ace-of-kings · 20 hours
I love to misread replies as reptiles. There are reptiles on my posts sometimes
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ace-of-kings · 20 hours
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Love and Insect Hashira 🩷💜
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ace-of-kings · 20 hours
I start with P and end with ORN what am I?
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ace-of-kings · 20 hours
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ace-of-kings · 20 hours
Uni's magical Mario Galaxy adventure..
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ace-of-kings · 20 hours
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ace-of-kings · 20 hours
No we’re not mutuals I’m in an unrequited following with them
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ace-of-kings · 20 hours
I'm sorry but I will never ever use goon as slang for a guy who jacks off a lot or whatever it apparently means now. A goon is a guy in a clown mask and purple tank top who sees a caped crusader swooping down to beat up him and his buddies and yells "IT'S DA FREAKIN' BAT!" and I will accept nothing else.
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ace-of-kings · 20 hours
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Still the funniest panels “dude no way you would do all that work just to be friends with me that’s so stupid” and then he gets decked like, there is more going on but also it’s so funny to just think Kabru was annoyed that Laois was making fun of his friend making skills and just punches him
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ace-of-kings · 20 hours
One of the best stories I ever read as a child was a fantasy novel by some local dude selling books out of a suitcase on the sidewalk downtown, and I don't remember what it was called or who the author was, and it's so obscure that no matter how many elements I remember, I've never been able to find it through web searches. I only vaguely remember the story - it was a love story, something about a tower on an island and two characters on a quest to discover their forgotten past. They fall in love and at the end the only way to stay together is to allow themselves to forget again, and you realize that they're right where they started, in the exact same tower, and they're doomed to go on this same quest over and over again, never completed, but that also means they'll fall in love over and over again forever. And I remember how that ending blew up my little child brain into a million pieces.
I don't know what happened to the book, and I'll probably never read it again, but if you're somewhere out there and you were once selling fantasy novels from a suitcase on the sidewalk in the suburbs of Chicago, and if you ever felt like your writing never meant anything or went anywhere except a hundred copies you had printed yourself and sold for almost nothing, please know that your story buried itself in my young brain and has probably shaped my worldview in ways even I don't understand.
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ace-of-kings · 20 hours
i keep thinking about the graphic designer pride flag
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ace-of-kings · 20 hours
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ace-of-kings · 20 hours
in a perfect world what character would you own a life size cardboard cutout of. you get one and I want you to answer in the tags with your heart. if you asked me right now I would say columbo
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ace-of-kings · 20 hours
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No cartoons today. I am full of surprises
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ace-of-kings · 20 hours
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i dreamt i made this image
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ace-of-kings · 20 hours
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ace-of-kings · 20 hours
Quick – we’re reviving the grand early 2000s tradition whereby the next game in a popular franchise which until now has had absolutely nothing to do with racing inexplicably turns out to be a racing game. Which franchise do you choose, and what do they drive?
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