acruxhurricane · 7 months
Kauze Story.
Chapter 5: Ren.
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As soon as we arrived, I could see that there was some movement outside, and so I quickly looked at Laito, leaning on him and pointing to the window.
— You are famous! — He said in an excited tone. — Hey, if you guys get a teddy bear, can you give it to me? You are already adults and you don't need this!
— Nfu~ Are you already making your demands? Let's just say these girls are all little sluts who want attention.
— Laito. — Reiji said in a serious tone, but I think Laito didn't care about that. — Control your tongue.
I tilted my head in confusion, as I didn't quite understand what he meant, was that a bad thing? I think it's better if I don't say that word, since Reiji doesn't seem to like it very much.
— Relax four eyes, the brat doesn't know what it means.
Ayato laughed, but soon got out of the limousine with the other vampires, I didn't waste time and got out too, and held Reiji's hand, since I didn't really know where to go.
— How cute, I didn't know they had a little brother. — A girl looked at me, and I smiled at her. —Hehe, Reiji seems so protective.
— Reiji! Reiji! She likes you! — he said excitedly, but the girl left quickly after that, I think she was embarrassed. —Hah? Why are girls weird? Do you like her too?
— Kauze, silence. — He bent down to my height, whispering in my ear. — Don't draw anyone's attention and don't tell them who we are. Next time you embarrass me again, I'll leave you locked in the basement. And no, I have no interest in this girl.
— A-Ah.. I'm sorry Reiji... I promise I won't say that you like girls anymore...
— That's not what I meant! — he turned red. — Just don't talk about relationships, you're not old enough for that. Now go somewhere and meet me here when classes are over.
He then let go of my hand and walked in the same direction as the other students, I think he didn't want to be late for class and get scolded by his Sensei.
I entered school, and I walked around aimlessly, in order to find a nice place to spend time, the cool thing was that there were those machines where they sell snacks and sweets, but unfortunately I didn't have any money with me. I stopped in front of one and looked at it, thinking about the flavor that chocolate must have, I'm sure it's good! Since I saw some people eating it.
— Huhhh~ — I closed my eyes imagining myself devouring that chocolate, but as soon as I opened it, I saw a reflection of a man. — Oh!
I moved away from the machine, thinking he wanted something from it, but he came towards me and stared at me, he had a slightly different appearance and a very strange smell too, it was the same smell that some adults had when they blew smoke out of their mouths.
— Hey, you want that chocolate, don't you? — the student asked me, and I nodded in agreement. — Let's do it like this, if you help me I'll give you the chocolate, do we have a deal?
— Help in what? — I said suspiciously. — Won't your sensei get mad if you don't go to class?
— No, of course not! I just missed something and unfortunately I can't get it, but I think you can do it for me, don't you?
I shrugged my shoulders and faced the man again, he had that typical appearance of someone who would always go to the board, but it's better for me to help a bully than be his next victim.
— Alright then, I guess there’s no problem....
Shame on me, selling myself for a chocolate, but I'm sure the Sakamakis wouldn't give me one if I asked them.
— Excellent! My name is Ren.
— My name is Kauze. — I smiled at him.
— Let's go then.
Ren took me to the school garden and we walked a little until we finally arrived at a window, it was a little high, and I quickly looked at it suspiciously.
— Come on, I'll lift you up and you'll climb in through the window, and then I'll run to the door and you open it for me, okay?
— Hey! Isn't this wrong? I will not do it! — I stamped my foot on the ground. — What if we get confused?
— Please, Kauze! I'm begging you man! There's something very important to me in there, I promise I won't get you in trouble, if someone catches you in there, they can blame it on me.
— Huh... Okay, but I'll have all the chocolates in the machine! — I pouted.
— All the chocolates?! You're going to bankrupt me like this, I can give you one of each, nothing more than that.
— Okay, I accept... — I said reluctantly. — Promise you're not cheating on me?
— I promise.
He then took me in his arms, lifting me as high as he could, he got to the point where he held my feet with his hands so that I was "standing", I just hope no one is seeing this, I grabbed hold of him. window sill and entered the room.
— I achieved! — he said from the window.
— Excellent! When you hear 3 knocks on the door, open it, ok?
