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acciowests · 3 years ago
(8 Greek gods and their correspondences)
part one HERE
HECATE— Goddess of Magic & Witchcraft, Ghosts & Necromancy, Crossroads, & the Moon
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Silver 🪙
All of them (She is the goddess of magick, after all)
🌳Plants & Trees:
The asphodel, the aconite, the belladonna, the mandrake, the hemlock, the poppy, the dittany, the lavender, the dandelion, the hellebore, garlic, the mugwort, the yew tree, the cypress tree, the pomegranate tree, the oak tree, the black poplar tree, the willow tree, the hazel tree, the cedar tree, the almond tree
💎Stones & Gems:
Sapphire or star sapphire,
Any stone that is dark & luminous (i.e. Black tourmaline, Hematite, Jet, Obsidian, Onyx, etc.)
Triple moon, Dark moon, The crone,Cauldron, Torches, Keys, Daggers, Rope, Crossroads, Entry ways & gates, Dogs (especially black ones), She-wolf, Frogs, Snakes, Weasels, Black ewes, Crows, Owls, Horses
🕊Proper Offerings:
Dandelions, Poppies, Lavender, Garlic, Almonds, Raisins or currants, Figs, Black olives, Wine, Water, Honey, Cookies or cakes made to look like one of Her symbols, Eggs (especially boiled), Leaving a plate of food at a crossroads or burying a small cake/libation at a crossroads, Blood offerings (just a finger-prick) or mock-blood offerings, Appreciating the weird & uncanny
ZEUS — King of the Gods & God of the Sky, Weather, Law & Order, & Justice
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Sky blue
🗓Day of the Week:
🌳Plants & Trees:
The wild celery
the artichoke
the oak tree
the olive tree
the white poplar tree
the linden tree
💎Stones & Gems:
Lapis lazuli
Blue topaz
Blue zircon
Blue agate
Lightning bolts
Crown/wreath of olive leaves,
Bulls (especially white bulls)
🕊Proper Offerings:
Eagle feathers (obtained humanely, i.e. discarded),Oak branches/leaves,Gold (gold coins, gold bowl or cup, etc.),Wreath of olive leaves,White wine,Honey,Figs,Vervain, Damiana, Hyssop, Ginseng, Saffron, Cookies or cakes made to look like one of His symbols, Beef or mutton, Cotton candy, Whipped cream, Writing or reading poetry in His honor, Honoring commitments
PAN — God of Nature, Music, & Fertility
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🌳Plants & Trees:
The reed
the mountain pine tree
the violet
the musk
the thistle
the hemp/Indian hemp
the orchis
the civet
💎Stones & Gems:
Tiger's eye
Smoky quartz
Mahogany obsidian
Crystal, Bloodstone
Turquoise, Azurite
Syrinx (set of panpipes)
Goat Horns
Shepherd's crook
🍯Proper Offerings:
Panpipes, Wine/mead, Beer, Milk (especially goat's milk), Water, Honey, Grain, Fruits, Honey-cakes (for his nymphs), Cookies or cakes made to look like one of His symbols, Mutton, Hemp or cannabis, Pine needles, Making lots of noise (music, chanting, etc., so as not to startle Him), Eating/drinking/being merry, Having sex or participating in sexual acts, Not disturbing Him around noon (when He likes to nap)
IRIS — Goddess of the Rainbow & Messenger of the Gods
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All of them
🌱Plants & Trees:
The iris
💎Stones & Gems:
Rainbow quartz
Moonstone, Rainbow moonstone, Opal, Pearl, Rainbow obsidian
Golden wings
Pitcher of water
🕊Proper Offerings:
Water, Wine, Honey, Wheat, Figs, Cakes or cookies made to look like one of Her symbols, Irises, Feathers, Prisms, Postage stamps, Cotton candy, Whipped cream
HESTIA — Goddess of the Hearth & Home
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🌳Plants & Trees:
The lavender
the chaste tree
the datura
the California poppy
the goldenrod
the hollyhock
the yarrow
the purple coneflower
all white flowers
💎Stones & Gems:
The hearth
Head veil
Kettle or cauldron
🕊Proper Offerings:
First/last foods & libations from a meal, Candles/flame, Wine, Honey, Pork, Cakes or Cookies made to look like one of Her symbols, Bread (especially homemade), Cooking herbs (such as basil, thyme, rosemary) & spices, Lavender or chamomile tea, Keeping a candle/hearth fire or lamp constantly burning, Welcoming others into your home, Keeping the peace (especially in the home), Donations of time & money to Habitat for Humanity, Lavender, White roses
ERIS — Goddess of Strife, Discord, & Chaos
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Blood-red, Black
🌳Plants & Trees:
The apple tree
💎Stones & Gems:
Red agate
Golden apple
Poniard (which She keeps hidden)
A torch
🕊Proper Offerings:
Apples, Golden apples (oranges), Social protest, Recognizing the positivity of dark times/negativity
HERA — Queen of the Gods & Goddess of Women, Marriage, Childbirth, & Motherhood
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Dark green
Royal blue
🌳Plants & Trees:
The lotus
the lily
the white rose (white flowers in general)
the poppy
the iris
the honeysuckle
the pomegranate tree
the apple tree
the willow tree
the cypress tree
the chaste tree
💎Stones & Gems:
Lapis lazuli
Sapphire or star sapphire
Peacock feathers
🕊Proper Offerings:
Peacock feathers, Lotuses, Lilies, White roses, White flowers of any kind, Poppies, Irises, Pomegranates or pomegranate seeds, Apples, Pears, Oranges, Staying faithful in a relationship & keeping the romance alive, Supporting women's rights, Donations to a women's shelter, Donating old maternity clothes or baby things to those less fortunate
ATHENA— Goddess of War, Wisdom, & Arts & Crafts
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Royal blue
🗓Day of the Week:
Tuesday (war)
Wednesday (wisdom)
🌳Plants & Trees:
The olive tree
the oak tree
the cypress tree
the citrus trees
tiger lily
mayweed (chamomile)
💎Stones & Gems:
Lapis lazuli
Star Sapphire
Orange blossom
Dragon's blood
Aegis (shield with Medusa's likeness)
Helmet & armor
Doves (symbol of victory)
🕊Proper Offerings:
Olives/olive oil, Owl-shaped cookies or cakes, Wine, Handmade crafts especially textiles & pottery, Donations to educational institutes
Please feel free to use this whenever you’d like! I hope it helps some people out! if you haven’t already please check out my GREEK DEITY CHEAT SHEET (PART1) post!(just click ^^)🥺🥰
*all art creds to Yliade on Deviant art! Please check them out!(you can do so HERE)*
If you like what I do here please feel free to check out my Mothers Etsy store! Moon Circle Insights She’s got a wonderful assortment of detailed spells on there✨🥰
until the next time! Merry meet, merry part, merry meet again✨🔮 -B
Follow for more!
