A Budding Heart
18 posts
Floral Designer at Urban Garden Affiliated with Harbour Pointe
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abuddingheart-blog · 7 years ago
Activity Check
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abuddingheart-blog · 7 years ago
Stay Calm and Shop || Angela & Lyla
The Harvest Market was bustling with life in the downtown area. People moving up and down the lined stalls, staying in the shade of the giant market tarp as they browsed homemade crafts and drink vendors. Lyla didn’t come here often since she lived so far away, but it was such a nice day and she could use a shopping spree. 
As she was looking through one stall’s hand knit scarves, the crowd surged around her and she stumbled forward to bump into someone. “Oh, I’m so sorry!” Lyla tried to right herself but couldn’t move back far due to the proximity of the crowd. “Are you okay?”
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abuddingheart-blog · 7 years ago
Birds of a Feather || Julia & Lyla
The park was lovely this time of year. Lyla sat on a bench with a clear, plastic bag of sunflower seeds beside her, eating a few and tossing a handful out to the birds every now and then. Quite a crowd had gathered around her. 
“You’re all so lovely.” Lyla cooed lovingly to the birds, leaning forward with her ever-present smile. The park was such a nice change of pace from the busy streets of Harbour Pointe.
When she looked up, a familiar looking face came into view and she realized it was the lady from the pet store. The same that’d she bought these sunflower seeds at! How lovely! Lyla waved.
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abuddingheart-blog · 7 years ago
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Basil chuckled, tilting his head as if trying to see her around the flower. “What?!” But he let her turn away anyway. She was a sheepish kind of woman, he’d noticed. Modest. Traditional. No wonder she got flustered every time he said something about, say, kissing.
Still…he couldn’t help but tease her. She made it too easy, and he always liked to see if he could make her cheeks match her hair.
“You don’t think kissing’s nice?” His laughter finally trailed off. “A lot of people seem to think kissing’s nice. C’mon.”
“Well, it’s very nice if it’s with someone special to you. That’s...” She frowned, thinking back to their kiss, as brief and messy as it was. “That’s the only way I like kissing. I want to find someone special to share my life with.” They had kissed, but obviously, it hadn’t meant anything to him. She was trying not to think about it, sometimes things just didn’t work out and that’s how it was. There was no point in being mad or upset with him.
It didn’t make it hurt any less. 
She turned back with a smile, her flush gone. “So, it’d take a lot more than some rich, fancy person whisking me away for me to fall in love. I’ve seen a lot of couples without that solid foundation to keep them together.” She wouldn’t fall into the same trap.
Catching Up || Lyla & Basil
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abuddingheart-blog · 7 years ago
       Smile growing, Ceci nodded happily. Still new to town, she hadn’t had the chance to go out and explore all the places to eat. Doing so now would help make her feel a little more at home, and having the chance to bond with a coworker never hurt either. 
       “ I’d love to! “ She told the other, hoping she put the right amount of enthusiasm into her voice. Some days it was hard to tell if she came off as over eager or not eager enough. Stomach rumbling again loudly, she felt her cheeks turn a little red. “ And so would my stomach apparently. “
Lyla grinned broadly and clasped her hands together. “Perfect! We can head over there as soon as everything’s finished.” Just thinking about it made her hungrier. 
Cecilia’s stomach grumbled. the sound eliciting a giggle from Lyla that she didn’t bother to hide. She was so adorable. “Our stomachs are in agreement then. Maybe they’re talking.”
Closing Time || Lyla & Cecilia
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abuddingheart-blog · 7 years ago
Activity Check
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abuddingheart-blog · 7 years ago
Cecilia had been so focused on counting she hadn’t heard the woman approach. Looking up, she offered the other a small smile. “I’m almost done, just trying to figure out what to give them to turn into change in the morning.” Her gaze drifted back down to the bills, and she resumed counting. It took her a moment to realize what the sound was. Looking up at Lyla, she grinned a little. “Mine did the same not too long ago. It’s a good thing you didn’t hear it.”
Lyla giggled. “My own probably drowned it out. It’s been growling at me for the past hour.” No wonder as her lunch had been a little sparse that day, too much in a hurry this morning to make a proper meal. 
It was only five. If they were both starving, maybe... “Would you want to go over to Blazing Burgers with me? My treat~” She smiled gently. “I just don’t like eating alone and we’re both about to have rebellious stomachs it sounds like.”
Closing Time || Lyla & Cecilia
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abuddingheart-blog · 7 years ago
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Basil, in fact, didn’t say anything at all.
Lyla, he’d known since their time working together for his best friend’s wedding, had a habit of daydreaming sometimes. She’d begin talking about a detail, and would slowly trail off, then stare into the distance with bright eyes and a very soft smile.
Just like this.
