A/B/O gender files
12 posts
These are the theories behind these characters' gender.
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aboheadcanons · 26 days ago
Sanji [One Piece (Live Action)]
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Alpha / Male
This man knows how to use his fingers.
He's been called on to help with heats at Baratie a few times, but never bonds with his partner. A devoted lover, yes. A devoted mate? He'd rather spread himself around.
Sanji has a type: women.
He gives during rut, a lot. Sex with another person is an opportunity for him to worship them. As such, he'd rather have his rut with another person than be alone.
If he's forced to go through a rut alone, he goes through about a pack of cigarettes before it's over. And then bemoans the fact that he's out of smokes.
Chopper worries about the nicotine intake and once tried to with-hold the smokes from him for a rut period -- three hours in, Sanji hunted Chopper down and held him over the side of the Merry until the cigarettes were returned to him. (Despite the show of strength, anger, and dominance, he's adamant he wasn't actually going to drop Chopper into the sea and that he was fully in control. Zoro doesn't believe him.)
At first, Nami was worried there'd be extra tension between Sanji and Zoro (also an alpha). While they bicker constantly, it never seems to become alpha-centric -- mainly because Zoro's just got too much discipline. Not to mention, Sanji doesn't actually care all that much what Zoro says or does, even when they're arguing.
Despite the arguing, Sanji is surprisingly kind when Zoro's rut comes up. He's even gone out of his way to prep a room for him, complete with snacks. In return, Zoro appears to be in a silent agreement to avoid getting on Sanji's nerves when his respective ruts come around.
Is very good at discerning someone's dynamic based on scent alone: Luffy smells like plasticine, Nami like tangerine, Usopp has a spicy tar-like scent that Sanji can't pin down yet, and Zoro is just a sea-salted moss. He gets distracted by them at times -- which is usually when he pulls another smoke out.
Takes his role as alpha quite seriously, thank you very much. He decides it's his job to provide food and care for the others the day he comes aboard. Given they literally "can't boil water," nobody argues.
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aboheadcanons · 28 days ago
Roronoa Zoro [One Piece (Live-action)]
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Alpha / Male
One word: booze.
Is extremely disciplined. In behaviour, sword-play, physicality -- the works. Him being an alpha just doesn't come up because of said discipline.
One day over drinks, he tells Nami he has to take a day to handle his rut. She does a spit-take.
The crew assumed he was scent-blind for a few months there. But no: he's just... Zoro. He knows everyone's dynamic, but he swore an oath to himself never to underestimate an opponent based on their dynamic.
Some truly dedicated alphas are capable of tracking people with their scent. At first, Nami assumed Zoro could do that as a pirate hunter -- but Zoro definitely can't do that. If he needs to fight someone, he'll track them down the old-fashioned way, assuming they don't accidentally find their way to him first. It's really dumb luck on his part that he's managed to put down so many of his targets.
Nami jokes that Zoro is probably the safest pirate alpha to be around. Zoro doesn't comment.
When Sanji calls him "moss-head", it's not just because of his green hair. Sanji says he smells earthy -- like fresh moss and a forest (damp with sea water when they're on the sea).
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aboheadcanons · 7 months ago
TK Strand [9-1-1 Lone Star]
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Male / Omega
Raised by two betas super thrilled and open-minded over their boy's sex and gender, TK lives within his dynamic confident about who he is. It also meant a lot of awkward conversations with both his (divorced) parents.
Got into marijuana as a teen to ease his heats. Graduated to harder stuff as time went on, and started using before and after his heats until it became frequent drug abuse. His life-threatening addiction resulted in an intervention by his mother Gwyn. He can no longer take suppressants because of this drug abuse early in life
Thankfully, his heat cycle is consistently regular because of life without suppressants. He is rarely caught surprised, has at least two apps tracking his heat cycles, and pays obnoxiously close attention to his diet and lifestyle habits as an adult just in case it alters his cycle.
Loves and loves deeply. After the disaster break-up with Alex and subsequent relapse, he is hesitant to attach himself to the doe-eyed Carlos.
His pheromones have been known to cause problems -- for Carlos, actually, whenever the alpha happened to be on scene at a call. When he noticed the police officer having trouble concentrating giving Captain Strand a situation report whenever TK was standing nearby, the omega started wearing scent patches. Turns out it was only Carlos affected -- only God knows why -- and when the two finally got together, it seemed to settle.
Empathetic, sometimes to a fault, his presence grounds Carlos in a way his alpha never expected someone could.
TK also tends to push Carlos' buttons in a way the alpha never believed someone could. The two broke up at least three times in the first two years of their relationship as they attempted to figure out each other's boundaries. An endless cycle of miscommunication tended to plague their early relationship.
As a paramedic, TK does find himself on calls that involve omega victims of domestic violence and sexual assaults. He has long conversations with Carlos after work on normal days, but after calls like this? Sometimes it involves long discussions about the upbringings of gender dynamics and the sociological reasonings behind such attacks. Philosophical discussions can ensue, but unanswerable questions cannot be answered.
