abij19 · 1 year
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abij19 · 3 years
Book 1 Ethan: I want to kiss you
MC, who wasn’t paying attention: What?
Ethan: I said if you die, I won’t miss you
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abij19 · 3 years
Very true
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Trying to register for the vaccine online is an Olympic sport except there’s no winner because the site kEEPS CRASHING
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abij19 · 3 years
A Beautiful Ending
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Pairing: Liam x MC
Book: The Royal Romance
A/N and Trigger Warning: I’ve had this one stored away in my mind for a nearly 2 years, the idea itself being based on something I’d watched a long time ago. It will only be a few chapters long. **There will be a character death in this, and it does involve a child. **  I can say though, what you think is going to happen isn’t exactly what happens, not that that makes it any better. 
Word count: 1105
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abij19 · 4 years
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Unexpected Surprise. Chapter 2, Unknown. Warning: Mental angst, medical terms & procedures. Author’s Summary: Liam seems to take a turn for the worse. Will there be a second chance for Liam & Ellie. Liam & the trr gang belong to pixelberry. Ellie Rains belongs to @desiree-pow. Song Inspiration: Safe in the arms of Love by Martina McBride. Word Count: 1016 Liam x Ellie. ****
Liam started thrashing around groaning loudly in pain, Drake notices his heart rate increasing & blood pressure falling., he runs out of the room.
“ Ellie! Ellie! It’s Liam! Something is very wrong! “ Before Ellie could reach Liam, she could hear alarms going off,
“ We Need A Crash Cart Stat!” Ellie screamed out, She along with a couple of nurses & Dr. Reed rush into the room.
Drake walked into the waiting room, where everyone could tell there was something wrong & that Drake appeared very worried. “ Drake what’s going on?” Leo demands,
“ Liam seemed to be sleeping, next thing I knew he was moving around in pain. His heart rate was going up, then his blood pressure dropped.” Drake sat down put his head in his hands.
****Liam’s Room****
Ellie was leaning over giving Liam chest compressions, while another nurse was squeezing oxygen into Liam’s Lungs. After several rounds of drugs & several shocks, Liam’s heart & breathing started to level out. Though Liam’s blood pressure was a little lower than DR. Reed would of liked, he proceeded to pull out the ultrasound on Liam’s torso. On the screen Dr. Reed saw a bullet fragment lodged in his liver causing bile & blood to seep out.
“ Ellie ,please tell the family that His majesty needs to go back to surgery.Due to an unseen bullet fragment..” Orderlies wheeled Liam into the surgery ward. Ellie went to the waiting area, where the royal family was waiting for any news.
When Ellie walked into the room she saw many anxious faces looking at her for answers, “ Hello, everyone. I’m here to give you an update on His Majesty.”
“ What’s going on with Liam? He was struggling when I came & got you.” Drake inquired, “
“ Yes, he was struggling. After we got him stable enough we did an ultrasound & found a bullet fragment lodged into his liver. The was causing his liver to bleed bile & Blood into his system. He was stable, but critical when he was wheeled to surgery.”
“ He’s alive!”
“ They will let you know when he is out of surgery.. “ Ellie headed back to get to get Liam’s room ready. For when he gets out of surgery. After a few hours Dr. Reed & Dr. Tucker came to the waiting room with an update on His Majesty.
“ How is He doctors?” Leo asks impatiently,
“ His Majesty fought hard during surgery. We had to start his heart several times. We got the bullet fragment & stopped the bleeding. He’s critical but stable.”
Regina squeezes Leo’s hand,” I need to work with Madeleine to write a press release. Please keep me posted.” Leo gives her a small smile, “ Drake & I will stay. I will give you the updates.”
Leo walks to the nurses station,” May I go & sit with my brother?” Dr. Reed nods & Leo goes into Liam’s room quietly. Leo sits down quietly as Ellie is taking Liam’s vitals.
“ Ellie, how is he really doing? You nurses have more interactions with him. I heard what the doctors said. I want to hear what you have to say.”
Ellie looks at Leo,
“ Liam is strong & holding his own. But he needs his strength, he’ll need to rest a lot for awhile.”
“ I’ll make sure he does.” Leo says eagerly,Ellie shook her head.” I’m American. So I have no idea of what being a king does.”
“ He runs the country. He has the last say on things about it.”
“ interesting. Are there people who can assist him as he recovers? He’ll need to ease into his duties.”
Leo thought for a moment,” Please make sure Dr. Reed writes real specific orders. Liam will hate it. But he will follow the orders.”
“ I will make sure it happens. Leo, you look exhausted. There is an oversize couch that pulls out to a bed. Lay down & rest. I’ll be here in the room.” Leo lays down,” Everyone went home but me & Drake. Figured that Liam would sleep for awhile.”
Both Drake & Leo were asleep when a few hours later, Liam started to stir being in pain, “ Ahhhh..” Liam blinks his eyes trying to adjust his eyes to light in the room. When he tries to speak he’s too hoarse.,” Here Liam, drink some water. You’re hoarse due to the breathing tube you had during surgery.” Ellie lifts Liam’s head to assist him to drink.
Liam greedily drinks all of the water & another cup as well. Ellie made a mental note to ask the Dr to increase the flow in his IV flow.
