Romeo and Juliet”, compared by William Shakespeare can expect a very dramatic plot and an exciting climax, in the third act, which was performed last year by group 3 of 9-Caritas, but unlike any other performances, this had as much as a plot twist as the whole story 
A very noticeable element of the stage was the transitions. Though it was messily done, like having prop being set with the lights turned on, and somewhat distracting, it did contribute to the wholeness of the play, further more it helped distinguish certain points of the play, as it usually showed when the scene started and ended , nothing more nothing less. Yes they did have scenes that were cut short, and yes,They did have scenes that were short, and yes they did rearrange the flow of the play, such as switching the arrangement of the play, but if you have read the book you may understand it a little bit. Nevertheless this gave a massive impact is it over all floor of the play. In addition to that, it showed how much the group prepared (or in this case did not prepare) Group number three storyline was a lot different from the original by Shakespeare. The scenes were jumbled up and somewhere not even there/performed. This act team is very long to do, on the Contrary, there is only 217 to 20 minutes. Though there were something to the scene well preferred preferred for, like of the monologue of friar Lawrence, and the birth of the bald and vertical show, the acts up or not, we’re not even close to the original. All the exciting things were done first, making the middle of the ark seem to get out of control. All in all, I think it was a fair play production. It’s still lacking, like   In visuals and presentation, that is what everyone expects from just the grade 9 students. It was professional but not ready for the actual stage. I stage done by actors are usually don’t seriously you will feel the transition from scene to scene but you wouldn’t feel the emptiness after the scene is all done.The play did show signs of improving, it is just the time the had for preparation was quite short.After watching a play or even a seen you shouldn’t feel ere looking But the overall play still lived up to name of Shakespeare. The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.
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The True Tragedy
by Thea Valdez
Though the relationships being shown on stage are important, I also have to comment on each individual character I have witnessed on stage. These relationships give plot to the play itself, but it relies on each and every character’s individuality. In other words, their portrayal, stage presence, voice projection, gives even more depth to the play. It is what captures the story and the believability of the play.
                    As the lights opened for the very first scene of the third act of Romeo and Juliet, I could already tell the actors’ was low. I say this for most of the characters, specifically, The Nurse, Tybalt, Romeo and Juliet, that they were significantly different from the original play. In general, they lacked passion and conviction in their voice as they should have. Their interpretations much more bland. Although, deviation from the original is not necessarily bad, but what I saw was a failed attempt at sticking to the original. For example, they noticeably pause mid-conversation because they possibly have forgotten a line, their confused expressions on their face while they are supposedly in a heated argument, and many more. However, those were to the specific characters I have mentioned. If I were to speak in particular, I would have to say that one person did their overall acting splendidly, was the characters of Friar Lawrence and Lady Capulet (Alicia Ilagan). I thought that she interpreted her lines very well and sensed the intended atmosphere of her scenes. Both characters were equally well portrayed and were familiar to the original. On the contrary, her scene partners did not understand the intentions of their roles as they lacked emotion and nearly had little to no body language as they spoke and stood. All things considered, because of the majority of the cast failing to interpret their own characters were different from the original play.
                    Throughout the entire play, I thought overall there were many things missing in their performance. Eventually, this lead me to losing interest in their one-act play. I thought that any specific element or their acting compensated enough to keep me constantly interested and “on the edge of my seat”. I think that the most important things that engage the audience is the spectacle, acting, and the overall attention they get from whoever is watching. Unfortunately, that’s what they ran short of. I have witnessed this while watching as the lighting and the blocking on stage were incohesive. When the lighting was on the right and the actors were on the left. Not only could we not understand what was happening, but we could not see what was happening. But I still thought it was considerable because of the stage’s size unlike the actual size of their spectacle. To say that these elements I have mentioned complemented the play is quite an overstatement. What the theme of the act ultimately asked for was action and the climax of the entire story. The theme and the elements were nearly contradicting one another. If I were to read the actors’ facial expressions and body language right, they are showing the audience a tasteless presentation of the turning point, far less intense than what was expected. Seeing the fact that the actors lack this, as well as the unorganized lighting, blocking and props placement (having nearly none at all), didn’t attract any interest enough the audience despite the fact that their act was the very apex of Romeo and Juliet. To summarize, I thought that the entire performance was a disappointment to the theme and tragedy that is Romeo and Juliet.
