Vocabulary Journal 1
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ababadjanova-blog · 7 years ago
Vocabulary Journal 14
1. Trim; verb; to cut down, as to required size or shape; подрезать, подстригать. Fold over the edges and crimp, then trim any remaining excess.
2. Grim; adj; of a sinister or ghastly character; мрачный, зловещий, непреклонный, беспощадный. Andrew peered into the grim face of the older man; there was not a flicker of a smile in it.
3. Jostle [жосл]; verb; to bump, push, shove, brush against, or elbow roughly or rudely; толкаться, тесниться. Let us not jostle and crowd each other too harshly, while we are en route.
4. Praise [прэйз]; noun; the act of expressing approval or admiration; хвала. Let young men hear the praise of virtue from the lips of beauty.
5. Porch; noun; an exterior appendage to a building, forming a covered approach or vestibule to a doorway; крыльцо. Peterson sits on the porch of his Long Island home and greets passersby.
6. Garment; noun; any article of clothing; одежда. It can take two months to work on and manipulate a single dress into the garment she wants.
7. Lumber; noun; miscellaneous useless articles that are stored away; хлам, рухлядь. They stood knee-deep in the clutter and lumber, facing each other abjectly.
8. Cast; verb; to throw off or away; бросать, отбрасывать. He cast the advertisement in the wastebasket.
9. Bide; verb; to endure, bear, tolerate; терпеть, выносить. Here I must bide, and talk and sew and spin, and spin and sew and talk.
10. Somber; adj; gloomy, depressing, or dismal; мрачный. In a somber tone, the balding man with white hair describes having lost two sons in the war.
11. Limb [лым]; noun; a part or member of an animal body distinct from the head and trunk, as a leg, arm, or wing; конечность. “We can do anything here from open heart surgery to limb amputations,” he says.
12. Frail; adj; (of a person) weak and delicate; бренный, хрупкий, хилый, слабый, болезненный. All of humanity there, frail and complicated and beautiful.
13. Endow; verb; to furnish, as with some talent, faculty; наделять, одарять, завещать. Nature has endowed her with great ability.
14. Keen; adj; animated by or showing strong feeling or desire; энергичный, острый, проницательный, сильно желающий. Hamish and his wife, Lesley, were expert fly fishers and keen gardeners.
15. Bay; verb; to howl, especially with a deep, prolonged sound; лаять, выть. A troubled hound baying the moon.
16. Lap dog; noun; a small pet dog that can easily be held in the lap; болонка, маленькая собачка. Ramiro looked at his interlocutor, as the mastiff may look at the lap dog.
17. Sleek; adj; smooth or glossy, as hair, an animal, etc.; гладкий, прилизанный. His complexion was pale and sodden, and his hair short, dark, and sleek.
18. Meek; adj; humbly patient or docile, as under provocation from others; кроткий. But that mild and meek man had a certain strength of pertinacity.
19. Cringe; verb; to fawn; раболепствовать. They expect to cringe ; if they are not compelled to do so, they are very likely to forget their place.
20. Cuff; noun; a blow with the fist or the open hand; шлепок.  But with the master the cuff was always too light to hurt the flesh.
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ababadjanova-blog · 7 years ago
Vocabulary Journal 13
1. Reel; verb; to sway or rock under a blow, shock, etc.; раскачиваться, пошатнуться. The boxer reeled and fell.
2. Stake; noun; a personal or emotional concern, interest, involvement, or share; доля, участие, заинтересованность. Parents have a big stake in their children's happiness.
3. Emit; verb; to send forth (liquid, light, heat, sound, particles, etc.); испускать. He emitted one shrill cry and then was silent.
4. Shrill; adj; high-pitched and piercing in sound quality; пронзительный. Her voice was shrill with disbelief and choked with grief as she spoke to someone on her cell phone.
5. Stern; adj; firm, strict, or uncompromising; суровый, строгий. You have to be stern and there are decisions you have to make.
6. Smitten; adj; struck, as with a hard blow; пораженный. Smitten to the heart by a sudden and overwhelming remorse, Hetty was speechless.
7. Epinephrine; noun; a commercial form of this substance used chiefly as a heart stimulant, to constrict the blood vessels, and to relax the bronchi in asthma; адреналин. The level of epinephrine in the blood increases dramatically at the time of stress.
8. Deviate; verb; to turn aside, as from a route, way, course, etc.; отклоняться, уклониться. He would not appear to deviate from this custom.
9. Gauge [гэйж]; verb; to determine the exact dimensions, capacity, quantity, or force of, measure; калибровать, измерять, оценивать. They wanted to gauge his level of truthfulness.
10. Hopper; noun; a person or thing that hops; прыгун. A two-week tour designed for energetic city-hoppers.
11. Prevalence; noun; the fact or condition of being prevalent, commonness, or widespread; распространенность. But the animals not being able to bear the prevalence of light, died.
12. Afflict; verb; to distress with mental or bodily pain; причинять страдание, страдать, огорчать, беспокоить. The news which he had heard did afflict Lord George very much.
