abramsage · 3 years
p e a c h  j o n e s
Peach had snuck away from the bonfire to a quieter part of the beach. While it wasn’t as lit up and lively as the other side, she had decided that she needed some peace and quiet before she was ready to get her party on. She sunk down into a spot a few feet from the water and dug her toes into the sand before plopping the bag of marshmallows she had stolen from the party in front of her. It wasn’t until she had stuffed two in her mouth that she noticed the other person standing nearby. “Did you want a marshmallow?” She managed to ask, her mouth still full. 
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      if he'd have known this part of the beach was occupied, sage wouldn't have come wandering over, lit joint perched between his lips. he's not much of a smoker, but on nights like these it seems... fitting, somehow. only two hits in and he's just as baked as the marshmallows everyone's been roasting. he's leaning down to rub the bright end out in the sand—maybe not his best decision, but it gets the job done either way. "huh?" sage mumbles once the girl's voice comes through. he doesn't recognize the tone when it's all muffled by sweets, but at least he can make out what she says. "ahh... yeah, sure," he completely forgets about the joint now and rubs at the back of his neck as he closes the gap between them. "how'd you manage to run off with a whole bag?" the brunet asks, sinking down into the sand beside her.
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abramsage · 3 years
i s l a  w i n t e r s​
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“  i  dare  you  to  jump  in  the  water  ,  no  cheating  either  !  ”  arms  are  crossed  over  her  chest  ,  a  wide  grin  plastered  across  her  face  as  she  watched  her  friend  ,  brows  arched  high  on  her  forehead. it  wouldn’t  be  a  real  party  if  truth  or  dare  wasn’t  involved  ,  even  in  your  twenties. “  the  waters  not  that  cold  and  i  doubt  there’s  anything  scary  that  close  to  shore  ,  so  i  see  no  excuse  unless  you’re  deathly  afraid  of  the  ocean  !  ”
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      a look of shock takes over sage's normally somber expression. "how could you even cheat at that?" he responds, brows beginning to furrow. he tosses his gaze out to the ocean before settling back on isla, motions up and down his body to emphasize a point that he hasn't managed to make just yet. "jeans and a hoodie aren't even close to swimwear, isla. c'mon. what happens if i back out?"
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abramsage · 3 years
e v a n g e l i n e  c o n n e r​
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evie had just gotten out of practice, and she had over exerted herself once again for the girls. she didn’t mind it all too much, but her back was definitely in some pain at the moment. she had decided to stop by the pharmacy to pick up some aspirin as the girl had run out the day before. as she wrapped her hand around the handle, she pulled but the door didn’t budge. she furrowed her eyebrows before bracing herself and pulling harder, not seeing the push sign right in front of her face. “what the hell?” she said under her breath, pulling even harder with both hands on the handle now. 
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      sage can't help but chuckle at the sight before him. he's walking up to storefront, watching a girl pull at the door so hard she might yank her arm off. once he realizes who it is, sage's laughter intensifies. "evie you've been here a million times," he says, words soaked in disbelief. "here, just stop pulling for a second." sage reaches an arm out to push the door for her, a self-satisfied smile coming to rest on his lips.
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abramsage · 3 years
l e i l a n i  c o o p e r
where: beach bonfire event
open to: all @oceanstarters
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After what felt like a week that’d been nothing but work and studying, this bonfire was something the young woman was very much in need of. Which was why she was currently seated by the fire, damp hair tucked behind her ears as she reached for more marshmallows to roast over the flames. Pointing and waving the skewer at the first person she saw near by, she addressed them. “Hey babe, want a s’more. Having 5 siblings has gotten me to the point that I’m pretty confident in my s’more making abilities so…wanna try one for yourself?” Leilani grinned, swinging the skewer and marshmallows over the fire. “I guarantee it won’t disappoint.”