When Liam was able to speak, “ Ellie, you’re a sight for sore eyes to wake up to. So..glad..to see you. How long was I out!” Ellie pushes a lock of hair away from his eyes, “ Liam, you have been through two major surgeries. You’ve been out for a few hours. You need to rest. Please don’t overdo things.”
Liam gives Ellie a smile,” I’m glad you’re here, and I still want your phone number.” Ellie had to laugh, “ That doesn’t surprise me that you would wake up & say that. You really need to rest. Are you in pain.?”
Liam gives her a pout,” Please call me Liam.” Ellie shakes her head,” I’ll call you Your Majesty until you follow instructions. What do you have to say your majesty?”
Liam again pouted & arched his brow,” Yes, Nurse Ellie!”
“ See that’s not so is it?” “ Ellie chuckles as she pushes the button on the morphine, as Liam starts to fall asleep.
#Long Post #Liam #Liam-Rys#Liam x MC #Liam x Ellie #trr
@sirbeepsalot @texaskitten30 @abij19 @alj4890 @amandablink @annekebbphotography @anjanettexcordonia @ao719 @bascmve01 @bbrandy2002 @bobasheebaby @cocomaxley @cordoniantrash @cordonianprincess @choicesgodfanatic @@dcbbw @desiree-pow @eadanga @emceesynonymroll @gardeningourmet @gkittylove99 @hopefulmoonobject @iaminlovewithtrr @indiacater @janezillow @jovialyouthmusic @katurrade @kat-tia801 @khoicesbyk @knightthunderis @kingliam2019 @ladyangel70 @ladyrileybrooks @lodberg @msjr0119 @mrsrhys23 @mom2000aggie @myclevernamehere @personthatlovesshippings @queenrileyrose @rafasgirl23415 @@sfb123 @speedyoperarascalparty @tornbetween2loves @tinkie1973 @twinkleallnight @txemrn
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abij19 · 4 years
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abij19 · 4 years
Crossroads (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Claire Herondale
Word count: 3,1 k
Summary: Ethan realizes he’s been screwing up and decides to finally talk to Claire about it.
Warnings: A tiny bit of adult themes, nothing too explicit.
A/N: I have once again said ‘screw canon’. So my girls C and H have a bond and E finally realizes what he’s been doing and does the sane thing (you know, talking to your significant other? Like any two people in a healthy relationship should? Rings a bell, PB?)
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Harper stood up from her chair, gathering her things and putting them into her bag. It was getting pretty late and she was dying to eat something and then go home. Luckily, her shift has just ended and she had plans with the youngest member of the Diagnostic Team.
“Thank god it’s the end for today.” she sighed, pulling her jacket on. Claire nodded, wrapping a scarf around her neck to keep herself warm against the chilly autumn evening. Ethan eyed the two women with a bit of envy in his eyes. His shift was far from over – another three hours to go, including a meeting with Bloom. He could already feel a headache approaching.
“Don’t rub it in, it’s bad enough as it is.” He complained, shaking his head to chase away the mist of discomfort at the mere thought of his new boss.
“If you survive, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Don’t murder him.” Claire winked at Ethan, an attempt to lift his spirit a bit; completely successful. A hint of humor danced on his face.
“I won’t make any promises. Not after the stunts he’s been pulling lately.”
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abij19 · 4 years
Biggest birthday treat from marvel..... I just can't wait
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abij19 · 4 years
Can't wait
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abij19 · 4 years
protect asian lives. say it with me.
“protect asian lives”
asians worldwide are being beaten and killed. and it keeps going unnoticed. if you are being silent, fuck you.
the amount of hate crimes against asians have risen 1900%. it’s not our fucking fault we are in this pandemic. asians arent a virus or a disease. leave us the fuck alone.
now say it again.
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abij19 · 4 years
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Unexpected Surprise. Chapter 1, Recovery. Warning: Mental angst, medical terms due to gun shot. Author’s Summary: Liam is in the hospital hurt from gunshot wounds. He & Ellie recognize each other. Where do they go from there? Liam & the trr gang belong to pixelberry. Ellie Rains belongs to @desiree-pow. Song Inspiration: I’m Holding on to Love { To Save My Life} by Shania Twain Word Count: 1035 Liam x Ellie. ****
“ Liam, please put your mask back on, you’ll breathe better. “ Ellie softly, but firmly states as she puts the mask back on her face. “ Yes, Liam, it’s me Ellie. Relax I need to clean your wounds. “
Dr. Reed notices that Liam’s blood pressure would rise & fall, showing that it was unstable. Though they seemed to get the external bleeding slowed, he was fearful there could believe internal bleeding somewhere. Surgery was going to be needed.
“ Your Majesty, please listen to me very carefully. Your blood pressure is very unstable & you’re in need of surgery. “ Liam nods as he looks at Ellie with pleading eyes,
“ Ellie, please… be here.. Stay.. “ Liam hoarsely whispers, as darkness tries to over take him. Before he passes out, he hears.. “ Liam, it’s going to be OK.. “ Liam’s eyes flutter close, Dr. Reed looks at Ellie.
