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Ryder lynn. Superhero. 19.Hey there World Wide Interweb! I'm Ryder Lynn and this is my cool corner of the web. I'm your average guy, living it up at Bellmont as a Bell Tone.
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acaryder-blog · 10 years ago
“Sorry,” She had to tell him, still giving him a small squeeze on his arm. No matter how many times they talked about it, she always seemed to forget just how much some of their opinions differed, especially in the movies area. It was rare and far between that the two of them disagreed, but she always had to remember that they did actually disagree on things. “Maybe one day you’ll change my mind?”
After a year of being his friend, she was still getting used to the amount of stories he told her. He always seemed to find himself in the weirdest situations, and he never lacked a story to tell her about whatever thing they were talking about. Still, this one was weird enough to cause her to furrow her brows and look up at him for some sign that he was joking. “It sounds really weird,” She said with a chuckle, “If any birthday party tries to do that to the both of us, I’m going to vote that we throw a few pieces back.”
“I wasn’t wanting to see another movie or anything, I just–” She had to pause, thinking of what she wanted to say. Why did she want to stay out later? The two of them were never short on time together, despite that possibility looming in the air as football season draws closer. The two of them always had the option of sleepovers, movie nights, or nights out like they were just returning from, but even then she just wanted pure alone time with him. No possibility of Jake or Rachel walking in, no strangers eavesdropping, just the two of them. “I just don’t want to go back right now, and a walk in the park sounds pretty nice on a night like this.”
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She tugged on his arm, directing him toward a path that lead around the small pond that was nearby. Plenty of privacy, places to sit and talk, and a pretty view; it was perfect. “I know one really quick side route, and if you’re not feeling it we can go right back to campus, no questions asked.”
“Probably not, but that’s okay because we can agree to disagree. I don’t actually know how agreeing to disagree works but my mom tells that to my dad sometimes.” Ryder acknowledged. 
He always could count on Marley to laugh with him rather than at him. Yes there was and different and yes, Ryder knew the difference. “We could definitely do that, although it could start the first popcorn war. Well it’d probably start a revolution, there’s always revolutions before wars right?” Ryder asked, knowing that Marley pretty much always had the answers that had to do with learning. She was the smart one and he was well...he was Ryder.
She didn’t want to head back to reality yet and Ryder understood. Well he wasn’t quite sure if that was the reason why but he assumed it was something of the sort. The two always had fun and honestly, he hated when the nights ended. “That’s because it’s really beautiful out.” He added before looking up at the stars and pointing out a few random stars, to make it look like they made some important constellation. “Pretty sure that that one’s called Obi Wan.” He said with a shrug, hoping she’d get the reference.
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“Marley,” He said with a smile, “I’m always feeling it as long as I get to be with you.” It was true, Ryder always truly had the best time around her. “Show me the way.”
slowly, then all at once;; ryley.
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acaryder-blog · 10 years ago
She couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at him when he brought up Jurassic Park, giving him a special kind of ‘Marley look’ along with it. There wasn’t much she could say against that argument, since she had neither read the book or any criticisms about the movie, but she always felt the need to side with the books in every other instance. “Jurassic Park is the exception that just proves the rule, Ryder Lynn. Jurassic Park is the exception to every movie rule, but especially to this one. Ninety-nine point nine-nine percent of the time, the book is always better than the movie.”
As she spoke, she lightly squeezed the hand that was resting lightly on his arm with a soft laugh. Was it weird that she could tell just by that little touch how far out of season the football team was? She was never one of those girls who paid attention to the muscle mass of the football players, but those little things about Ryder were as noticeable as the sun in her eyes. Even if it was two years out of season for the team, he’d still be as strong and healthy as ever, she was sure of that. He’d be strong, he’d be healthy, and he’d still be one of the only guys who would willingly watch the notebook with her all the time. Just thinking about that made her smile. widely with just the slightest bit of color to her cheeks.
