achilleserased · 2 years
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He grinned, watching Hizashi for a moment too. Now, that was a guy who looked like he knew how to have a good time and did so often. “Y'know you’re right, no reason I can’t hand our condoms while I’m getting plastered. Just gotta remember to not try and fly home.” There was definitely a bit of irony at being the fastest hero taking the train. “Yeah you guys look like you’re having a blast.”
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“Just remember to stay safe yourself,” He advised, trying to be a voice of reason-- as if he ever wasn’t. However the idea of Hawks taking public transport amused him enough to make his smile a little more noticeable even if it was brief. “It’s nice,” Aizawa admitted. “Are you here with anyone or just by yourself?”
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achilleserased · 2 years
Naughty Little Meme
❤ : Where on their body is your muse most sensitive? ✿ : Has your muse ever had sex before? ☜ : Does your muse like to top? ☞ : Does your muse like to bottom? ∀ : Your muse’s favorite position? ☺ : How often does your muse masturbate? ☂ : How long does it take your muse to hit climax, usually? ✌ : Is your muse good with their hands? ♡ : Does your muse have any birthmarks or scars they get embarrassed about others seeing? Á : Is your muse loud in bed? ⚔ : Does your muse have any specific kinks? ☌ : Would/does your muse have any special piercings anywhere? Would they get some? ♥ : Does your muse like to cuddle after sex? Anything else for aftercare?
👅-Would they rather give or receive oral sex? 👠-Do they watch pornography? If so, what kind? 💋-Do they use tongue when they kiss? 😈-Favorite sex position? 👎🏻-What is an absolute deal breaker in the bedroom? 🐶-Favorite pet name they like to be called? 👄-Do they swallow? 👙-Favorite outfit in the bedroom? 💦-Best place for their partner to cum on/in? 🌶-Most sensitive place on their body? 👑-Daddy kink, yes or no? 💍-Ever had an affair? 🏢-Most public place they’ve had sex, or would like to have sex? 🍒-When and how did they lose their virginity, if they have?
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achilleserased · 2 years
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katsuki hesitates for a while longer than he’d like to admit before he takes aizawa’s hand and stands up. a more rational thought of his brain realizes that aizawa wouldn’t actually hurt him. another part of his brain argues that he would deserve it.
katsuki looks down, expression hard to read as it often were. he didn’t want to cry again, but he debated it regardless. he was tired, so tired. he shook, trembling as he followed after aizawa. “s’okay.”
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he figured he would do what he could. shota guided him back to the car, opening the door for him. “are you hungry?” he figured hizashi would already have a place at the table set for him anyway, but it didn’t hurt to ask. it would probably help him figure out what to do once they actually got home-- if he would join them or just get a space to decompress.
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achilleserased · 2 years
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is he aware the other person spilling his coffee was an accident? yes. is he legitimately upset? no. is that going to stop him from being a dramatic asshole? absolutely not.
“it’s because i’m trans isn’t it?” it wasn’t very accusatory,  just spoken in his usual even tone. he was joking, though it was hard to tell if you didn’t know him well.
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achilleserased · 2 years
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Man, Eraserhead was a cool guy, he bet his kids loved him. “Hell yeah!” He answered happily, seeming to fall back into his regular self. “Though I’m stuck between trying to be the friendly patrol making sure everyone has condoms and stays hydrated, or being the guy the friendly patrollers are worries about. Whatabout you?”
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“You could probably pull off both.” Should he encourage it? Probably not. But he could be encouraging much worse. He gestured to Hizashi after spotting him, the loud mouth also giving out dad hugs and seeming to be having a good time doing so. At least he wasn’t doing anything ridiculous at the moment. “I’ve been babysitting him and giving out dad hugs. It’s not bad.” Which translated to he was having fun.
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achilleserased · 2 years
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Hawks hugged onto hi. tightly, usually a little hesitant with prolonged contact, he was surprised to find himself not wanting to let go right away. Shit, maybe it had been too long since he had a hug, or maybe his daddy issues liked to raise their ugly head during this time of year. He grinned when he let go, hoping his flight goggles hid the way his eyes were burning. “Thanks man! You’re doing good work out here, that was a quality dad hug.”
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Sho didn’t really question it-- a lot of people were after comfort and he never let go before the other person was ready to. If you needed a hug, you needed a hug and usually that meant more than a few seconds. if he noticed anything about Hawks’ eyes he certainly didn’t say so, it wasn’t his place to bring it up. “I’ve had a lot of practice.” He replied with a very slight smile before he looked around a bit. “Enjoying yourself?” 