He then ran away and I sighed, I think I should charge more for my "services" I looked around and it seemed to be a private room, like it belonged to the director or something, and that made me even more scared, no It took a long time for me to hear three knocks on the door and I opened it and luckily it was Ren.
— You're a bully, aren't you? — I questioned. — I'm sure that the student who only had a high grade wouldn't be here!
I stuck my tongue out at him, indignant at having helped a student like him, but Ren didn't seem to care that much about it, he just kept messing around with things in the room and I became more anxious, afraid of someone showing up.
— Oh! — He then took a paper and tore it up, I felt my soul leaving and returning from my body! This was so wrong! — What it was? You're paler than usual.
— You ripped it! — said in disbelief. — They'll know we're here!
— They won't, that was a paper that my parents were supposed to sign, but unfortunately he's no longer here and by the time they do another one I'll have made an excuse.
He then continued going through some things and grabbed a small box with some smelly sticks. I quickly placed my hand on my nose and grimaced.
—Ew! It's those businesses that make you smoke out of your mouth!
— They really are, and they're quite expensive by the way, now let's go.
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We then ran out of the place, I've never felt so "naughty" I just hope no one finds out what I did! Otherwise I'll stay in Reiji's basement for eternity!
— Hey Kauze, let's get your candys.
He held my hand and led me to the candy machine, and luckily he fulfilled his part of the deal and I finally had several chocolates! I quickly embraced my new "conquest"
— Thank you Ren! I loved!
— Hahaha, now you're not scared anymore, are you? Since I missed the first class because of our mission, I'll stay with you.
— All good! I like being around people. — I smiled and sat at a nearby table, and Ren sat next to me. — I've never had so many sweets!
— No?! How? I saw you arriving with those rich people. — he rolled his eyes. — Tell me, what are you of them?
— Well I... I... — and now? Reiji said I couldn't say anything about vampires, but he also didn't tell me what I should say. — Their father adopted me, that's all.
— Just that? So, does that mean you're an orphan?
— Yes... I lost my parents not long ago, but I'm lucky that their father adopted me and now I have a family again!
— I'm sorry for you, Kauze. I just hope those guys are treating you well. You know, I never really liked them, but I confess that it's really fun to play basketball against Ayato.
— I don't know them very well, since I've only been there for a short time... — I tried to talk to him, as I was afraid of saying too much and ending up saying something I shouldn't. — You play basketball? And Ayato too?! Cool!
— Yes, I must confess that he is very agile, it doesn't even look like he's a human sometimes, that's quite annoying.
I quickly gasped when he said that, could it be that he distrusts Ayato? What if someone blames me?! What if I'm grounded forever?!
— Hey Hey hey. I know you really like these sweets, but you don't need to kill yourself over it. — He patted my back a few times. - Are you well?
— Uhum! I'm just really happy to eat chocolate! Just that! — I tried to hide it. — Ren! Ren! I think you're wrong, sometimes Ayato can seem really fast, but I think he trains a lot for that, right?
— Yeah, you're right little guy! But one day I'll beat him, wait and see.
He ruffled my hair, and I laughed, he was really cool! Even though he is a mess and a bully, I think he has a good heart, as he was one of the only people who actually talked to me since I left Lord Karlheinz's mansion.
— Ren, can you be my friend? Even if it's just a little...?
— How can I deny it after this little adventure we had? You can count on me Kauze, if you need a bully like me to defend you, just call me.
— Same? Do you want to be my friend? In truth?!
— Well, I've never been friends with a kid before, but I think I can do this? Do not you think?
I quickly hugged him, nodding quickly in agreement with him, I finally made a friend! I thought this would be really difficult, but I'm glad I met Ren.
— Of course! You are very cool! I never had any friends either, so I think we can learn together, don't you?
— Yes of course.
He returned my hug, I think it was the first hug I had received in a long time, it was so good! I want to make lots of friends to receive lots of hugs every day! But soon he walked away from me, and I was surprised for a moment, and then I turned back and saw Shu.
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acruxhurricane · 7 months
Some interesting facts about the story I'm writing about Kauze.
It will be divided into two parts.
Kauze isn't the only OC in the story.
It will have characters of different nationalities.
Kauze will have vampire-age friends and child friends.
He will make friends with adult/teenage humans.
Some of the ocs that will appear
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acruxhurricane · 7 months
Kauze History.