“I honestly think that we’re going to be stuck with movies in our rooms for the next few months. I can’t think of any new ones that I’m dying to see when they come out, so we can get our Notebook fill before the end of the year?” Before Hunger Games and the New Star Wars reel us into the theater again?” She elbowed him in the side again lightly, knowing that they were both going to be hyped to see those two when the time comes around. By then, there will be snow on the ground, and they won’t be able to wear the short sleeves that they are right now. It was weird to think about how far away those dates seemed, but nonetheless it’d feel shorter than ever as long as they stayed together.
They were in such a small college town, they were easily able to walk from the theater back to their dorms in less than thirty minutes. There was even a park between their two destinations, giving them a nice, safe, and serene place to debrief the movie before they had to get to bed. Greensboro was so safe, she didn’t even worry about walking along this late at night. As long as she was with someone else, there was no panic in her mind. Still, even with as good as her bed sounded right about now, the walk was still seeming much too short for her liking. “Hey Ry?” She spoke up, looking up at him with the hopes that he wouldn’t mind staying out a little bit later than they already were. “On a scale of one to ten, how itching are you to get back to campus right now?”
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He knew he wasn’t going to win this argument and part of him wanted to deter her from the conversation. Instead though, he nodded. “I’m never gonna agree with you on this, Marls.” 
“I’m sure we’ll find another movie to see between now and The Hunger Games. I mean I hope we do since I really do love the movies and the popcorn. One time these people were throwing popcorn at me when I went to the movies for a birthday party with my friends. I mean they weren’t even part of the party or anything, they were just throwing popcorn at me. It was really weird.” Ryder always told her strange random stories that popped into his head. 
Although there was sometimes those rare accounts of silence when they were together, it was never awkward. The pair was so comfortable with each other that it wasn’t awkward. “I’m not itching at all.” He replied, understanding what she meant. “Why?” Ryder asked, looking at the brunette on his arm. “Are we going to go see another movie or something?” He was going to take all the time he could get with Marley. Hanging out with her always made him truly happy.
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slowly, then all at once;; ryley.
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acaryder-blog · 10 years ago
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“But if you don’t have time to read the books, movies are just as good as a substitute. Take Jurassic Park it was an awesome book and an even better movie.” He said, his voice playfully arguing with hers.
This was an everyday occurrence basically; the intimate touches seemed to always get a bit more intimate but in more of a friend way than anything. His mind always seemed to wander when he was around her, thinking about potential scenarios between the best friend duo. To most that didn’t know the, they looked and acted like a couple. They went to the movies, he uses “the move” on her to make her laugh, they’re always laughing and smiling together, and hell he’s even starting to think they’re more kind of like a couple than not. To those that do know them, they’re two best friends who just happen to be very close. Yet he preferred the thought of the people that didn’t know them and yearned for her closeness 24/7.
“Well if Marley Rose says it’s a B- then I’m sure the critics rated it even worse since you do happen to be super generous and kind.” He said with a smile. “I did prefer The Notebook more though, that movie’s a lot better than all of these John Green ones.” He always preferred Nicholas Sparks and was pretty much a huge sucker for all of his movies. 
Ryder looked down, watching the movement that had occurred resulting in her hand being placed on his bicep. He tried to hide the smile that was appearing, although it probably wasn’t working. “I think you’re right about that, honestly. My favorite part about the movie was eating the popcorn. It was actually really good.”
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slowly, then all at once;; ryley.
“That’s not what I’m saying!”
She usually wasn’t this absorbed in a conversation, especially when walking around late at night. It might be because of the rules her mother drilled into her head before moving to college, such as always keeping her keys in her hand and her attention on her surroundings, or because she didn’t have a lot of people she could become this absorbed in a conversation with. Nonetheless, there she was, with the person she could talk for hours with about a movie she would barely give a B+ rating; Ryder Lynn. Her best friend, her dance partner, and the only guy who would see a movie like Papertowns with her willingly. That last part was one of the main reasons he was so amazing, and one of the reasons he beginning to be seen in a different light by her. A more romantic light, as strange as that sounds.
