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[After eleven years, ya'll. Abraxas by @abraxasvirus/ @kai-ni, Tron: Evolution, Planet Comic Con 2025]
#[FINALLY. I AM. VIRUS.]#ooc#tron#tron evolution#abraxas#abraxas tron#tron legacy#abraxasvirus#tronblr#tron cosplay#cosplay#planet comic con#pcc 2025#planet comic con 2025#pcc#[theomancycos did the cape]#[anyone remember when expo fucked me over for a cloak ten years ago. pepperage farm remembers]
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[Night before the con selfieee :> Can't believe after ALL THESE YEARS I FINALLY get to cosplay Abraxas. Still working on the helmet circuits, will apply them tomorrow morning, then it's convention time]
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[Would you BELIEVE it's ACTUALLY HAPPENING. 11 years.]

[So despite my lack of proper costume we had fun
Imagine if I’d had it though UGHHH
Clu 2.0 by firstclu/immortalspark
Hoodie Abraxas is moi]
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Abraxas followed along, purposefully hovering just a little too close to use his height against her, and generally to be annoying. He even considered calling a few of his infected to join them, then decided against it. It would be for intimidation, nothing more, and he didn’t feel he needed it... yet. Something she’d said earlier was still circling in his head, though. if you somehow manage, then I can probably reverse it. Reverse it. That was new. He stiffened when another program appeared, tensing in case it became necessary to attack. But she shooed them away just as quickly, gathering the datapad instead. Whatever she was up to didn’t concern him, and he didn’t really listen to the words. He was still... distracted.
Rumors [Open]
It was not often the virus wandered into the city alone.
Usually he was accompanied by a number of his infected; they were a group of shadows, monsters appearing in the late cycles to make programs mysteriously disappear. But lately he tired of their company; they were base, mindless creatures, animals at best… And while he shared their tendencies he was not like them.
So Abraxas came to be crouched on a rooftop alone, idly flicking stray voxels from his fingers and onto the street below. They were the remains of some poor basic that had strayed out past curfew, and into an alley that was just dark enough. Her deresolution had been surprisingly swift; he did not intend to take back any new infected tonight.
Just as another cube hit the ground below with a tiny, almost imperceptible clink, a group of sentry rounded the corner; and Abraxas immediately turned to duck out of sight, leaping down the other side of the building to land in the opposite alley.
He would have preferred to derez the lot of them (and oh so easily could), but he was not yet so far gone that he forgot the importance of being subtle. Clu was either unaware of his continued presence in the system, or graciously allowing it as long as Abraxas… behaved. Whispers, rumors among the basics of a virus in the system instilled fear; reinforced the need for the admin’s protection.
The virus growled under his breath; the vague voices in his head whispered this was most likely the case; even now he was only a tool. But just as the growl passed his lips he heard it; footsteps on the still damp pavement from the recent energy rain - and he whirled around to meet whoever had been unfortunate enough to wander into him.
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finally got around to watching a playthrough of tron: evolution the other day and all i can think is JALEN OH NOOOOOO
(the jalen is based on @3-inch-sam ‘s redesign of him!)
(May 2021)
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i’m working on a fic that’s basically a jalen lives post-evo au and abraxas kinda just. sits in jalen’s programming à la venom and eddie,,, so here’s this inspired by that?
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Seemed he wasn’t the only mess Clu had created. The admin left only disaster and ruin in his wake, and one cycle it would catch up to him. Abraxas hoped he’d be there when it did. He didn’t need energy. But he moved to follow this mysterious program anyway, out of curiosity more than anything else. She knew things, but couldn’t read him nearly as well as she thought. That might prove useful.
Rumors [Open]
It was not often the virus wandered into the city alone.
Usually he was accompanied by a number of his infected; they were a group of shadows, monsters appearing in the late cycles to make programs mysteriously disappear. But lately he tired of their company; they were base, mindless creatures, animals at best… And while he shared their tendencies he was not like them.
So Abraxas came to be crouched on a rooftop alone, idly flicking stray voxels from his fingers and onto the street below. They were the remains of some poor basic that had strayed out past curfew, and into an alley that was just dark enough. Her deresolution had been surprisingly swift; he did not intend to take back any new infected tonight.
Just as another cube hit the ground below with a tiny, almost imperceptible clink, a group of sentry rounded the corner; and Abraxas immediately turned to duck out of sight, leaping down the other side of the building to land in the opposite alley.