Chapter 4: Cursed hair.
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I'm glad Reiji took me away from Ayato, he said he wanted me to meet the other residents of this house.
— Reiji, do you like being an adult?
— Why this question? I must say that as we grow up we have more responsibilities, but I'm happy because we receive more respect too. Or at least we should.
— I never want to be an adult! Never!
— How foolish, do you want to be like Ayato?
— No! Not like him...! I want to be like Mr. Karlheinz, he is strong, powerful and has a really nice house.
— You'll have a long way to go then.
— I think the secret is to have really long hair.
— Hah, you and your foolish ideas. Come on, you're taking up all my time.
He then took me to the living room, and soon all the other residents appeared, even the silly Ayato, but I didn't pay much attention to him, as a guy with a teddy bear caught my attention, he had a very strange appearance, but his teddy bear was cool, but Batman was much cooler.
— This is Kauze, the boy the father mentioned earlier. — Reiji said in a loud tone. — He will live here, indefinitely.
— That guy said not to kill him or hurt him either. — a blond boy who was lying on the sofa said. — Hah, this is so tiring.
Well, at least he remembered that these guys can't hurt me! If not, Mr. Karlheinz will give them a good scolding.
— Tsk! Why is this brat here? What is that old man up to?
A man with white hair punched the wall, and it cracked, which left me completely terrified, I quickly ran after Reiji.
— Subaru, you're scared, this little boy, fufu~ Children can be adorable, I'm sure I can teach him a lot. — The man in the hat looked at me. — Have you picked a favorite yet? You haven't even met me yet.
—... I'm sorry... — he said awkwardly.
— This filth is wearing my clothes?! — And then that weird guy came at me. — Apparently he wasn't chosen because of his appearance.
And then everyone laughed, I looked at my body, and then I looked at him, how could this fool say such a thing? And he kept talking.
— He's just skin and bones, besides those freckles on his face look like some kind of disease. Maybe if we shave his head, he might be acceptable.
These nasty comments made me very sad, am I really that ugly? Why was he saying these things to me? I looked at the other people here, but no one seemed interested in what had just happened, I just giggled awkwardly, but still, I was very embarrassed.
Soon after that, Reiji introduced them to me, saying the name of each of the vampires in this room and saying who was the oldest to the youngest. As soon as he finished doing that, some of them left the place, and I went to my room.
— This Kanato is so annoying, he must think he is the lord of eternal beauty to talk about me.
I grumbled as I lay down on the bed, I tossed and turned a little trying to fall asleep again, vampires had some very strange schedules when it came to sleeping, when they slept at all. I think I must have stayed like that for a while, until I finally managed to sleep.
Well, that's what I expected at least, since it didn't take long for someone to wake me up, I felt a cold hand pressing my cheek, and then I opened my eyes and saw that it was Laito.
— Laito! — I smiled at him — Hmm, I think it's because I'm really sleepy!
— You better get ready, we're going to school.
— Oh! And that's why you're dressed like that, I hadn't noticed... I liked your hat!
— Nfu~ Did you like it? You are a very smart little boy. I'm sure you're trying to win over everyone with your compliments.
— Not even! I will never praise Kanato, he has a soul darker than a starless night! — I mumbled. — He should think carefully before talking about other people's appearance.
I crossed my arms in frustration when I remembered what that annoying person said, but then Laito chuckled and lightly flicked my forehead.
— Just don't be alone with him, you hear? Now get dressed.
He opened the closet and took out a uniform, but I immediately found something strange, how could adults and children have classes at the same time? That didn't make much sense to me.
— Laito, isn't it too late for me to go to school? You're an adult, so it's okay to be out so late, but I... What if Mr. Karlheinz grounds me for leaving home so late?
— You won't have class Kauze, we just can't leave a child alone here. — He threw the uniform on the bed. — Hurry up, Reiji doesn't like delays.
And then he disappeared, I really wanted to know how to use that kind of power! It looks so cool! But I also didn't want to be scolded by Reiji, so I got ready as quickly as possible, the uniform was very nice, it was black and had some silver buttons. I was really curious to see what my backpack looked like, but I guess I'll only find out when I go to school, I mean... My school.
