abbababbasblog · 2 years
Another addition to my theories I’m moving over from Reddit.
——PART 3——
Another thing to think about is that Ruhn showed up to daybright as literal night, his powers is shadows and such, so he could’ve just been hidden by shadows. But he says that he didn’t even realize he was concealed, and that his mind must of done it for him. He showed up as LITERAL NIGHT. Stars and such, but why? I think it further links him to rhys’s blood. stars eternal :)
Also I need to point out that Nyx the goddess is depicted to have wings…JUST LIKE OUR NYX. She also was said to have a dark mist around her. YOU MEAN LIKE THE DARKNESS RUHN AND RHYS HAVE? THAT NYX PROBABLY HAS? I THINK SO. Also part of the mythology was that even Zuse was a bit afraid of Nyx. So they were perhaps more of equals? Maybe Hunts story has a connection to a zuse like powerful fae person or whatever. There is DEFINITELY a connection.
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abbababbasblog · 2 years
This is a continuation of me moving over theories I posted on me Reddit acc.
In comparison to the previous post, this one is pure theories and doesn’t have my opinion of the book quality like in the previous post I made.
——PART 2——
sooo, let me start with HOSAB. First I wanna point out how little we know about Hunts lineage, but we know his real name is Orion, which is part of Greek methodology and he’s the god of hunting. ANYWAYS, we know little about his lineage so keep that in mind.
At the end of the book bryce jumps to the ACOTAR world, meets the inner circle (kinda), sees some similarities-most notable would be amren and rhys. Bryce sees heavy similarities between Rhys and Ruhn, Fury and Amren (But rn imma focus on the rhys and ruhn). OKAY KEEP THAT IN MIND!
At first, I was not convinced that there was a time jump, meaning that I thought bryce entered the ACOTAR world shortly after ACOSF happened. But now I’m having second thoughts. I’m thinking that when she got into their world, she’s there MANYYYYY years down the line. I think this because I did research on Ryhs and Feyres son: Nyx. I THINK NYX IS SUPER IMPORTANT FOR THE STORY SOMEHOW
in Greek mythology, Nyx is “ the goddess of night, one of the primordial gods, who emerged at the dawn of creation. She was a child of khaos (Chaos, air), and coupling with with Erebros (Darkness) she produced Aither (Aether, light) and Hemera (Day)”.
NOW, I know in the real mythology Nyx is female, but it’s Sarah’s story and she could’ve just made Nyx a dude. So imma go with that. I think Nyx is somehow connected to maybe ruhn or hunt. Moreso ruhn because Ruhn looks a lot like Ryhs, and has similar abilities. I think Ryhs’s blood somehow went down the generations thus the similarities. I think when we get new books for ACOTAR, the story will move towards Nyx and maybe something happens where he goes to another world, or one of his kids do, either way I think he’s connected and those genes somehow ended up in Midgard. The Asteri have admitted that Fae have been brought to that world, so maybe further down the line in the ACOTAR world, someone from Ryhs family crossed over. It’s probably a huge stretch, but who knows? I think there’s definitely an family connection between ruhn and rhys, and I think Nyx plays a huge part in it. We know Sarah loves to take inspiration from mythology, so why the name Nyx?
That brings me back to Hunt. Because he has some type of connection too. We don’t know much about bout him so obviously there will be some big important reveal. Nyx in the real mythology had a child names Aither (aether, light)… WHAT A COINCIDENCE FOR OUR HUNT ATHAR. It’s pretty close isn’t it? And think about hunts abilities. Electricity. But think about how he interacted with the gates, took the magic and energy from it. And all that electricity is LIGHT. So I FEEL LIKE THERE IS SOMETHING THERE. There has GOTTTTT to be a link. Maybe Bryce plays a part with Nyx, since her main thing is literally lighting up. And her phrase “light it up” so there IS A CONNECTION FOR SURE. I just don’t know how all the relatives and timing will sort out. But there’s definitely a lot to unpack.
Also side note, we know that TOG is the word where all fae are shifters with an animal form, and it’s very clear they are connected to CC because the Asteri have even stated that they took fae from a world like that. So maybe there’s a connection of our favorites there. But jeez there’s so many possibilities.
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abbababbasblog · 2 years
I wanted to post my old theories on here about the Sjm universe and connections. A lot of what I wrote was fresh after I finished CC2, so there is most definitely plot holes, but I’d like feedback. I just recently discovered @emilystheories on tik tok so I might go back and try to make connections/changes to my theories to make it fit. Anyways here are the theories and I’d love to have feedback!
