aareesu · 3 years
Hi I was the one who requested the Miya Osamu oneshot and it was amazing!!! Thank you so much!
omg i thought i already responded to this but it didn't show? thank you so much anon this really means a lot to me !! T^T
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have a good day/night <333
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aareesu · 3 years
Could you write a fluff Miya Osamu oneshot when they’re still in high school where Osamu sleeps over at his girlfriends house for a weekend when her parents are away and it’s just them being domestic (waking up together, cooking, doing laundry, grocery shopping, etc) and it’s the first time they seriously talk about their future together aka how this is what they want?
Morning with you
Pairing: Miya Osamu x f!reader | fluff
Warning: nothing - dm me if i missed anything
Word count: 691
request: open
A/n: this scenario is so cute omg i love it! i think it's a bit too short, the ending was also a bit rushed but I hope you still like it anon TT. thank you for requesting :-)
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Thankful. You’re thankful for everything in your life. I mean, you have everything you ever wanted right? There’s always this strange feeling...you can’t tell what it is, it’s like a last missing puzzle piece, something just feels wrong.
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You feel the sunlight leaking from the window slowly waking you up from your sleep. You opened your eyes to be greeted by your grey-haired boyfriend, Osamu.
“Good morning sweetheart,” he said, bringing you even closer to him so your face is in the crook of his neck. “Did you have a good sleep?”
You were too tired to respond to him so you only responded with a nod.
“I’m glad you did sweetheart. I’m gonna go make us some breakfast, ok? Call me if you need anything.” he said, kissing you on your forehead, but before he could fully get up you pulled him down on the bed again.
You don’t know why you did it, your hand just flew over to grab him. He looked at you really confused. “What happened y/n?”
“Can we cuddle for a while? Please?” you asked him while holding on to him still.
“Of course sweetheart! How can I ever say no to your cute little face?” he dropped himself back down on the bed and pulled you in for a cuddle.
This is so peaceful. So peaceful. You want to stay like this with him forever, not interacting but just enjoying each other’s touch.
You guys don’t live together, so these kinds of things usually don’t happen. Your parents are out of town, so he came over to “make sure you don’t burn the house down” (he just makes up excuses to get away from his brother, and also he wants to spend time with you)
No words were exchanged between you both, just cuddles and a lot of back rubbings. That familiar feeling came back again, but you still couldn’t get your fingers on it.
Suddenly, an idea popped into Osamu’s head. He let go of you gently, grabbed your bluetooth speaker, and connected it to his phone. You were curious, but you waited to find out what he was doing.
He opened this song, turned around to face you on the bed, and held out his hand. “Join me m’lady?”
You took his hand with a smile on your face. You love this feeling so much, you feel protected in his arms. That unknown feeling of yours is getting stronger. Both of you slow danced to the song despite not knowing how to dance.
Both of you moved around in your bedroom along with the song, constantly stepping on each other's feet.
You and Osamu plopped down onto the bed giggling and laughing at how bad you both were at dancing, it was a really good experience though, you both thought.
“Wow that was fun,” Osamu said to you, staring at the ceiling. He scoots closer to you and sits up so your back is against his chest.
“Samu, you’re terrible at this.” You said to him. “Well, if we do this more then I can definitely get better.”
A wave of silence has filled the room.
“This finger of yours,” he said while grabbing your left hand using his thumb to gently massage your ring finger “I’m gonna put a ring on it one day. Then we can practice whenever we want.”
As soon as you heard that, you realized something. That feeling of yours.
“Samu, can you promise me something? Promise we’ll get married and move into a house together after high school, waking up with each other everyday and enjoying each other’s company, can you do that for me?”
Osamu looked at you with sparkles in his eyes, “Yes, darling I would be more than happy to. I promise I’ll make you the happiest person on earth, y/n.” he holds up his pinky as you hold up yours, intertwining it as a promise between you both.
You finally figured it all out. Your missing puzzle piece has been there all right in front of you all along, now your puzzle piece is completed.
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aareesu · 3 years
halloo i saw that you were open, and i just wanna request something!
may i request a headcannon (or wtv u want!) of how suna and two other hq boys you want reacting to their child asking how they met you, aka yhe reader? if not then thats fine!! i hope you have a good day/night stay hydrated and take care of yourself babe <3
Hq boys responding to their kids asking them how they met/fell in love w you!
Pairing: timeskip!Rintarō Suna, Tobio Kageyama, Kiyoomi Sakusa x f!reader (separately) | fluff
Warnings: !!!the characters are all aged up!!! There may be some grammar mistakes, sorry about that!
requests: open :)
Word count: 1.05k
A/n: thank you for requesting, i rlly love this scenario! sorry i took so long, ive been feeling unmotivated lately but here we are. im a little unsatisfied with the ending, but it’s not the worst so i hope you enjoy :] (p.s i changed it up a bit i hope you don’t mind)
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Rintarō Suna
“Daddy, how did you fall in love with mommy?” your daughter, Yua asks him while playing with her stuffed bear.
Suna brings her onto his lap. “Well, it's a long story. Daddy met mommy way back when we were still in high school,” Yua puts down her bear and listens eagerly.
“I met her through my friends in the volleyball club. Mommy was weird at first honestly, but we bonded over our hate for Uncle Atsumu” they both laughed at what he said.
“Mommy and Daddy hung out everyday, they got closer to each other, everything was going well until they had their first big argument,”
“Oh no!” your eight year old exclaimed. “It was daddy’s fault. Daddy started the argument and they ended up not talking to each other for days. During that time, daddy realized that he had fallen in love with mommy...”
Yua can see the slight shade of pink on his face that he tried to hide but obviously, he didn’t hide it very well since she can clearly see it “Daddy’s world was just so dull without mommy, he constantly looks at his phone waiting to get a notification from mommy but she never texted him after the argument” the girl audibly gasped.