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acciowests · 3 years ago
(nine Greek gods/goddesses and their correspondences)
Check out part 2 here
1. Apollo — God of the Sun, Prophecy, Truth, Music & Poetry, Archery, Healing, & Light
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🌈Colors: Gold/Yellow, Orange, Red-orange
🌏Element: Fire
🗓Day of the Week: Sunday
���Plants & Trees: The laurel tree, the apple tree, the poplar tree, the palm tree, cypress, hyacinth
💎Stones & Gems: Sunstone, Citrine, Amber, Carnelian, Yellow topaz, Sapphire
💨Incense: Bay, Frankincense, Cypress, Clove, Cinnamon, Mugwort, Myrrh
🔆Symbols: The lyre, silver bow, Dolphins,Swans,Crows,Ravens,Lions,Wolves, Mice,Griffins,Hawks,Snakes,Laurel wreath Fire/flame,Sun/sunlight,Tripod,Apples
🕊Proper Offerings: Bay laurel leaves (including a laurel wreath), Honey, Sun-shaped cookies or cakes, Wine, Golden cakes, Golden raisins, Apples, Music or poetry, Dancing, Donations to hospitals or health research institutes, Donations to local artists, Drawings
2. Hades — King of the Underworld & God of the Dead & Wealth
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🌈Colors: Black, White, Grey
🌏Element: Fire or Earth
🌱Plants & Trees: The asphodel, the mint, the cypress tree, the white poplar tree, the pomegranate tree, the narcissus
💎Stones & Gems: All of them but especially Diamond, Obsidian, Onyx, Jet, Black tourmaline, Hematite (any black stone, really)
💨Incense: Frankincense, Cypress, Narcissus, Mint, Pomegranate, Patchouli, Myrrh
🦴Symbols: Three-headed Cerberus, Helmet which renders the wearer invisible, Gold & jewels (which can be found underground), Scepter, Key of Hades, Drinking horn or cornucopia, Screech owls, Black rams, Bident (two-pronged trident), Skull & bones
🕊Proper Offerings: Cypress flowers or leaves, Narcissus, Mint, Pomegranates, Gold & silver, Jewels, Bones, Wine or honeyed milk (poured directly on the earth), Fish/meat, Mock-blood offerings (again, poured directly on the earth), Cookies or cakes made to look like one of His symbols, Helping others grieve, Remembering the dead fondly
3. Dionysus — God of Wine, Fertility, & Theatre
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🌈Colors: Purple, Green, Burgundy
🌏Element: Earth
🌱Plants & Trees: The grapevine, the ivy, the bindweed (sarsaparille), giant fennel, the silver fir tree, the fig tree, the elm tree, cinnamon
💎Stones & Gems: Amethyst
💨Incense: Grape, Ivy, Fig, Fennel, Cinnamon, Musk, Frankincense, Storax
🍷Symbols: Wine, Grapes, Grapevine, Thyrsus (fennel staff tipped with a pine cone), Ivy crown, Figs, Berries, Leopards, Goats, Donkeys, Lions, Snakes, Wild bulls, Panthers, Tigers, Cheetahs, Wine glass
🕊Proper Offerings: Wine, Mead, Intoxicants of any variety, Grapes, Figs, Berries, Apples, Honey, Honeyed Milk, Sweet meats, Wheat/barley/hops, Olive oil, Ivy, Pine/pine cones, Fennel, Thistle, Cookies or cakes shaped to look like one of His symbols (i.e. wine bottle or wine glass), Dedicated sexual activities (if you’re comfortable), Mock-blood offerings, Donations to a theatre or theatre troupe
4. Artemis — Goddess of the Moon, the Hunt, Wild Animals & Wilderness, & Virginity
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🌈Colors: Silver/Gray, White (for virginity), Green
🌏Element: Earth
🗓Day of the Week: Monday
🌱Plants & Trees: The amaranth, the cypress tree, the willow tree, the walnut tree, the almond tree, the fir tree
💎Stones & Gems: Moonstone, Pearl, Amethyst, Quartz
💨Incense: Cypress, Frankincense, Anything woodsy
🦌Symbols: The moon, Bow & arrows, Guinea fowls, Quails, Hunting dogs, All wild animals but especially deer, bears, & boars
🕊Proper Offerings: Bow & arrows (or other hunting tools), Parts from animals that have been shed naturally (i.e. feathers or snake skin), Donation to an animal shelter or a charity that helps animals, Moon-shaped cookies or cakes, Deer-shaped cookies or cakes, Amaranths, Wildflowers, Walnuts, Almonds, Honey, Red wine
5. Persephone — Queen of the Underworld & Goddess of Spring & Vegetation
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🌈Colors: Black, Green, Blue, Purple, Magenta, Yellow
🌏Element: Earth
🌱Plants & Trees: The daisy, the lily, the lily of the valley, the lavender, the narcissus, the maidenhair fern, the mint, the iris, the violet, the rose, the asphodel, the poppy, the pomegranate tree, the willow tree, the cypress tree, the black poplar tree
💎Stones & Gems: Onyx, Obsidian, Quartz, Jasper, Coral, Agate, Citrine, Topaz, Peridot, Sapphire, Gren tourmaline, Pink tourmaline, Amethyst, Dioptase
💨Incense: Pomegranate, Narcissus, Hyacinth, Vanilla, Almond, Bergamot, Anything floral
👑Symbols: Wildflowers, Wreath of flowers worn in hair, Pomegranates, Sheaves of grain, Torch, Bees, Bats, Parrots, Pigs, Deer, Rams, Monkeys, Waterfalls, Rivers & springs, Crown
🕊Proper Offerings: Pomegranates/pomegranate seeds, Pomegranate juice or wine, Spring water or infused water, Honey/honey wine, Wildflowers, Grains, Bread, Cookies or cakes made to look like one of Her symbols, Milk/honeyed milk, Wreath of flowers, Comforting those who have lost a loved one, Donations of time & money to a SA crisis center
6. Aphrodite — Goddess of Love, Beauty, Desire, & Fertility
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🌈Colors: Red, Pink, Seafoam green, Aqua
🌏Element: Water