13. Linger [линге]; verb; to remain or stay on in a place longer than is usual or expected, as if from reluctance to leave; задерживаться. We lingered awhile after the party.
14. Numb [нам]; adj; incapable of action or of feeling emotion, enervated, prostrate; оцепеневший, онемевший. George was numb and disoriented and scared to talk to the police.
15. Fidget [фижит]; verb; to move about restlessly, nervously, or impatiently; ерзать. It was hard to wait, hard not to fidget under the watchful.
16. Nausea [назиа]; noun; sickness at the stomach, especially when accompanied by a loathing for food and an involuntary impulse to vomit; тошнота. Pay attention to potential side effects such as dizziness or nausea.
17. Clench; verb; to close (the hands, teeth, etc.) tightly; стискивать, сжимать. She had to clench her teeth to keep her lips from trembling.
18. Petting; noun; kissing, caressing; ласкание. DiMaggio was petting his cat, Princess.
19. Negotiate; verb; to move through, around, or over in a satisfactory manner; договариваться, преодолевать. They negotiate a difficult dance step without tripping.
20. Hedonistic [хидн-истик]; adj; engaged in the pursuit of pleasure; любящий наслаждения. Thus all the requirements of the hedonistic calculus are satisfied.
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ababadjanova-blog · 7 years ago
Vocabulary Journal 12
1. Jot; verb; to write or mark down quickly or briefly (usually followed by down); кратко записать. I should just jot down some of the things I might say.
2. Dimly; adv; not bright, obscure from lack of light or emitted light; тускло. I dimly recalled seeing Rod blog about this happening in malls near his home.
3. Obscure; adj; indistinct to the sight or any other sense, not readily seen, heard, etc., смутный, неясный. This was still an obscure question, to which she found no answer.
4. Emit; verb; to send forth (liquid, light, heat, sound, particles, etc.); испускать. He emitted one shrill cry and then was silent.
5. Shrill; adj; high-pitched and piercing in sound quality; пронзительный. Her voice was shrill with disbelief and choked with grief as she spoke to someone on her cell phone.
6. Pitch; verb; to set at a certain point, degree, level, etc.; устанавливать. He pitched his hopes too high.
7. Piercing; adj; loud or shrill, as the quality of a voice; пронзительный. His face was stern, his nose beak-like, and his small eyes grey and piercing.
8. Grief; noun; keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss, sharp sorrow, painful regret; горе, печаль. The grief in this house is extreme of course.
9. Choke; verb; have severe difficulty in breathing because of a constricted or obstructed throat or a lack of air; задыхаться. I have been running, and the words seem to choke me as I speak.
10. Stern; adj; firm, strict, or uncompromising; суровый, строгий. You have to be stern and there are decisions you have to make.
11. Beak; noun; the bill of a bird, neb; клюв. I am lean and bony and I've got a beak where I should have a nose.
12. Lean; adj; (of persons or animals) without much flesh or fat, not plump or fat, thin; то��ий. Our squadron doctor was lean, well muscled, square jawed and blond.
13. Squadron; noun; an armored cavalry or cavalry unit consisting of two or more troops, a headquarters, and various supporting units; эскадрон. The tribune was surrounded by a squadron of hussars of the National Guard.
14. Hussar; noun; (originally) one of a body of Hungarian light cavalry formed during the 15th century; гусар. "I vote for your wearing that," said the hussar, quite smitten with her beauty.
15. Smitten; adj; struck, as with a hard blow; пораженный. Smitten to the heart by a sudden and overwhelming remorse, Hetty was speechless.
16. Remorse; noun; deep and painful regret for wrongdoing; раскаяние, угрызения совести, сожаления. A feeling of remorse came over him as he put the book on the table.
17. Moan; noun; a prolonged, low, inarticulate sound uttered from or as if from physical or mental suffering; стон. It sounded like a moan of misery.
18. Misery; noun; great mental or emotional distress, extreme unhappiness; страдание, несчастье, нищета. It breaks up families, burns hope, and perpetuates cycles of misery.
19. Perpetuate; verb; to preserve from extinction or oblivion; увековечивать. Mr. Arundel was aware of the tradition, and he desired to perpetuate it.
20. Composure; noun; serene, self-controlled state of mind, calmness; самообладание, хладнокровие, спкойствие. Despite the hysteria and panic around him, he retained his composure.
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ababadjanova-blog · 7 years ago
Vocabulary Journal 11
1. Acronym; noun; a word formed from the initial letters or groups of letters of words in a set phrase or series of words and pronounced as a separate word; акроним. Wac: Women's Army Corps, OPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.
2. Acrostic; noun; a memorable phrase or sentence in which the first letter of each word triggers a memory of a part of a list or series; акростих. My Very Energetic Mom Just Serves Us Nectarine: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
3. Inevitable; adj; sure to occur, happen, or come, unalterable; неизбежный. The inevitable end of human life is death.
4. Steady; adj; firmly placed or fixed, stable in position or equilibrium; постоянный. He had a steady girlfriend and wanted to stay with her.