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      sage can't seem to find a place to settle down, long limbs wandering the beach for something more promising than a free drink. he pushes the sleeves of his dark hoodie to the tops of his forearms, tattoos barely visible under the dimly lit sky. if it weren't for the glow of an approaching bonfire, the shapes would be lost to the darkness. "are you kidding, i haven't had s'mores since i was a kid," sage replies, brows raised in excitement. he settles into the sand next to leilani, nudges her shoulder with his. "aren't you freezing with your hair all wet like that lei?"
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abramsage · 3 years
h a z e l  g r a c e​
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she wanted to take a walk by the beach now that the weather was good enough to actually put on a pair of shorts and take her shoes off. she still had a long cardigan on top, but it was good enough, considering the winter had felt so long as it normally did in a town by the ocean. she loved it. since she was little, this was her happy place. and it was usually not too crowded during this time of the year. the soft spot between the winter and the summer holiday season. she wasn’t expecting to see somebody, and if she did, they were probably working out, or having their very own life crisis that they wouldn’t care to call her, but she was wrong. she heard someone calling her– it took a few more steps for her to recognize hazel crouching down by the beach. she was instantly curious, so she headed over there. “oh, hi, friend,” she reacted to the starfish. “i’m not google, but i certainly can look it up.” she laughed. “can’t you pick it up? take it back over there?”
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      there's never a time sage isn't glad to see hazel's glowing face. she looks happy, he notices, but doesn't mention it. there's more important business to attend to. "oh shit, yeah. please look it up. i would but i left my phone in the car, kinda wanted to disconnect for a while, y'know?" a laugh of his own follows suit, a hint of nervousness in the mix—not that he even knows it. "moving it was my first thought but then i remembered hearing somewhere that it's not... good to touch them. i don't know how accurate that is but uh... i’m not out here trying to hurt the little dude if i can avoid it."
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abramsage · 3 years
b e n j i  i s l e y
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benji couldn’t help but stop and stare when he spotted the figure crouched on the beach. his amused expression at the sight turned into one of surprise once the male turned his attention onto him. was it that obvious that he was watching?
“uh-” he exhaled, puffing out his cheeks as he made his way over to examine the creature in the sand. “i mean, it looks fine to me…” not that he was really an expert on starfish behavior.. he scratched the back of his head, crouching down to get a better look. “but that doesn’t really mean anything, i guess. i don’t know a whole lot about starfish. have you tried… nudging it in the right direction?” he tentatively and gently poked the starfish, furrowing his brows. “you good?”
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      he's wholly oblivious to the fact that benji's been watching from afar, though even if sage had known, he'd be more amused than anything. a smile pulls at his lips as his friend comes closer. "i mean yeah, it looks totally fine, it's just—" he starts, abruptly cutting himself off when benji nudges at the starfish. he crouches back down, worry written over every little feature he's got. “i can’t believe you just touched it dude.”
       "d'you think it's cool to pick it up? they die out of water don't they—if I learned anything from the spongebob movie it's that they need water to survive. remember patrick under the heat lamp?" sage let's out a quiet sigh, looks to benji now for some reassurance that he's sure he won't get. "we're not too far from the shoreline, what if we like... i don't know, turn it around? show it the water?"
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abramsage · 3 years
h a y d e n  w i l l i s​
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Hayden tried to go for a little run around on the beach most days if he got time because keeping fit and healthy was things that he invested his time in. He turned his head as he heard someone call out to him and walked over to the situation slowly. “I always thought it was 30 seconds, longest possibly five minutes? How long has this little guy been out of the water?” The brunette asked, leaning down to see if the star fish was still breathing or not. “I don’t even know if you can pick them up or not. I haven’t been this close to one before.” The brunette confessed. 
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      “ahh, i'm really not sure," sage admits, teeth grabbing at the inside of his lower lip. "i've been watching it all panicky for like... i don't know, it's definitely been five minutes. it's still moving so it's definitely alive, right?" sage, although not fully comforted by hayden's knowledge, is at least glad he seems to know something. it’s so much better than the nothing sage has got stored away in his own brain. "i know fuck all about sea creatures but I've heard you're not supposed to touch 'em. people do it though... i don't know. i don't know what to do."