— Hmm~ — I had a little trouble fixing my hair, but I hope to one day learn it, it was a bit complicated actually, as it was wavy and well styled, but I think that part of it being styled is my fault. for not knowing how to tidy it up properly. — Well, I'm a child, if someone talks about my hair, I can blame it on one of the adults.
I laughed evilly, that would be really funny if it happened, but I wasted no time and quickly went down the stairs and ran to the garden, getting into the limousine with the Sakamakis, after all I didn't want to get scolded by Reiji, who, by the way, looked me up and down , I think he was trying to see if I dressed up properly.
— Have you ever been to a school? — Reiji asked while adjusting his glasses.
— No... But I promise I'll behave! First I'm going to look for a really cool place to stay! But soon after I'm going to the library, as I never went to school, I think I was a little behind with learning things, but I have to make sure I can stay very smart so as not to disappoint my future sensei. Oh! Oh! Will I make friends? It would be so cool to have a group of friends! The name would be "group of heroes", pretty cool, right?!
— Tsc, this boy talks a lot. —Subaru grumbled. — He only asked one question, he doesn’t need to tell you all his plans.
— I'm sorry... — he said embarrassed.
After that, no one said anything anymore, it was like we were playing that game of silence, that was a bit complicated, because I really liked talking and I wanted to make friends with one of them, like Laito, Reiji and even Shu! They look really cool! It's a shame that Shu was cursed with the yellow hair issue, maybe I'll ask him later how he dealt with it
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acruxhurricane · 7 months
I miss how Tumblr used to be, now it seems like everything has become a competition, and like, look, my story is better than yours, or look, my drawing is better than yours. And those who don't know how to draw so "well" or don't have such “engaging” stories end up being excluded.
0 notes
acruxhurricane · 7 months
Kauze History.
Chapter 3: Sakamaki Mansion.
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I stayed at Mr Karlheinz's mansion for two days, he gave me a pair of clothes, but they were a little big on me, and they smelled old, but at least I had something different to wear, and that made me happy! But... They weren't that pretty.
— Mr. Karlheinz, whose old man's clothes are these?
— They belonged to one of my sons, I believe that over time they will fit you completely. As you are in the development phase, I believe you should eat like a normal child until you gain more weight.
— Oh, is that why they're big on me?
— Exactly, but don't worry, I ordered my servants to provide you with new clothes.
—Oh! Oh! So.. I want something without it being yellow! I hate yellow!
— Huh, how curious, coming from someone who has hair that color.
—Exactly, this is my downfall, how can someone who has yellow hair wear yellow clothes? That would be so cheesy! Yuck!
— I understand, don't worry, I will pass this information on to them. — He put his hand on my back and started to lead me towards the exit. — Well, now I will take you to my children's mansion.
I nodded, but at the same time I was a little sad, since I didn't want to leave there, living with Mr. Karlheinz was really cool, he told me some things about the vampire universe, and he also told me about my parents
He had told me that he was a friend of my parents, and he told me that if it happened to them, he would take care of me, and that's exactly what happened, I think I'm very lucky that Mr. Karlheinz found me and I think my parents would be happy for him to be with me.
— Huh... I didn't want to go... — I said a little fearfully, as I sat in the limousine next to him. — What if they don't like me?
— They don't need to like you, just keep you alive and respect them, affection should come last, you hear?
I raised an eyebrow suspiciously, but then shrugged, if they don't like me, maybe I'll make other friends along the way.
— Huh, okay... But I like you!
— I am happy with that.
Well, this wasn't what I expected, but I guess Mr. Karlheinz is just a grumpy adult who doesn't talk about his feelings, so I made him a heart with my hands, and then I turned away from him and started looking to the window. I stayed like that for a while at the window, but soon fell asleep.
— Hey, Kauze. — I felt someone moving me, I opened my eyes, it was Mr. Karlheinz.
— Huuhh... — I ran my hand under my eyes and then stood up, picking up my Batman magazine. — Please don't leave me... I swear I won't bother you...
I said trying to convince him to stay with me, I didn't want to stay in the house of people I don't know, but as soon as I saw Mr. Karlheinz's irritated look, I immediately shut up and followed him to the entrance and then the door opened and we went to the entrance hall, there was a man with black hair and glasses, he smelled of tea and looked like he had drunk a very sour lemonade because of his angry face.