5. Lighthearted [лайтхартид]; adj; carefree, cheerful, merry; беззаботный. For Copper the future was a simple thing and she was lighthearted about it.
6. Frantic; adj; desperate or wild with excitement, passion, fear, pain, etc.; неистовый, безумный. The Indians knew enough of English to understand this frantic cry.
7. Indecipherable [индесайферебл]; adj; not understandable, incomprehensible; неразборчивый. His edits often were indecipherable, mysterious marks on the side of the page.
8. Devastate; verb; to lay waste, render desolate; опустошать, разрушать, расстроить. The invaders devastated the city.
9. Mull; verb; to think about carefully; обдумывать. A group of friends gathers to mull over what to do with a day off.
10. Stun; verb; to shock, overwhelm; ошеломлять. The world was stunned by the attempted assassination.
11. Subsidiary; adj; serving to assist or supplement, auxiliary, supplementary; вспомогательный. Rolls Royce Motor Cars is a subsidiary of BMW, who makes the engines.
12. Neat; adj; in a pleasingly orderly and clean condition; аккуратный. Her room is as neat and pretty as can be.
13. Onrush; noun; a strong forward rush, flow, etc.; наплыв, натиск. We sprang from rock to rock and evaded the onrush of the foaming waves.
14. Stack; noun; a more or less orderly pile or heap; куча, груда. Do you really are going to read that stack of books piled beside your bed?
15. Peruse [перуз]; verb; to read through with thoroughness or care, to scan or browse; просматривать. The shoppers perused the magazines near the cash register while waiting to check out.
16. Jot; verb; to write or mark down quickly or briefly (usually followed by down); кратко записывать. Jot down his license number.
17. Delight; noun; a high degree of pleasure or enjoyment; восторг. She takes great delight in her job.
18. Glow; noun; a light emitted by or as if by a substance heated to luminosity; свечение. Look in the mirror and see the glow in your face.
19. Halfhearted [хафхартид]; adj; having or showing little enthusiasm; нерешительный, несмелый, равнодушный. He had a halfhearted attempt to work.
20. Fraternity; noun; a group of persons associated by or as if by ties of brotherhood; братство. We sense the call of the human heart for fellowship, fraternity, and cooperation.
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ababadjanova-blog · 7 years ago
Vocabulary Journal 10
1. Evaluate; verb; to judge or determine the significance, worth, or quality of, assess; оценить. In schools, was found new ways to evaluate students—and hence their teachers.
2. Deception; noun; something that deceives or is intended to deceive, fraud, artifice; обман.  I am never successful in my little attempts at deception, even in self-defense.
3. Fallacy; noun; a misleading or unsound argument; заблуждение. That the world is flat was at one time a popular fallacy. 
4. Credentials [креденшлс]; noun; evidence of authority, status, rights,entitlement to privileges, or the like; полномочия, доверие. Only those with the proper credentials are admitted.
 5. Entitlement; noun; the fact of having a right to something; право. All this back patting, people say, has made our children lazy and created a sense of entitlement.
6. Relevancy; noun; the condition of being relevant, or connected with the matter at hand; [umestnost’]. Some traditional institutions of the media lack relevance in this digital age.
7. Readily; adv; promptly, quickly, easily; [legko]. The information is readily available.
8. Inference; noun; something that is inferred; [umozaklyuchenie]. She made a rash inference.
9. Straightforward; adj; going or directed straight ahead; [prostoy]. He looked honest and straightforward and he evidently meant what he said.
10. Sufficient; adj; adequate for the purpose, enough; [dostatochniy]. There obtained just sufficient water for ourselves and the horses.
11. Refute; verb; to prove to be false or erroneous, as an opinion or charge; [oprovergat’]. The claim is impossible to refute, and in fact not easy to understand.
12. Deliberate; verb; to think carefully or attentively, reflect; [obdumivat’]. She deliberated for a long time before giving her decision.
13. Testimony; noun; the statement or declaration of a witness under oath or affirmation, usually in court ; [svidetel’stvo]. All of their testimony has been accepted by the court.
14. Deter; verb; to discourage or restrain from acting or proceeding; [otpugivat’]. The large dog deterred trespassers.
15. Heritage; noun; something that comes or belongs to one by reason of birth; [nasledie]. She is a North American by birth, but an African by experience and heritage.
16. Law-abiding; adj; obeying or keeping the law; [zakonoposlushniy]. The majority of these people are hardworking, law-abiding citizens who believe in strong family values.
17. Robust; adj; strong and healthy, hardy; [krepkiy]. I feel the robust flavor of freshly brewed coffee.
18. Abolition; noun; the act of abolishing; [otmena]. A foreigner such as Bartholdi viewed the abolition of slavery as Liberty achieved in the United States.
19. Allege; verb; to declare with positiveness, affirm, assert; [utverzhdat’]. The They allege that they captured it after strenuous fighting.
