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ablondeinunionjack · 9 years ago
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                     ❝  ✰✰✰  —  HELLO. MY NAME’S ROSE.               THAT’S A SORT OF PLANT… WE MIGHT BE               R E L A T E D.  —  I’M TALKING TO A TWIG. ❞
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ablondeinunionjack · 9 years ago
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❝  MY NAME’S ROSE. THAT’S A SORT OF PLANT…                                                     — WE MIGHT BE RELATED. ❞
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ablondeinunionjack · 10 years ago
❝  my name’s rose. that’s a sort of plant…                                                      — we might be RELATED. ❞
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ablondeinunionjack · 10 years ago
❝  my name’s rose. that’s a sort of plant…                                                       — we might be RELATED. ❞
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ablondeinunionjack · 10 years ago
❝  my name’s rose. that’s a sort of plant…                                                       — we might be RELATED. ❞
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ablondeinunionjack · 10 years ago
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ablondeinunionjack · 10 years ago
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           I’m so, so sorry. I love you zillions, superstar.
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ablondeinunionjack · 10 years ago
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❝  my name’s rose. that’s a sort of plant...                                                       --- we might be RELATED. ❞
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ablondeinunionjack · 10 years ago
I’m seriously considering deleting Rose ugh, or at the very least rebooting her onto a new blog. I’ve got over 1000 followers here but tbh that’s just incredibly overwhelming and crowds my dash and as a result I feel like my dash moves along too fast for me + I can’t send/receive as many memes as a result of this? Or maybe people are tired of my Rose idk man idk but I don’t have as many threads going w/ enough people to make me feel excited about RPing on here anymore and I keep trying to change that but nothing’s working, plus Rose’s been in a post-Doomsday verse mood more often after she stopped having threads w/ her Doctor (so she’s less happy in threads), but since exclusivity/selectivity is more of a thing now it also means it’s been quite a while since she’s had threads with Doctors in general? Or people in general? And b/c of the lack of things to do here I’ve just been demotivated to work on the few drafts i have (as brilliant as they are) and subsequently feel worse about my writing b/c I feel it’s getting worse w/ my lack of activity and practice and idk man i feel like my writing’s definitely deteriorated immensely lately. I love Rose immensely but I just ??? it’s hard coming onto this account and not having much in your activity bar and feeling invisible I dunno, and I don’t want to go through the trouble of rebooting and then still having nobody to rp w/ on there. Like, nobody even sends me things on here anymore when i reblog memes; idk if people even see the things I post anymore or if they just catalogue it as stuff to skim through. I just want RPing on Rose to be fun, and have a bunch more threads going that i can be excited about and a proper community on my dash who i can send memes or ic/ooc asks and things to w/o feeling like a bother (b/c tbh rn i’m literally insecure about doing it to anybody on my dash) and idk i’m being needy
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ablondeinunionjack · 10 years ago
okay since i have an actual issue with this and it need to be addressed since it happens to me sometimes and it completely ruins my muse for a thread. talk to me in the tags. i have to say that being ignored when you try and talk to someone in the tags is one of the most uncomfortable things in the world. i’m not asking you to tell me about your life but at least making fun comments or interacting with writers is the biggest enjoyment of this place. i will not write with you if you don’t talk to me either in the tags or on skype. it won’t happen. it’s a really uncomfortable thing since i love reading tags or looking back in a verse tag and reading the conversations we have about things.
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ablondeinunionjack · 10 years ago
Send “You could be so much more y’know...” to try and corrupt my muse
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ablondeinunionjack · 10 years ago
positivity detectivesergeantiisms
positivity meme ❤ detectivesergeantiisms 
I actually don’t follow Kayli on her Ellie blog ( which I will def rectify after I finish this ), but I do follow her on her Rose Tyler blog ( ablondeinunionjack ), so I’m probably going to end up talking about her Rose more than her Ellie, but from what I can see she takes great care with the both of them.