“ Do you know His Majesty? “ Ellie nods, “ Just briefly. About six months ago in Paris. We spent my birthday together. I haven’t talked to him since. “
Dr. Reed shook his head, “ I believe that with all the shifts you’ve been taken since you started. “
Orderlies wheel Liam towards the surgery wing. “ Ellie, let’s go talk to the royal family. “ Dr. Reed & Ellie went to talk to Liam’s family, that he was in surgery. At the end of the conversation Dr. Reed told them,” This is nurse Ellie, she will be His Majesty’s nurse. “
Regina shakes Ellie’s hand, “ Thank you for looking after him. “ Ellie smiles, “ I’m here to help in anyway that I can. I’ll answer any questions. If I don’t know the answers, I’ll find it. “
Several hours later, Liam was wheeled into the room that Ellie set up for him. Liam slept through the night, Ellie stayed in the call room in case there was an emergency with Liam. The next morning, Ellie was changing Liam’s IV bag, while Leo sat with him. Liam started to stir by groaning in a lot of pain.
“ Ahhhh… “ Leo took his hand, while Ellie looks at Liam, then Leo. “ I’ll go get Dr. Reed. “
“ Hey, little brother! Take it easy! You just had major surgery. “
“ So is that why I’m in a lot of pain! “ Liam grumbles through his oxygen mask, as Dr Reed & Ellie entered the room.
“ Your Majesty, how are you feeling? “
“ He’s grumpy! “ Leo chimes in as Liam takes off his oxygen mask to speak. “ I hurt all over! “ Liam gasps as he speaks.
“ Ellie, let’s change him to an oxygen tube in his nose & see how he does. “ As Ellie is changing his oxygen, their eyes lock. Ellie gives Liam an encouraging smile as she adjust the tubing. Dr Reed continues,
“ Your Majesty, you’re in a lot of pain due to bullet wounds you suffered. Those bullets did a lot of damage. Let Ellie know or you can use your morphine pump every 20 minutes if needed. Do you have any questions for me at this time? “ Liam shakes his head no.
“ Little brother, I’ll let everyone know you’re awake. “ Leo smiles as he gets up out of his chair. Dr. Reed gives him a stern look. “ One visitor at a time! His Majesty really needs his rest. “ Leo nods as he leaves. He also smirks & salutes Ellie,
“ Yes, nurse. “ Ellie chuckles as she takes Liam’s vitals. “ Your vitals are good, your majesty. “ Liam grabs her wrists,
“ Ellie, just call me Liam. That’s who I was to you in Paris. That’s how I want you to see me now. “
“ But you’re King here? Are you in pain? “ Ellie asks earnestly as she sees Liam grimace in pain. Liam tries to pull her towards him.,
“ Yes, I am. Ellie, I thought of you often. I miss kissing you. “ Ellie chuckles as she listens to him.
“ Liam, I’ve thought of you often as well. I’ll get you some pain meds. Sir, you can’t kiss me right now. I’m your nurse, “ Liam nods though his eyes are pleading.
“ What Liam? “ Ellie asks in a inquiring tone,
“ After I get discharged, Nurse Ellie I will be asking you for your phone number. “
Ellie pushes the button for the morphine pump to release medicine for Liam, then she hands the button to him. “ Liam, why would I give you my number? “ Ellie’s tone was teasing,
“ I remember my night in Paris with you. I’ll never forget it. “ Liam brings her hand to lips placing a soft kiss on it. Ellie tried to hide her amusement,
“ Yes, it was a very rememberable night. Best birthday ever. “ Liam smiles, before letting out a yawn.
“ I would love to do that everyday for you. “ Liam states with a sleepy smirk, “ Rest Liam. There’s plenty of time to talk. “ Liam’s eyes slowly close, as Drake walks in.
“ Hi, I’m Drake. I’m Liam’s best friend. Is there anything I need to know.? “
Ellie smiles, “ I’m Ellie. Here’s the button to release his pain meds. If you or Liam need anything, I’ll be at the nursing station across from his room, or use the call button. “ Ellie nods & leaves the room, shutting the door behind her.
As Drake sat down, he looked over at Liam. Liam was sleeping, softly snoring but would grimace in pain every so often. Drake took a deep breath, hoping his friend would be alright. UNTIL……
#Long Post #Liam#Liam-Rys#Liam x MC#trr
@sirbeepsalot @texaskitten30 @abij19 @alj4890 @amandablink @annekebbphotography @anjanettexcordonia @ao719 @bascmve01 @bbrandy2002 @bobasheebaby @@cocomaxley @cordonianprincess @cordoniantrash @choicesgodfanatic @dcbbw @desiree-pow @eadanga @emceesynonymroll @gardeningourmet @gkittylove99 @hopefulmoonobject @iaminlovewithtrr @indiacater @janezillow @jovialyouthmusic @katurrade @kat-tia801 @khoicesbyk @knightthunderis @kingliam2019 @ladyangel70 @ladyrileybrooks @lodberg @msjr0119 @mrsrhys23 @mom2000aggie @myclevernamehere @personthatlovesshippings @queenrileyrose @rafasgirl23415 @sfb123 @@speedyoperarascalparty @sweatyrysconnoisseur @tornbetween2loves @tinkie1973 @twinkleallnight @txemrn
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abij19 · 4 years
Bistro (Ethan x MC)
Ethan realises MC’s on a date with someone else… at the bistro he used to go to with Harper.
OH3 chap 3 continuation and rewrite. Ethan’s POV.
Words, rating: 1.7k, teen, fluff
Author’s note: If PB won’t give us jealous Ethan, I’ll feed myself. I hope you enjoy reading.
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Edenbrook felt different to Ethan. He couldn’t explain why but tonight, the blinding white lights of the hospital brought a trail of goosebumps over him.