“I’m just saying that the book is always better than the movie,” She shrugged, keeping her arm hooked with his so they could walk close together. They hadn’t let go of each other since they first met up to go see the movie, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. “And even the book made me a little iffy. It’s just…it’s just a B+ for me. Maybe a B-.”
Rambling. She was definitely rambling. 
Looking up at him, she gave him a smile and a small nudge with her elbow. “What’d you think? Should I start planning a runaway riddle quest for you to get started on?” As she spoke, she didn’t even notice when her free hand un-stuffed itself from her pocked and moved to rest on his arm, holding onto his bicep. It was almost too natural for her to do so, further increasing the feeling of fluttering in her stomach.
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acaryder-blog · 10 years ago
I think it has to be more awesome if you’re trying to be correct and all. But to tell you the truth, I like awesomer better. Yes to all of those except for being super tall. I don’t wanna have Jimmy Neutron hair, people would be totally be confused if I did. Even twenty years from now when we have British accents and somewhat grey hair?
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That’s because I like yours the best. You’re really good at baking, Marls. I mean you’re good at everything so that’s not a surprise. I’m just speaking the truth. No, don’t feel mean or anything. I’m ashamed to admit I’ve said much worse about them so don’t even worry about it. She knows how you feel about me? Like how we’re super best friends? I hope she wouldn’t because I love being your dance partner too.
Tonight might be the best night.
Your laugh is awesomer. More awesome? Extra awesome? If it’s indecisive like you, does that mean that it’s also a huge dork like you? And super tall like you? And half-cuban like you? Of course we can, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
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That’s actually really sweet, you know? I know a lot of people like brownies and sweets like that, but you’re actually being really charming about mine specifically. It’s fitting language, even though reading back into what I said makes it feel a little meaner than what I meant. Rachel wouldn’t switch us. I know she wouldn’t, she knows how I feel about you and how much I love being your dance partner. She just wouldn’t!
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acaryder-blog · 10 years ago
I don’t know Marls, I’ll have to think about it. I like funny jokes because then I laugh and then you usually laugh and your laugh is awesome. Basically, I mean my hair and I do share the same person so it’s only natural that it’s indecisive like me. Can we be best friends for forever?
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Chocolate and sugar and spice and everything nice, actually. That’s what I like. Or more like I like anything that you make. Those turds? Wow, I never knew you could use such language, Marley Rose. I hope we win it all, I do. I’d love for that to happen to us, especially you. Your voice is pretty much the best voice I’ve ever listened to. What if we were switched one number? LIke what if we somehow weren’t dance partners? I’d probably go on strike.
Tonight might be the best night.
Do I get a best friend seal of approval for trying to make you laugh with slightly unfunny jokingness? Indecisive, just like you? You’re my best friend too, you know. Like, the best of the best of the best friends.
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You like anything that has chocolate and sugar in it, but still, it shall be done! Hey, we still have two more years to beat those turds. We beat them in regionals this year, and in the first riff-off, so next year we’ll beat them in even more competitions, and then we’ll win it all, okay? You haven’t stepped on my foot in forever, so shush, you’re an amazing dancer. I’m incredibly lucky to be your dance parter 99.9% of the time.
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acaryder-blog · 10 years ago
Okay good because I wouldn’t give you a best friend seal of approval if you were doing that. Thank you, my hair is super appreciative of that. It’s also super indecisive. That’s true, you always get me hyped up since you do happen to my best friend and all.
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I’d like that a lot and my stomach would like that even more. I love anything you make, it’s like a known fact. I guess but it’s just hard to think that we have a better dance strategy since we lost this year. Oh yeah, totally the best dancers on the team except when I’m accidentally stepping on your feet trying to get to the other side of you and stuff.
Tonight might be the best night.