— So, this is the boy? — he looked at me, I quickly hid behind Mr. Karlheinz. — ... Apparently I'll have a lot of work ahead of me, but I'll do what you asked me to do, father.
— I know you will. — Mr. Karlheinz pulled me from behind him. — I'm leaving, remember what I asked you. I hope you behave, Kauze. And I want the boy alive, make that clear to your brothers.
And then Mr. Karlheinz disappeared, just like he did that day he found me, only this time he didn't take me with him, which made me very sad, but I didn't want to cry in front of this scary man.
— Hah... — I sighed sadly, but then looked at the man in front of me.
— You must be Kauze, right? Come with me. — He quickly started walking and I followed him. — We have rules in this house, so I hope you don't behave like a brat, otherwise I will punish you.
—...! — I looked at him scared, but then I shook my head. - I'll behave! I promise!
— Excellent.
He then opened the door to a room, it was quite large, but it looked like an adult's room, similar to the one I stayed in at Mr. Karlheinz's mansion, the difference was that the walls were in a lighter shade of blue.
— Yaaaay, there's no yellow! — I celebrated. - What is your name?
— Reiji Sakamaki. — He answered me. — I'm glad I don't need to tell you obvious things and you already understand what your room will be like, I want you to keep it organized. I'll take a look at it.
— Well, I don't have much to let him mess around with... — I shrugged and left a small suitcase next to the bed, inside it were my old clothes and my Batman magazine. — Hey, Reiji, are you the oldest?
— No, I'm the second son. The oldest is Shu, but he's a good-for-nothing, so he's not surprised that I have to do his job.
I raised my eyebrows and looked to the side, apparently they didn't get along at all, but I think it's better to stay out of it, as I wouldn't want to be in the middle of a fight between two adults.
—Hah, has the brat arrived yet?
Another man's voice appeared, and he had red hair and wore his clothes the wrong way, I quickly crossed my arms and pouted at him, who does this fool think he is?
—... — I looked at him sullenly.
— Frankly Ayato, you surpass yourself every day in terms of lack of education, but since you're here, I'll get on with my work. — Reiji looked at me. — This is Kauze, the boy Karlheinz mentioned.
— Heh, look at his clothes. — I felt him mocking me. — Hey, brat! I'm talking with you!
— Mr. Karlheinz told me that those clothes belonged to one of you, it's not my fault if you wore old people's clothes...
— Hah?! Wait! These clothes are Kanato's! — The silly redhead pointed at me. — You look ridiculous.
— I know! Do you think I like wearing this...?! I want more comfortable clothes.... Mr. Karlheinz said he would provide more clothes for me, but I'm afraid they'll be ugly too... — I lowered my head, already expecting my defeat.
—Heh, I was also trying to guess who they were. — Reiji looked at me too. — Still, they're pretty loose with you. You are certainly underweight. You should be grateful for these clothes, for a street kid you are demanding too much.
— I'm sorry, Reiji... — I said embarrassed, hugging my body so they wouldn't notice how thin I am. — Mr. Karlheinz told me I would gain weight if I ate enough food.
— Yes, that's obvious.
— Reiji, I'm not going to take care of this brat, you can get me out of this.
— Hey...! I know how to take care of myself very well, I just need help with adult things... — I said embarrassed.
Ayato was really annoying, why was he being so mean to me? I had just arrived! I didn't do anything that could make him mad at me, I moved a little away from him and approached Reiji, who didn't seem very nice either, but at least he wasn't talking bad about me.
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acruxhurricane · 7 months
Kauze History.
Chapter 2: Strangers like me.
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Mr. Karlheinz was a bit strange and mysterious, he didn't talk to me much during the time he took me away from people, his way of dressing was a bit funny, but of course I didn't say that to him.
— Where do you live? — I said a little curiously.
— Hah, sorry for making you walk so much Kauze, but I couldn't let the curious humans go after us.
Humans? What did he mean by that? I immediately tried to pull my hand away from his, but he held it so I wouldn't do it. Was he some kind of monster that the stories told? I remember very well hearing the story of a certain Slender Man among the other children!
— Let go of me Slender Man! — I tried to get rid of him.
—What are you saying boy? Tsc, really children tend to be very peculiar to me. — He sighed, he seemed a little irritated and that made me even more scared. — I'm a vampire Kauze, just like you.