🗓Day of the week: Friday
🌱Plants & Trees: The rose, the myrtle (flower & tree), the honeysuckle, the apple tree, the lime tree
💎Stones & Gems: Diamond, Rose Quartz, Pearl, Aquamarine, Sapphire, Garnet Incense: Rose, Frankincense, Myrrh, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Cypress, Jasmine, Ginger
💕Symbols: Hearts, Seashells, Mirror, Girdles, Dolphins, Doves, Swans, Sparrows, Bees, Sea Foam, Pomegranates, Apples, Strawberries, Oranges, Pears
🕊Proper Offerings: Roses, Myrtles, Apples, Pomegranates, Honey, Wine, Chocolates, Cookies or cakes made to look like one of Her symbols (i.e. hearts), Strawberries, Oranges, Pears, Perfume, Bath Salts, Bath oils, Bubble bath soap, Scented lotions or fancy soaps
7. Ares — God of War
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🌈Colors: Blood-red, Black (the color of death)
🌏Element: Fire
🗓Day of the Week: Tuesday
🌱Plants & Trees: The violet, the ash tree, the oak tree
💎Stones & Gems: Ruby, Red agate, Bloodstone
💨Incense: Frankincense, Sandalwood, Tobacco
🪖Symbols: A helmet, An often-bloodstained spear, Shield & sword, Armor, Chariot drawn by four fire-breathing horses, Dogs, Vultures, Eagle owls, Barn owls, Woodpeckers, Snakes
🕊Proper Offerings: Red wine (or anything stronger, such as whiskey), Black coffee, Mock-blood offerings, Pipe tobacco
8. Poseidon — God of the Sea, Earthquakes, & Horses
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🌈Colors: Blue, Turquoise, Sea green, Cyan, Deep blue
🌏Element: Water
🌱Plants & Trees: The seaweed, the coral, the wild celery, the pine tree
💎Stones & Gems: Pearl, Mother-of-pearl, Aquamarine, Lapis lazuli, Turqouise, Azurite, Sapphire, Amethyst
💨incense: Pine, Cedar, Willow, Frankincense, Myrrh
🌊Symbols: The sea, Sea foam/waves, Trident, Merpeople, Hippocampi, Pegasus, Fishes, Dolphins, Horses, Bulls, Conch shells, Sea shells, Oysters/pearls, Starfishes
🕊Proper Offerings: Water, White wine or white grape juice, Honey, Fish (including the first catch of the season), Beef, Salt, Cookies or cakes made to look like one of His symbols (even animal crackers), Mint/chocolate mint candies, Oysters or clams, Pearls, Container of sea water, Conch shells/sea shells, Starfishes, Statue of a horse or bull, Ambergris, Riding a horse or learning to ride one, Fighting ocean/beach pollution, Taking up a water sport (diving, boating, etc.), Enjoying a day at the beach, Supporting fishermen and sailors
9. Hermes — Messenger of the Gods & God of Commerce, Travelers, Thieves, & Athletes
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🌈Colors: Gold, Yellow, Orange, Silver, Grey, Green
🌏Element: Air
🗓Day of the Week: Wednesday
🌱Plants & Trees: The crocus (particularly the saffron variety), the moly, the strawberry tree, the palm tree, the almond tree, the silver birch tree
💎Stones & Gems: Hematite, Agate, Yellow topaz, Amber, Citrine, Emerald, Peridot, Red marble
💨Incense: Frankincense, Camphor, Myrrh, Saffron, Dragon’s blood, Cloves, Nettles, Mace, Musk, White sandalwood, Tobacco, Storax
👜Symbols: Winged sandals, Winged helmet, Caduceus (winged staff entwined with serpents), Purse or pouch, Traveler’s cloak, Lyre, Panpipes, Roosters, Tortoises, Hares, Rams, Hawks, Snakes
🕊Proper Offerings: Anything made of silver or containing mercury, Currency (including foreign currency), Crocuses, Panpipes, Saffron, Strawberries, Chocolate, Wheat, Honey, Lemons, Almonds, Cassia, Cinnamon, Pork or mutton, Any type of foreign food, Spring water, Coffee, Energy drinks, Wine/mead, German beer, Brightly colored eggs, Traveling abroad or trading with foreigners, Playing harmless practical jokes, Comforting a dying loved one
Please feel free to use this whenever you’d like! I hope it helps some people out!🥺🥰 if you haven’t check out my GREEK DEITY CHEAT SHEEP PART 2 HERE
If you like what I do here please feel free to check out my Mothers Etsy store! Moon Circle Insights She’s got a wonderful assortment of detailed spells on there✨🥰
all art creds to Yliade on Deviant art! Please check them out!until the next time! Merry meet, merry part, merry meet again✨🔮
follow and subscribe for more
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acciowests · 3 years ago
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Symbols: Cerberus (his three-headed-dog), drinking horn, sceptor, key, the helm of darkness, pentacles
Sacred Animals: The screech owl, serpents, black rams
Plants: Cypress tree, asphodel, mint, white poplar, narcissus
Scents: Frankincense, patchouli
Gems and Metals: Onyx, jet, black tourmaline, black obsidian, hematite, coal, all metals and stones (especially black ones)
Colours: Black
Time: Midnight
Offerings to Hades:
Water, wine, honey, milk, or oil (best poured into a hole in the earth)
Caring acts towards the dying
Caring acts towards dogs
Coins, gemstones, and metals
Leaving flowers on graves, cleaning up graveyards
Pictures of deceased loved ones
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acciowests · 3 years ago
Hellenic: Hades
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Hades is the primeval Greek god of the deceased. He governs around the underworld and tends after the departed. He is espoused to the goddess Persephone and has a companion hellhound with three heads named Cerberus. In the earliest depictions of Hades, he was the firstborn of the Titans.
