accesspositive · 4 days
this feels like it could be part of Trevor’s origin story.
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Before They Were Ghosts ↳ Asher Grodman in Succession
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accesspositive · 2 months
if anyone wants to conduct a science a experiment on this I am willing to take money to see if it does or does not improve my happiness
if u think money doesnt give u happiness please kindly send it to my bank account thank you
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accesspositive · 3 months
For extra context the White Australian Policy ended in 1958 so it still would have been a hot button issue and very forward calling it out.
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"Paul Asks About White Australia: Beatle Paul McCartney yesterday showed an unexpected interest in the White Australia policy." From The Sydney Morning Herald, June 19, 1964.
Text of the article reads:
At a Press conference yesterday Paul was approached by a Nigerian journalist.
Paul said "Are you an aborginal?"
The journalist said he was from Nigeria.
Paul said: "I didn't think that Australia allowed coloured people to come in. I remember reading about this in geography in school which I failed, and I thought it was a bit off. I thought they were the only country in the world to do this. I saw you today and I thought: 'Hullo, we'll get onto the Government right away.'
The journalist said he was allowed to stay in Australia under certain conditions which included having a job.
He said Australia was host to more than 3,000 Asian students and he had found no discrimination whatsoever.
Paul said: "That is good because there is in Britain and in America."
He said that apart from kangaroos and koalas his biggest early impression of Australia had been "this white-only business."
"John and I were talking about it only this afternoon."
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accesspositive · 3 months
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Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene. From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, a pair of star-crossed lovers take their life, whose misadventured piteous overthrows doth, with their death, bury their parents' strife. The fearful passage of their death-marked love and the continuance of their parents' rage, which, but their children's end, naught could remove, is now the two hours' traffic of our stage. ROMEO + JULIET 1996 — dir. Baz Luhrmann
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accesspositive · 4 months
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"What would you be doing if you weren't an actor?"
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accesspositive · 4 months
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accesspositive · 4 months
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Anya arriving at the Late Show with Stephen Colbert (May 22, 2024)
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accesspositive · 4 months
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accesspositive · 4 months
That man is stronger than me because I would have been wanting to hit him with a guitar,
But I also suppose this is Paul at his lowest when he genuinely thought none of them were he friends and that he had been a dictator.
This picture is amazing....
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This is January 3, 1970. Paul comes in to the studio help George finish recording I, Me, Mine (Let It Be - LP). Here is what makes this photo amazing (to me):
This is 3 full months after The Divorce Meeting
This is 3 full months after John and George presented Paul with a demotion in offering him fewer songs per Album. The infamous 4-4-4-3 meeting.
This is 6+ months after J+G+R went against the bands solidarity vow and signed with Klein
This is a a full year after Diva George walked out like a petulant child during Let It Be sessions because Paul was "bossy" LOL
This is January 1970. They are finishing up loose ends of the LIB LP - including the featured song, Let it Be. Paul is in a deep depression during at this time. How do we know that - because he and Linda told us about how the man could barely get out of bed and when he did, he drank. Look at him here! He does not look well at all. He looks like a guy who has been drinking his feelings. He looks like a man hurting. He looks like a man who is going through hell!
So in conclusion what makes this image so amazing-this moment captured on film, is that Paul - with all the fucking crap he is dealing with in his life at this time. With the GD walls are caving in around him, John humiliating him in front everyone, George treating him like shit now vocally abusing him every chance he had because John empowered him to do so - encouraged it. Klein still bullying him every chance he had...oh, and there is more! But here is Paul - Paul still SHOWED UP for George, for The Beatles, for the music! This picture is one of the many reasons I love Paul, I choose Paul and why I admire Paul.
side note... no fucking way.... no fucking way, George or John show up for Paul under these circumstances. No fucking way! Paul is called an egomaniac, a money grubber, selfish, greedy about his music, dictator, all of it... This is not a man who is any of those things in this moment where he had every right to be! He had every right to tell George to fuck off - [have John help you with your lame song]. George chose John after all but John didn't show up for George, Paul did!!! John Ono w/Yoko in Denmark saving the GD world. It was Paul who always showed up!
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accesspositive · 4 months
I feel a George quote probably best describes John’s uh lack of support for the two.
George said that when Paul married Linda he shocked the group as he had never shown interest in marriage previously and they, or at least George, thought he would get bored and it wouldn’t last because of this.
For John it must have been so jarring to see someone you know so well do something that you thought just wasn’t them with someone in your eyes he barely knew.
““Well, Paul had met her before [the Apple press conference], you see. I mean, there were quite a few women he’d obviously had that I never knew about. God knows when he was doing it, but he must have been doing it.””