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abij19 · 4 years
Just one more time
We’re back with another rewrite 🦋✨! This is an added scene in chapter 2 where Ethan pages mc after Andrew is back to his room. You will see what happens 🤭, enjoy <3!!
Masterlist 🖋️
Previous : Your eyes tell ; Next
➳ Book / Pairing : Open Heart Third Year / Ethan Ramsey x f!mc (Casey Valentine)
➳ Précis : Ethan decides to have a talk with Casey about the conversation he overheard between Andrew and her.
➳ Genre : Hurt/comfort ; Fluff
➳ Word count / Rating : ~ 1.3 K ; Teen
➳ Warnings : Language, suggestive.
➳ Disclaimer : Characters owned by pixelberry studios. Though I consider Casey as mine.
Sorry in advance if there are any mistakes, I’m a rookie in writing and English isn’t my 1st language.
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“You feel like a third wheel between them, don’t you? Must be hard for you... specially when I know that you and Dr. Ramsey are a thing...”
Ethan frowns upon hearing Andrew’s words, his tall figure hiding by the room’s door stiffening.
Leaning towards the room, his baby blues scan the way her emeralds waver nervously, her voice slightly shaky, “Um... It’s good that you didn’t blurt it out, thanks, I guess?”
Ethan leans back on his chair, sighing heavily. Now that he finally has enough time to think about the words he overheard back in the morning, he can’t help but remember her nervous, almost sad eyes. The tinge he feels in his heart is just another sign that he needs to talk it out with Casey. But, is he really ready for the words that will be her answer?
His left hand hovers over the pager, the slightest bit of hesitation bothering him. Should he page her and ask her about the whole ‘third wheel’ thing? Why didn’t she tell him before? He thinks back to all the times they have spent together since her third year started, which is... definitely a lot of time. Never once she felt out of her usual self, then... Why?
With a thrumming heart in his chest, he closes his eyes, opening them back again with a newfound courage. He hits the page button by her name, pursing his lips.
It really is happening.
Ethan was never good at feelings. Just recently he has started to familiarise himself to his own emotions surrounding a green eyed resident, acting upon them whenever he can. It is tough and challenging for him to openly show affection to someone, but then... She isn’t someone. She is the reason Ethan rediscovered himself, in the best way possible. Deep down he knows that maybe this is how being in love feels, that she is the one. Yet, a part of him always resists for some unknown reason. Still, the urge is way too stronger.
The automatic doors of the office slide open, her heels clicking against the floor as she walks in.
“Dr. Ramsey, did you need me for anything?”
Her velvety voice wraps around him like the coziest blanket during winter, the mischievous undertone making him gulp, his adam’s apple bobbing.
Uh-oh, here comes the goddess of distraction herself.
Previous thoughts all forgotten, his mind is immediately clouded with not so pg-13 scenarios, his heart picking up speed.
Then, Ethan briefly remembers the embarrassment he had to face because of Andrew... and his so called psychic powers, straightening up on his chair.
“Yes, I need you- err- I mean I just paged you to-”
With a smirk, Casey walks up to his desk, putting her hands on it and leaning down, enough to drive him crazy.
“Yeah, Dr. Ramsey?”
Fuck. She knows exactly what she’s doing to me with that breathy whisper, ‘Dr. Ramsey.’
He coughs, trying to look away from the glorious view of her cleavage infront of him, but ends up ogling her anyways.
“Casey, I-”
With her eyebrows narrowed in worry, she comes around the desk, cupping his bearded cheek in her hands, whispering, “Ethan? Is everything alright?”
He looks down, contemplating something before standing up in one swift motion, pushing her up against the desk, his lips finding hers hungrily.
She eagerly welcomes the kiss with a moan, her hands curling around his neck, pulling him closer. Ethan pours all his frustration in the kiss, anything but gentle. He nips at her lower lip, bruising her pillowy lips with the force. He attacks the skin behind her ear next, drawing a needy whimper from her.
“So responsive for me...”
He grunts, sucking on her collarbone, leaving a faint red mark. She pants, her eyes glazed, “Is this what you wanted to do with me?”
His darkened blues skim over her figure, stopping on her jade eyes, “I would love to make you scream my name and ruin you here.”
Casey bites down her lower lip, her eyes fluttering close in anticipation. He watches her keen form waiting for his move, a sigh leaving him.
“But not now, sweetheart. We need to talk, that’s why I paged you.”
She blinks, clearly surprised and slightly worried. Fumbling with her fingers, she stammers, “Is- is everything alright, E-ethan?!”
He holds her face in his hands softly, locking their eyes together, “Casey... How do you feel about Harper joining the team?”
She opens her mouth, closing it again, unsure why all of a sudden he’s asking her this. After pondering for a moment, she says, “Well, I’m kinda surprised. Because she stepped down from the chief position only because she missed being in action as a neurosurgeon. But, I guess... It’s her choice. If she’s happy working with us then who am I to question it?”
He strokes her jaw, kissing her forehead before whispering, “Just that? Do you feel like a third wheel in the team, Casey?”
She gasps softly, her eyes rapidly trying to find his. Swallowing heavily, she mumbles, “What... What do you mean, Ethan?”
He lets go of her face, holding on her hands instead, “I didn’t mean to... But-”
He looks at her guiltily, “I overheard your conversation with Andrew...”