He would have preferred to derez the lot of them (and oh so easily could), but he was not yet so far gone that he forgot the importance of being subtle. Clu was either unaware of his continued presence in the system, or graciously allowing it as long as Abraxas… behaved. Whispers, rumors among the basics of a virus in the system instilled fear; reinforced the need for the admin’s protection.
The virus growled under his breath; the vague voices in his head whispered this was most likely the case; even now he was only a tool. But just as the growl passed his lips he heard it; footsteps on the still damp pavement from the recent energy rain - and he whirled around to meet whoever had been unfortunate enough to wander into him.
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Abraxas noticeably flinched at ‘Jalen’, his posture tensing. Very few programs knew... that name. “... hE knOWs?” the virus whispered, hung on that one detail of her rant. She knew... far too much, far more than your average program. Everyone who knew that name was supposed to be dead. Of course he’d suspected that Clu knew he was still alive. Been thinking about it a few micros ago, even. But having the confirmation still stung. That he was still the admin’s plaything, even now.
Rumors [Open]
It was not often the virus wandered into the city alone.
Usually he was accompanied by a number of his infected; they were a group of shadows, monsters appearing in the late cycles to make programs mysteriously disappear. But lately he tired of their company; they were base, mindless creatures, animals at best… And while he shared their tendencies he was not like them.
So Abraxas came to be crouched on a rooftop alone, idly flicking stray voxels from his fingers and onto the street below. They were the remains of some poor basic that had strayed out past curfew, and into an alley that was just dark enough. Her deresolution had been surprisingly swift; he did not intend to take back any new infected tonight.
Just as another cube hit the ground below with a tiny, almost imperceptible clink, a group of sentry rounded the corner; and Abraxas immediately turned to duck out of sight, leaping down the other side of the building to land in the opposite alley.
He would have preferred to derez the lot of them (and oh so easily could), but he was not yet so far gone that he forgot the importance of being subtle. Clu was either unaware of his continued presence in the system, or graciously allowing it as long as Abraxas… behaved. Whispers, rumors among the basics of a virus in the system instilled fear; reinforced the need for the admin’s protection.
The virus growled under his breath; the vague voices in his head whispered this was most likely the case; even now he was only a tool. But just as the growl passed his lips he heard it; footsteps on the still damp pavement from the recent energy rain - and he whirled around to meet whoever had been unfortunate enough to wander into him.
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The program’s lack of fear was confusing, but entertaining. More entertaining than the running and screaming he was usually faced with, anyway, though it might have been fun to rip her limb from limb just to prove her wrong. “ReALLy?” He huffed, completely ignoring the rest of her questioning. He didn’t have to answer to her; only to Clu. “yoU kNOW mE, prOGrAM?”
Rumors [Open]
It was not often the virus wandered into the city alone.
Usually he was accompanied by a number of his infected; they were a group of shadows, monsters appearing in the late cycles to make programs mysteriously disappear. But lately he tired of their company; they were base, mindless creatures, animals at best… And while he shared their tendencies he was not like them.
So Abraxas came to be crouched on a rooftop alone, idly flicking stray voxels from his fingers and onto the street below. They were the remains of some poor basic that had strayed out past curfew, and into an alley that was just dark enough. Her deresolution had been surprisingly swift; he did not intend to take back any new infected tonight.
Just as another cube hit the ground below with a tiny, almost imperceptible clink, a group of sentry rounded the corner; and Abraxas immediately turned to duck out of sight, leaping down the other side of the building to land in the opposite alley.
He would have preferred to derez the lot of them (and oh so easily could), but he was not yet so far gone that he forgot the importance of being subtle. Clu was either unaware of his continued presence in the system, or graciously allowing it as long as Abraxas… behaved. Whispers, rumors among the basics of a virus in the system instilled fear; reinforced the need for the admin’s protection.
The virus growled under his breath; the vague voices in his head whispered this was most likely the case; even now he was only a tool. But just as the growl passed his lips he heard it; footsteps on the still damp pavement from the recent energy rain - and he whirled around to meet whoever had been unfortunate enough to wander into him.
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Abraxas laughed at ‘fight dirty’, the sound cold and broken. “WiLL yOU? Don’T tEMpT mE.” A fight might be fun. He was not afraid of any program - except perhaps Clu, and even then death at the admin’s hands did not frighten him. It was what else he might do.
Rumors [Open]
It was not often the virus wandered into the city alone.