— John Lennon on Linda McCartney, St Regis Hotel Room Interview in 1971 (via pizzaandfairytales)
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accesspositive · 4 months
I’m applauded for using the toilet by a Cancer and realise that is a red flag moment.
first 5 faceless emojis are how your summers gonna go
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accesspositive · 4 months
”You and I have memories, longer than the road that stretches out ahead”.
Just a little musing I had while listening to Two of Us. I know Paul said it’s about him and Linda but popular opinion is that it at least turned into a him and John one. I realised the above line is sadly very true.
He/They had 11 more years of John after this song, but prior to it they had 12 solid years knowing each other although Paul knew of him prior.
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accesspositive · 4 months
#Paul learnt eventually i think but not til like the 90s if he even did
To this day Paul can’t read music. He has said he has never wanted to learn because he says he tends to grow bored of things once he understands them. He fears if he did he would grow bored and not want to do it again as the mystery is gone.
John Lennon, looking at the musical notation that he must play in order to save the world: I can't fucking read
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accesspositive · 5 months
Filing this under Stevie and Lindsey
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Stevie Nicks wrote a poem for “THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT”
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accesspositive · 5 months
One lesson that I learned from writing with Paul was that once the melodic shape was established, he would not negotiate about stretching the line rhythmically to accommodate a rhyme. This emphatic sense of the music is something that I soon found he shared with Burt Bacharach. Given the indelibility of their melodies, it is hard to put up an argument to the contrary. If anything, Burt is even more unyielding once the melody is written. He will not permit as much as a demi-hemi-semi-quaver to be added, even if it would allow for a really good rhyme to be made. Not being a lyricist, he had never given himself any reason to cheat.
I cheat shamelessly. The unevenly proportioned lines of my early songs drove The Attractions mad. They were difficult to memorize, as no two verses were exactly alike.
One of the best songs that Paul and I wrote together was written at the piano. It was a sweeping, romantic tune that could almost have been an epic Bacharach ballad. In its first draft, it was a little reminiscent of “It’s for You,” a song that Paul had written for Cilla Black in 1964. I’d say the rough recording of “The Lovers That Never Were” is one of the great, unreleased performances of Paul McCartney’s solo career. I know you’ll just have to take my word for this, but I was playing the piano when Paul opened up behind me in a wild, distorted voice that was almost like the one he used on “I’m Down.”
I just kept staring down at my hands at the piano, saying to myself, Don’t mess this up, while trying to remember to chime in on the few lines that we’d agreed I’d sing.
— Elvis Costello, Unfaithful Music & Disappearing Ink. (2015)
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accesspositive · 5 months
I’ve heard they were going to work on Paul’s album but this I believe. Mainly because Ringo is the safe, friendly ground that they all love. Now let me go experience the full crushing weight of the excitement he had.
One thing about those 4 boys, no matter what fight was happening they also deeply loved each other in a way no one could really understand.
An extract from 2010 podcast “American Masters: LENNONYC" featuring Jack Douglas* talking about plans John and Paul had to work together on Ringo’s “Stop and Smell the Roses”, slated to be recorded in early 1981. John also hoped that George would join them, despite being upset by [George’s] biography. (source) 
“My understanding was that, I mean, John and Paul… Paul was on board with John to do this Ringo record. That was set, according to John. […] They were going to do a Ringo album, it was gonna be the next he kept talking about. ‘It’s gonna be the boys! It’s gonna be the boys! That’s what we’re doing. Get ready to do this. It’s gonna be the boys!’ It was gonna be a Ringo album. Paul and John were writing material, a lot of it that John had written already. A lot of the material that ended on ‘Milk and Honey’. Some of it was slated to be going to Ringo**.” 
*Jack Douglas is an American producer who first worked with John in 1971 on “Imagine”. He also worked on “Double Fantasy” and was working on “Milk and Honey” before Lennon was murdered in 1980. 
**Ringo allegedly didn’t feel comfortable recording John’s songs after his death. Douglas is also the one who recently made Ringo listen to John’s Bermuda Tapes and the “Grow Old With Me” demo. Ringo covered the song for his new album, “What’s My Name”, with the help of Paul (who played the bass and did some vocals). (source)
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accesspositive · 5 months
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I can’t believe we have actual footage of Mclennon sex in action and you are all sleeping on it. 🫨🫨
And yes this is how I imagine it;
Uncoordinated. Silly. Goofy. Paul not sure what exactly is going on, but happy to be here. John trying so hard to get Paul’s trousers off that he ends up on his arse, legs flailing in the air. It’s hot.
(Update: if you are wondering what you are looking at; once you see it, you can’t unsee - Paul’s right knee is bent over his left, and underneath his leg is the top of Johns head - that’s his wavy auburn hair . You can also see what looks like Paul’s left foot sticking out between Johns legs - it has a plimsoll on it. IDK what the white blurry shape underneath Paul’s right knee is)
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