It was a joke, Ry. I’m not trying to knock myself. You do you, Ryder Lynn. I’m always here to support you with whatever your hair wants. As long as it’s not a mullet. Or a mohawk. Or, y’know, instead of coffee, you can just get hyped up by talking to me a lot?
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I can whip up some Rose famous Brownies, if you’d like? They can stage dance, okay? They can memorize choreography, they can execute steps, but we can bounce around on stage and actually get the crowd hyped up on our energy instead of show-boaty dance moves. I was kidding. You and I are pretty much the best dancers on the team. Especially when we’re paired up.
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acaryder-blog · 10 years ago
Don’t knock yourself, Marls. You’re really good. I dunno, I’m gonna go wherever the hair takes me. I don’t decide that stuff, my hair decides for me. Fine, no energy drinks. I guess I’ll just have to drink a ton of coffee.
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That sounds good to me. Can we have cookies or brownies or something too? Not compared to those Tonicizers. They can dance. You can’t try to make me feel better by taking a dig at yourself that’s not even true. I don’t like when you do that, Marls.
Tonight might be the best night.
Yeah, and it’s good practice for the day that pigs fly too. You can rock it, but are you going to keep it as a hairstyle? Or is this going to be a seasonal thing, and your longer hair is coming back once it gets cold? No, no energy drinks! They’ll make your heart stop, and yeah, just no.
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How does this weekend sound? Go to your room, pop the movies in the player? You do not suck at dancing, Ryder Lynn. You’re amazing at dancing, and you have me to make you look better by comparison. Shut your mouth.
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acaryder-blog · 10 years ago
Well since you are going to be famous one day, it’s good practice for you. Fair enough, at least we know I can rock a shaved head. I’m not gonna doze off though, I’ll make sure to have one of my energy drinks.
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Let’s do it today. Kidding, kidding. Sometime in the next two weeks would be good, I think. Maybe a weekend because then we can just have a sleepover and not worry about being up to late. I really hope we don’t try to work on our dancing skills, I suck at dancing.
Tonight might be the best night.
We handled them pretty well, though. Like a couple of famous celebrities that know what to say to the paps. Fine, your tickling I can handle, but I’ll shave your head again if you look like you’re about to doze off.
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Do you know when you want to have a marathon, then? Rachel’s probably going to kick our butt with practices as soon as possible, so we should probably get the movies started before we’re dead tired from harmonizing and trying to one-up the Tonicizers dance skills.
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acaryder-blog · 10 years ago
Those reporters were kinda weird, and not in a good way. Fine, I won’t dump water on you but that doesn’t mean that I won’t try to tickle you if you look like you’re about to doze off.
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One of them isn’t even out yet so only six. The timeline thing isn’t hard, trust me. You’re smart, Marls like way more smarter than anyone else I know so I know you’ll be able to get it. I grew up watching them all the time, that’s probably why and the prequels all came out when I was alive, even though i was pretty young but still. We can have popcorn breaks, I just want you to experience the awesomeness that I’ve been able to. I know once you see one, you’re definitely going to want to watch all of them. They’re that good.
Tonight might be the best night.
The Belltones and those reporters from Nationals, apparently. But, yeah, that’s kind of a different story. Just promise no dumping water on me, okay? Rach will kill me if we mess up our room anymore than we already have.
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Okay, seven. That’s three more movies than what I”m used to following along with, and all of the timeline things confuse me to no end. I’m still super impressed that you know the whole series as well as you do, but but but I promise to try to watch the whole thing with you before summer is up. No complaining, actually learning the names, no popcorn breaks, nothing like that. I shouldn’t have even talked like that about those movies, honestly.
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acaryder-blog · 10 years ago
I don’t think everybody knows that. Most people yeah, but outside of the Bell Tones they might not know that. No worries, I’ll make sure you’re up until then. I’ll keep you awake any way possible.
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Fine, you can do that. I’ll leave that responsibility up to you. There’s not thirty movies, there’s six. Six. And another one is coming out but still. Han Solo and Luke Skywalker are completely two different people. Completely. And that girl with the two buns on her head is Princess Leia and she’s so badass.