I’ve been an admirer of hers for a really long time.  I think she’s the only Rose I follow?  Her writing is really lovely, and Rose is such a complex & great character.  I’m looking forward to following her Ellie now as well because I know it’ll just be more of the same.
We actually haven’t had a chance to interact yet ( WHICH IS SUCH A SHAME ), but I’m very much hoping that we can do something soon on either ( or both!! ) of her lovely blogs.
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ablondeinunionjack · 10 years ago
( Eggsy. )
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       “Actually, it’s pretty boring,” he lets on. “S’just short for Gary. Or, well, longer for Gary, I guess. Dunno how, ’course. You’ll have to ask my mum, think she was the one who started calling me it. Or it might’a been my dad, I don’t remember. It stuck, though. Nobody really calls me Gary ’less I’m in trouble, see.” 
He always thinks that story’s so underwhelming whenever he tells it. Which, well, it is. Because it isn’t really a story, is it? It’s just actually, it just means Gary. It’s fucking boring. He’s going to have to come up with something more exciting. 
                   “How many guys try the rose for Rose thing, then? Most?” 
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And she’s tossing him a tongue-in-teeth grin (it’s practically trademarked, by now, really: the Rose Tyler Grin), delivering her comment just before she pops a chip into her mouth --- “Wha’, like Spongebob’s snail?”                                ( Rose can probably think of a better one,  if she’d spent longer on it,                                  but SEE? It’s not just her, surely --- something like this was bound                                   to get annoying, especially so when repeated by every bloke ‘round. )
“Most,” she agrees, a slight curl to her lips as she tries for a better estimation -- “ ‘Bout three outta five? Had t’ do some Shakespeare, though, during my GCSEs, an’ there was a boy in class who’d recite the line outta Romeo an’ Juliet t’ me as often as he could -- the bit ‘bout how ‘a rose by any other name would smell as sweet’; reckon he didn’t have the slightest clue what it meant, but, well. S’just a bit silly, all of tha’, isn’t it?”
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ablondeinunionjack · 10 years ago
The angle’s not quite right, what with the way they’re still embracing her just a fraction too tightly, but she manages anyway, digits moving to bury themselves in the other’s bedhead as soon as they decline to answer. Then she’s caressing their hair, momentarily suspended in that cozy state between sleep and wakefulness as the motion grows idle; mechanical. She doesn’t quite know why they’re being like this -- only that the both of them won’t seem to be attending work, today. This goes on for a few minutes, the blonde very nearly slipping back to sleep herself before she catches herself -- right. Her hand moves down to cup their jawline, instead, her gentle grip imploring them to meet her gaze -if they’re receptive, at all- as she tilts her own chin upwards, deliberating something as she eyes them. It just might be a bit contrasting, then, what she has to say next, with her gentle gestures taken into consideration -- “Shove over.” It’s delivered in a soft tone, but she’s telling them to budge, anyway, and give her space to move, mainly so she can retrieve her mobile from the side table -- “I’ll go leave Pete a message; tell him t’ not expect us today, yeah?”
They smile weakly against her hair, thin fingers absently skimming across her back. It’s soothing, the feel of her warm skin under their fingertips, signifying that she is in fact alive and well in their arms. They open their mouth hesitantly to answer, but then close it, unsure of how to answer, brown eyes staring at her in confusion. It’s not that they don’t feel well, but a day off would be nice anyways. They’d just had one of their particularly worse rounds of nightmares (although not the worst ones– not the ones that left them gasping for breath and in the throes of panic attacks in the middle of the night) and they really didn’t want to leave her side. So they’re a bit caught. They don’t want to lie and say they’re sick, but they also, don’t really want to leave the bed today. So instead of replying, they just duck their head back in again, closing their eyes. Maybe she won’t pressure.
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ablondeinunionjack · 10 years ago
positivity roll call!!
