accipiter-solitarius · 10 years
Alan surprised himself by flushing lightly.  Look at him, a middle aged man alone in his bedroom blushing like a preteen.  He rubbed at his eyes and sighed, brows furrowing together.  He wasn’t quite sure how…committed…he and Will were.  Or if there was anything to commit to.  His eyes wandered to his bedroom window but the night was dark and moonless and offered him no landscape to escape to.   [text] Why not just ask him?
[text] I’m not one for claiming people, regardless.
Will may seem a bit sharp but I’m sure if you’re polite about it he’ll tell you how he feels if nothing else— Alan stares at the words he’s typed in.  What was he doing?  Helping set someone else up with his friend? (Possibly more than a friend.)  He deleted it and sat there for a moment, debating with himself. [text] Will’s a grown man.  If you’re close enough with him that you’re sincerely interested you can talk to him.  
[text] This is easier.
[text] And I get to see the look on your face
[text] I prefer more genuine reactions.
Matthew bit down on his lip and waited, hunched between the branches of one of the trees dotted around the little house. Balancing carefully on a thicker one closer to the trunk. Perhaps the man would panic. Or perhaps he’d be angry.
Matthew waited.
[MSG]:I heard you and Mister Graham are an item.
Jealous Messages
Mister Graham?  What was this?  One of his students?  Alan’s nose wrinkled at the thought and he considered not replying at all.  After a few long moments, though, his curiosity got the better of him and he sighed before typing in:[text] Who is this?
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accipiter-solitarius · 10 years
          “There we go, that’s a little better…”
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                         “——What’s in it for me?”
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“Honestly... Hadn’t expected to get this far.... Uh... What do you want?”
"Suck my dick."
Send me “Suck my dick.” For my Muse’s reaction to yours demanding this to them.
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          “—— I didn’t hear any manners, Mr. Brown.”
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accipiter-solitarius · 10 years
Billy squinted at the text as if he could glare through the phone at the other.  At least it seemed he’d been spying on Will and not him.  Speaking of, how the hell would he know it wasn’t Will cuddling up with someone who looked an awful lot like him instead of the other way around?  Billy huffed. [text] You gotta lay off the smoke son
[text] You’re seeing shit
[text] Only lay I’ve had this week’s been a redhead and she’s a pretty petite compared to me 
It seemed like a clumsy lie to Billy but it would do until he could talk to Will.  He shot his brother a message to call him when he got the chance and frowned as he input another to Matthew. [text] Don’t tell me Will’s got you checking up on me too now
[text] I told him to have you do house work if he wanted to keep you busy
Matthew’s brow furrowed as he looked down at the messages. There was something off here. He could have been mistaken, he had been quite drunk when he thought he saw the Graham twins doing things no siblings should ever do. But of all things, why would he see that?
[text] Never touched the stuff. I’m a good boy.
[text] I’m watching you, Graham.
[MSG]:How serious is it between you two?
Jealous Messages
Billy raised an eyebrow at the text and glanced around the room.  Who exactly had Matthew seen him with?  Why exactly was Will’s little pet project spying on him?  He huffed through his nose and gave the phone a disapproving scowl.  He really shouldn’t be surprised, should he?[text] Who the fuck are you talking about?
There weren’t many people he’d consider himself serious with.  Well, just Will in the way Matthew was meaning, probably.  Then again he was in some pretty deep shit with Dimitri and his boys—but that was a-whole-nother can of worms. 
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accipiter-solitarius · 10 years
          “There are other, safer ways of getting my attention, Matthew,” he remarked placidly as the man stepped closer. Not willing to back down to a potential challenge, he took half a step forward himself, straightening his spine to bring him into his full height instead of allowing his usual slouch. He looked down at him, hands by his sides instead of in his pockets.
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          The flirtation wasn’t lost on him, and he gave a minute frown at his words. “You’re making it very hard to maintain a professional attitude, you know… I’ll have to do something if you don’t cut it out,” he threatened, eyes darkening subtly with irritation, and more obviously, his discomfort. “Do you really have to do this here…?” He could mostly handle his flirtation out of the work place, but in it was something else entirely.
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“True. But never as fun. Should have seen the look on your face. Priceless, really. Wish I could have taken a picture.”
He mimed taking a photo of the other man and grinned wide before sticking his hands in his pockets and slowly circling him. It didn’t matter to him that Randall was much taller than him. He had enough swagger and confidence to make himself feel like a giant.
“Something, huh? And what would that something be? Yeah... We’re doing this here. Your move, teddy bear.”
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accipiter-solitarius · 10 years
There was a bedroom in Will’s home but it had been gutted and everything moved to what was the living room and he had never put in another bed to make some sort of guest room simply because he didn’t expect to have many if any guests that would stay over. Now he kind of wished he had put another bed in there. At least for Matthew’s sake.
One part did make Will stop after that thought, when he was making his own plate. Matthew had said something about how he hadn’t slept well while under Chilton’s watch. Had Matthew watched him while he slept? Will wasn’t sure what to think of that at this point. Thinking about it, he couldn’t really say he was surprised and shrugged it off, finishing making his plate and sitting down next to Matthew. He chose to believe that Matthew was simply watching over him.
"Thank you, I’m glad you like it," Will said, giving Matthew a smile. He rarely cooked for anyone other than his dogs so hearing praise for his cooking brought with it a certain delight. "There’s more if you want it."
