ace-croissant · 21 days
you say lust is evil and a sin until someone is asexual and suddenly sex is natural and makes us human
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ace-croissant · 29 days
What I say: Damn, that guy's hot.
What I mean: I love that facial structure. I need to study it, learn to draw it, and use it for my art. Also, I want that haircut.
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ace-croissant · 3 months
I cannot stress enough how important it is that whatever you think of anything else, Trump Cannot Be President Again.
The "rip apart democracy and install an autocrat" group was not Ready for him in 2016. They didn't think he'd win.
They're ready now. They're teeing up for a second Trump president. Whatever your favorite current Thing, it would be worse under Trump, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they're going to try to make sure that they stay in power forever, by any means necessary.
SCOTUS basically just said, "If Trump sends the Army in to murder protestors, that's okay. If Trump assassinates a political rival with the armed forces of which he is the Commander In Chief, that's an official act, and there's no recourse."
Anything he can even vaguely justify as "an official act" - including installing people in the Justice Department to support his coup, including pressuring his VP to support his coup - is no longer a crime.
This isn't just me saying this, btw. Here's Robert Reich, lifelong public servant (and yes, dad of @samreich, since I know what's important to y'all):
Finally, the Republican-appointed justices have given a dangerous amount of discretion to presidents — broad enough, as Justice Sonia Sotomayor noted in her dissent, to protect presidents from prosecution for bribes and assassinations. A president already has the authority under the Insurrection Act to order troops into American streets. After today’s ruling, those troops would be under the command of a person who would almost certainly enjoy absolute immunity for the orders he gives them.
This is unbelievably terrifying.
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ace-croissant · 4 months
Friendly reminder that LGBTQ+, Queer, and LGBT+ are the preferred terms for the community (x).
Friendly reminder that Queer is approved by 72.9% of the people, and the groups who don’t prefer it’s use as an umbrella term are straight people, exclusionists, transmeds, truscums, sex-negative people, and sex work critical people (x).
Friendly reminder that aros and aces are excluded only 9.2% / 8.1% of the time respectively while being included  78.9% / 81.2% of the time (x)
Friendly reminder that exclusionists are in the minority and aro/ace people are included in the LGBTQ+ community by the people within the community.
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ace-croissant · 5 months
Sometimes I forget sexual attraction is a real thing and not just a sometimes funny gimmick y’all joke about
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ace-croissant · 6 months
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A Condensed Timeline of Early Anti-Ace Blogging infographic by Coyote
[Transcript under the cut]
Keep reading
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ace-croissant · 6 months
I made a couple of flow charts for the ace and aro spectrums! Not meant to be taken 100% factual- you know yourself better than a basic flowchart. They’re mainly just for fun, though they can also be a good start for anyone questioning!
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(Free to use as long as you keep my url on them and aren’t making money off it!)
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ace-croissant · 6 months
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@cryptotheism your shitpost about Father John Yogurt has been heavy on mind ever since I read it and I had an Urge
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ace-croissant · 6 months
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ace-croissant · 6 months
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gonna be real for a minute. how do you kiss someone for LESS than twenty minutes
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ace-croissant · 7 months
My darling fellow aces out there,
What's your favourite non-sexual act of intimacy?
Mine's gotta be brushing/stroking/playing with someone's hair. Love the tingles 🥰
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ace-croissant · 7 months
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ace-croissant · 8 months
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ace-croissant · 8 months
Wanted to get people's thoughts on this
Please rb for greater sample size!
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ace-croissant · 8 months
I wanna see how much of the tumbr user base is queer so I made this 😋
Reblog for larger sample size! ☺️
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ace-croissant · 8 months
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ace-croissant · 8 months
Every sexuality poll on here ends with the very large majority in either bi/pan or asexual. Kinda crazy, you could call the general sexuality of this website All or Nothi-
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