abbaroleplays2 · 2 years
Morticia Fowler
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Morticia grew up poor with there extremely supportive mom and her very much stuck-in-their-ways grandparents, she was often made fun of as a child for superficial reasons such as not having birthday parties, being “fat”, or even not having a dad in her life; Morticia really only ever really had a hand full of friends that slowly grew apart with time until she in her early teen found people online with similar interests and lives as her, even though those friendships have fizzled out with time she’s found who she really was as a person. Morticia was hired by Cognito after being kidnapped for info after making a joke tumbler blog about birds not being real in her late teens that everyone had taken too seriously, soon to find out her joke theory was, in actuality, the truth she was told she where more valuable as an employee then a civilian, so she initially was hired as an unpaid intern until working her way up to be a high ranking member of the Birds Aren’t Real decision aka B,A,R. Morticia often works alongside Regan Ridley to get new bird designs and features manufactured and up and running, (they bond over the fact they both probably have undiagnosed Autism), Morticia would slowly be introduced to the rest of the team
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-Meeting Brett when he wanted to know which set of bird wings would be the most likely to be able to carry a Human (Brett loves how much she knows about animals and often ask her traditionally goofy questions where she always gives a genuinely thought out answers, it does bother her when she doesn’t know the answer to the question)
-Meeting Andre when they broke her leg and he was the only health insurance option, (she still goes to him for strong non-FDA approved painkillers for her EDS)
-Meeting Gigi when she needed to do a media cover-up in 2019, (they bonded over the gullibility of the public)
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-Meeting Glenn when designing the possibility of weapons for secret service birds (Glenn doesn’t know if he should dislike Morticia or not based off her views but she always seems to treat him like everyone else)
-Meeting Myc when he tried flirting with her and she genuinely didn’t even realize that he was hitting on her (she is indifferent to his existence as a person but finds his species extraordinarily interesting)
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Morticia genuinely loves her job as it combines her two favorite things animal and design, she has also become quite comfortable with her coworkers and considers them her friends wether they do or not.
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abbaroleplays2 · 2 years
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HEYY my 2nd color tips pdf is now available ! ^o^ hope you enjoy!
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abbaroleplays2 · 2 years
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abbaroleplays2 · 2 years
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more dappervolk trades ~ wow edition @corruptvisage
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abbaroleplays2 · 2 years
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Sketched this guy finally, originally designed by @vesperluxe 💕
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abbaroleplays2 · 2 years
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the bounty and her hunter.
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abbaroleplays2 · 2 years
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Sketch commission for @zeehva
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abbaroleplays2 · 2 years
Marlia Skacis
Meet Marlia Skacis a Tiefling Ranger who has recently (due to going to a calibration with the fae and her party and drinking a "fun" drink) been true polymorphed into a LizardFolk
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Marlia Skacis
Physical Characteristics [Tyfling]
Hair Style & Color -Charcoal black slicked back behind her Antlers
Skin Color -Pale red
Eye Color -Pure white
Height -5’11
Weight (lbs) -170
Age (Years) -27
Gender GenderFluid (Any pronouns)
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Physical Characteristics [Lizard-Folk]
Hair Style & Color -Charcoal black in short dreadlocks
Skin Color -Marlia has smooth moist red skin with orange speckles slightly being covered with black spots
Eye Color -Pure white
Height -5’5
Weight (lbs) -170
Age (Years) -27
Gender GenderFluid (Any pronouns)
Personal Characteristics
Personality Traits -I’m willing to listen to every side of an argument before I make my own judgment. -I’m used to helping out those who aren’t as smart as I am, and I patiently explain anything and everything to others.
Ideals Knowledge. The path to power and self-improvement is through knowledge. (Neutral)
Bonds -I’ve been searching my whole life for the answer to a certain question.
Flaws -I am easily distracted by the promise of information.
Backstory -Marlia was born on the outskirts of the mega city Iqan is a small town with a small town with a small population, she spent most of her childhood in an orphanage never knowing her parents and only ever really have one true friend. She often got in trouble for trying to see what's on the outside of the walls she dreamed of knowing she has several scars from trying to find out but she never truly got a good look, she never lost that spunk so when she got called upon by the nobles for the job there was no way she could say no she had been studying all know lecture and legend about what went on beyond the walls and wanted to add to her own collection. Marlia has an odd reputation some folks think she’s a very nice helpful traveler and others an evil betraying demon, she’s not proud of everything she’s done in the short life she’s lived so far but she has always been willing to take the consequences of her actions.
Allies -Emily Oak land (Half Elf) Marlia and Emily meet when Emily was put into the orphanage not long after Marlia was at first Marlia thought that Emily was to enthusiastic and Noisy but over time she notice that when Emily laughs or smiles she didn’t find it annoying or obnoxious she found it sweet and nice, she of course shock these feelings off because there’s no way she’s actually likes Emily but over time she got closer and closer to the point when they were kicked out of the orphanage at adulthood without thinking started working together taking small jobs as adventurer’s Emily was frightened easily so when Marlia started to make enough money for the both of them she stepped down and opened her own Library with collections of book, scrolls, and even a few artifact that Marlia found on a few of her adventures, Marila always helps when she can but she always seems to get swept up into a book she was supposed to be putting away, Marlia after years asked Emily out to Emily's surprise as she thought they were already a couple, a few years later Emily saved up what coin she could to commission the local blacksmiths to forge them silver wedding bands and proposed to Marlia after they closed up shop and she immediately said yes trying to hide her happiness but failing as she hugged her tightly. When Emily heard about her mission to go outside the wall, she was terrified but knew she couldn’t stop her, so she packed her bags wrote her a letter and gave her a big kiss as she wished her off with tears in her eyes she hid from her beloved Marlia.
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abbaroleplays2 · 2 years
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So @end8412 drew a mothman weepy and it tickled my brain so much i got inspired to do a mothman smiley cryptid clown hours
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abbaroleplays2 · 2 years
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Enid’s first tango lesson
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abbaroleplays2 · 2 years
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abbaroleplays2 · 2 years
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Pet Dragon
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abbaroleplays2 · 2 years
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herein I captured you, Mother Moon your aloof gaze kept us apart for too long
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abbaroleplays2 · 2 years
Absolutely in love with your art style
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Oh, so we're friends, Diego? 💙🌊
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abbaroleplays2 · 2 years
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Yuletide blessings from artist Iren Horrors
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abbaroleplays2 · 2 years
They look so cool amazing character design
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Thorn and Spud, my first OCs redesigned ✨
Thorn i made in 2007 and Spud i made in 2010 i’ve missed them both so now they will venture into dnd hell with me.
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abbaroleplays2 · 2 years
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i have neither a good imagination nor aphantasia, but a secret third thing
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