abhartach · 1 year
I went to an end of the year middle school band concert a few days ago. At my middle school we were required to take at least two years of band or choir and I picked choir so I don’t have a ton of experience but I did have friends in band. One thing about band kids, especially in middle school, is when I passed the hall where the kids were lined up for the concert and there were two separate fights going on I didn’t think anything of it, and neither did the other kids standing in line.
An observation that seems to still hold true from my middle school days is it’s always the brass and woodwinds fighting each other. Maybe it’s just a long lasting feud at my school that began long before me and still continues to this day.
Anyway, Dib and Zim are band kids. Zim plays either trumpet or trombone because he’s obnoxious. Dib plays either flute or clarinet because he’s a nerd. Coincidentally the instrument case for a flute or clarinet are the perfect size to swing like a baseball bat at the person who just played a trombone in your ear at full volume.
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abhartach · 2 years
Zim isn’t actually that short (compared to humans)
I have been looking around and cannot for the life of me find canon heights for any characters despite the fact that height has such significance in irken culture.
So I’ve been thinking about it and come to some conclusions based very minimally on the research I have done:
Dib and Zim are very similar in height. In some side by side shots it actually looks like Zim is an inch or so taller.
Dib is 12 years old. The average height of a 12 year old boy is a range from 4’6” to 5’6”. His dad is pretty tall so I’m putting him at the upper end of that spectrum. Of course, the way the show is drawn all the adults are much taller than the kids but I’m ignoring that. I will add that I am 5’7” and my 12 year old male cousin is taller than me and I also have an 11 year old female cousin in the other side of the family that is my height.
Zim is considered shorter than average for an irken, but he’s probably around 5’3” to 5’5”
I remember Zim talking to the Tallest at some point about how stupid humans are even though some of them are almost as tall as the tallest (cannot remember exactly what he says it has been literal years). Note that he says some I am going to take this to mean that only a few are even close
The tallest human was 8’11.1” and I 100% believe Zim would find that out almost immediately based on how irkens feel about height
Final conclusions: The Tallest are around 9-10 feet tall and after growing a few inches in my fics Zim is actually an above average height for an adult man
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk
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abhartach · 2 years
Final post of little notes I write to myself. This is scraping the bottom of the barrel:
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He’s stylish. Again, no context for this one, apparently I thought it was memorable enough that this one note would jog my memory.
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This is probably Zim. I don’t know who else could get shot in the face and survive. Don’t remember the context but I don’t think it needs it.
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Honestly probably Zim again, he’s talking to Dib but it would still be funny with just about anyone else.
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Definitely Zim saying this. He has a loose understanding of sayings like “take it with a grain of salt” but doesn’t quite get how to use it.
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abhartach · 2 years
More silly little notes I write myself at 3am with very little context:
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Apparently he doesn’t know what a turtle is. Probably wrote this in the fall when I found out that box turtles get buried in the ground to brumate for the winter. I was obsessed with watching TikTok’s of them for a few weeks.
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Honestly not surprising.
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The fact that Gir is there worries me. I think I know where I wanted to go with this one but it’s not very good and I scrapped it. The whole point was to highlight the differences between human and irken physiologies and how different their reactions to the drug/pollen were.
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Probably not good for the baby. The fact that Dib let Zim keep holding the baby makes me laugh every time I see this on the list
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abhartach · 2 years
Sometimes I get an idea and write myself a note in this really long google doc I keep and reference sometimes. Some of these notes will never be used in a fic but they make me laugh almost every time I look at them here are some of them:
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I think I wrote this at like 4am. No context to be found, not sure why I’m cursing in a note to myself but apparently I really wanted to convey Zim’s apparent hatred for fish that I think he has.
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No idea how I came up with this one but Dib is definitely one of those people who will go out of their way to tell you Frankenstein was the scientist not the monster.
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I remember seeing something like this one as an incorrect quote thing. He would absolutely loot a body though and Dib would just watch.
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Probably didn’t come up with this one on my own. I do not entirely remember writing this down. I think it’s zombie related and the wife is supposed to be right next to the guy obviously not normal.
I’ll look for more if these are interesting.
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abhartach · 2 years
Gender/ Sexuality Headcanon post pt. 1
For everyone who matters
Gender: Transgender Male
I’m not saying that transgender men are a different gender than cis men, they are both men, but it has minor plot importance
Sexual orientation: Asexual
Asexuals do not experience sexual attraction
Romantic orientation: Gay/ Demiromantic
Demiromantic people develop romantic attraction to people they have strong emotional connections to
Gender: Physically genderless, identifies as male
Irkens are a biologically genderless species. Curled antenna and longer eyelashes are common across both male identifying and female identifying irkens. The only reason they have the concept of gender is most alien species they interact with have two or more genders and it kind of caught on.
Sexual orientation: Asexual
Irkens as a species are biologically asexual. They reproduce by cloning and have no need for reproductive organs. They haven’t had them for centuries.
Romantic orientation: Demiromantic
It is important to note that before his pak was disconnected, Zim was not capable of experiencing any type of attraction. Irkens with non defective paks are aromantic, they cannot experience romantic attraction.
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abhartach · 2 years
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abhartach · 2 years
he lyin’
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abhartach · 2 years
This chapter stayed 92% written for 4 months
It is finally done
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abhartach · 2 years
Zim’s diet consists of very unhealthy junk foods and plain uncooked fruits and vegetables-
He doesn’t really need to eat to survive but food is good. Since nutrients from food aren’t really important for him calorie dense junk food probably benefits him the most. Candy, soda, cookies, ect. They taste good and are high in calories his pak can convert directly into energy.