Animals: Dogs, Snakes, Cattle, Horses, & Owls. Companion: Cerberus. Consort: Persephone. Flora: Cypress, Mint, & Poplar. Offerings: Pomegranates & Myrrh. Symbols: Keys, Chariots, & the Cornucopia.
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acciowests · 3 years ago
Made them all a Pinterest board of their aesthetic
Made them all a separate Pinterest board for things of their choosing
Made them playlists
Play him songs on my ukulele
Play video games with the sound up
Read poetry to him
Write him poetry
Bitch about people to him
Honour him while I take my medication
Practice self-care
Practice self-love
Honour her while I masturbate
Make an extra cup of tea whenever I have one
Sit in the shower and relax
Gush about my crushes (If Applicable)
Take walks around my local park
Pick up rocks that I find
Drink herbal tea
Use all natural face-masks
Honour her while I work
Tell her all the things I learnt in class
Use pomegranate washing up liquid
Honour the dead by preserving animal bones
Offer hospitality to anyone that enters my home
Honour him while I take a day for myself
Take walks when I am feeling down
Sit in my garden at night
Stream calming games on a discord server for people who can't sleep
Use pomegranate washing up liquid
Use mint shower gel
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acciowests · 3 years ago
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Apollo hugging his swan 😚🧡
(click for better quality :3)
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acciowests · 3 years ago
Offerings Masterpost:
(Last updated: 9/7/2020)
Major Hellenic Deities:
Minor Hellenic Deities:
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acciowests · 3 years ago
Persephone Offerings
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"Persephone is the goddess queen of the underworld, wife of the god Hades, and the goddess of spring growth along with her mother, Demeter."
Large Altars:
Pomegranate juice or wine
Honey or honey infused wine
Honey made from flowers
Spring water
Floral tea
Flower or herb infused water
Breads, grains, cakes, sweets, etc.
Sweet fruits
Flower crowns
Flower arrangements
Potted plants
Floral scented incense
Almond, vanilla, bergamot, or pomegranate scented incense
Purple, magenta, indigo, green, and black candles
Statues or paintings of bats, rams, and/or deer
Small/hidden Altars:
Pomegranate seeds
Pomegranate candies
Dark chocolate
Spring flowers
Wild flowers
Fake flowers
Crushed mint
Small animal bones
Fake or animal skulls
Toy coffins
Floral scented perfumes
Almond, vanilla, bergamot, or pomegranate scented perfumes
Gems such as crystal, quartz, agate, black onyx, pink tourmaline, obsidian, coral, and jasper
Plush toys of bats, rams, and deer
Devotional Acts:
Tend to a garden or keep a plant
Learn herbalism
Learn about flowers, try baking with them, using them in bath spells, etc.
Make a playlist of songs that remind you of Her
Meditate outside
Go on nature walks
Clean up nature trails
Smell the flowers
Celebrate the coming of spring and Her return
Likewise, celebrate the coming of fall and Her departure to the underworld
Honor the dead
Visit graveyards
Clean up graveyards
Donate to those who can't afford a funeral service
Honor the fae and work with them
Honor Hades
Honor Demeter
Artwork from Smite
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acciowests · 3 years ago
Writing Masterlist!
Click here for Throne of Glass fics!
Includes rowaelin, elorcan, chaorene and malide fics
Click here for A Court of Thorns and Roses fics!
Includes nessian, elriel, elucien and gwynriel fics
All reblogs are appreciated!!
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acciowests · 3 years ago
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Main Couples of Throne of Glass
Artist: @giannyfili
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acciowests · 3 years ago
Somebody Else
SUMMARY: Rowan Whitethorn and Aelin Galathynius are roommates. Things are already complicated between them, but what is most clear is that Aelin is in love with him. Only, when she goes home early, leaving Rowan at their local bar, she awakes to something that breaks her heart completely.
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Aelin heard a feminine moan through her bedroom wall, and it was enough to shatter her heart completely.
It was Saturday, the only day of the week where her group of friends would meet up at the local bar and spend a few hours drinking, playing pool, and generally catching up. She’d gone with Lysandra and Elide, having been shopping with them a few hours prior, and left with them when Elide insisted she was tired. Lorcan, Aedion and Rowan, her broody but sexy roommate, stayed, drinking beer after beer and promising to take a taxi home.
