absolutelyamusing · 11 years
[[Currently having a breakdown; I'll be back on tonight or tomorrow when I can guarantee it won't affect the muses' replies. Sorry for the delays]]
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absolutelyamusing · 11 years
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"I suppose it's not too bad," he says with a smirk, "So, Vera, tell me a little bit about yourself."
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"Well thank you very much, I’m pretty fond of my name myself." She nodded in agreement. "Wes…now that is a great name too you know?"
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absolutelyamusing · 11 years
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"Vera," he repeated with a smile, "That's a beautiful name. I'm Wes."
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"Yeah? Well that is good to hear." Vera smirked at him. "I’m Vera, and what is your name?"
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absolutelyamusing · 11 years
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"Try a little harder and I'm sure it'll work next time," she answered with a sly smile, "I'm Alex, by the way."
"I try, sweetheart."
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absolutelyamusing · 11 years
"Well aren't you charming."
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—“Would you like to—jingle my bells?”
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absolutelyamusing · 11 years
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"That's great, I appreciate a woman who can hold strong liquor." he answers with a smile, "It was incredibly rude of me for not asking this earlier but I don't think I caught your name before."
"Whiskey…I’m that kind of girl."
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absolutelyamusing · 11 years
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"Well I never thought I'd see you again."
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absolutelyamusing · 11 years
"I think I should be the one asking that question--"
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"--you just taped your hands wrong."
absolutelyamusing started following you
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"Did you need some help?"
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absolutelyamusing · 11 years
"Good, great. So what'll it be, luv?"
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Vera smiled at him rather surprised. “No, you didn’t make an ass of yourself. Really. But um…a drink would be nice actually.”
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absolutelyamusing · 11 years
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"Yeah, yeah, it's a great thing." he could feel his cheeks redden, "Listen, could I buy you a drink? No strings attached, I just owe you something for making a complete ass of myself."
Vera blinked at him. No one had ever said anything nice about her smile. “O-oh,” she blushed and shifted a little nervously. “I-is that a good thing?” She asked concerned. Maybe she should be more mysterious instead of so unsure.
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absolutelyamusing · 11 years
"It's uh...it's a complicated someone actually" he looked away, and fidgeted with his thumbs before continuing, "you know, your smile is probably more sincere and genuine than she ever was in her entire life."
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absolutelyamusing · 11 years
"Well I'm not sure if that's true but I appreciate you saying it. Really. It's just been a real shit week."
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"Uh, whiskey. I don't care what kind. Just whiskey and a little bit of ice."
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absolutelyamusing · 11 years
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"I can do charming"
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"I’m sorry but have we met before?"
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absolutelyamusing · 11 years
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"Yes, that's it! I got a bouquet for my mother's birthday a few weeks ago -- roses, I think -- I know, I know, they're a little traditional but they were absolutely gorgeous, I couldn't resist. In fact..." Wes digs through his pocket and pulls out his phone, "She sent out an email to our entire family about them. If you think I'm joking -- I'm not -- see?" He holds his phone out to the girl.
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"I’m sorry but have we met before?"
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absolutelyamusing · 11 years
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"Sorry, you just look like someone...forget it, never mind..."
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"I’m sorry but have we met before?"
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absolutelyamusing · 11 years
"Yeah--yeah, that'd be nice."
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"I'm so sorry, I'm sure I look like a total mess right now."
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"Well I haven’t had a complete breakdown in awhile so I suppose this was a little overdue."
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absolutelyamusing · 11 years
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"I'm sorry but have we met before?"
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