20. Heretofore; adv; before this time, until now; [ranee]. The heretofore obscure executive now occupies a place of privilege in the financial elite.
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ababadjanova-blog · 7 years ago
Vocabulary Journal 9
1. Identical; adj; similar or alike in every way; одинаковый, тот же самый.The two cars are identical except for their license plates.
2. Acclaim; verb; to welcome or salute with shouts or sounds of joy and approval; шумно приветствовать, аплодировать. The show ran for five seasons, earning both popularity and acclaim in the process.
3. Haphazardly; adv; in a haphazard manner, at random; наудачу, случайно. As we so often see, the compensation is only haphazardly tied to job performance.
4. Swath; noun; the piece or strip; полоса. I devastated a swath of territory fifty miles wide and a hundred miles long.
5. Oddity; noun; the quality of being odd; странность, чудак. If he did not seem exactly interested, he certainly behaved with some oddity. 
6. Geezer; noun; an odd or eccentric man; человек со странностями, старикашка. The old geezer who sells shoelaces on the corner.
7. Plot; noun; story line, the plan, scheme, or main story of a literary or dramatic work, as a play, novel, or short story; сюжет. I knew the plot of the play.
8. Agile; adj; quick and well-coordinated in movement; проворный, подвижный. She's 95 and still very agile.
 9. Ascertain; verb; to find out definitely, learn with certainty or assurance, determine; определять, устанавливать, выяснять. There is little existing research to ascertain this.
 10. Encompass; verb; to include comprehensively; охватывать. A work that encompasses the entire range of the world's religious beliefs.
11. Ghosting [гостинг]; verb; to haunt, appear, come, arise, occur, show up; бродить как приведение, являться, преследовать. Plastic bags ghosting the surface of ocean.
12. Tangle; noun; a tangled or confused mass or assemblage of something; сплетение. His speech was just a tangle of contradictory statements.
13. Pristine; adj; having its original purity, not corrupted; нетронутый. There are still places in the sea as pristine as I knew as a child.
14. Swap; verb; to replace one thing with another; поменять местами.To cut down on fat, swap cream for milk.
15. Landfill; noun; a low area of land that is built up from deposits of solid refuse in layers covered by soil; свалка. Every piece of garbage that is diverted from a landfill is a penny saved.
16. Glide; noun; to move smoothly and continuously along, as if without effort or resistance, as a flying bird, a boat, or a skater; скользить. Swiftly she came down to us, seeming almost to glide over the ground.
17. Swift; adj; moving or capable of moving with great speed or velocity, rapid; быстро. The Margaret was a swift ship, but never yet had she moved so swiftly.
18. Patch [пэч]; noun; a small piece, scrap, or area of anything; заплата, пятно, пластырь, клочок, повязка. There was a patch of ice on the road.
19. Trail; noun; a path or track made across a wild region, over rough country by the passage of people or animals; тропа, след. You've never quit a trail yet before the end of it.
20. Stun; verb; to shock, overwhelm; ошеломлять, потрясти, оглушать. The world was stunned by the attempted assassination.
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ababadjanova-blog · 7 years ago
Vocabulary Journal 8
1. Vast; adj; of very great size or proportions, huge, enormous; обширный. The meeting was held in the vast auditorium of the Circus Building.
2. Swath; noun; the piece or strip; полоса. I devastated a swath of territory fifty miles wide and a hundred miles long.
3. Devastate; verb; destroy, despoil, ruin; опустошать, разорять, глубоко огорчить, расстроить. The invaders devastated the city.
4. Fate; noun; something that unavoidably befalls a person, fortune, destiny; судьба. It is always his fate to be left behind.
5. Crew; noun; a group of persons involved in a particular kind of work or working together; экипаж. Captain and his crew sliced through the sea.
6. Alter; verb; to change, become different or modified; изменять(ся). This, I dare say, will make them alter their behaviour to you.
7. Gyre [жайр]; noun; a ringlike system of ocean currents; водоворот. The gyre is a slow, deep, clockwise-swirling vortex of air and water.
8. Vortex; noun; a whirling mass of air, especially one in the form of a visible column or spiral, as a tornado; вихрь. Except for a few storm chasers, who rushed straight toward the vortex.
9. Odd; adj; differing in nature from what is ordinary, usual, or expected; странный. Her taste in clothing was rather odd.
10. Flush; noun; a rushing or overspreading flow, as of water; прилив, румянец, краска, карты одной масти, расцвет. It is difficult to control the flush of emotions.
11. Prey; noun; an animal hunted for food, especially by a carnivorous animal; добыча.  Finally near sunset, he spotted his prey in the thick bush.
12. Linger [линге]; verb; to remain or stay on in a place longer than is usual or expected; задержаться. We lingered awhile after the party.
13. Deter; verb; to discourage or restrain from acting or proceeding; удерживать, отпугивать, отговаривать.The large dog deterred trespassers.