Her face falls, a flash of hurt crossing her eyes before she hides it masterfully, “How much did you overhear?”
“... Long enough to know that you feel like a third wheel...”
She leans down, resting her head on his chest, not daring to meet his eyes. He wraps his arms around her, pulling her more into him, his hand stroking her golden locks, “You know you can tell me everything, don’t you?”
“I do.” Casey says, her voice barely audible.
“Then tell me.” He offers cautiously, kissing the crown of her head.
“It’s stupid Ethan, please. Leave it alone.��
“It can never be stupid. Your feelings are valid Casey.”
She huffs, looking up at him, “You two... you two are so in sync, Ethan. I feel left out most of the time. Specially when you two talk about old experiences and memories... it’s...”
Her voice breaks, and she stops abruptly, trying to find the strength she needs to finish her sentence.
“It makes me feel like a third wheel, Ethan. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy that you two have a friendship, but when you & Harper are working together, I just feel unnecessary. Like... like I shouldn’t be there because I’m interrupting.”
She gets off the desk, Ethan’s desperate voice ringing in her ears, “Casey, I’m so-”
Her body crashing against his stops him midway, his hands securely holding her as he takes a few steps back from the impact.
“Please don’t say sorry, Ethan. I just-”, she heaves out a breathe, burying her nose in his chest, inhaling his calming cologne, “Can we just hold each other?”
He nods, rubbing his hands on her back, his chin resting atop of her head. Moments pass by in silence as they hug, losing themselves in the warmth radiating from each other.
Ethan whispers, “Listen, if you ever feel like that again, let me know okay? You mean so much to me, Casey. I don’t care what others think, I just need you to be comfortable and happy.”
She pulls away slightly to find his ocean blues looking down at her adoringly, her own eyes matching the fondness. Tip-toeing, she reaches up to kiss him softly, their breaths mingling as she whispers her love between kisses.
“I promise, Ethan.”
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Well... not sure what is it but I hope you enjoyed it anyways 😂💕😘!! I actually planned on a very fluffy, fun fic but this kinda turned out to be heavy on emotions 🙃! I have no idea how it happened, it just happened 😆! I haven’t edited this yet, if you’re here early, you’ll have to forgive my mistakes 🥺💙!
Likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated 🥰❤️!
Thank you so much for putting up with me 🥺💖, I love you all so so much 🥺💕!! Sending everyone positive vibes and hugs 🤗💖!!
Fanfic tags : @openheartfanfics ; @choicesficwriterscreations ;
Taglist part 1 : @monsoonblooms12 ; @zoehanji ; @choicesfanaf ; @stygianflood ; @nishas-paradise ; @sophxwithers ; @kiara-36 ; @mrsethanfreakingramsey ; @openheartthot ; @udishaman ; @schnitzelbutterfingers ; @missmiimiie ; @drariellevalentine ; @mysticaurathings ; @lahamseiroshoe ; @akshara16 ; @theinvisibledreamergirl ; @maurine07 ; @tsrookie ; @whimsicallywayward15 ; @starrystarrytrouble ; @blainehellyes ; @arnikki-2406 ; @takemyopenheart ; @adrex04 ; @pitchblackstars ; @aarisa-frost ; @chetachisblog ; @mercury84choices ; @ethandaddyramseyx ; @getyourselfaunicorn ; @coffeeheartaddict (let me know if you want to be added 🥰, or fill up this form!)
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abij19 · 4 years
Late Night
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende), Dr. Harper Emery Word count: 900 Warning: implications of romantic, adult activities
Premise: Harper Emery is eager to share a new prospect with her old colleague, Ethan. But when she visits his apartment late at night to discuss, she is stunned by what– or rather who– she finds there. 
Author’s Note: PB really thought they could pit me, a raging feminist, against Doctor Harper Emery, Head of Neurosurgery and the most talented surgeon of her generation. I have to laugh. She doesn’t want Ethan. Moreover, Ethan Ramsey is ridiculously in love with MC. That ship sailed a long time ago. It’s halfway across the Atlantic. In this essay, I will–
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The sleek elevator doors slid open and Harper wasted no time in striding down the familiar hallway. Her heels clicked against the linoleum floor as she marched the once-intimate path toward his door, fueled by the adrenaline of unearthing a medical revelation. 
The thrill, however, slowly dwindled as she faced the elegant mahogany door of his apartment. In the dim glow of the hallway, Harper briefly wondered if sharing the fascinating details of the Nakamura case could have waited until the morning. After all, she could have texted him with some details to gauge his interest and set up a meeting from there. 
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abij19 · 4 years
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Bad Boys
Chapter 2
These characters belong to Pixelberry
Triggers ⚠️ Violence, Mild Language, Dark Writing, Probably More and MUST be 18+ to READ
Word count - 1497
Hope you all get your tags!!
Liam headed back to the table with Leo, who raised his eyebrow to him in curiosity. “Back so soon?” Leo asked.