Aelin’s cousin was the one who introduced her to Rowan, the green-eyed business major who spent an absurd amount of time in the gym. They’d gotten off to a rough start, but a few months in each others company resulted in rather friendly roommate interactions. There were the movies they’d watched, spread out on their worn couch. The times he brought her chocolates and hot water bottles when she was on her period. When she ordered take out for him after his girlfriend broke up with him. That was in their first year, and Rowan had been single ever since. And Aelin, pathetic as ever, had been pining for him all these years.
Squinting as she pressed the power button on her phone, Aelin sighed at the sight of it being 1 am. She was tucked up in bed, having awoken likely from Rowan getting home. The springs of his bed creaked, the door swinging shut behind him. At least he had gotten home safe.
Beginning to turn over, burying herself against the pillow, she was about to close her eyes again when she heard something, a small chuckle that most definitely didn’t belong to her friend. She stilled, clutching the covers as she listened, wishing she had heard wrong. But no, whispered voices traded in the next room, one belonging to a woman and the other to her Rowan. No, not her Rowan.
And that’s when it started; the panting, the creaking of the bed and the moans following in suit—moans from both of them. Her eyes stung with unshed tears, her body tensing, stomach twisting as the noises only got louder. Ever since Lyria, Rowan hadn’t brought anyone home. Even then, she’d never heard them like this.
She was a fool to think it had meant anything. Any of the times he’d put his hand on the small of her back, tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, squeezed her palm. She’d cleaned his wounds after a bar brawl when a guy had pawed for her and he’d stepped in. And their hugs, when he held her it felt like the safest place in the world, his arms strong and chest warm against her. A fool, utterly and truly.
A tear scattered down her cheek as she listened to their moans combine, Rowan’s guttural and deep, hers stretched out as she reached her release. She reached a hand up, cupping over her mouth as sobs escaped her, listening as someone moved into the bathroom, likely to clean themselves up. Aelin lifted the covers over her head, squeezing her eyes shut and hating how her heart broke into teeny, tiny pieces.
She’d hardly slept last night afterwards, and she was wide awake when she heard the creaking of floorboards and the apartment door shut. Aelin dressed in sweatpants and one of Rowan’s hoodies. He had given it to her when he’d outgrown it, though after multiple washes it still managed to smell like him. She hated herself for putting it on.
Rowan was pouring a cup of coffee when she entered the kitchen, face bare and hair in a messy bun, unbrushed. All the motivation had been sucked out of her. His eyes flickered to her, drawing her mug from the cupboard, “Peppermint tea?”
He always made her tea in the morning. But now she just shook her head, sitting on the stool, arms resting on the counter. “Who was that?” she asked, her voice hoarse.
Letting out a sigh, he ran a hand through his silver locks, “You heard us?”
“No.” Her lie was abrupt, “I heard her leave.”
He nodded slowly, “I met her at the bar. Her names Remelle.”
Aelin bit her lip, hating how tight her throat felt, “Right. Well, next time let me know when you’re going to bring someone home with you.”
She turned, heading for her bedroom when Rowan called out, “It won’t happen again, fireheart. It was just a bit of fun, I was drunk.”
“It’s fine. You’re a single guy, you’re going to get drunk and fuck people. I don’t care,” she snapped, hating the tears building up once more. Even with her back to him, she could feel his eyes on her.
Footsteps sounded behind her and soon she felt his presence, turning to find his broad chest before her. She looked up, meeting his frown as he took her hand, “Have I upset you?”
No, I’ve upset myself.
She shook her head, “I just don’t feel very well.”
Despite clearly not believing her, he pressed the back of his fingers to her forehead. She only pulled away, dropping his hand in the process, “I’m going to lay down. Please leave me alone.”
With that, she entered her room, shutting the door behind her and holding her breath. She listened, ears straining as Rowan’s soft footsteps padded back to the kitchen, leaving her alone just like she asked. Instead of collapsing on the bed, she moved to the bathroom, turning on the shower and stripping down. Soon the hot water was on her skin, burning her shoulders as she shrunk to the bottom of the tub. Her tears came quickly now, legs pulled against her chest as she wished she had never met Rowan fucking Whitethorn.
* * *
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acciowests · 3 years ago
Hey! I have a few throne of glass prompt requests that I have dealing been wanting to read but that don’t exist, some are short but I have one that is long, let me know if you would be down to do them if you have the time and I’ll send them through :) <3
Thanks so much for messaging! I'd love to hear your requests. I am quite busy at the moment but I'm sure I can get some of the shorter ones done in my spare time <3
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acciowests · 3 years ago
“Hunt is boring” uh huh that’s because he’s not a borderline abuser who takes no accountability for literal war crimes, pretends to be a feminist and claims he ‘deserves’ a female character 💀🤨
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acciowests · 3 years ago
SUMMARY: After returning from the Summer Court, Elain finds Azriel in the bath, numb and traumatised from his latest mission. Inspired by a scene from Sarah J Maas’s House of Earth and Blood.
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After spending the weekend at the Summer Court, assisting Feyre with her High Lady duties and exploring the sunlit realm, Elain Archeron had never been happier to return home. There had been times before, visiting the Townhouse to see her sister and even join in on some of her training sessions with Cassian and the priestesses, that she had longed to stay. This time, she had something, someone to come home too.
She and Azriel, the spymaster who’d captured her heart, now shared a room in the East Wing of the River Estate, furthest from Nyx’s nursery—a boy so young as four did not need to hear of his aunt’s and uncle’s absurd noises. Her steps ghosted the plush carpet beneath her heeled feet, legs moving in memory toward their room, heart pounding at the thought of him: Azriel, as beautiful as the stars were bright, waiting for her on their bed, wings spread out behind him, brown skin glistening in the afternoon light. But, as her hand turned the doorknob, she was met with nothing but folded sheets and silence. Stepping into the room, she removed her shoes, calling out to her beloved, “Az? I’m home.”