14. Restrain; verb; to hold back from action; сдерживать, ограничивать. Mary made no effort to restrain the smile caused by the costume of Mr.Griggs.
15. Trespass; noun; an offense, sin, or wrong; прегрешение, проступок, правонарушение, нарушение владения. He must first catch the trespasser and this would be a pretty hard job.
16. Scuba diver; noun; a person who descends and swims underwater using a scuba device; аквалангист. Once he worked as a scuba diver.
17. Descend [дисенд]; verb; to go or pass from a higher to a lower place, move or come down; спускаться, сходить, снижаться. The mountain that is easy to descend must soon be climbed again.
18. Chilling; adj; causing or likely to cause a chill; охлаждать, слегка подогреть, холодить. The chilling effect of the high unemployment rate.
19. Ferocious [ферошес]; adj; savagely fierce, as a wild beast, person, violently cruel; свирепый, жестокий, дикий, ужасный. Every fresh attack made them more suspicious and ferocious than before.
20. Humble; adj; not proud or arrogant; modest; скромный, смиренный, покорный, простой, униженный, застенчивый, робкий, бессловесный. He was humble although successful.
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ababadjanova-blog · 7 years ago
Vocabulary Journal 7
1. Cognitive; adj; of or relating to the mental processes of perception, memory, judgment, and reasoning; познавательный. Kant distinguished between the matter and the form of cognitive experience.
2. Embedded; adj; to be or become fixed or incorporated, as into a surrounding mass; встроенный. A love of color is embedded in all of her paintings.
3. Infomercial; noun; a television or radio program that promotes a product in an informative and supposedly objective way; рекламное шоу. An infomercial on making Christmas decorations using the sponsor's brand of glue.
4. Commodity; noun; an article of trade or commerce, especially a product as distinguished from a service; товар, продукт, предмет потребления, удобство. Water is a precious commodity.
5. Susceptibility; noun; state or character of being susceptible; восприимчивость, чувствительность, впечатлительность, обидчивость. Lack of exercise increases susceptibility to disease.
6. Perpetuate; verb; to preserve from extinction or oblivion; увековечить. To perpetuate one's name.
7. Oblivion; noun; the state of being completely forgotten or unknown; забвение,забывание. A former movie star now in oblivion.
8. Bipolar; adj; having two poles, as the earth; двухполюсный. Depression and bipolar disorder are mood disorders.
9. Distinction; noun; a marking off or distinguishing as different; распознавание, различие, отличие. His distinction of sounds is excellent.
10. Precaution; noun; a measure taken in advance to avert possible evil or to secure good results; предосторожность,предостережение. As a precaution, they have been placed on a 21-day fever watch.
11. Newscaster; noun; a person who reads broadcast news on radio or television; диктор. The newscaster has turned to another story.
12. Avert; verb; to turn away or aside, prevent; предотвращать, отводить. They want to avert war.
13. Govern; verb; to rule over by right of authority; управлять. We think he will govern better.
14. Intermittent; adj; stopping or ceasing for a time; alternately ceasing and beginning again; прерывистый, перемежающийся, скачкообразный. The patient complained of intermittent pain.
15. Cease; verb; bring or come to an end; прекращать. They were asked to cease all military activity.
16. Midst; noun; the middle point, part, or stage (usually preceded by the); середина, посреди, между. We arrived in the midst of a storm.
17. Offset; noun; something that counterbalances, counteracts, or compensates for something else; смещение, противовес, компенсация. These wheels have an offset of four inches.
18. Revenue; noun; an amount of money regularly coming in; доход. One area that would immediately benefit is revenue from ticket sales.
19. Boost; verb; to increase, raise; увеличивать, форсировать. They wanted to boost book sales.
20. Peruse; verb; to scan or browse; пролистать, просмотреть, внимательно изучить. The shoppers perused the magazines near the cash register while waiting to check out.
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ababadjanova-blog · 7 years ago
Vocabulary Journal 6
1. Inference; noun; the process of deriving the strict logical consequences of assumed premises; логический вывод, заключение, предположение. An inference is made based on known facts.
2. Entertainment; noun; something affording pleasure, diversion, or amusement, especially a performance of some kind; развлечение. Solving the daily crossword puzzle is an entertainment for many.
3. Newscaster; noun; a person who reads broadcast news on radio or television; диктор. The newscaster has turned to another story.
4. Denotation; noun; a word that names or signifies something specific; название, обозначение, смысл. “Wind” is the denotation for air in natural motion.
5. Connotation; noun; the associated or secondary meaning of a word or expression in addition to its explicit or primary meaning; дополнительное значение, то что подразумевается. A possible connotation of “home” is “a place of warmth, comfort, and affection.”
6. Savvy; adj; experienced, knowledgeable, and well-informed; здравомыслящий, смекалистый, понимающий. A candidate who seemed to have no political savvy.
7. Rumbling(s); noun; the first signs of dissatisfaction or grievance; бурчание, урчание. If you hear rumbling in the distance, you might infer that a storm is on the way.