Wants kids. After marrying Carlos, he so desperately wants kids and adores seeing Carlos with the Vega and Ryder children. And not being on suppressants means that accomplishing that shouldn't be hard. But it is, and despite all odds, TK and Carlos fail to conceive the first three heats he has after the decision to go all in.
TK understandably becomes frustrated, emotionally charged and angry at himself for this 'failure'.
When they do finally conceive, TK only puts two and two together when his balance becomes compromised -- he finds he's 'tripping' over things that aren't there. When he tells Carlos he thinks something's wrong with him, Carlos hesitates and says he's noticed TK's scent has... shifted a little.
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aboheadcanons · 1 year ago
Strange New Omegaverse
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Well, let's go by lines because I think it's easier to explain.
First we have: Does not Matter
They are fully aware of their classification, they don't hide it from others but they aren't exactly worried about occupying stereotypes or what they are expected to do because they are an Alpha/Beta/Omega.
Then we have: Proud
As the name suggests, they are proud of their classification and will make sure you know about it. Whether talking about all the time or allowing their pheromones to take over the rooms where they are.
Finally we have: It's not of your business
They wear suppressors and talk as little about assignments as possible. Some because they are hiding their true nature and others because they believe that their private life is of no interest or is someone else's business.
A special hello to my alpha dilfs Sam Kirk and Joseph M'Benga
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They are right up there with Pike in the category of goofy alpha who isn't ashamed of being alpha but doesn't talk about it all the time.
If it's a headcanon that interests you or if you want to hear my thoughts on a specific character, feel free to shout at me in the asks or reblogs of the post. Love, Lance ‹3
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aboheadcanons · 2 years ago
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Handsome Jack AI
Sup, babe. It's me. Your main man. The hero. The Jack of your dreams. Often imitated, never matched. It's okay to be attracted to me. It's fine. I get it. Honestly, I'd be more weirded out if you weren't. See, the thing about me is [ERROR: stack overflow. Too much text, exceeding allotted buffer. Truncated message follows:] -- omega boner.
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aboheadcanons · 2 years ago
Zane Flynt [Borderlands 3]
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Male / Alpha
In a family of bandits, Zane quickly learned to look after himself and retain his own personal safety. But it also meant he tends to avoid strangers. Which, after everyone you know basically dies every ten minutes because bandit life, is basically everyone.
Very intimidating. Very funny. Very easy-going. But also knows precisely how intimidating he can be for civilians just going about their day. Being an alpha, coupled with the name "Flynt," means he's not exactly coming off as a safe guy to be around.
Because of this, when he works with his fellow Vaulthunters, he tends to take up sniper's nests and send his digiclone to do most of the work. If he's forced in close quarters fighting with them, he tends to put FL4K between him and the others.
This only changes when Moze calls him out on it.
Initially, Zane worried Amara (an omega) wouldn't really take to him -- he's almost thirty years her senior, an alpha, and unfortunately unintentionally aware of her every move around him by virtue of scent. Amara subsequently knocks him around with a few phaseslams, eloquently sending the message that she can handle herself.
A bit of a silver fox. Enjoys the casual lay every now and then, but normally keeps to himself and his drink. He's experienced enough that when omegas on Sanctuary III have heats, he's usually non-reactive.
Tries to warn Amara when her next heat is about to hit. She ignores him because the mission takes precedence. They go out on the mission. Her heat hits. Despite his snarky remark that "wow no one could've predicted that," he does the dutiful thing of setting the group up for the next 24 hours, seeks out a few drinks, and watches over the camp for bandits putting up with the uncomfortable scent.
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aboheadcanons · 2 years ago
Beth Greene [The Walking Dead]
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Female / Beta
Wanted to be "special" (be an omega) but is too naive to understand what "special" actually means. Pretended to be one as a child. Maggie quickly quashed that behaviour.
That said, when Daryl is injured and shot by Andrea, subsequently going into heat, she's the first (and possibly only) member of Hershal's farm to assist with preparations.
Tends to act as something of a mediator between the teens presenting in the prison. A few of them don't know much about the whole process -- Beth, on the other hand, is oddly informative about the whole thing.
As she gets older, her timid nature occasionally makes way for a feisty resolve -- especially when she's stuck with Daryl and believes she's lost everyone.
Becomes frustrated beyond measure by Daryl's willful inability to open up. While he wishes to just live life, Beth keeps pushing buttons. He snaps at her frequently.
She finally manages to bond with Daryl during her quest for a drink. After it all, she attributes his attachment to her to his omega instincts. He doesn't disagree.
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aboheadcanons · 2 years ago
Joe [The Old Guard]
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Male / Omega
Infuriatingly outspoken in a way that does not befit an omega in the slightest. It served him well during the Crusades and continues to do so today (much to Nicky's chagrin).