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abij19 · 4 years
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A Secret Heir. Chapter 5, Man to Man. Warnings: Mental Angst. Author’s Summary: Aboard the royal jet, Liam & Drake have an intense discussion. Gracelyn discovers that Liam has a secret to share. Drake moves out of the palace because of Liam’s secret. The odd chapters were originally written by my friend who was co-writing with me. This is from memory. Liam & the trr gang are borrowed from pixelberry. Song Inspiration: Should of Known Better by Sufjan Stevens. Word Count: 944 Liam x Gracelyn, Liam x Drake, Drake x??? ****
As he sat in his seat on the royal jet, Liam could sense the tension from Drake. Liam was going to find out what Drake’s problem after they were in the air. There’s a touch on his arm,
“ Liam, I’m so ready to be home. “ Liam smiles at Gracelyn as they buckle their seat belts. “ New York was nice, but I agree with you my love. Home seems to be feeling nice about now. “
Liam turns to Drake, “ Was everything alright last night? You seemed to be short & you ended up hanging up on me. “ Drake glared at him, “ I wasn’t in the mood to talk. “
Gracelyn looks over to Drake, “ Drake, did you spend time with Riley after you guys left the gala? “ Drake gave Gracelyn a small smile, “ Yes, I did! She’s a wonderful lady! We’ll be staying in touch! “ You have no idea of what I’ve learned! Drake thought as he & Liam glared at each other.
After the jet was in the air, several hours later Gracelyn fell asleep. Liam quietly got up putting a pillow under her head, then he covered her with a blanket. Liam steps into the isle, He taps Drake on the shoulder motioning him to follow.
In the back of the jet, Liam turns to face Drake. “ What is your problem? Bringing Riley to the gala? “ Drake smirks,
“ How is that a problem? “ Anger rose up in Liam, “ You know that I was with Riley at my bachelor party! “
It took everything in Drake to not laugh. So he gives Liam a evil smirk, “ I’ve seen the results of that night. And she is beautiful! “ Liam starts to pace the isle nervously,
“ Drake, you’re not going to say anything to anyone! “ Drake locks eyes with Liam,
“ I WON’T! But you will! “ Liam shot steel blue eye daggers at Drake, “ What do you mean by that? “
“ I’m going to pursue Riley! That means they will be coming to Cordonia to visit or to live! “ Liam started pacing even more now trying to problem solve the situation.
“ It looks like you’re going to need to tell your Queen everything especially if your daughter comes to Cordonia! “ Liam couldn’t believe what he was hearing,
“ Why are you doing this? “
“ I’m not doing anything Liam! This is all you! I found out I care about Riley & I want to get to know each other. Plus Zoey is adorable. “ Before Liam could respond, they hear.
“ Liam… “
Gracelyn’s voice was heavy with sleep, Liam turns turn her a smile. “ Love, why are you up? “
“ I missed you. “ Gracelyn replied sweetly, “ Love, you’re pregnant. Let’s go back to our seats. You need to rest! “ Liam kisses her temple as he firmly, but gently takes her elbow.
Gracelyn sensing the tension between Liam & Drake asks, “ Is everything alright, guys? “
Liam kisses her on the cheek, “ Yes, Love. Drake & I are only having a disagreement. Isn’t that right Drake? “ Drake scowls but nods yes.
Liam & Gracelyn walk back to their seats, After getting Gracelyn comfortable she falls asleep quickly. Liam strokes her hair until he falls asleep.
Upon arriving in Cordonia, Drake texts Riley to inform her that he has arrived. He refuses to ride with Liam & Gracelyn, riding with the extra guards he arrives to the palace first. He heads to straight to his room. Drake also told Bastien that he’ll be needing a ride to his cabin.
When the royal couple arrived at the palace, they were pulled into a conversation with Madeleine. During the conversation, Gracelyn noticed Drake coming through with bags, “ Excuse me please. “
Gracelyn approaches Drake, “ Drake, why are you leaving? “ Drake runs his hand through his hair before responding,
“ Why don’t you ask your husband. Especially about secrets! As of me, I’m out of here! “ Drake throws a hateful glare towards Liam as he stomps out of the palace after Bastien points him towards the SUV to get in.
Gracelyn stands there in silence watching Drake leave. Liam walks up to Gracelyn startling her. “ Love, what’s wrong? “ Liam asks seeing Gracelyn tremble, she turns to him her expression hardening.
“ What secrets do you have that would cause Drake to be so angry that he can’t stay here? “ Liam felt panic hit the pit of his stomach. He swallows thickly before responding, “ Secrets? “
Gracelyn glared at him, “ Yes, secrets. “ Liam’s face fell. “ Love, I do have a secret that I need to tell you. But not here. Let’s go to our quarters to talk. “ Liam slipped his fingers though hers, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. Gracelyn allowed him to hold her hand as they walked towards their quarters, she was quietly seething inside.
#Liam#Liam-Rys#Liam x MC#Liam x Gracelyn#Drake x OC#trr
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abij19 · 4 years
You are not alone
Hello 🌥️! Look who’s back again at fluff 😂! The last time I posted an Ethan fic y’all went, ‘I despise Ethan’ ; ‘I wanna punch him so bad’ ; ‘Oh hell no, bye Ramsey’ and I- 😶💔 anyways hopefully this one will change that✨💞! Ethan is precious 🥺💙!
❥ Masterlist 🖋️
❥ Pairing : Ethan Ramsey x Casey Valentine
❥ Book : Open Heart (taking place in the third year)
❥ Précis : It’s all red and pain until he takes it away with his love.
❥ Word count & Rating : ~ 1.7K || Teen
❥ Warnings : None.