Basil didn’t like to hurry her back from these. He thought it’d be too jarring for her. Instead, he watched her, waiting patiently, fascinated by the flitting of her mind and how adoringly she gazed at the flower in her hand. And then, when she looked up, he smiled back.
“You’re back,” he said softly - warmly - before his tone turned teasing. “You looked like you were about to kiss that flower.”
At his words, a soft pink bloomed on her cheeks. She’d forgotten Basil knew about her bad habit and that she wouldn’t be able to simply play it off. Holding the flower to cover her face, Lyla turned to hide. “Basil! That’s not very nice.” It was a soft scolding filled more with laughter than admonishment.  
And she’d been daydreaming about him, too. 
Catching Up || Lyla & Basil
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abuddingheart-blog · 7 years ago
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Basil traced the blossom with his eyes, sliding off of his counter so he could come a little closer to inspect it for quality or damage. Flawless. He smiled at it, as if it was a secret friend, and then looked back up at Lyla.
“I wouldn’t know.” He chuckled. “I don’t exactly stick around. Just wanna get my slip signed and get back to the shop. Better company here.” As usual, he didn’t think before he spoke - just let his thoughts out freely. Why would he care if a customer flirted with him? He didn’t have time for that. He had time for work and flowers and friends, and that was about it.
Still. If it was something she was interested in… “Come with me sometime, when we’ve got another couple of designers on duty.” He shrugged, leaning against the counter, his arms crossing over his chest. “You’d probably like seeing their faces better than me. And I could use the company. Some of those rides are too long.”
Lyla looked away in an attempt to steady her heart. Not everyone could appreciate those moments, she supposed, but they were details that she cherished.
She pulled the flower close to her chest, fingers running up the long stem and dancing over the feather soft petals. “Oh, well, if you ever need help with a large delivery, I wouldn’t mind.” Sometimes they catered for events that would need several hundreds of flowers
It would be pretty nice, though, wouldn’t it? Riding with Basil, talking... she imagined their conversation of flowers turning to the wedding they were driving to — because suddenly it was a wedding venue that needed all of these flowers — and when they got there, they would carry the flowers in together. Maybe they would be asked to stay and they could dance for a bit. She could say yes this time rather than—
A peal of laughter from someone passing through the first floor jolted Lyla back to reality and she looked up at Basil with a sheepish smile. Hopefully he hadn’t been saying anything important.
Catching Up || Lyla & Basil
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abuddingheart-blog · 7 years ago
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For someone who had seemed so in love with the idea of romance when they first met when she was a wedding planner, she seemed to turn the subject away quite quickly. Had he misread her? Basil tilted his head to the side, studying the flowers and silently naming them as he thought. He was terrible at comfort. Terrible at pretty much any human interaction, actually - why couldn’t they all be plants?
Better to just go with her flow, then.
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“I mean, I’d love to, but, uh…they were only hiring part-time professors when I came through.” Basil chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, looking away. “Yep…just gonna make flower delivery my real passion after all. Turns out I could’ve saved on all that college after all, huh?”
Lyla giggled. “I wouldn’t really know. I think it’s a fun job, though.” She picked out a flower, a pink peony with a long stem, and turned toward him. “Putting together a bouquet and seeing it delivered, I wish I could see the customer’s face when they receive it.” Those moments were so precious and that she helped create them always made her heart bloom. 
Basil, though, she was sure once his real work picked up he would want to leave here. Part of her looked forward to it so she didn’t have to feel this ache in her heart every time she saw him. Another part of her dreaded the day. Not that it mattered. Some people were made for college and academics and teaching others. It’d never been a path for Lyla. “I think the customers really like having a handsome flower deliverer, though.” She grinned teasingly at him, but it was true, too.
Catching Up || Lyla & Basil
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abuddingheart-blog · 7 years ago
If you participated in the Baycourt Company Picnic event, please reblog this for one point of activity!
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abuddingheart-blog · 7 years ago
Activity Check
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abuddingheart-blog · 7 years ago
Closing Time || Lyla & Cecilia
It was time to close up. Lyla had just finished all of her end of day activities, from sweeping and re-arranging the flowers to cleaning up the shop. Cecilia was still here and she couldn’t leave until she was ready, but Lyla was in no rush.
“Do you need help counting your drawer?” Lyla came up beside the counter with a soft smile. “I think I have everything else taken care of.” It was possible she’d forgotten something, though. It had been a long day. Setting her purse on the counter, she took a moment to just breathe before she would be making the long drive back home. 
Then her stomach growled. 
“Oh, my.” Lyla’s hand covered her stomach. How embarrassing. 
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abuddingheart-blog · 7 years ago
Even though he had set out on his journey of adulthood and independence away from his brother, Dirk never forgot about his roots. His family, his friends, his hometown… they were responsible for shaping him into the man he was today. Without them, he certainly wouldn’t be here— he’d probably be nowhere. So what kind of jerk would he be if he turned his back on all of that?