His ability to physically engage and comfort with everyone with Nicky around surprises everyone. But after hundreds of years -- some of them spent killing one another -- the two trust each other implicitly.
That said, their unending trust does not mean they see eye-to-eye on all matters. They do disagree on many things -- some of them political, namely the social statuses of dynamics in the current century.
Quick to connect with strangers. Quicker to react against betrayal. He is not gentle about this. To be fair, though, Joe isn't exactly a "gentle omega." He is expressive: loud, boisterous, confident, and frequently outspoken. Nicky sometimes has to rein him in with small snips.
Almost in contrast to his big and bold nature, his heats tend to be small affairs. They are so minor, even Nicky misses the signs sometimes. He chalks it up to the many, many years of having had them, and dismisses Nile when she expresses concern about it. If there are any health repercussions, he hasn't noticed anything affecting him.
Whatever Nicky doesn't see, Joe sees.
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aboheadcanons · 2 years ago
Nicky [The Old Guard]
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Male / Alpha
Quiet, reserved, and rather calculating when he has to be. He sees almost everything in combat, though these days he's not sure if that's from experience or from his dynamic's instincts. Either way, he's become something of an expert marksman for Andy's "army of immortals."
His emotions tend to be expressed by Joe - he's never needed to say much for himself when his bondmate usually says enough for the both of them.
Nicky and Joe never had a conventional relationship. Sufficed to say, killing each other repeatedly had somewhat of a toll on their impressions of one another. Despite having been bonded for centuries now, Nicky surprises Nile in that he's not overly agressive or protective of Joe as one might expect of other alphas. Yes, he gets a little possessive of him during times of heats and ruts (to be expected) but Nicky likes to think that Joe operates independently. (Nobody's explained to Nicky that he hasn't separated from Joe in centuries, however.)
Quietly snips Joe when his bondmate becomes overly agitated in a way not conducive to the conversation. Joe getting snappy about Booker's punishment? "Enough." Exasperated glance away. They talk it out later.
Unendingly gentle, especially with Andy. Tries to be understanding of Nile and Booker, but finds their cultures to be rather alien. Where Joe is wide and open, it's harder for Nicky to express his feelings about his dynamic without opening up a political bag of worms that he and Joe still disagree about to this day.
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aboheadcanons · 2 years ago
Rick Grimes [The Walking Dead]
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Male / Alpha
A begrudging alpha that's always knocked around by foes using the "you're too weak to lead" mentality. Rick doesn't agree there's a correlation between strength and dynamic.
His heart and kindness are what power his marriage to Lori.
Frequently knocks heads with Shane, which frustrates him greatly. He doesn't like the idea of there being a "pack alpha" -- a role Rick believes they've long since evolved past -- but Shane keeps pushing buttons and trying to assume control of the group, so Rick is forced to dig into those alpha tendencies. Lori does not find this remotely attractive.
Despite her dislike of the warring alphas, Rick's intense self-control infuriates her just as much, which leaves them in a strange position of not knowing exactly what each of them want in a relationship. They know only that they love each other, but not how to navigate the apocalypse together.
His behaviour becomes that of a "typical alpha" after losing Lori. But, strangely, he doesn't scent anyone's heats afterward.
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aboheadcanons · 2 years ago
Daryl Dixon [The Walking Dead]
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Male / Omega
TLDR, he's been through hell and back.
When he presented, he was immediately used as a way for his family to make a quick buck. Blood, drugs, sex -- he went learned to look out only for himself.
When the apocalypse hit, he stockpiled suppressants and hid his dynamic for as long as he could. He did not much sympathize with other omegas in the same situation, and his raw exterior only strengthened the beta facade he put up.
They finally run out at Hershall's farm, shortly after he's wounded searching for Sophia. It's a weak heat, but he isolates himself from the group with Beth's help.
He outright refuses to share a heat with an alpha. "I'm no one's bitch."
He feared others would find it strange that he was second-in-command. It was Carol that knocked sense into him, pointing out he was the most resourceful and reliable of the group.
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aboheadcanons · 2 years ago
Clark Kent [Superman & Lois]
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Male / fluid
Kryptonian. Turns out they don't have the pentagonal gender system and don't have the same kind of equipment humans have.
Didn't present a gender as a teen, freaking out Martha and Jonathan Kent. Subsequently got to choose a gender for himself.
Decided being a Beta felt safest for him to maintain. Kept up that pretense successfully until he met Lois.
Lois points out he actually seems more like a tolerable alpha given his... uh... package. Which works for her, because when her heat hits, Clark provides "adequately."
He can't quite tell the difference between others dynamic. However, he becomes quickly attuned to Lois' physicality and temperament, and seems to be able to track her heat cycles.
Is endlessly worried his kids won't present, and how to deal with that if it happens.
Kept evading questions about his dynamic from Jon and Jordan, until the whole Superman reveal.
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