❥ Disclaimer : All characters belong to pixelberry studios. But Casey is my baby (I made her who she is 😤) so I consider her mine ©
Sorry in advance if there are any errors, I’m a rookie in writing and English isn’t my first language. (And no I’m so sorry but I didn’t edit this yet, and I don’t have a beta reader either so xD! Enjoy this unedited mess <3)
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It’s that day of the month again where Casey really wants to apply all the anesthesia in the world on herself, anything to ease this damned stabbing pain. As if that’s not enough, her huge workload made it almost impossible for her to go through the long day made longer with her obstacles. But thankfully it’s over now, and she’s safely hiding beneath her blanket, surrounded by all the pillows she could find around in his apartment.
It was Ethan who insisted upon the fact that she should stay with him tonight despite all her excuses, and knowing how stubborn he is, she just nodded in response at the end. With the whole day’s exhaustion and her first day cramps, it literally felt like a battlefield for her until she found herself on the bed, curled up with pillows and blankets.
“Casey? I need another hand in the kitchen!”
His voice alarms her senses, and she pulls down the blanket to peak, internally crying because she’ll have to move again.
“Sweetheart? Can you not hear me? Or are you simply ignoring me?”
With a groan, she sits up, the sharp pain in her pelvis making her hiss. She softly rubs her lower belly, getting out of the bed, sighing. Why Ethan just had to call her for help? She drags herself out of the bedroom, heading towards the kitchen with baby steps. The tee and shorts she took from Ethan’s closet and wore earlier the night hang loosely from her body, too big for her short figure.
“Mmh coming!”
She leans on the kitchen island for support, her voice whiny, “Why did you need me?”
He answers with his eyes fixed on the mushrooms he’s chopping, too focused to spare a glance at her, “Stir the soup please, and add some spices and herbs if needed. And also can you put the rice into the rice cooker?”
Recieving no answer from her, he asks again, “Are you helping me or not?”
“... Sure.”
She removes the lid of the cooker and the gathered up steam hits her face, immediately triggering a very unpleasant feeling. She blinks, trying her best to not cough or sneeze, striding away to grab a spoon. He casts a glance at her, “You’re wearing my clothes again?”
“Is it my fault that they’re more comfortable than my own clothes?”
Ethan shakes his head, not dragging the matter further. Tip-toeing, she reaches for the cabinet, finally grabbing a suitable spoon. The sharp thump of pain makes her dizzy, and she braces herself against the cabinet, a pained moan escaping her. She feels a secure hand on the small of her back, his voice a whisper in her ear, “Are you okay, love?”
Though the endearment makes her blush, the awful cramp causes her to grit her teeth, “Y-yeah. No worries.”
With a concerning look etched on his face, he nods, going back in his station.
She too goes back to the stove, stirring the soup for a few minutes before bringing a small portion of it up to her mouth and blowing air to cool it down. After tasting, she clicks her tongue, “Ethan, can you add more pepper? And maybe coriander?”
“Yeah, wait.”
He walks over with the spices, telling her to prepare the rice now. With an unreadable expression on her face, she grabs the packet of black rice, taking the measured amount of rice for both of them, and putting it in a strainer. Just as the cold water hits her hand, she feels her nose crinkling, and a disaster about to happen. She stops breathing to resist, but the sneeze soon breaks through, rocking her whole body to the core. After a spilt second of gathering herself, she quickly turns around to check the back of her shorts, her uneasiness quickly taking his attention. He narrows his eyes, “Casey? Are you sure that-”
“I’m okay Ethan, sorry I’ll be back in a second.”
She weirdly trots back in the bedroom, only adding to his confusion. Putting the heat on the lowest, he cleans up the rice and puts it in the rice cooker, waiting for it to prepare. After a few minutes pass, he grows anxious, deciding to stand by the bedroom door. He peaks through the generous gap, waiting for her to appear. After a minute or so, she comes out with a towel and washing gel bottle in her hands. His ocean blues follow her going around the room with slow steps, and the realisation hits him when he notices her taking out ibuprofen from her cherry coloured bag. He knows damn well what that bag is and what is inside.
She whines, resting her head on the nearby wall, taking deep breathes and rubbing her forehead. Holding on the wall, she walks back to the kitchen, knocking her head in his chest without knowing.
He tilts her chin, dropping a kiss on her head before he addresses her sternly, “I hate how much you lie to me.”
She opens her mouth, closing it again, not sure what to say, “I didn’t lie to you, Ethan. I have no idea what are you talking about.”
He crosses his arms around his chest, “Oh? Is that so?”
She nods, mumbling something under her breath.
“You told me that you’re okay. Liar.”
She frowns in response, “Wha- but I am!”
“SHUT UP! Stop lying! Do you really think that I’m a fool?”
She takes a few steps back, swallowing nervously, her eyes glazed.
“I don’t know what you are talking about, Ethan. Don’t test me, I have to put the rice in the cooker, let me go..”
“Oh Casey...”
He pulls her into him, stroking her golden locks, “I didn’t mean to snap at you, I’m sorry. I already put the rice in the cooker and the soup is done. But you did lie to me, sweetheart... You said that you’re okay. You could’ve just told me you know? That you’re on your period and I would’ve never once asked you to move from the bed. Why didn’t you? I feel like a horrible partner right now.”
She looks down, clearly overwhelmed by his words, “Oh, um... I- I’m sorry... I-”
Without letting her finish, he picks her up in bridal style, carrying her to the couch, sitting on it before settling her on his lap. She tries to move and sit on the couch instead, but he holds her tight, locking her position on his lap.