This first one is more opinionated on the book mixed with some theories:
——PART 1——
⚠️SPOILS TO TOG, HOSAB, AND ACOTAR ⚠️also this might be hard to read because my brain is fried and I’m getting a bunch of ideas all out at once, so I apologize if what I’m saying is too all over the place
Honestly at first glance I really enjoyed HOSAB , I thought it was interesting. But after reading the opinions of other people, it does bring me to the realization that in regards to character depth and development, a lot of the characters didn’t have the elements that I normally love. What I mean by that is there wasn’t enough backstory or explanations that truly made us attach to a character (that’s my opinion/experience though). With Acotar I got SO invested with Feyre and her interests. Painting was what she loved to do, and it was a part of her and expressed many times. Same with Aelin and music. I feel like Bryce loved to dance, but it didn’t have the same effect as Feyre and Aelin with the things they love. The book definitely felt like it lacked the three demential characters we are so used to when it comes to Sarah’s writing, and I feel like that’s why a lot of people feel that Hunt and Bryce’s love story became flat and rushed. Look and Rhys and Feyre. Although their story is different, things still took time and they learned a lot about eachother before falling in love (and ultimately mating). Same with Aelin and Rowan, a lot of things went down in order for them to have a relationship and back it up. There were events that just made Feyre/Rhys and aelin/rowan unique and attention grabbing. But with Bryce and Hunt, it just doesn’t feel that deep. That’s why I don’t think hunt is end game. Don’t get me wrong, I do like them (especially their cute little moments in the first book with selfies and watching tv), but I think Sarah is truly just trying to mess with us. At the end of HOSAB hunt gets the halo put back on directly from an asteri, and we know his mind gets messed up. I feel like there will be a fight between him and Bryce in the next book and being mates will over power it…but I’m low key hoping hunt dies. DONT GET ME WRONG I LIKE HIM!! I promise I do, but think about it. Bryce has not gone through as much as either Aelin OR Feyre. I’m not saying she can’t be badass without mountains of trauma, but it’s not Sarah’s style to give us a more simple character. Aelin with through losing her parents, her first love, slave camp, death over and over and over, but pulled together and came out strong. Feyre went through poverty, bad relationship with Tamlin, and trauma under the mountain. These women were to the point of breaking but came out stronger. I know the argument can be made that everyone has different lives at that they shouldn’t be compared to the pain of others, and Bryce almost committed suicide in the first book because of her depression and everything else along with losing her best friend. But it just doesn’t feel like that’s all she’s going to go through. I think since Bryce doesn’t have as much trauma as Feyre or Aelin, it makes people like her less because there’s not enough to back her actions up. ANYWAYS I KNOW I KEEP LOSING MY POINT…but what I’m trying to say is although Bryce has gone through heavy stuff, I think she has GOT to be in for a lot more trauma in order to live up to the character development and expectations we all have. I THINK Bryce will lose her mate. Which sounds crazy, because Bryce lost her best friend and it took 2 years to pull herself out of it. Losing her mate would be devastating, but with ruhn saying she should be queen, and the whole asteri mess, I think she will have to pull through and win the war FOR hunt. I don’t know, and I haven’t done enough deep diving into Easter eggs in each book, but I just finished HOSAB today and SO MANY THOUGHTS CROSSED MY MIND. I plan to reread all her books and pull out Easter eggs to help come up with a more solid theory to how things will work out ( and how this crossover will workout)
Speaking of the crossover, I feel weird because I like Feyre more then Bryce, so it’s like, UGHH that I’m reading from Bryce’s point of view. I’d LOVE to see how the inner circle is dealing with the situation. But that brings out another point that people made, that ACOTAR characters will kinda overshadow CC’s story. I do think it’s awesome that the crossover happened because across all three books there has been world walkers(idk if that’s the official name or not but that’s what I call the beings that travel to different worlds), and it’s great that the books are in the same universe, I think it could be amazing if she intertwined all three books into this dope war between the asteri and the three worlds we came to love (and also Hel). It all depends on how she approaches it. I’m confident in her abilities to write this story beautifully, but she’s walking a very dangerous path in regards to how she exactly brings acotar and tog into CC
Anyways that’s all I’m gonna say right know, my mind is all over the place but if you made it this far then please lmk what your theories are, and please fact check me too because I’m going to do research on the books to come up with a solid theory on everything.
❗️And as for the relationship comparison at the beginning^ bottom line is that I think Bryce and hunts relationship got flat because I think she will lose her mate, so maybe her relationship isn’t supposed to be as deep as the other two books, because Bryce’s story doesn’t finish with a mate. Maybe Bryce’s story is about freeing the worlds from the Asteri, losing her best friend and mate in the process, but bringing peace back to her world and others. Who knows though? Maybe it’s a long shot but it’s an interesting theory. She’s always commented how she doesn’t need a male and is and independent baddie, maybe that’s a hit that she will truly not have a male by the time the series ends.
Okay I’m done for real this time, but let me know what you guys think
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