aceattorneydatesim · 7 years
Sorry for the lack of updates on the date sim. My friend and I have been busy doing things and of course real life. We are trying to think of how this sim will go. And of course we are also looking for help. If anyone loves Ace Attorney and you guys love this idea of a date sim, please spread the word! Thank you!
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aceattorneydatesim · 7 years
Ace Attorney Date Sim
Just to let everyone know, the blog for the Ace Attorney date sim is now up. If you want the latest updates from this game, have any questions, or any advice to give about it, please feel free to drop by! Thank you!
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aceattorneydatesim · 7 years
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A sneak peek of the Ace Attorney Date Sim intro screen. My friend Bianca and I are really getting into this. XD So far we have a good idea of how the introduction will go. Not to mention when it comes to picking the guys, you’re given eight cases that have titles as well as hints of which bachelor you are going for. We are trying to figure out how each case goes as well as the story of the bachelor you are persuading.
Also another question, should I make a separate Tumblr account just for this Date Sim? I probably should so I can make updates of how this is going. Plus I don’t want to keep using my art blog to post something like this. Please let me know! Would greatly help out. And probably give a shout out for this date sim!
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aceattorneydatesim · 7 years
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Here are all the bachelors and their info. Yes even Gumshoe is in this. Hopefully i will figure everything out for this date sim. Anyway that is all. XD
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aceattorneydatesim · 7 years
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Have your eyes on your favorite Ace Attorney character? Wish you can date him and eventually marry him? Now you can with this game! Play as a female rookie detective who is assigned to Los Angeles’s police department and see if love is looking for you. Who will you go for? Will you be able to balance your job and love life? You have a whole list of options to choose from. Will you date the famous defense attorney Phoenix Wright? Or the serious Chief Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth? Maybe the loud Apollo Justice? Or the suave Klavier Gavin? Or even, there are other bachelors you can choose from! This is a date sim that came to mind. I’m such an Ace Attorney fangirl. I just thought of this because seriously, there is really no Ace Attorney date sim. If there are, I haven’t found them. But yeah, my best friend Bianca and I are thinking of making this date sim. I’m not sure how this will go. I am still thinking of how the routes will go and of course the endings. If anyone wants to help with this, feel free! I am always looking for help! I would really like to make this Ace Attorney Date Sim be real! If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask!
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