achildinamask · 10 years
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Thank you all for getting me this far! You have no idea how much motivation you give me! So, I’ll be posting my first follow forever! All you really have to do to get on here is interact with me! So, without further ado, let us begin!
I’d explain the prerequisites for being on here, but...
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achildinamask · 10 years
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Source : http://pixiv.net/member.php?id=2103562
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achildinamask · 10 years
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achildinamask · 10 years
She stared at the other, smiling even wider than before. “Ya do too? Yay! We could train tagether some time! Only if ya want of course~”
redtheultimatetrainer viridisaemulum cultofminds She laughed as she watched her pokemon train in her own secret training grounds. It was rather deep in the forest, so not even Papa knew of it, and it was where she could stay as Sapphire for as long as she liked. “Toro! Fire blast! Come…
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achildinamask · 10 years
"… I apologize if this seems rude, but what in earth did you just say?"
crackthategg so-vehement enhxrmonic
"Yes? What do you require?"
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achildinamask · 10 years
She stared at the other. She has never met someone in her entire life who didn’t even recognize a pokemon. She took a deep breath, suppressing the urge not to hit the other. “…So is it correct that from that extract of our conversation, I could assume that you are not even a trainer?”
"… this is an example of a pokemon. Does this seem any familiar? Are you a novice trainer, or have yet to start your journey?" She asked, staring at the other. It was odd. Maybe he didn’t even come from the pokemon world? Though that is a rather far fetched assumption.
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achildinamask · 10 years
She let herself be pulled along, following the other, feeling rather nervous. What if her father found out? Will she be banned from seeing a “bad influence” like him again? Will the people over there report her behavior? Will the media turn this into something much worse? She looked all around her as she thought so, the music and her excitement only suppressing her fears a little as she shivered a little.
Continued (franticshipping ship has sailed!)
  She can’t helped but blush a bit. “Idiot Priss boy…” she grumbled, doing her best to hide the growing blush and to resist the temptation not to pull away.
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achildinamask · 10 years
"I didn’t exactly made it myself…" she mumbled, looking away for a bit. "I may have kept practicing before I actually made one for you… would you just please hurry up and go to the base already?" She tried to sound like her annoying and impatient self. She made sure she had at least two hours to practice three weeks prior to the date, and she was silently praying to Arceus that all the extra reports she had to do to receive permission to do such a thing was entirely worth it.
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achildinamask · 10 years
She took a small gulp discreetly. “… the name to refer to me as depends on your reason for coming, and I doubt you’re here just for a chit-chat session.” She mumbled as coldly as she could muster, before keeping quiet as she listened. An offer? Maybe it’s just to battle? “Name it. Though, I would like to know something. What happens if I were to decline it?”
"Who are you and make it quick!" She growled as she turned to whoever opened the door, ready to smash a book across, before halting her hands as she stared at him, before putting down her book and doing her best to mask her fear from him. "R-Red senpai….
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achildinamask · 10 years
She stared at the other, doing her best to conceal a grin that is forming, just from watching his current behavior. "I’ve finished reviewing my project proposal, so I have some time now." She turned to the other, before turning away, afraid that he might see her rather large smile. "I’ll like that. Anything in particular you would like to eat, though? The cafe I was referring to focus more in pastries instead of meals that can be considered filling.
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achildinamask · 10 years
"Y-Ya do?" She stopped and looked at him. She didn't understand anything. Why was she so happy? It's just a present for him. Nothing else. "…Ya-You're just being polite… anyway, come on. The cake's gonna melt if you don't hurry up. It's difficult to make ice-cream cake, alright?'
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achildinamask · 10 years
"Oh yea. Open it." She mumbled as she tossed the box over, glaring at her "hand", which was not willing to let go. She silently argued with herself, watching as he had the box with him. It contained a small locket that looked like a Luvdisc, which contained photos of them together.
"No! It is! J-just you and Yellow are the only ones who remembered." He wiped his tears and smiled. "Sorry. I-I don’t normally get this emotional."
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achildinamask · 10 years
She can't helped but blush a bit. "Idiot Priss boy…" she grumbled, doing her best to hide the growing blush and to resist the temptation not to pull away.
"So, let’s finish getting you ready so we can go. I can’t wait to dance with the most beautiful girl there." Ruby smiled as he took her hand and handed her a pair of flats. He didn’t want her getting injured dancing in heels.
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achildinamask · 10 years
"Well I know, that’s why I got worried." She chuckled a little, before sighing. "Well, least Yellow-senpai remembered. Usually on mine, no one does. Papa keeps me at home ta work like usual, so even if someone did remember, I won’t know…" she mumbled, before pulling her face into a smile. "Well, let’s go celebrate! I made some cake and it’s in ta base now!"
Ruby's Birthday cont. With achildinamask
"No! It is! J-just you and Yellow are the only ones who remembered." He wiped his tears and smiled. "Sorry. I-I don’t normally get this emotional."
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achildinamask · 10 years
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achildinamask · 10 years
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achildinamask · 10 years
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