Tonight might be the best night.
How will people get confused? Everybody already knows that I take you hostage all the time, and anybody that doesn’t like it can go do something else. Four might be a stretch for me, but I’ll try since it’s you.
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Okay, Spiderman! You can be Spider-Ryder! Sp-Ryder-Man! If you ever do become a superhero, I cal dibs on helping you pick out your name. There’s probably thirty movies, Ryder. Thirty, thirty-hour movies ends up being a lot of plot points to cover, and I always confuse Luke Skywalker and the guy who kissed the girl with two buns on her head.
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acaryder-blog · 10 years ago
Don’t go around saying that though, Marls. People will get confused. We could stay up till four and be total badasses! 
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I’m Superman? I’d rather be Spider-man because his powers aren’t natural which means that it could actually happen to me too. But thanks for the compliment, I’ll totally take it. I told you a billion times, I’ll explain the plot to the Star Wars movies if you watch all of them with me.
Tonight might be the best night.
I know you meant it in a good way. Marley Rose Hostage Situations are always a good thing, and now we don’t have to worry about classes the next day, so we can stay up for as long as we want!
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I’m voting Superman, because that’s basically what you are. It’s also the only movie I can actually understand the plot of.
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acaryder-blog · 10 years ago
That’s fine, I like being held hostage. Even though that sounds super weird, I meant it in a good way. Plus, you fall asleep on me a lot and I never mind.
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Can I wear my pajamas there? Should I wear my Star Wars, Batman, or Superman pajama pants? 
Tonight might be the best night.
Of course you are! As long as you don’t mind my constant commentary or me probably getting way too into the show? It’ll also be kinda late when it’s over, so you’re 100% welcome as long as you also don’t mind the possibility of me falling asleep on you and possibly holding you hostage for the night.
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That was my way of saying that you should bring some pajamas and your toothbrush, because I’m going to hold you hostage for the night.
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acaryder-blog · 10 years ago
Am I invited to this best night? Because I’d love to watch all of that stuff with you, just because we haven’t hung out in like a few hours. Teen Wolf confuses me but still, I’m totally there!
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Tonight might be the best night.
And I mean that in more ways than one, but mostly because The Last Holiday is on and that’s one of my favorite movies to ever exist. It’s not all the way at the top with THG or my Julie Andrews classics, but it’s up there. Now I can spend the entire night watching one of the best Christmas movies of all time while I definitely don’t wait for a certain TV show about wolves that happen to also be teenagers. Nope, not waiting for any show like that.
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But also R.I.P. Allison Argent.
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acaryder-blog · 10 years ago
Dude, that would be totally awesome! You’d be connected to one of the best snacks on Earth!
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I just realized I might have totally been named after the fish on the Goldfish cracker bag..I can’t tell if this is cool or not
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acaryder-blog · 10 years ago
I always forget the best remedy for hangovers because there’s so many but maybe a lot of rest will help. Yeah, a lot of rest probably.
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In case anyone was curious -
Hangovers can, in fact, last longer than a day. Especially when they’re induced by far too many tequila shots, courtesy of Sebastian. The silver lining: now I can add a borderline alcoholic to my list of role possibilities in the future. I feel prepared enough to give a performance that would be nothing short of award worthy. 
Speaking of awards, I’m sure we all know that tonight is the night of all nights. The 69th Annual Tony Awards. You can bet I’ll be tuning in to live tweet the entire evening, study the performances, and criticize the amount of actors who turn into blubbering messes upon reaching the podium. 
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acaryder-blog · 10 years ago
Some socks? Well isn’t there a saying, when in doubt give socks?
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Well, now I know exactly what to get you for Christmas. 
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acaryder-blog · 10 years ago
Who? Me or someone way more awesome like Christian Bale?
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acaryder started following you
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Look who decided to show up. 
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