8. Attempt; verb; to make an effort at, try; пытаться. You attempt to conclude based on the information that is presented.
9. In a sense; idiom; according to one explanation or view, to a certain extent; в некотором смысле. In a sense, you “read between the lines” when you make inferences.
10. Saturate; verb; to cause (a substance) to unite with the greatest possible amount of another substance, through solution, chemical combination, or the like; насыщать. Mix it together and let it sit for about ten minutes so the chia seeds can saturate.
11. Annoy; verb; to disturb or bother (a person) in a way that displeases, troubles, or slightly irritates; раздражать. No one has dared to say or do anything to annoy him.
12. Insult; verb; to treat or speak to insolently or with contemptuous rudeness; оскорблять. That book is an insult to one's intelligence.
13. Mere; adj; being nothing more nor better than; всего лишь, простой, чистый, явный. He is still a mere child.
14.Commodity; noun; an article of trade or commerce, especially a product as distinguished from a service; товар. Water is a precious commodity.
15. Bidder; noun; buyer,customer, purchaser, shopper; покупатель. A deposit is required to show the good faith of the bidder.
16. Tremendous; adj; extraordinarily great in size, amount, or intensity; огромный, громадный, потрясающий, чрезвычайный. The picture, with all its tremendous coloring, was finished.
17. Acquire; verb; to come into possession or ownership of; приобретать. You need to acquire leadership skills.
18. Perpetuate; verb; to preserve from extinction or oblivion; увековечить. To perpetuate one's name.
19. Burp; verb; to belch, eruct; рыгнуть. The word "no" was on my lips, like a burp trying to come up, but it wouldn't come.
20. Embody; verb; express, personify, or exemplify in concrete form; олицетворять. To embody an idea in an allegorical painting.
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ababadjanova-blog · 7 years ago
Vocabulary Journal 5
1. Gist; noun; the main or essential part of a matter; суть. It was hard to get the gist of his talk.
2. Cardiovascular; adj; of, relating to, or affecting the heart and blood vessels; сердечно-сосудистый. Cardiovascular system includes the heart and blood vessels.
3. Hygienist; noun; a person skilled in the practice of hygiene; гигиенист. He had an appointment with a dental hygienist.
4. Congenital; adj; of or relating to a condition present at birth; врожденный. Heart defects are divided into congenital and acquired.
5. Susceptible; adj; likely to be affected with a disease, infection, or condition; восприимчивый. Children and seniors are more susceptible to the disease.
6. Standalone; adj; self-contained and able to operate without other hardware or software; автономный. Each program can operate as a standalone program.
7. Endorphin; noun; any of a class of polypeptides occurring naturally in the brain, that bind to pain receptors and so block pain sensation; эндорфин. Endorphin is a feel-good brain chemical.
8. Aerobically; adv; an organism or tissue requiring the presence of air or free oxygen for life; аэробно. Aerobic exercise, such as running or swimming, is designed to improve the body's use of oxygen.
9. Subdue; verb; to overpower by superior force; overcome; покорять, подчинять, подавлять, укрощать, смирять, ослаблять, снижать, смягчить. He was unable to prevent or subdue this fear.
10. Racquetball; noun; a game similar to handball, played on a four-walled court but with a short-handled, strung racket and a larger, somewhat softer ball; бадминтон. He'll play basketball and racquetball, lift weights and run.
11. Emulate; verb; imitate with effort to equal or surpass; подражать. Is there an artist you would like to emulate?
12. Holistic; adj; the idea that the whole; целостный. We will look at health in a holistic way.
13. Array; noun; a large and impressive grouping or organization of things; множество. He couldn't dismiss the array of facts.
14. Endurance; noun; the ability or strength to continue or last, especially despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions; выносливость. He has amazing physical endurance.
15. Recuperation; noun; recovery from illness or exertion; восстановление. The human body has amazing powers of recuperation.
16. Possess; verb; to have as belonging to one, have as property, own; обладать. I possess a comfortable house and a state-of-the-art car.
17. Encompass; verb; to include comprehensively; охватывать. A work that encompasses the entire range of the world's religious beliefs.
18. Comprehensive; adj; complete, including all or nearly all elements or aspects of something; обширный, всесторонний, комплексный. Their research is quite comprehensive in its scope.
19. Foster; verb; to promote the growth or development of; способствовать. Policy can enforce equal rights and foster equal opportunity.
20. Refinement; noun; an improved, higher, or extreme form of something; улучшение. It is subject to further refinement.
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ababadjanova-blog · 7 years ago
Vocabulary Journal 4
1. Implied; adj; involved, indicated, or suggested without being directly or explicitly stated; подразумеваемый. He was aware of his implied criticism.
2. Explicitly; adj; clearly developed or formulated; ясно, точно, недвусмысленно. He explicitly expresses his thoughts.
3. Abuse; noun; wrong or improper use; злоупотребление, оскорбление. Benefit abuse and fraud will not be tolerated.
4. Addiction; noun; the state of being enslaved to a habit; зависимость. He committed the theft to finance his drug addiction.