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by Myllah Zerna 
    The act of 9- Caritas performed Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare. The performers tried their best in performing this act. They also tried being understandable and did their best to maintain the topic. Some of their scenes were unclear or us to understand the story that are assign to them.
        At first the lights as their entrance quite bothered the audiences' attention but they made sure that the actors did their goal so that the watchers won't be distracted. Afterwards their act changed their lights however it is not connected to their scenes. The props helped us sustain and to be attracted with their performance. Actors were successful for them to change the setting of the scene in addition they let the audience like their act's performance.
        Lastly the scene somehow should be like the Renaissance era but they supposed to let the audience feel and know how it started  also how the flow of the original play of Romeo and Juliet was done. To sum up the performers' goal for this act lack some practice for them to play as their own roles and needed time for them to be successful in performing.
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by Janelle Mariano 
The performance of Act 3 of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet tried to interpret the original play with the use of a variety of spectacles. Their performance was supposed to contain spectacles that can interpret the theme of the play, which is the Renaissance period, and of course the happenings in the original play. The absence of a stage backdrop would have made such a huge impact on the play but the the cast did try to do something about it by using lights for effects and to emphasize some events. As a result, they weren't able to fully interpret what happened in the original play. The undeniable struggle of Act 3 with handling their lights was very evident. For instance, they used bold colors, which is why the performers weren't that seen on stage, lights that weren't suitable for the current scene, and how the lights would randomly change in the middle of scenes. It was difficult for the audience to understand what the characters were doing or what was happening in the play. The only spectacle that were seen and shown on stage were the lights and some props. Swords were used during scene 1, which were usually used during the Renaissance period. However, they only got to interpret the theme of the first scene and that was it. All in all, they were able to present a presentable performance despite the difficulties they encountered with their spectacles. 
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They Have Spoken
by Martina Arellano 
Dialogues are really important in a play. They are what help us, the audience, in distinguishing the relationships between the characters. Although emotions and actions are as important, with incorrect lines, either grammatically or factually, the whole play will go down hill. However, memorizing from the script exactly, may also be a bad turn, for it may sound forced, and unrealistic.
Act 3’s dialogues are quite understandable. On the other hand, how it was shown to us was a different story. Most of the characters lack emotions and practice. Someone that did not read Romeo and Juliet prior to watching the act perform, would have trouble following the play. There were a lot of misunderstandings between the members, which effected them on their own lines. Some being confused as to what their line is, others forgetting them completely.
For us the most memorable dialogue in act 3 was the very tragic event that was encountered  by one of Romeo’s closest friends. The dialogues used made it clear what is happening and who’s who. Even though how they said and expressed their lines did not fit their part exactly, it was still digestible for the audience.
For a play to show excellence, one of the crucial points is its language and dialogues. The audience must immediately understand the settings of the play, the characteristics of each character, with just a few conversations. The languages used must be appropriate for the time and place of the scene at hand. It must make the audience feel like they are actually there. This is what we felt for a moment in act 3’s play. Every play has a voice which must be shown to the audience through their performance, and Act 3 has definitely spoken theirs.
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Meet The Characters
by 김규리 (Gyuri Kim)
   The actors in the play who helped us understand ACT3 are Arriana as Romeo, Alicia as lady capulet and friar Laurence, Athena as lord capulet and Benvollo,Tsarina as paris and tybalt , and finally ,dani as the Nurse and mercutlo. Even though everyone did their best in acting . Portrayed friar laurencewell because the emotions in the script was portrayed accurately. She also memorized her lines very well. The relationship of romeo and juliet, from what we have observed is that they love eachother. You can hear the sadness of juliet as they say farewell. More than just the relationship of romeo and juliet the relationship between friar laurence and romeo show a father-son relationship. While as for romeo. You can see the and faith he has for the friar.
  From what the audience has seen the play was overall pretty good. But for the character portrayal, a bunch of characters stood out. First of all we have romeo and  Juliet, the audience can really see the sadness when they bid farewell as romeo leaves Verona. Lastly we have friar Laurence and romeo, they have a really good relationship , therefore they are really close. When romeo goes to friar Laurence’s cell, friar Laurence makes romeo safe there as they talk , but after that romeo has to leave as he is banned from Verona. To sum it up, there are some characters with a good relationship. Even though there are some character relationships they still had some times when it wasn’t clear. Some character, didn’t memorize it well but improvised. There they were kind of emotionless
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