That was why he always made sure to write letters to his brother and old friends, to update them on his life, check up on theirs, and let them know he was subverting all poor expectations and doing alright for himself!
He figured he should include a lil’ extra-extra in his letters though, especially to Ivan. A nice souvenir from the big city, something they could still appreciate, and not freak out over. For his dear brother, he figured a nice floral perfume would be a good start. And if that failed? Flowers. That was always a trusty go-to gift. 
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“Heyooo, Miss Lyla!” He says as he steps into the Urban Garden, greeting the woman with a grin and wave. “Hope the day’s been treatin’ ya well?”
Dirk’s familiar cheery tune drew Lyla’s attention from the bouquet she was putting together for a client. They wouldn’t be around to pick it up until much later, but she liked to put a certain amount of detail into her work. There was also always the chance, however rare, that a rush of customers would flood her. Better to get much done as she could in her free moments.
Turning to Dirk, Lyla waved back cheerfully. “Hello♡ I was just getting a little bored, actually. There’s barely been any customers today.” She sighed and leaned against her counter. “What brings you by, Dirk? Do you need a flower for a special someone?” The corners of her mouth twitched into a smile. 
Floral Letters || Dirk & Lyla
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abuddingheart-blog · 7 years ago
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@harbourpointe - Baycourt Company Picnic
Well, this was a mess. It was intended to be a chocolate sponge cake with mixed berry mousse. The sponge had turned out rather well. The mousse? Not so much. Unable to get the mousse to stay stiff - especially once it was anywhere not a freezer - it proceeded to pour out the sides and became an oozing tower of berry mousse. 
But was all she had for the company picnic and she wasn’t going to come empty-handed.
Though at this rate, maybe it was better to. No, no! She was sure it tasted really well! The sponge was light and delicate. It was just the mousse that was, well, all over the place. Topped with whip cream and fresh cut strawberries, she hoped people wouldn’t judge it too hard on its looks.
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abuddingheart-blog · 7 years ago
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Basil couldn’t help but chuckle at her comment. He could understand a bit of it, at least - fielding his own buddy’s mother had been a nightmare just for himself, and he hadn’t even been paid for it. He could only imagine the nonsense she’d put Lyla through behind closed doors or on the phone.
“Hey, who knows, right? Some suave lawyer might come waltzing in here and need centerpieces for some fancy function, and the next second you’ll have his number in your pocket.” At the least, he wanted her to be happy.
Sometimes he thought that smile didn’t quite reach her eyes.
“I know what you mean, though, like…I didn’t realize how much more free time I was gonna have now that I’m just working here part time. It’s a breath of fresh air compared to the past, what, nine months?”
What he said made her stomach twist, but there was no change in her easy smile. “That would be quite the movie romance,” she joked. “Hmm, maybe? You never know~” Her tone seemed to suggest she wouldn’t mind such a thing, but she wasn’t looking at him as she said it. Instead, she was distracted by the flowers near her, re-arranging them delicately inside their bin and checking their stems. Delicate fingers pulled her pink hair behind her ear, brushing against the floral arrangements she had in her hair.
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“You’re working at the university too, right? Why not there full time?” Crimson eyes glanced at him briefly before returning to the flowers. 
Catching Up || Lyla & Basil
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abuddingheart-blog · 7 years ago
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Monday mornings weren’t exactly the busiest times at Urban Garden. Most of the time if there were no deliveries to be made, Basil would be told to go home early, but somewhere in the past month his boss had learned that Basil would make any excuse in the book to stay at work. A man needed money, after all, even if his garden called to him.
So there he was. No deliveries. And there Lyla was. No orders. Just a shop with only two workers for the next hour and a half, at least. He didn’t mind. Lyla and him had a weird past - her doing that wedding planning thing for one of his best buddies or whatever - and they hadn’t even had time to catch up since she’d started working here.
Well. Why not now?
Basil heaved himself up to sit on the register counter and smiled down at Lyla. “So. How’s life? No more bridezillas for you forever?”
One thing Lyla loved about working at Urban Garden was that it was lowkey. Her phone was not constantly ringing, she was not being yelled at, she didn’t have to go yell at vendors, and the hours were set: 9AM to 5PM in the Baycourt building. It was an odd sort of therapy but one that she enjoyed. True, she didn’t grow as close to her clients here, there were no emotional days, and she had met some truly great people, and formed deep bonds, while working as a wedding planner.
Right now, though, she did not miss it. Not even during the downtime at Urban Garden. 
Of course, Basil working here was rather a surprise, even if only part time, and it brought back a lot of complicated feelings. 
“Not unless I become one, I suppose.” She smiled and leaned back, finding his proximity a little more than distracting. “But no, I don’t plan to go back into wedding planning. It’s,” she sighed, “tiring. A little too much. I just want something easy right now.” 
Catching Up || Lyla & Basil
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