Usually he was accompanied by a number of his infected; they were a group of shadows, monsters appearing in the late cycles to make programs mysteriously disappear. But lately he tired of their company; they were base, mindless creatures, animals at best… And while he shared their tendencies he was not like them.
So Abraxas came to be crouched on a rooftop alone, idly flicking stray voxels from his fingers and onto the street below. They were the remains of some poor basic that had strayed out past curfew, and into an alley that was just dark enough. Her deresolution had been surprisingly swift; he did not intend to take back any new infected tonight.
Just as another cube hit the ground below with a tiny, almost imperceptible clink, a group of sentry rounded the corner; and Abraxas immediately turned to duck out of sight, leaping down the other side of the building to land in the opposite alley.
He would have preferred to derez the lot of them (and oh so easily could), but he was not yet so far gone that he forgot the importance of being subtle. Clu was either unaware of his continued presence in the system, or graciously allowing it as long as Abraxas… behaved. Whispers, rumors among the basics of a virus in the system instilled fear; reinforced the need for the admin’s protection.
The virus growled under his breath; the vague voices in his head whispered this was most likely the case; even now he was only a tool. But just as the growl passed his lips he heard it; footsteps on the still damp pavement from the recent energy rain - and he whirled around to meet whoever had been unfortunate enough to wander into him.
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Rumors [Open]
It was not often the virus wandered into the city alone.
Usually he was accompanied by a number of his infected; they were a group of shadows, monsters appearing in the late cycles to make programs mysteriously disappear. But lately he tired of their company; they were base, mindless creatures, animals at best… And while he shared their tendencies he was not like them.
So Abraxas came to be crouched on a rooftop alone, idly flicking stray voxels from his fingers and onto the street below. They were the remains of some poor basic that had strayed out past curfew, and into an alley that was just dark enough. Her deresolution had been surprisingly swift; he did not intend to take back any new infected tonight.
Just as another cube hit the ground below with a tiny, almost imperceptible clink, a group of sentry rounded the corner; and Abraxas immediately turned to duck out of sight, leaping down the other side of the building to land in the opposite alley.
He would have preferred to derez the lot of them (and oh so easily could), but he was not yet so far gone that he forgot the importance of being subtle. Clu was either unaware of his continued presence in the system, or graciously allowing it as long as Abraxas… behaved. Whispers, rumors among the basics of a virus in the system instilled fear; reinforced the need for the admin’s protection.
The virus growled under his breath; the vague voices in his head whispered this was most likely the case; even now he was only a tool. But just as the growl passed his lips he heard it; footsteps on the still damp pavement from the recent energy rain - and he whirled around to meet whoever had been unfortunate enough to wander into him.
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[*blows a kiss to @isoradia * Radia if you’re out there I miss you and always wondered what happened to you]
#[the most in character thing ive ever posted tbh but I remember you all these years later. blows a kiss]#ooc#[but is it really]
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[we are going to finally have the real thing, lads. nine years later Clu I miss you my dude]

[So despite my lack of proper costume we had fun
Imagine if I’d had it though UGHHH
Clu 2.0 by firstclu/immortalspark
Hoodie Abraxas is moi]
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[EIGHT YEARS LATER I’m gonna have my goddamn Abraxas cloak my dudes. Commissioned a professional to make it for me and it has a turnaround of a year and was a large amount of money but FINALLY. FINALLY. this time next year I will have it. I still don’t know why expositionfairy did me dirty like this and it still haunts me all this time later. like. what . happened. But y’know. o.e]
[I’m so upset right now ugh it’s 5 am and I can’t sleep I’m so upset.
Today the con begins and I don’t have a costume :c I’d commissioned the cloak portion from an artist here on tumblr and despite multiple reassurances it’d be here in time for the con, it is not.
I don’t know what happened… I like to think maybe the USPS mail airplane crashed on a deserted island and maybe some survivor is using it as a sail on his boat that is definitely not what happened but it sounds more epic than ‘the artist forgot to send it’. .-.
I don’t know I’m just so upset. six months of planning, Clu1-mun’s expensive plane ticket to fly down here and cosplay with me, the expensive pass to the con which I’m not even sure I want to attend without a costume (idk… maybe I’ll wear my virus hoodie and rig some EL into the hood so I at least can rock the rave)
I just ugh why
why ruin my life I’d been looking forward to being virus at this con for half a year whyyyy
showing up today in my hoodie is just going to be a thousand percent depressing someone help me]
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