5. Gist; noun; the main or essential part of a matter; суть.  What was the gist of his speech?
6. Enable; verb; to make possible; дать возможность. The evidence enable us to arrive at the right conclusion.
7. Convey; noun; communicate, transmit,report, tell, inform; передавать, сообщать. He explicitly conveys the gist of the reading.
8. Jogging; noun; running at a slow regular pace usually over a long distance as part of an exercise routine; бег трусцой. Jogging helps to lose weight.
9. Purge; verb; to cause evacuation of the bowels; слабить. Most bulimics purge by vomiting.
10. Anorexia; noun; loss of appetite and inability to eat; потеря аппетита. Many patients suffer from anorexia.
11. Listless; adj; having or showing little or no interest in anything, indifferent; вялый, апатичный, безразличный. A listless feeling is one of the symptoms of a cold.
12. Celibate; noun; a person who remains unmarried; холостяк. I believe that you can choose to be celibate.
13. Alleviate; verb; to make easier to endure; облегчить. Practicing yoga can alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.
14. Unwind; verb; to reduce the tension of, relax; успокоиться. When I want to unwind, I just go to bed with a detective story.
15. Brisk; adj; quick and active, lively; оживленно. The voting was brisk.
16. Skating; noun; the action of skating on ice skates; катание на коньках. Skating is a popular outdoor sport for all ages.
17. Cope; verb; to face and deal with responsibilities, problems, or difficulties,especially successfully or in a calm or adequate manner; справляться. Yoga can help you cope with stress.
18. Congenital; adj; of or relating to a condition present at birth, whether inherited or caused by the environment; врожденный. Rubella can cause congenital diseases.
19. Retardation; noun; delay; задержка. Mental retardation is a developmental disorder characterized in varying degrees by a subnormal ability to learn.
20. Susceptible; adj; accessible or especially liable or subject to some influence, mood,agency; восприимчивый. Antibiotics kill off all the susceptible bacteria.
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ababadjanova-blog · 7 years ago
Vocabulary Journal #3
1. Incarceration; noun; the state of being confined in prison; заключение. The incarceration time was reduced.
2. Paramount; adj; more important than anything else; первостепенный, важнейший. The interests of the child are of paramount importance.
3. Perpetrator; noun; criminal, offender, violator; преступник. The perpetrator appeared before the Supreme Court.
4. Rehabilitation; noun;  the act or process of restoring to a condition of good health, ability to work; реабилитация, восстановление. The patient fully recovered after the rehabilitation process.
5. Jurisdiction; noun;  the right, power, or authority to administer justice by hearing and determining controversies; правосудие. The English court had no jurisdiction over these defendants.
6. Facilitate; verb;  to make easier or less difficult; содействовать. Schools were located on the same campus to facilitate the sharing of resources.
7. Detainee; noun;  a person held in custody, especially for a political offense or for questioning; задержанный. Some detainees were provided the names of attorney to call.
8. Clustered; adj; gathered into a number of things of the same kind, growing or held together; собранные в группы. The spires and clustered roofs of the old town.
9. Descending; adj; moving or falling downward; нисходящий. The aircraft began to descend.
10. Clerical; adj;  of, pertaining to, appropriate for, or assigned to an office clerk; конторский. The State Department says clerical and administrative errors led to the mistake.
11. Furlough; noun;  a temporary leave of absence authorized for a prisoner from a penitentiary; отпуск. The governor gave him a prison furlough.
12. Sentence; noun;  the punishment itself; наказание, приговор. Her husband is serving a tree-year sentence for fraud.
13. Fraud; noun;  deceit, trickery, sharp practice, or breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage; мошенничество, афера, обман, жульничество. He was convicted a fraud.
14. Vagrant; noun;  a person who wanders about idly and has no permanent home or employment; бродяга. The child vagrant population is growing.
15. Secular; adj; of or relating to worldly things; мирской, светский. What sort of meaning does marriage have in our modern secular society?
16. Ordain; verb; order or decree something officially; предписывать, предопределять. Equal punishment was ordained for the two crimes.
17. Harsh; adj;  ungentle and unpleasant in action or effect; суровый, жесткий. The measures taken have been pretty severe, if not harsh.
18. Penitentiary; adj; a place for imprisonment, reformatory discipline, or punishment; исправительный дом. He was one of the 11 other convicts at the penitentiary who were so treated.
19. Unfold; verb; spread or open out; раскрыть. The white flowers were just starting to unfold.
20. Blotter; noun;  a book in which transactions or events, as sales or arrests, are recorded as they occur; книга записей. The boys ended up on police blotters for property crimes.
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ababadjanova-blog · 7 years ago
Vocabulary Journal 2
 1. Inmate; noun; a person confined to an institution such as a prison or hospital; заключенный. There are four inmates staying at the prison who are about to finish their sentences.
2. Offense; noun; a breach of a law or rule, an illegal act; преступление. He was rearrested for a new offense within three years of his release.