Home. It had become a strange word after all the times they’d moved house. She supposed home wasn’t a place, but the people you shared it with.
The bathroom door was slightly ajar and Elain glided through, unable to stop the gasp that escaped from her lips as her eyes locked onto the tub. Azriel was sat inside, his back and wings propped up as his legs laid out before him. She watched his thick, black lashes flutter with each breath, the small motion and lift of his chest the only indication of life. The water around him was stained red, though she knew it was not his own blood that had tainted it. A splatter stained his cheek, a freckle like patterned that marked his skin with such terror. Torture—because as the court’s spymaster, that’s what he did with his days. She had seen it, not the torture itself but what it did to him, the sleepless nights, the nightmares on the opposing side. The way his eyes would sometime glaze over, as they were now, and he would turn even more silent than usual. It pained her, but not as much as seeing him like this.
She moved quickly, arms reaching for a cloth and wetting it in the water as she brushed it over his cheek, “It’s okay. I’m here now, it’s going to be okay.”
Only a blink in response. He seemed so vulnerable, naked as she had seen him hundreds of times before, but this time it was different. She dragged the rag over his thighs and chest, scrubbing the blood from under his fingernails. Though it did not need cleaning, she reached for the soap next, working it into his hair, fingers caressing his soft locks. It was her mistake, to never treat him like this, to never take a moment, a single second, to truly let him know how she cared for him. She would make up for that now.
The jug to her side filled with freshwater, allowing her to rinse the soap, the gentle stream caressing his wings as she did so. Apart from the dirty water in which he laid, he was now otherwise clean. She cupped his cheek, thumb rubbing over his skin, “I’m going to dry you off now, you need to let me lift you.”
Azriel was tall, at least a whole foot taller than her, and packed with muscle. His wings almost weighed more than her alone. As she picked up the towel, laying it over her arm, she could have laughed at the attempt alone. But then Az rose, ghostly in his stance as she quickly threw an arm around his waist, his own arm resting on her shoulder as she assisted him in climbing from the tub. Her fingers worked quickly, tying the towel around his waist and covering him appropriately. With most of his weight upon her, she led him to the bedroom, the strong scent of soap caressing her nose as her head rested beside his chest.
Setting him down on the bed, Elain turned to their wardrobe, collecting a pair of night pants that he often wore, a tartan pattern donning them. She gathered another towel, keeping his lower half covered as she dried his hair and arms, dabbing over his abdomen and wiping away the droplets. She kneeled before him next, drying his calves before moving to his thighs, talking him through everything she was doing, though there was no sign he was listening. Helping him into a standing position once more, she removed the towel around his waist, drying his backside and front before helping him step into the pants, pulling them up to his hips where they rested against his toned abdomen.
“Elain,” he breathed and she lifted her head, cupping his cheek as she lowered him back to the bed.
“It’s okay, you need to rest. I’ll stay with you,” she explained, watching as Az tucked his wings behind his back, settling against the mattress as she pulled the covers over them both. She pulled him against her, his arm across her stomach and his head resting on her chest as she played with his hair, whispering sweet nothings.
His voice was a choked whisper against her, “Thank you.”
Her smile was wobbly, not that he could see, and she pressed a kiss to the top of his head. She couldn’t stop this from happening again, but she could pick up the pieces afterwards. She would always pick him back up, no matter how far he had fallen.
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if you want to be added to my acotar taglist just send me a dm, comment or an ask!!
@sjm-things @dayanna-hatter @anne-reads @sayosdreams @swankii-art-teacher @autophobiaxx​
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acciowests · 3 years ago
Welcomed Interruptions
SUMMARY: During a weekly cadre meeting, the group of fae warriors are interrupted by the young princess of Terrasen. After her joyful intrusion, the warriors settle into a relaxed state when their prince shows up to collect her. Only now, they both get to stay and experience a cadre meeting for themselves. However, the meeting is cut short when a third interruption makes itself known.
The cadre was a unit of fierce fae warriors. Fierce fae warriors who, between them, could hardly even focus for weekly meetings that kept Terrasen safe and sane.
Lorcan had elected himself leader, sorting all the meetings and the times they would occur. Rowan would have done it himself but, with being Prince Consort of Terrasen and having two young children, he was rather busy. With winter coming up and trades going down, an afternoon meeting had sprung up to interrupt his Friday.
Currently sitting within the castle meeting room, Rowan flicked through endless documents while Lorcan droned on and on. The oak meeting table had many empty spaces, the cadre only being a total of six—though Aedion had tried to be the seventh many, many times to no success. As Lorcan spoke about numbers and stock and transfers, he could have fallen asleep right there and then. Fenrys was the only one keeping him awake, occasionally dropping snide comments and making Gavriel snicker. Connall and Vaughan were the only ones actually helping Lorcan, giving him the numbers and data he needed.
Elsewhere in the castle, Aelin was with Lysandra and Elide—a very pregnant Elide who was due in a matter of weeks, no doubt not helping with Lorcan’s stress levels. Sam and Elentiya were in the sitting room only a corridor away, he had left them there only half an hour ago to attend the meeting. He would much rather be with them right now than this stupid—
“Rowan,” Lorcan snapped, the fae prince looking up from where he had been drifting off. “Are you paying attention?”
“Yes,” Rowan growled, feeling like he was back at his tutor lessons.