ROSE MOTHERFUCKING TYLER WAS MY FIRST FAVOURITE CHARACTER OF MY TEENAGE LIFE. Also since I was like 8 but whatever. Seeing such a good Rose on my dash makes my heart leap to be honest because I really love them and I love seeing them and everything they do is so in character it’s amazing. I moved away from the Doctor Who fandom after RTD left because the writing and characterisation declined so fast but Rose will always remind me of the golden years of new!who and I am actually really grateful to this blog for keeping that alive for me.
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ablondeinunionjack · 10 years ago
   Evidently, the idea doesn't sit well with her, either, because features    twist into a grimace - "Won't dispose of anythin' down the loo tha' 'm    not supposed to, promise  ---  s' tha' enough of a reassurance, then?    Mum would've killed me ages ago if I'd had, anyway." Blimey, this    conversation was getting a bit off-track, wasn't it?
   As odd as the route of conversation might've been taking, she's    not showing any initiative to shut it down --- mainly so because    that would involve the pair of them shifting apart, something she's    not quite ready to do yet, on a lazy afternoon spent indoors. She's    enjoying this - enjoying relaxing, for once, and not having to concern    herself with a strenuous workload of her own ... it'd been why she'd    come to Broadchurch at all, really -- to catch a break from day after    day of alien-this or foreign-that with Torchwood -- Rose Tyler finding    herself enjoying somebody else's company had been an unplanned    luxury: one she’d gone far too long refusing.    “Will I get a discount? If I ever do need a job done -- do I get a discount?”    She’s teasing, and the fact’s prominent in the tongue-in-teeth grin she    tosses Mark’s way --- pressed to his side, they’re practically joined at    the hip now ( both figuratively and literally ), but somehow, she finds a    way to scoot in closer, anyway, cheek pressed to his shoulder as she    makes herself comfortable. It’s... she’s not too sure what they’ve got    going here, but to be honest, she’s content with where they stand now,    label or no label. “-- Know I’ll get a free lecture, ‘course, but y’give those    to everybody, don’tcha?.”
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As limbs slowly become more entangled, Mark says nothing even as he feels Rose’s hand tap on his knee. He refuses to admit just how much he enjoys the tender gesture, it having become a novelty that he was yet to be used to again. He’s comfortable and that is what matters to him, his left arm around her and her right around his, it’s nice even if he won’t quite utter the words just yet.
     “God only knows why he was so confused. Try explaining it to      him three times, but he wasn’t just getting the point of it. Might      have cleared up a little when I showed ‘im just how much was      down there. Can’t say it’s the most pleasant job I’ve done, eh.      Shit, I’m used to, but condoms are way off the normal.”
While speaking, Mark continues to brush his thumb against her side, pulling her in slightly tighter to his side. He knew it wasn’t the room that made him feel so comfortable, but the woman he was with. He always felt his best when she was at his side, a strange phenomenon for him after months of being alone.
     “Do I ‘ave to make sure you’re not putting anything wrong down      the loo? Don’t think you’d be too happy if I had to be in there      pulling up all the tiles. Wouldn’t be a too bad of a job if I had the      company though.”
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ablondeinunionjack · 10 years ago
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   She checks, first, that it’s not the same hand he’d used to grab the chips     with ( it wasn’t ), not that it made much of a difference -- her own fingers    were undoubtedly greasy, too, now, the thick wad of paper napkins at her    disposal aside, rendering the quick and subtle observation useless... but    it mattered a little bit, alright? Somehow. ( Let her be; she’s tired. )    “Rose. Wha’ sort of a name is Eggsy, anyway? I mean, Rose is bad enough,     considerin’ the amount of blokes who reckon they’re geniuses for making      the connection an’ tryin’ t’ give me the flowers, like it’s impressive ... Eggsy,       though -- gotta ‘ave a story behind that, yeah?”
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          “Cheers, love.” 
Plenty of people just tell him to fuck off, so this is a nice change. He takes  a chip and pops it into his mouth with a happy, little grin and then wipes the grease off on his jeans. A moment later, he offers out his hand for her to  shake, deciding to be nice and pleasant, as she’s been to him. 
                             “I’m Eggsy. Nice to meet ya.” 
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