I widened my eyes in fright, a vampire? Like Dracula! This was very strange, especially when he said that I was one too, I didn't really know how to act, since I was still very scared about it all, this guy must be crazy or something, and now he doesn't I wanted to let me go! Some tears started to fall and I started to cry, afraid of what he could do to me, why did I decide to follow a stranger after all? What's my problem?
— Why are you crying, Kauze? There's no reason for that, you should be proud to be a vampire. — He said in a firm tone. — Besides, it's rude to cry about being a vampire in front of the King of Vampires. Your parents may not have raised you well, but I'm sure I can fix it.
— You're scaring me... — I sobbed. — But...But you brought me in the middle of nowhere and didn't let me leave, and then you say that you're a vampire and that I'm one too... how do you think I can react to all this? Adults are scary!
— I'm sorry if the truth scares you, child. But I will clear all your doubts soon. You know if you were just a human boy I wouldn't bother helping you. But you are one of mine. Feel grateful for that.
I didn't say anything, I just nodded my head in agreement with him, I didn't want to get into any kind of danger or anything like that, besides he mentioned my parents again, which made me curious again. I had calmed down a little, but soon he took me in his arms, I immediately crossed my arms and pouted.
— Hey, I'm not a baby! — I said sullenly. — If you are a vampire, where are your powers? And do I have powers too?
I said it a little curiously, sometimes not being ordinary can be like receiving a great gift, I feel that ordinary people can be lonely and sad, and I didn't want to be that kind of person, I wanted to be someone happy and special. Even though Mr. Karlheinz is scary most of the time, he could also differentiate himself from other people, being different makes me curious and makes me want to get closer to him, I just hope I don't get in trouble because of it.
— That's what we're going to talk about, Kauze. — He answered me, and in the blink of an eye we were in a room, it seemed to be a living room or something.
— You came here in the blink of an eye! You really are a vampire! — I said, completely impressed. — You have to teach me how to use these powers! Please! Please!
I put my little hands together and made an abandoned dog face, I could finally become a hero if I also used powers or something, that would seem very unrealistic, but at the same time so charming, I would finally be useful for something.
— Unfortunately, I think your age is insufficient for that. I could keep you here with me, but I have a lot of things to sort out. — he put me on the floor. — I will leave you in the care of my children, until you grow up a little more and are ready for your Kauze training. I can guarantee that you will not disappoint me. I will give you a home and I will teach you how to use your powers when you are the right age, the only thing I ask in return will be your loyalty above all else, you will do everything I ask of you, won't you?
I looked at him, this could be some kind of trap, but I also knew that part of what he said was true, if he hadn't taken me away, I might still be on the streets, so I guess the least of it I could do was be very obedient.
— Humm... Okay! I don't think I'll have any problems with that. -I smiled - Your children? Are they nice?
— Yes of course. You will like them.
The way he spoke seemed a little strange to me, I think he was lying to me, but I know I shouldn't judge people before getting to know them well.
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acruxhurricane · 7 months
História do Kauze. PT/BR
Capítulo 2: Estranhos como eu.
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O Senhor Karlheinz era um tanto estranho e misterioso, ele não falava muito comigo durante o tempo em que ele me levava para longe das pessoas, a sua forma de se vestir era um tanto engraçada, mas é claro que eu não disse isso para ele.
— Onde você mora? — falei um tanto curioso.
— Hum, desculpe por fazer você andar tanto Kauze, mas não podia deixar que os humanos curiosos fossem atrás de nós.
Humanos? O que ele queria dizer com isso? Imediatamente tentei soltar minha mão da dele, mas ele a segurou para que eu não fizesse isso. Será que ele era algum tipo de monstro que as histórias contavam? Eu lembro muito bem de ter ouvido entre as outras crianças a história de um tal Slender Man!
— Me solta Slender Man! — Tentei me livrar dele.
— O quê você está dizendo garoto? Tsc, realmente crianças tendem a ser bem peculiares para mim. — Ele suspirou, parecia um tanto irritado e isso me deixou com mais medo ainda. — Eu sou um vampiro Kauze, assim como você.