Just as Lorcan was about to lay into him, the door swung open. He couldn’t quite see over the table but he heard the pitter-patter of feet and the giggles that came from none other than his daughter. She was running across the meeting room, reaching Rowan’s chair and attempting to climb up. Being almost four now, she was fast on her feet and clever with her words. Using Rowan’s arm and the side of the table as grips, Elentiya hoisted herself up, setting herself down in her father’s lap and looking out across the table. Gavriel and Fenrys had both burst out in chuckles as Elentiya grabbed Rowan’s documents in her hands and began to read them aloud—or attempt to, at least. She still hadn’t quite got the hang of reading. Everyone was smiling apart from Lorcan.
Gently taking the papers and setting them away from Elentiya, Rowan leaned in close, whispering in his daughter’s ear, “Go say hello to Uncle Lorcan, Elen.”
Before he had even finished, Elentiya was climbing up onto the table and crawling over to Lorcan. Vaughan and Conall both moved their papers out of reach just in case. Fenrys gave the toddler a high five as she passed, Gavriel simply stuck his tongue out at her which only resulted in giggles filling the room. As she reached Lorcan, Elentiya slid herself down into her uncle’s lap, winding her hands around his neck and cuddling into him. A chorus of ’aww’s followed quickly by laughs filled the room. Lorcan just wrapped an arm around Elen, patting her back lightly.
“At least you can get practise before your own little one is here,” Fenrys laughed, watching as Elentiya intertwined her fingers in Lorcan’s long hair. She was pulling at it gently, though not too gently according to Lorcan’s face.
He just rolled his eyes at Fenrys, lifting Elentiya away from his hair and setting her down on the table. She reached out for him with a small frown and Lorcan just took her hands within his, giving her a small smile, “We’re trying to work, little one.”
Elentiya pulled her hands dramatically from Lorcan’s, crossing them over her chest and huffing. She was most definitely Aelin’s daughter. With a pout, she spoke, “No, play! Play with me, Uncle Lor-Lor!”
Lorcan sighed just as someone entered the room, looking around frantically. It was Sam, his golden curls in dire need of cutting as they invaded his face. He brushed them aside, his frown dropping upon seeing his sister. “Elentiya!” he gasped, moving to take her from the table as she held her arms out to him.
Elentiya had her arms around her brother’s neck, Sam resting his head against hers and kissing her hair. He looked up to Rowan with wide eyes, realising where he was, “I’m so sorry, Daddy! I left her for one moment and then she was gone! I’m sorry for interrupting your meeting!”
Rowan was about to reassure his son that it was absolutely fine when someone else spoke. To everyone’s surprise, it was Lorcan who spoke next, “It’s okay. She was a welcomed interruption.”
Sam smiled, he had lost most of his baby teeth by now and his big ones were growing in. It was a funny sight, but Rowan only saw how quickly he was growing up. Sam turned with a little wave, Elen still in his arms as he headed toward the door. “Why don’t you stay?” Fenrys suggested, and it took only those four words for Elentiya to wiggle out of Sam’s arms and rush for an empty chair.
Lorcan didn’t protest as she slid into the chair beside him, Sam taking the empty seat between Rowan and Gavriel. Lorcan dove into a simple explanation of what they were discussing, mainly for Sam’s sake seeing as Elentiya was playing with his papers. Rowan watched with a grin as Sam nodded along to everything his uncle was saying, occasionally asking questions. Gavriel eventually added more comments and soon the entire cadre had begun explaining everything they could to the little prince.
“So, now that it’s winter and there’s a lot of snow, that means we can’t get supplies because they won’t be able to send them in the snow?” Sam asked, repeating what the others had explained to him.
“That’s right,” Rowan smiled, ruffling Sam’s hair, “You’re going to make such a good King one day.”
Sam turned to his father with wide eyes, “King? I’ll be king one day?”
“Of course, if that’s what you want,” Rowan chuckled, “You’re heir to the throne, Sammy.”
Despite probably not knowing what those words meant, Sam grinned. Each person at the table, apart from Elentiya who had found a pencil and was drawing on Lorcan’s papers, was looking at Sam with such affection and admiration. Rowan couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to be family to his son—to be family to him.
Running footsteps sounded down the hall and Aelin appeared, flying through the door and looking around the room. Her eyes dawned on Lorcan, “Lorcan, Elide’s gone into labour!”
The Lord of Perranth stood, his eyes wide with fear. It was time.
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if you want to be added to my tog taglist just send me a dm, comment or an ask!
@amswritings @thegoddessofyou @dayanna-hatter @ladywitchling @julemmaes @lunaroseperdomo @anne-reads @illyrian-bookworm @swankii-art-teacher @maastrash @firestarsandseneschals
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acciowests · 3 years ago
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Bryce and Hunt - Crescent City
Artist: @emiliesnaith_art
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acciowests · 3 years ago
Birthday Banquet
SUMMARY: Elide and Manon’s first daughter is turning four, and what better way to celebrate than a small, family picnic in their local field.
“Quick, Mommy!” Ash squealed, rushing into the field, “We have to get the best spot!”
It was a warm day in mid-August, the sun shining down in Adarlan and prompting everyone out of their houses. Luckily, most people had gone to the beach, leaving the field near their house almost empty. An old couple were sat having lunch toward their left, a group of teens doing the same toward the back and a few people walking their dogs, but that was it. The perfect time for a picnic in honour of Ash’s fourth birthday.
Elide closed the car door behind Ash, carrying the picnic basket and moving around to the other side of the car that faced the field. Manon was already opening the other door, unclipping Tarin from her seat. The six-month-old was ready to go, pulling on her mother’s hair as she lifted her to her chest. Elide reached in to grab the backpack that held both Ash and Tarin’s essentials, stopped by Manon who was already there and ready, “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll get these and you go after the birthday girl.”