However, he likes the textures and tastes of fruits and vegetables. They do pretty much nothing energy wise for him but he enjoys them. Other irkens would probably see it as inefficient to waste time eating foods that barely provide any calories to convert but he doesn’t see it that way. For humans eating is often a social activity, and if Dib going to eat while they’re together he might as well eat something too. His favorites are things that have a satisfying crunch when he bites them like celery, carrots, apples, and broccoli stalks (the tops aren’t as crunchy). He’s not as big a fan of the squishier vegetables like peas or tomatoes but soft fruits that are very sweet get a pass.
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abhartach · 2 years
bestie are you going to post or are you dead /hj
Bestie you made me look up tone indicators so I could make sure you weren’t being mean to me and I’m still not sure. Not dead just busy might post a mini headcanon tomorrow
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abhartach · 2 years
Off my chest /non canon- headcanon
This one’s a twofer
One trope I will always hold dear to my heart is time travel/ characters meeting their younger/ older selves. When you really think about it time travel can get really complicated, butterfly effect, converging/diverging timelines, ect. But I will almost always give this a pass. I don’t think I have it in me to write it but here are a few scenarios I think about sometimes. I think young Zim and Dib would be middle school age and older Zim and Dib would be late 20s. I don’t think this would take place in my universe, more like a combination of the last few fics I’ve read which I don’t remember right now. I’m not sure it would really fit into any of them either but my brains been taking bits and pieces and smashing them all together into a universe where this is plausible. Unlike my other headcanons this is not canon to the universe that The First One and all subsequent fics take place in. For any of you who prefer a setting (me) I imagine these take place on a larger ship where the four of them are forced to be together.
1. Young Dib getting excited about how deep his voice gets and how masculine his older self looks
I have always head canoned Dib as trans and I think him seeing himself in the future after his transition would give him a huge sense of relief
2. Older Zim who doesn’t mind answering young Dib’s questions
Zim’s been answering Dib’s stupid questions for years now so what’s a few more. Plus he enjoys seeing how excited Dib gets when his questions are answered. He thinks it’s cute.
3. Young Zim seeing older Zim smile
Obviously Zim knows how to smile but I think his younger self would have a bit of an identity crisis seeing him with a genuinely happy smile on his face. Maybe he’s horrified by how softly his older self is looking at the human who’s supposed to be his nemesis, maybe he’s upset seeing how happy his older self seems to be about answering his enemy’s questions. In reality he’s just scared of emotional vulnerability but who isn’t.
4. Young Zim and Dib being awkward with each other after seeing how their older selves interact
Older Zim and Dib are actively trying to tone down how affectionate they are with each other but they just can’t seem to shake the habit. I like to think they are really touchy, in a platonic sense, if Zim wants to show Dib something and thinks he isn’t paying attention he’ll grab him by the face and make him pay attention, they lean into each other when they sit next to each other, if they’re both standing and looking at something in front of them Dib will stand behind Zim and put his chin on top of Zim’s head. Seeing something like this would make younger Zim and Dib uncomfortable and would probably lead to them declaring to the other that they’re still enemies. Zim would threaten to kill Dib and finally conquer the earth, Dib would threaten to dissect Zim, and they would likely end up in a fist fight while older Zim and Dib watch slightly amused but also a little embarrassed about how they used to act.
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abhartach · 2 years
Zim definitely has something like this in his lab.
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abhartach · 2 years
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More Buzzfeed Unsolved shenanigans.
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abhartach · 2 years
Off my chest
Sometimes angst makes me so upset that my stomach hurts. If I read a fanfic that I deem “too angsty” I will stop reading it and make up the end in my head just to give myself some closure.
I am not squeamish, I can do gore, and excessive violence no problem. But if the little people in my phone get too sad I get a tummy ache.
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abhartach · 2 years
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Buzzfeed Unsolved Zim AU my beloved 💜
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abhartach · 2 years
Another headcanon/ opinion
Lemon Demon post-
Dib absolutely listens to Lemon Demon. I really don’t like assigning music tastes to characters, everything about music is so subjective but this is one I’m willing to stand my ground for. I’ve been helping a friend move across our state for the past few days which has involved a lot of driving time and decided to listen the the whole Spirit Phone album which I haven’t done in a long time. For whatever reason Invader Zim fanon and Lemon Demon seem to go hand in hand and I don’t know why but I love it. This seems to be a pretty common headcanon but I’m going to go a little deeper. Spirit Phone is my favorite album so it gets the most attention.
To address the elephant in the room this post is not about Touch Tone Telephone. I see very often things like ‘It’s such a Dib song’ and ‘it fits him so well’ which is perfectly fine but I think people are missing out on the potential of the whole Spirit Phone album when it’s reduced to one song. I also like to think my Dib would be slightly insulted by the implication of the song being ‘literally him’ because he’s a paranormal investigator not a conspiracy theorist thank you very much. (Don’t make fun of him it’s a real job)
When I listen through the album I like to think these would be his top three favorites:
Lifetime Achievement Award
Ancient Aliens
Eighth Wonder
There is no deep meaning to these choices, he just likes them. I also don’t think there are any songs on that album that he doesn’t like but these are his favorites.
I’m not going to limit him to the Spirit phone album though. I like to think he especially enjoys Really Cool Wig, A Mask of My Own Face, and Jaws from Nature Tapes (not Two Trucks, thanks Jhonen but no).
He absolutely plays Lemon Demon for Zim when they hang out. Zim has a very lose grasp on what music is because he didn’t haven’t it back on Irk so he just goes along with whatever and Dib is more than happy to explain what the songs about or any references that he doesn’t understand. Zim likes Cabinet Man and Man-Made Object. The first time he heard Touch Tone Telephone he did poke fun at Dib who made it very clear he was not a conspiracy theorist.
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