"Hey, uh…I was thinking of going shopping today. I’ll pick you up some clothes. Any type you prefer?" He’d like for Matthew to go with him but that was not possible in the current situation. Hopefully sometime soon.
It didn’t take long for Matthew to finish his plate, but in truth he had eaten a little slower than he would have wanted. Than what the growls in his stomach would have wanted. But Matthew wished for the simple pleasure of sharing a meal, if only for a few moments. And so even though Will had only gotten half way through his meal while Matthew had finished his, the former Orderly was glad for the experience.
“I’m usually the one who does all the cooking when alone and when there’s another.”
He had shared meals with friends when he’d been in the army. Sometimes they took turns to cook when they were away from the base. Matthew never considered them friends, but he made damn well sure that they liked him enough. A lot of men trusted him in the army. Would have risked their lives for him. It was interesting to think about from time to time.
But this meal was special. With a nod of thanks he got up to get a second round and also to refill Will’s coffee mug before filling his own. He sat and ate. Content. The coffee was strong and it was the best he’d tasted in a while.
“Nothin’ fancy, Mister Graham. I don’t want to be even more trouble than I already have been. Couple pairs of underwear, socks, pair of jeans. Couple of shirts. A sweater if you can stretch that far, but no worries if you can’t.”
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accipiter-solitarius · 10 years
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          He refused to make eye contact in that moment, too busy watching Matthew’s hand reach out defiantly to run a finger along the smilodon’s canine. The corner of his mouth gave an irritated twitch, before he flicked his gaze back up to bore into Matthew’s, feeling rather territorial. He didn’t move, or else he would smack his hand away from the exhibit.
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                    “How exceptionally mature of you.”
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"Got your attention though, didn't it?"
He sauntered over, a swagger in his step and a smirk playing on his lips. Hands loosely tucked into his pockets as he cocked his head slightly to one side. Studying the man before him as he had done many times before.
It wasn't often that Randall got annoyed, not truly annoyed. And not in front of Matthew. The orderly found this terribly entertaining, and adding a flirtatious glint to his eyes, he moved closer.
"Have I been bad?"
Matthew grinned wider, hoping to glean more of a reaction from the taller man. His flirtations sometimes seemed to make Randall uncomfortable, but sometimes he just shrugged him off. The latter was never as fun as the former.
"Gonna spank me?"
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accipiter-solitarius · 10 years
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Reblog if you’re Team Will
I posted also Team Hannibal, so please reblog that one if you’re on Team Hannibal. I am not saying that you have to be either Team Hannibal or Team Will, reblog both if you want them both! :) 
Let’s see if there is going to be more rude meals or saved strays :).
And then there is a lof of Side teams just for fun! :-)
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accipiter-solitarius · 10 years
ok yes i may be evil and morally corrupt but i’m also incredibly beautiful and i think that makes up for it honestly
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accipiter-solitarius · 10 years
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He makes steady eye contact before purposefully reaching out and pressing a fingertip to one of the elongated fangs protruding from the large skull.
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          “———— Don’t touch that…”
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accipiter-solitarius · 10 years
"Who said anything about fair, Sir?"
writes 'perverted, easy and willing' across Mason's chest
Grab a marker and write something on my muse! ( Anywhere over my muse’s body. )
"You know it doesn’t quite seem fair since I can’t move.”
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accipiter-solitarius · 10 years
[TEXT] A suitor.
[TEXT] I'd rather not make a fool of myself if he's already spoken for.
[MSG]:I heard you and Mister Graham are an item.
Jealous Messages
Mister Graham?  What was this?  One of his students?  Alan’s nose wrinkled at the thought and he considered not replying at all.  After a few long moments, though, his curiosity got the better of him and he sighed before typing in:[text] Who is this?
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accipiter-solitarius · 10 years
Matthew paused as he pondered how he could reply to this message. He knew what he saw, there was no mistake. But still it made his chest ache and his stomach churn in an odd way. 
[TEXT] Saw you cuddling up with a guy who looked a hell of a lot like Will
[TEXT] Of course it couldn't have been Will, but a little egotistical to hit on someone who looks like your twin brother.
[MSG]:How serious is it between you two?
Jealous Messages
Billy raised an eyebrow at the text and glanced around the room.  Who exactly had Matthew seen him with?  Why exactly was Will’s little pet project spying on him?  He huffed through his nose and gave the phone a disapproving scowl.  He really shouldn’t be surprised, should he?[text] Who the fuck are you talking about?
There weren’t many people he’d consider himself serious with.  Well, just Will in the way Matthew was meaning, probably.  Then again he was in some pretty deep shit with Dimitri and his boys—but that was a-whole-nother can of worms. 
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accipiter-solitarius · 10 years
Reblog if you don't mind a partner picking up a thread after months later!
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accipiter-solitarius · 10 years
you're one of the best thought-out matthews that ive seen and it's great how you've worked on his background so much and thought into his will graham obsession and life and everything
Anonymously tell me what you think of my character portrayal.
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accipiter-solitarius · 10 years
Anonymously tell me what you think of my character portrayal.
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accipiter-solitarius · 10 years
REBLOG if you don’t mind other muses falling in love with your muse, even when it is unrequited.
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accipiter-solitarius · 10 years
                            l o v e  is                            being willing to       d i e                  for someone.                      o b s e s s i o n is                       being willing to                                                                          KILL                       for someone.                       for you,                               i’d do both.                                                                           so what does that say about me?
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