Arregalei os olhos assustado, um vampiro? Tipo o Drácula! Isso era bem estranho, principalmente na hora que ele disse que eu era um também, eu não sabia muito bem como agir, já que ainda estava bem assustado com isso tudo, esse cara deve ser algum doido ou algo do tipo, e agora ele não queria deixar eu ir embora! Algumas lágrimas começaram a cair e eu comecei a chorar, com medo do que ele poderia fazer comigo, porquê eu resolvi seguir um estranho afinal? Qual é o meu problema?
— Porquê está chorando Kauze? Não há motivos para isso, deveria ter orgulho de ser um vampiro. — Ele disse em um tom firme. — Além disso, é rude chorar por ser vampiro na frente do Rei dos vampiros. Seus pais não podem ter educado bem, mas tenho certeza que posso dar um jeito nisso.
— Você está me assustando... — solucei. — Mas...Mas você me trouxe no meio do nada e não me deixou ir embora, e aí fala que é um vampiro e que eu sou um também... como acha que eu posso reagir com tudo isso? Os adultos são assustadores!
— Sinto muito se a verdade lhe assusta criança. Mas irei tirar todas suas dúvidas em breve. Sabe que se você fosse apenas um garoto humano eu não daria ao trabalho de ajudá-lo. Mas você é um dos meus. Sinta-se agradecido por isso.
Eu não disse nada, apenas balancei a cabeça concordando com ele, eu não queria entrar em algum tipo de perigo ou algo do parecido, fora que ele novamente mencionou sobre os meus pais, o que me deixou curioso novamente. Eu havia me acalmando um pouco, mas logo ele me pegou em seus braços, eu imediatamente cruzei meus braços e fiz um biquinho.
— Ei, eu não sou um bebê! — disse emburrado. — Se você é um vampiro, onde estão seus poderes? E eu tenho poderes também?
Disse um tanto curioso, as vezes não ser comum pode ser como ganhar um grande presente, sinto quê as pessoas comuns podem ser solitárias e tristes, e eu não queria ser esse tipo de pessoa, queria ser alguém feliz e especial. Mesmo o Senhor Karlheinz sendo assustador a maior parte do tempo, ele também poderia se diferenciar das outras pessoas, o diferente me deixa curioso e me faz querer se aproximar dele, só espero não me meter em problemas por causa disso.
— É disso que vamos conversar Kauze. — Ele respondeu para mim, e em um piscar de olhos estávamos em um cômodo, parecia ser uma sala ou algo do tipo. — Chegamos.
— Você veio para cá em um piscar de olhos! Você é mesmo um vampiro! — disse totalmente impressionado. — Você tem que me ensinar a usar esses poderes! Por favor! Por favor!
Juntei minhas mãozinhas e fiz uma carinha de cachorro abandonado, eu finalmente poderia me tornar um herói se também usasse poderes ou algo do tipo, isso pareceria muito irreal, mas ao mesmo tempo tão encantador, eu finalmente iria servir para algo.
— Infelizmente creio que sua idade seja insuficiente para isso. Eu poderia manter você aqui comigo, mas tenho muitas coisas para resolver. — ele me colocou no chão. — Irei deixar você sob os cuidados de meus filhos, até que você cresça mais um pouco e esteja pronto para seu treinamento Kauze. Posso garantir de quê você não irá me decepcionar. Eu irei dar a você um lar e vou te ensinar a usar seus poderes quando você tiver a idade certa, a única coisa que eu peço em troca, será a sua lealdade acima de tudo, você fará tudo quê eu lhe pedir, não é?
Eu olhei para ele, isso poderia ser um tipo de armadilha, mas também eu sabia que uma parte do que ele falava, era verdade, se ele não tivesse me levado embora, eu poderia ainda estar nas ruas, então acho que o mínimo do que eu poderia fazer era ser bem obediente.
— Hum... Tudo bem! Acho que eu não vou ter problemas em relação a isso. — sorri. — Os seus filhos? Eles são bonzinhos?
— Sim, claro. Você vai gostar deles.
O jeito que ele falou me pareceu um pouco estranho, acho que ele estava mentindo para mim, mas sei que não devo julgar as pessoas antes de as conhecer bem.
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acruxhurricane · 8 months
Kauze History.
Chapter 1: The Beginning.
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I think it's been a few weeks since I've been living on the streets, sometimes I questioned myself if I ever had a family that really loved me, I didn't really understand why I was here alone.