3. Asylum; noun; the protection granted by a nation to someone who has left their native country as a political refugee; убежище, приют. He applied for asylum and was granted refugee status.
4. Convict; noun; a person found guilty of a criminal offense and serving a sentence of imprisonment; осужденный. In this open prison convicts live with their families.
5. Illicit; adj; forbidden by law, rules, or custom; незаконный. Drugs are illegal and illicit because they do incredible harm.
6. Adhere; verb; keep to, follow; придерживаться. They continue to adhere to antisocial norms in prison.
7. Violent; adj; using or involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something; насильственный. If everything was not perfect, he could fly into a violent rage.
8. Perpetrator; noun; criminal, offender; преступник. A perpetrator can be victimized by another prisoner.
9. Victim; noun; a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action; жертва, потерпевший. He live in fear of being a victim of  violent crime every time he step out of the door.
10. Confinement; noun; the action of confining, or the state of being confined; лишение свободы, роды. He was immediately released from his confinement.
11. Retaliate; verb; make an attack or assault in return for a similar attack; мстить, отплачивать, отвечать тем же. If insulted, he retaliated swiftly and turned mockery against its instigator.
12. Ambiguity; noun; uncertainty or inexactness of meaning; неоднозначность, двусмысленность, неопределенность, неясность. The same person will tolerate ambiguity in one situation but not in another.
13. Custody; noun; the protective care or guardianship of someone or something; охрана, арест. He will be held in custody until his next court appearance in May.
14. Come upon; verb; come across, hit; натолкнуться. Number or mark each subcategory as you come upon it.
15. Embedded; adj; included, switched-on; включенный. Consider a list embedded in the text.
16. Execution; noun; the carrying out of a sentence of death on a condemned person; казнь. The execution of juveniles is prohibited by international law.
17. Fine; noun; a sum of money exacted as a penalty by a court of law or other authority; штраф. Failure to comply constitutes a criminal offence and the penalty is a fine.
18. Defendant; noun; an individual, company, or institution sued or accused in a court of law; ответчик, подсудимый, обвиняемый. The defendant tried to claim that it was self-defense.
19. Pretrial; adj; prior to the court; досудебный. Halfway houses service pretrial detainees and probationers.
20. Detainee; noun; a person held in custody; задержанный, арестованный. Several detainees stole a car and attempted to ram it through the center gates.
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ababadjanova-blog · 7 years ago
Vocabulary Journal 1
1. Integrate, verb, combine one thing with another so that they become a whole, объединять, she was anxious to integrate well into her husband’s family.
2. Current, adj; common, spread; распространенный, issues studied in this field are very current.
3. Justice, noun, fairness in protection of rights and punishment of wrongs, правосудие, courses in criminology introduce students to the concepts of crime and justice.
4. Impact, noun, the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another, влияние, weather conditions might also impact on voter turnout.
5. Enforcement, noun, the act of compelling observance of or compliance with a law, rule, or obligation, обеспечение, the strict enforcement of environmental regulations.
6. Probation, noun, the release of an offender from detention, subject to a period of good behavior under supervision, испытательный срок, he went to court and was put on probation.
7. Forensic, adj, relating to or denoting the application of scientific methods and techniques to the investigation of crime, судебный, the bank was closed as police completed their forensic investigation.
8. Deputy, noun, a person whose immediate superior is a senior figure within an organization, заместитель, he became a deputy sheriff in December 1997.
9. Bailiff, noun, a person who performs certain actions under legal authority, судебный исполнитель, when a bailiff checked the person out, he found 14 fish hidden in the boat.
10. Attorney, noun, a person appointed to act for another in business or legal matters, юрист, be sure to check with your attorney on these matters before making any decisions.
11. Offender, noun, a person who commits an illegal act, преступник, an offender may complete a stay in a halfway house before being discharged.
12. Warden, noun, a person responsible for the supervision of a particular place or things, смотрите��ь, надзиратель, he is a warden of a local nature reserve.
13. Spatial, adj, relating to space, пространственный, the spatial qualities of sound can be exploited heavily to define an environment.
14. Jeopardy, noun, danger of loss, harm, or failure, опасность, риск, the accident put his baseball  career in immediate jeopardy.
15. Fume, noun; gas, smoke, or vapor that smells strongly or is dangerous to inhale; дым, пар, испарение; clouds of exhaust fumes spewed by cars.
16. Fuel efficient, adj, economical, экономичный, a hybrid car is much more fuel efficient than a standard gasoline engine car.
17. Buddy, noun, a close friend, приятель, дружище, he always was my best friend, my closest buddy.
18. Enhance, verb; intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value; усиливать, it will enhance your overall comprehension of the material.
19. Parole, noun, the release of a prisoner temporarily or permanently before the completion of a sentence, on the promise of good behavior, освобождение под честное слово, he committed a burglary while on parole.
20. Commutation, noun, a reduction of the original sentence; замена, смягчения наказания, each state has its own procedure for requesting a pardon or commutation.
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