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abuayasworld · 14 hours ago
‎Abu Huraira reported:
‎The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), said,
‎"If a woman prays her five prayers, fasts her month of Ramadan, guards her chastity, and obeys her husband, she will enter Paradise from any gate she wishes."
‎(Şahih Ibn Hibbān 4163)
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abuayasworld · 14 hours ago
“Marry a man who loves Jesus because that man will respect you and will worship with you.”
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abuayasworld · 14 hours ago
Al-Imām Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله Said:
The eye is the mirror of the heart, so if the slave lowers his gaze, the heart will lower its desires and whims, and if he lets his gaze wander, the desire in his heart will be released.
[The Garden of Lovers | P. 109]
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abuayasworld · 14 hours ago
Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said:
“If you read (the Qur'ān) with contemplation, even if over a (single) ayah, it is a key to healing your heart. Even if repeated a hundred times and for the (whole) night.
Reading an ayah with contemplation and understanding is better than reading to completion without tadabbur and understanding. It is more beneficial for the heart and ensures gain in faith, and in tasting sweetness of the Qur'ān.”
مفتاح دار السعادة (٥٥٣/١)
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abuayasworld · 14 hours ago
The concept of rizq is so beautiful. Like even when you eat a piece of fruit it was always written for you. From the moment it grew from the tree, it went through all these people and traveled all this way until it was in your hands.
It was always meant to be yours. Everything in this world that is meant to be yours has your name on it, and Allah has willed it to eventually reach you, one way or another.
From every rice grain you'll ever eat to every person you'll ever love. It's so comforting to think about.
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abuayasworld · 14 hours ago
Ibn al-Qayyīm رحمه الله:
"Whatever Allāh has decreed for His believing slave is a blessing even if that is in the form of withholding; it is a favour even if that is in the form of a trial, and the calamity decreed by Him is a fair even if it is painful."
[Madārij al-Sālikīn | 4/215]
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abuayasworld · 14 hours ago
7 Things to do in #Ramadan
1) Read Quran Daily ❤️ 2) Pray on Time ❤️ 3) Don't eat too much on iftar 4) Make Dua as much as you can 🤲 5) Feed the poor, if you are able to 6) Dont backbite and avoid anger 7) Do a lot of Dhikr instead of sleeping all day
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abuayasworld · 14 hours ago
وَمَا خَلَقْنَا السَّمَاءَ وَالْأَرْضَ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا بَاطِلًا ۚ ذَٰلِكَ ظَنُّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا ۚ فَوَيْلٌ لِّلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا مِنَ النَّارِ
And We did not create the heaven and the earth and that between them aimlessly. That is the assumption of those who disbelieve, so woe to those who disbelieve from the Fire.
[Quran 38:27]
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abuayasworld · 17 hours ago
Women don't want men who are submissive and overly agreeable. We want leaders. We want a strong man who will protect us and our kids. We want someone we can depend on. Someone who can make decisions. Someone who isn't afraid to be firm when he needs to be. This idea that the perfect man is just a guy who agrees with everything you say and let's you, no, makes you make every decision is gross and backwards. It's sad that feminism has convinced so meny men and women that a weak man is an ideal man.
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abuayasworld · 17 hours ago
Chasing status in the eyes of the people through worldly matters and/or material things is only for weak insecure people with no real status, depth or character.
Chasing status in the eyes of the people in religious matters is for the diseased hearts and the hypocrites.
The only status that matters is your status with Allah, and on the day of reckoning your status will be known. Some people will be elevated while others will be degraded and humiliated. It is a day when everything will be plain and clear and the truthful will be evident from the liars.
Now is the time for to you to decide which one you want to be, and remember, it's not always the loudest one in the room that's the realest.
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abuayasworld · 17 hours ago
The muslim family;
Where pious men are heads of homes, they lead, provide, protect and sacrifice for their families.
Where modest wives love, respect, submit and take care of their husband.
Where the worship of Allah is present all the time.
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abuayasworld · 17 hours ago
The muslim family;
Where pious men are heads of homes, they lead, provide, protect and sacrifice for their families.
Where modest wives love, respect, submit and take care of their husband.
Where the worship of Allah is present all the time.
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abuayasworld · 17 hours ago
How many women do you see wearing Hijab with pants or tight skirts and dresses nowadays. It's rampant with young or old sisters. It's almost like they've forgotten why they wore the Hijab in the first place.
Women from Banī Tamīm wearing thin clothes entered upon ‘Aishah رضي اللّٰه عنها, she then told them:
‎“If you are believing women, then these are not the clothes of believing women.
And if you are not believing women, then enjoy it.“
‎[Tafsīr Al-Qurṭubī | 17/231]
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abuayasworld · 17 hours ago
Men might not always be articulate in expressing their love but a man is different from a woman and when he truly loves someone it shows in his actions.. You will feel his love in his gheerah, in his protection and attention, you will notice it in how he behaves around you and your children if you have any, like a shield from any harm be it inwardly or outer threats. You will see him work tirelessly and always put himself last, self-sacrificing and firm as a mountain behind your back. He would happily keep any pain inside of him no matter how much he might be hurting just for the sake of the ones he loves so that they would always feel safe and without any stress.
The love of a man is seen through actions and not from empty words.
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abuayasworld · 17 hours ago
At-Tabari died besieged, al Bukhari deserted, An-Nasaa’i murdered, Ibn Hazm hunted, Abu Hanifa died in captivity, Ibn Taymiyyah in prison, Malik Ibn Anas was imprisoned and flogged, Imam Shafi was also imprisoned, Al-Thawri died on the run, Al-Mussayib died deserted, Imam Ahmad got whipped/tortured.
“Do people think once they say, “We believe,” that they will be left without being put to the test?�� [29:2]
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abuayasworld · 17 hours ago
The path of at-Tawḥīd is not always an easy path: people distance them self from you, because they hear something new, they see that not a lot of people agree with you, they think 'how can this be the truth when most people don't follow it?'... So al-Ghurbah (strangeness) is the result: From brothers being refused in marriage because of their ʿAqīdah to brothers being physically attacked, to brothers losing all their friends and maybe even family, to sisters being isolated in families who have fallen into disbelief, to sisters not finding a Muwaḥḥid husband to protect them... again, it is not an easy path, but wallāh, all of this is nothing, for it is the best Path. It is a sweet path, a clear path and a straight path: the Path of the Prophets. So, hold onto the Path of Ibrāhīm and the Āthār, and smile, for wallāh, you have the best you can get in this world!
This of course depends from situation to situation, people who live in a place where this isn’t the case should be grateful!
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abuayasworld · 17 hours ago
When it comes to the issue of declaring takfir upon the one who commits major shirk (which means to consider him a mushrik and not a Muslim) then this very easy issue has been made difficult due to people using names and titles (such as hazimi, murji, khariji) instead of adressing the reality of the issue.
And the reality is, that the one who worships others than Allah can never be a Muwahhid (Islamic Monotheist).
And the one who does not know that Tawhid and major shirk cannot co-exist in a human being, he has not known what Tawhid is, nor what major shirk is. And he has not differentiated between the religion of Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and the religion of Abu Jahl.
And these facts are established by the Quran, the Sunnah, the ijma', the 'aql and the fitrah.
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