The last thing I remember was a blonde man throwing me from a high place, and then an explosion and then I woke up on the edge of a lake with a really big bruise on my head, luckily it doesn't hurt anymore and It's already healing, but I also had some problems while looking for help in the first few days.
Some adults hurt me a lot, before I trusted them, but now whenever one comes near me, I try to hide as much as I can. I feel like I'm not doing the right thing, since they could help me in some way, it's getting scarier every day to stay here alone.
I was sitting near an alley, when I heard someone's footsteps approaching, I quickly hid in a cardboard box, where I sometimes slept, but the footsteps got even closer to me.
— I finally found you, child. — The strange man said to me. He looked very serious, even if he showed a short smile.
I looked at him carefully, he had long, white hair, his eyes were like honey bees, but bright and he smelled different from other people.
— ... — I didn't say anything to him, after all, he was a stranger! What if he took me to a bad place? I stuck my tongue out at him and crossed my arms, turning my back to him.
There's no need to be afraid, I know who you are. — He approached me. — Come with me, Kauze.
I quickly looked at him, one of the few things I remember was my name, this man really knew something about me, was he a trustworthy adult? I didn't want to stay here alone anymore, even though I wasn't that hungry, I still felt like eating, and that was something I couldn't do here, besides being cold.
— You... you promise you won't hurt me, sir? — I said a little fearfully, approaching him carefully. - What is your name?
— Of course I won't hurt him. You are something important that I need. — He grabbed a strand of my messy hair. — My name is Karlheinz. Karlheinz Sakamaki. Come with me Kauze.
He extended his hand to me, I looked into his eyes carefully, he seemed to be someone very important by the way he dressed and behaved, what would someone like him want with someone like me? A street boy? I didn't know very well, but he didn't look like a villain from the cartoons I watched in store windows.
— Hum... Okay! — I hold his hand back. But I soon remembered something important. — Wait!
I quickly let go of his hand and walked away a little, looking at the floor and looking for something, until I finally found it, it was a Batman comic book, my favorite hero.
— Look! — I showed it to the man. — It's Batman! — I pointed to the drawing.
- Interesting. We can go?
— Yes! — I held Karlheinz's hand again, although with him.
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acruxhurricane · 8 months
Photo of Kauze's brother who doesn't look anything like him but I swear they are brothers
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acruxhurricane · 8 months
Inserting a lost older brother into Kauze's story because he needs someone at least responsible to tell him about his family
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acruxhurricane · 8 months
Irei incluir alguns poemas/musicas do Chico Buarque na historia do Kauze pq eles são tão lindinhos
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acruxhurricane · 8 months
E dai q eu não sei desenhar, pelo menos os meus The Sims são lindos de bonitos
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acruxhurricane · 9 months
Yes, I've already stopped following people for posting photos or reposting photos of organs or blood, like I don't understand the aesthetics of you posting a person devouring a heart full of blood on your profile, at least put a warning
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acruxhurricane · 9 months
I miss the time when the community was much more focused on PR, of course I like to watch the arts or something, but PR has always been my main focus
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acruxhurricane · 9 months
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I drew Kauze in total drama style, they would clearly be eliminated because they would freak out when they lost a test because of their group.
I also made myself because I'm an existing human being, and yes I wear these tacky clothes from the 2000s
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acruxhurricane · 9 months
Translation: I really want to delete it because it doesn't have any interaction, but I'm not going to do that because I like the only interaction this blog has
Sorry for the question, but is this blog abandoned? I only see one interaction that doesn't belong to the DL universe, so now the blog is focused only on that interaction or does it continue in the DL fandom?
// Hello! It's not abandoned, it's just that people prefer to interact with the child Kauze instead of the adult Kauze, so that's why there's never anything related to DL here, simply due to the lack of interaction lol, but I'd really like to try to revive this blog somehow, but for now he's creating cobwebs because of it 💓💓
I confess that sometimes I get really discouraged and I wonder if I shouldn't exclude him straight away, but as I do an RPG with someone I really like and the story is really fun, I end up keeping him because of that.
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acruxhurricane · 9 months
Tumblr leaving that tool to delete the blog so easily in the app just makes me very concerned about deleting Kauze's adult profile lol
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