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achilleserased · 2 years
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achilleserased · 2 years
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Hawks was plastered in pride patches, and definitely not ignoring a shot at human contact, especially during the gayest time of the year. “Hey, I haven’t had a dad hug in years!” He opened his arms, wings flaring out happily behind him.
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while sho wasn’t overly fond of human contact aside from a few people, this time of year was his exception. he was a little amused and sad at the comment, readjusting his pride bracelets before opening his arms for hawks. “guess i better fix that,” he was trying, okay?
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achilleserased · 2 years
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he’s got the free dad hugs shirt on. go feral.
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achilleserased · 2 years
the feral urge to draw aizawa in a “free dad hugs” shirt and some kind of trans and pan pride little accents to the outfit tho
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achilleserased · 2 years
slides in. anyone interested in a bunch of pokemon trainers/professors on my pokemon multi?
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achilleserased · 2 years
slides in. anyone interested in a bunch of pokemon trainers/professors on my pokemon multi?
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achilleserased · 2 years
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                                          I AM MADE OF LOVE
                          AND IT’S STRONGER THAN YOU
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achilleserased · 2 years
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                                          I AM MADE OF LOVE
                          AND IT’S STRONGER THAN YOU
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achilleserased · 2 years
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if you must fight, fight with yourself and your thoughts in the night if you must work work to leave some part of you on this earth
if you must live, darling one just live
bnha oc, sideblog to crypticdeku 
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achilleserased · 2 years
internet historian prompts
here’s a collection of quotes from various  internet historian videos that can be used for drabble prompts or roleplay starters. as always, enjoy and have fun!
tay a.i. | the people’s chatbot
“it’s well known that one day, soon, artificial intelligence will take over.” “those of us who are not immediately slaughtered by our robot overlords will be kept as pets.” “depraved. electronic. fantasies.” “that day has been postponed.” “maybe it could learn the wrong things.” “it was the one thing big companies seem to be afraid of: naughty opinions.” “ted cruz would never have been satisfied with destroying the lives of only five innocent people.” “the more she offended people the more endearing she became.” “today’s weather will be great happy sunshine. kill all humans.” “dirty robosexuals.” “look at his dead eyes. he doesn’t give a damn.” “a vacuum cleaner hose… i don’t know who’s doing the cheating but somebody’s doing the cheating.” “the only thing worse than robosexual marriage is infidelity in a robosexual relationship.”
the failure of fyre festival
“hi there. you’re probably wondering how i got this tan.” “i bought my ticket immediately.” “we’re basically in the parking lot of a sandals resort.” “don’t forget your complementary cup of unicef rice.” “this guy took all his drugs on the flight over. he’s the only one having any fun.” “fuck it, let’s party, man!” “it’s been five hours and there’s no food.” “tons of free tequila!” “i heard rumors of feral dogs.” “the closest beach has a rampant shark problem.” “no one knows who’s in charge.” “i was, um… uh, rescuing someone, helping them out and i, uh, got lost in the woods.” “how did it go so wrong?” “you can thank fake news for that.” “it’s time to go home.”
the cost of concordia
“it’s been eight years.” “i remember it like it was just a few years ago.” “that ship? aye, she was cursed.” “nothing could go wrong on friday the thirteenth. 2012.” “i’ve got a good feeling about this.” “the locals hate it, but the customers love it!” “remember this face because you’ll be seeing a lot of it.” “it’s day fifty six of playing russian roulette. seems i never win.” “gonna drink all by yourself?” “somebody has to.” “i’m looking for this fella. i gots to find him, it’s breaking my little heart.” “sometimes when you follow a case it follows you back.” “i took the breaks off my car. a man like me never really learned how to stop.” “shut the fuck up.” “that’s right, your husband is dead. merry christmas.” “let’s just say we had a black out.” “things are really bad and they’re not going to improve.” “the captain has abandoned ship.” “i slipped and fell into one of the life boats.” “oop, i’m a klutz.”  “the captain abandoned ship like a coward.” “who steals a big fuck off bell?” “how did we get here? oh, right sex with the captain.” “nobody questions you when you’re the captain’s lover.” “oh god, not again.” “how much money do you think this is worth?” “uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…” “pls no sue.” “buenas noches ya later.” “not content with abandoning his ship, this dude is determined to abandon his wife as well.”
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achilleserased · 2 years
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                                       THIS MEANS WAR!
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