Together as a group we have created an intricate architectural exhibition to be displayed on behalf of New Zealand at the quadrennial in Prague. We have created a structure which engages multiple senses as you are fully emerged within the structure. Our reasoning for creating an exhibition which indulges more than one of the senses is to let the audience become the performance. We want people to come and feel the different materials as well as listen to the different sounds they make while being touched. We have incorporated wool into our design as a way to represent New Zealand, as wool is one of the biggest exports from New Zealand. Our exhibition will be placed on top of reflective glass to give the illusion of a bigger space as well as adding another interesting element to our exhibition. Throughout our design process we have over come a lot of obstacles with changing our design more than once to create something we would be truly proud of to exhibit at the quadrennial. We have all had input into our final exhibition and all our ideas have been portrayed in our final body of work.
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Models I created for class to demonstrate weaving and the use of wool
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Material research working with muslin, satin and tule testing there qualities with the use of light.
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Here are some of the models I created during our first class for this paper.
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I have put a lot of thought into where I think my exhibition should be displayed and after exploring multiple sites around Wellington, came to the conclusion that the railway station was best suited for what I am trying to achieve. The reason for this is that travel can be stressful especially relying on public transport when you are on a tight schedule. My exhibition of the two pieces I have chosen will bring to the area a sense of fun and excitement when people are commuting to and from work. It would be placed directly in front of the railway station entrance, where you could walk through the light installation and experience the feeling of light and how different colours make you feel. The automated colour field will sit on top and mimic the shape of another shipping container identical to the one below, the colour field would flick over at a steady pace and increase speed during human interaction, based on how many people were walking past/through at one time. The text is another element which I have decided to add to this exhibition as it leads people towards the exhibition as well as reminds them to��‘SLOW DOWN’ I feel as though this is an important message as so often we are moving at such a fast pace and can often forget to take a breathe and appreciate our surrounds. In conclusion I hope this exhibition can bring some colour and excitement into what is a very routined and hectic site.
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here is a photo from a slightly higher angle which shows the size of the exhibition in context with the size of the railway station. It also shows how the exhibition is right in the middle of walkway to enter the railway station so cannot be missed.
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Here I have placed the exhibition in the sight where I would ideally like to place it I think It works really well juxtaposed the contemporary art work matched with the character of the old railway station building.
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Here I have added the text to my final concept. I have used a style similar to Barbara Kruger reminding people to slow down and take a look at there surrounding as we becoming busier and busier in daily life I think sometimes we just need to breathe and slow down a notch.
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Barbara Kruger
After playing around with my final concept I decided that the exhibition is not exactly self explanatory so I thought adding some text might be effective to lead people towards the exhibition. Barbara Kruger is very cleaver when it comes to text and I think her style of text would work really well with my exhibition as it is bold and informative which is what I think is required at my sight.
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Concept 3 -
This is my final concept for my exhibition, I want to use one shipping container and then replicate a second on top out of the automated colour field I think this would be the most effective way to see the work in it entirety. Below I have chosen to put in the interactive light room and have the two ends open so people are able to walk through and experience the feeling of the light.
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Concept 2 -
I decided to create a whole wall using the automated colour field. I really like the idea of using this work at such a big scale so it can be easily seen and appreciated. The vertical box on the right with the interactive light instillation I think could be bigger but I didn’t like the idea of using three horizontal containers.
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Concept 1 -
This was my first idea when I thought of creating an exhibition. It is a vert basic design using two shipping containers one horizontal and the other vertical creating an L shape, but only using half of the vertical container. I wanted to bring the colour out of the exhibition also so it felt more welcoming to people passing by and brightened up the dull pavement, this would be achieved by using bright paints.
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Chosen sight
The sight which I have chosen to display my exhibition at is the Wellington railway station as it is a hub for Wellington people during the week at peak times. I want to exhibit here to try and brighten up what is a very routined and structured place where everyone seems to be in a hurry, my aim is to try and make it a bit more fun and interactive as they are coming and going from the railway station. I think the two pieces of work I have chosen from the exhibitions visited as a class are vibrant and bright and will work really well with this site creating a juxtaposed setting.
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