“Don’t be sorry... I should be one apologising...” he tucks the stray strands of blonde behind her ear, leaning down to press his lips on hers, sharing the gentlest kiss they’ve shared in a long time. She sighs, melting in his arms, her eyes fluttering close from the peaceful feeling. He holds her as intimately as possible, his nose nuzzling her neck in silent comfort. Kissing his way up to her neck, jawline, he reaches to whisper in her ear, “Is it your first day of menstruation?”
She nods, toying with his shirt nervously, while he moves the oversized tee aside from her lower abdomen, cupping it in his big hand. He strokes his thumb over it, his other hand busy drawing patterns on her back, “How much is it hurting right now?”
She ponders a little, mumbling, “Like- like someone is stabbing my uterus with a knife... and like someone is trying to squeeze the life out of it..”
His face falls as he hears her, “That sounds so painful... But you did take ibuprofen so... You said you get cramps only on your first day, right?”
“Yeah... only the first day, on the second day too but it’s barely painful.”
He places her on the couch, sitting down to remove her tee completely, she stammers, “E-ethan! What are you d-doing?”
He motions her to stop, trailing butterfly kisses all over her bare skin, specially focused on her stomach. Her fingers immediately thread through his hair, stroking his scalp in a message as he kisses up her left hand, gathering her in his arms and carrying her to the bedroom. He puts her on the bed, climbing up to sit by her side. Putting her head on his lap, he pulls on the blanket over her body, but she stops him, turning around to check again.
“There aren’t any stains at all, what are you doing?”
She fidgets shyly, “No I don’t want to ruin the sheets, it just felt like there’s-”
He runs his thumb over her lower lip, “And why would you feel like that? You use menstrual cups, loosen up.”
“You won’t understand... sometimes all I feel is wet and red though there isn’t anything at all...”
He tilts his head, kissing her knuckles as he speaks, “Maybe I don’t understand but I can try to... you know? You’re not alone in this. We’re a team, your pain is my pain too. I know that it’s happening in you but hey... you are a part of me.”
By the time he looks down at her emeralds they’re glistening with tears. Their eyes lock, and after a moment she moves up to bury her face in his chest. He holds her immediately, her tears soaking through his shirt.
“Why are you crying? Is it hurting too much? Do you need-”
“It’s your fault! Why did you say that?”
“Say what, love?”
She grips on his shirt, mewling, “Stop..”
He kisses the crown of her head in response, nuzzling her hair, “I’ll let you eat chocolate ice cream with dark chocolate shavings for dessert , okay? As much as you want. Sorry but I don’t have the pistachio or cookies and cream...”
She rests her head on his shoulder, still sniffling, “It’s alright! Chocolate ice cream is fine!”
He chuckles fondly, pulling her in for a soft peck, “You are my everything, you know that? What would I do without you?”
“I don’t know... maybe you’d be grumpy and alone for the rest of your life?”
“Ouch- you wouldn’t want that to happen, would you?”
She snuggles up to him, adoration flickering in her eyes, “No.. you’re my squishy Ethan Ramsey.”
His hearty laughter rings through his bedroom, her eyes fixed on the man she’s clearly in love with, wanting nothing but to spend the rest of her life just like this, wrapped up in his arms.
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Thank you so much for reading aaaaa 🥺💗! You have no idea how much it means to me 🥺😭! Leave feedback if possible 🙂, if not, it’s alright, hopefully you enjoyed this 🥺!
Honestly, yeah 😔 it’s the monthly struggle but well we don’t have a Ethan Ramsey to take care of us 🤷🏻‍♀️! But our MC has 😭 tf 😭! ETHAN RAMSEY WHY TF ARE YOU NOT MINE & REAL? So I just wrote this instead as a coping mechanism. I’ve always kinda wanted to write this type of fic but never managed to do so until today (cause of the cramps 🙁) so yay 🧸👌🏼! I’m just gonna queue this cause it’s like dawn here and I honestly can’t take the anxiety of posting this rn 🥴😅! I can barely keep my eyes open 🥴😪! My ovaries suck istg-
🏷️ Taglist part 1 : @openheartthot ; @marvel-hp* ; @udishaman ; @schnitzelbutterfingers ; @missmiimiie ; @drakewalker04 ; @angela8754 ; @drariellevalentine ; @newcolonies ; @mysticaurathings ; @lahamseiroshoe ; @rookieoh ; @dulceghernandez ; @akshara16 ; @shadynaturehilariouscookie ; @theinvisibledreamergirl ; @enamouredbytruth ; @openheartreader* ; @maurine07 ; @tsrookie ; @literaryjuggernaut ; @freckles-spangledvampire ; @monsoonblooms12 ; @whimsicallywayward15 ; @starrystarrytrouble ; @utterlyinevitable ; @virtuemoir-avengers* ; @blainehellyes ; @randomperson111 ; @nikki-2406 ; @sushiharrington ; @crazynutella ; @takemyopenheart (please let me know if you want to be added or removed 🥰 ; and if you’re new, fill up this form)
🏷️ Fanfic tags : @choicesficwriterscreations ; @openheartfanfics ; @choicesjanuarychallenge2021 : Day 16, Cooking
Bui bui (~╹▽╹ )~ love you all 💜💜💜💜! Thank you so much for bearing with me 🥺
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