Looking at how content Tarin seemed and how Manon was clearly able to carry the bag and the baby, Elide gave a grateful smile, collecting the blankets from the trunk and hurrying after Ash who was already halfway across the grass. She was wearing a playsuit with puppies and kittens all over, something she had personally chosen when Elide had brought her along to the store. Her matching bucket hat was now in her hand, as opposed to on her head and stopping her from getting a headache from the sun.
“Hat on please, Ashy,” Elide smiled, stopping beside her daughter, “Have you decided where you wanna sit?”
“Right here,” Ash grinned, sitting immediately into a criss-cross position on the grass. Elide looked around, first at Manon making her way across the field, backpack hanging off one shoulder and Tarin against her chest, and then at the collection of trees, shaded from the sun and offering a view of the lake. That was the ideal place, especially with the heat, but she knew once Ash had decided on something it was final. And, it was her birthday.
“Here’s fine, but put your hat on please otherwise we’ll have to move to the shade, okay?” Elide set the basket down, laying out the blanket before joining her daughter on the ground.
“Kay, Mommy,” she sighed, putting on her hat before diving immediately for the food as Elide opened up the basket. Manon soon reached the blanket, letting out a sigh as she placed the backpack to the side and settled down. Tarin was sat in her lap, determined to crawl onto the blanket and around the field despite the fact all she could do was roll.
“You okay?” Elide whispered, watching as Manon moved Tarin to her side, letting the baby grab at the grass, her chubby fingers pulling at the green strands. Ash was still snooping through the basket, sipping on a juice box happily as she searched for what she wanted to eat first.
Manon nodded, unzipping the bag and pulling out Tarin’s hat and toys, “Yeah, I just would have preferred to sit in the shade.”
Elide nodded knowingly, letting out a breathy chuckle as she lent to kiss her wife’s cheek. “Does someone not like the sun?” she pouted, finally reaching for the basket and beginning to unwrap the sandwiches, giving the first to a very inpatient Ash who was practically buzzing.
Tarin gripped one of her toys, shaking it before putting it into her mouth, clamping down on it happily as Manon secured her hat to her head. The little one had begun teething, her first tooth officially through and the second on its way. She hadn’t been too fussy, but there had been some moments where only a feed from Elide or a cuddle from Manon was enough to soothe her. Manon rolled her eyes playfully, taking her sandwich from the basket and turning to her wife, “You joke but I was more worried about Tarin. The car was warm enough, I don’t want her getting sick where she’s too hot.”
Elide nodded, passing Ash a bottle of water, the four-year-old happy with her sandwich as she laid on her stomach, tickling her sister’s toes and making her babble with a gummy smile. “She’s fine, babe,” she insisted, “Look at her, she’s happy. We’ll take a walk in the shade after we’ve eaten. Take her shoes and socks off if you’re worried, but her cheeks aren’t red or anything.”
She just hummed, already reaching to remove the shoes and little floral socks Elide had dressed her in that morning. In the process, Ash pulled back, crumbs on her cheeks as she looked into the basket again, fingers searching. “Mommy,” she started, “Can I have a cookie?”
“You absolutely can, birthday girl. I even added some of those yummy chocolate brownies Aunt Aelin made. Would you like one of those, too?” Elide asked, knowing she didn’t even need to ask for Ash to want something that involved chocolate.
“Yes, pleaseee! Mama and Tarin want one?” Ash took the cookie first, taking hold of the brownie Elide offered her and munching down immediately into the chocolate cake.
“I’d love one,” Manon smiled, reaching out her left hand, the other palm settled in front of Tarin, the babe gripping onto her mother’s fingers with her chubby fists.
Elide pulled another out of the box Aelin had put them in, passing one to Manon and turning back to Ash who was eating both the cookie and the brownie, taking one bite of the other and then the next, “Rin can’t have any yet, Ashy. She doesn’t eat food, remember? Just Mommy’s milk.”
“Boobie milk!” Ash giggled, chocolate melting around her lips and on her fingers as she snacked. Elide only rolled her eyes playfully, nibbling on the sausage rolls and pastries they’d brought for more of a savoury treat.
“Speaking of,” started Manon, lifting Tarin to her chest as she began to grumble, her hands in tight fists as she let out a small cry, “I think someone might be hungry.”
Elide brushed her fingers on the napkins they’d brought, reaching for Tarin who was happily passed over, knowing she was getting what she wanted as she rested against her mother’s chest. She stood, keeping Tarin close to her, her butt and head cupped by Elide’s hands, “I’m going to take a walk with her, keep her in the cool while she feeds. Can you make sure Ash cleans that chocolate off her face and she eats something savoury? I don’t need her buzzing off chocolate when she also has her cake later.”
Manon nodded, already reaching for the wipes in the backpack, “Of course. Take her over to the trees, baby. Do you need a cloth or a bib?”
With one hand securely around Tarin, Elide started pulling down her dress strap, manoeuvring the front down so she could feed comfortably. She didn’t tend to wear bras anymore, not when Tarin needed feeding every couple of hours. “Um, yeah. I’ll just take a cloth, thanks love,” she smiled, turning to Ash, “Mommy’s just gonna feed Rin. Stay with Mama and let her know if you get too hot or anything, okay?”
Ash nodded happily, sipping on her water and waving with the other hand, “Kay, Mommy. Bye Rin-Rin!”
Taking the cloth from Manon, she rested it on her shoulder, lifting Tarin’s little wrist to wave back at Ash as they made their way across the grass. Once they reached the trees, the shadow kissing their skin and offering a gentle breeze from the lake, Elide pulled down the front of her dress completely, letting Tarin latch onto her nipple as she began to rock, watching her precious baby girl as she sucked happily, eyes closed and lashes brushing her cheeks. She couldn’t believe that she was already six months and that Ash was officially four. It felt like yesterday when she and Manon had started this whole process, and now here they were: two beautiful children and the most perfect family she could have ever dreamed of.
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