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abramsage · 3 years
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      from a distance, sage is all bare skin and shaggy, dark hair crouched down in the sand. he digs his toes in deeper as he leans himself forward, pale eyes caught on a starfish moving ever so slowly from the shoreline, leading legs curling up and back down as they go. "what are you—come on dude, you know you're going the wrong way," sage addresses the starfish as if he's known the creature his whole life. he's been watching, curiously, for a good five minutes, unsure what of he should do, if anything at all. 
      confident he won't lose track of his newfound friend, sage tilts his head up and scouts the beach for someone that might be able to help, or at the very least provide some insight. "hey!" he calls out, straightening his body as he lays eyes on someone a little ways away. "how long can starfish survive outside water? d'you know? this guy's just heading toward i don't know where, but it's definitely not the right way."
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abramsage · 3 years
hello everyone! i'm becca and i am so so excited to share sage w you all! he's a revamp of an old character that is very dear to me, and i can't wait to explore and develop him with you! you can find some info under the cut 💖 
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 ( timothee chalamet , cismale , he/him ) i think i just saw sage abram down by the shore. i know the twenty four year old tattoo artist has been in oceanview point for twelve years , but they’re family nonetheless. i’ve noticed they’re pretty expressive , but it’s rumored they’re a little insensitive. guess it makes sense after all they’re a gemini. they always remind me of baby boy—kevin abstract and freshly brewed coffee, long sleeves on warm days, empty promises through gritted teeth.
a california native, but you'd probably never know unless someone told you. he moved to oceanview point when he was twelve because of a job opportunity for his parents, and he's been in town ever since. save for the few sporadic road trips he's taken over the years. no matter how far he goes, he always finds his way back.
something sage will never be is dishonest—at least not consciously. he tells things how he sees them, even if it's going to hurt somebody along the way. he doesn't take the most empathetic approach toward handling others, and as a result he's frayed the nerves of almost everyone he's spent time with. he doesn't see anything wrong with the way he handles things. he calls it realism.
sage's biggest calling in life is art. he's mostly into sketching and dabbles here and there with other mediums, but always comes back to his comfort zone. he's turned his passion into a career, albeit not the most profitable one. he's good at what he does, and extremely dedicated, but that doesn't necessarily equate to a steady stream of paying customers. he's in over his head with expenses, just barely scraping by with rent. he's happy with his job, but wishes it'd show him a little more promise.
sage says some pretty dumb shit sometimes. he has the world's smallest filter so if he thinks it he's 9/10 gonna say it. he's gotten himself in trouble more times than he can count, but luckily he's secure enough to not care what most people think of him ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ most of the time it's just harmless jokes or out there ideas because his imagination is almost always churning.
he's going through a rough patch right now, trying to figure out which way is up after a breakup. it was a pretty serious, long-term relationship and sage is emotionally Not Well. he's a bit more brash than he usually is because of it, and he knows it too. he has a difficult time dealing with hard feelings so he projects a lot of them onto others. sorry if you get caught in the cross hairs 😮‍💨
despite being a little difficult to be around, sage is an extremely friendly and welcoming person. v hospitable but oh boi once he's mad it all goes out the window. but enough about his mean streak!! he's generally very easy going and accepting, open to new things, and will absolutely ask a stranger to hang out even if they seem seedy 🥴
sage isn't the most trustworthy person unfortunately. he rarely keeps his promises, rainchecks literally everybody bc he's either excited about something else or in a bad mood. when he's on he's great though! he hardly does this with people he's close to, but there aren't too many of those dkejsjk he’s generally closed off emotionally nd doesn’t let too many people see the inner workings of his life 
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abramsage · 3 years
me?????? an explosive temper???????? yeah leave me alone 
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abramsage · 3 years
gf bread: *is gluten free*
my absolute idiot brain: [softly] girlfriend bread 💖👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🍞💖
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