“What!? What happened after that?” she shakes his arm “With Uncle Atsumu’s help, daddy and mommy talked everything out and he ended up confessing to her too…”
He felt his face heating up as he said that, ‘so corny, y/n would never stop teasing me if she heard that just now' he thought to himself.
“Anyways, it’s your bedtime Arin, I’ll tuck you in. Goodnight.” he kissed the girl on her forehead. “Good night daddy!”. He left Yua’s bedroom and came to join you in your shared bedroom.
“What are you smiling about y/n?” he asked. “Oh it’s nothing Rin.” you said with a grin on your face.
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Kiyoomi Sakusa
“Hey dad, how did you meet mom?”
“Are there any particular reasons why you’re asking? Or are you just curious” he asks his daughter?
“Nope. We’re doing this project i-” “Yeah so basically we need it for school dad.” your son said to cut the conversation short. That’s how it always is between your two kids, they’re twins and thirteen, what do you expect?
“Well, well, alright. I’ll tell you guys. We were in the same school, but we never talked to each other.” Sakusa said while your kids fight over the paper and pen.
“Coincidentally she was also my neighbor at the time, she just moved houses because it was closer to our school,”
“Wow, it was like destiny, you guys are meant to be!” your daughter said. Both you and your son chuckled at that. “Hey..why are you guys laughing? I mean-” she was again, interrupted by her brother, who put his hand over her mouth indicating her to be quiet.
“One day when I was showering, there was a really loud bang on the front yard followed by a knock on the front door - your mother accidentally got a volleyball over the fence over to my front yard.”
“Did you get mad when you had to pause mid shower?” your daughter asks. Sakusa nods in response. “I mean I would get mad too if I get interrupted in the middle of my shower,” your son says, which made you three laugh.
“I opened the door anyway and when I was about to yell at her, I paused. I did pause because I could recognize her despite the fact that we never said a word to each other in school, and also she looked cute.” as he said that, he turned around to find you standing right behind him.
He faked jump and hugged you while you stared at him with the ‘im not falling for this’ eyes. Both of your kids cringed a bit at you both which was understandable. “Who knew that weird clumsy girl would turn out to be the love of my life?” he said pressing you a kiss on your lips.
“Mom, dad, thats really cringe,” the teens said which left all of you laughing at each other.
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Tobio Kageyama
The weather was perfect today, perfect for a nice stroll in a park with your loved ones. Kageyama thought the same so he offered to take your five year old son out on a walk at a park nearby your apartment while you stay at home and work.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?. Take a break if you need to.” your husband said to you. You nodded as a confirmation, although some fresh air would be nice.
“Bye mommy!”
“Daddy look!” your son points out to the young couple who were feeding the ducks by the pond.
“Ryujin, you wanna feed the ducks too?” Kageyama asks your son who is sitting on his shoulders.
Your son nods eagerly in response. Kageyama bought a loaf of bread from a small store nearby and they headed back to the pond.
“Ryujin, do you know that daddy came here with mommy before?” he asked.
“Nuh-uh. When?” “Well, daddy and mommy came here with daddy’s volleyball team in high school,” he said as he helped his son feed the ducks.
“Mommy convinced daddy to go duck feeding with her too and we did so and she had a lot of fun. Daddy thought her smile was so beautiful, he could tell her smile was genuine and-”
“Daddy look! That duck must really like my bread!” your son cuts him off. He was a bit offended but hey, he didn’t expect a five year old to listen to his ‘boring’ story anyway.
“Were you listening to me?” he said, tickling the kid. They both stayed there for a while to play fight. “Alright, are we ready to go back home? Do you want to buy some ice cream for mommy too?”
Ryujin nods while giggling. Kageyama picked Ryujin up and followed the faint sound of the ice cream truck nearby.
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a/n: i don't normally add notes at the end of my writings, but i wanted to apologize if this turned out bad. i spent most of my times doing school right now, so im always half asleep. hope you like it anon!
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aareesu · 3 years
Requests status: open - hiatus
⁍ Masterlist ↢ here
⁍ What I write for ↢ here
currently working on: cute rndm hcs of bnha boys (various characters x gn!reader) | 1
request - hcs Rintarō Suna, Hitoshi Shinso, Eita Semi x f!reader (separately) | 2
So close, yet so far - Kenma Kozume | 3
(it'll take me a while to get to all the requests!)
last updated: 7/1/21
hiatus message: hello! i'm taking some time off for myself because of school, and i also moved so it's too chaotic for me to be writing rn. since school is starting soon (at least for me and i've been preparing) i wish you all good grades and a good school year!
Rules for requesting:
no nfsw (at least for now!) or anything nfsw-themed
i will not write for any type of pedophilia/necrophilia
i will not write anything about incest or lolicon either
no topics such as suicide, self-harm, mental illnesses
Other things to note:
please be specific when requesting, you should include the format you want (oneshot, headcanons, etc) and specify what gender you want the reader to be, if it’s not mentioned in your request i may write as fem/gender-neutral
sometimes it’ll take me longer to write something, it depends on how i feel at the moment, i apologize in advance!
depending on situations, i may not write your request
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aareesu · 3 years
Confession - a oneshot?
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Pairing: Itadori Yuuji x f!reader | fluff
Warning: Mentions of injury, Cursing, and some grammar mistakes
Word count: 1.4k
Contains: Some canon and non-canon stuff
A/n: I’ve been thinking about this a lot, just need to get this out of my head so I created this! (>_<)
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Why can’t you get Itadori out of your head? I mean you guys were just normal friends until last week when Nobara pointed out how Itadori always get all flustered and shy around you. You didn’t believe her at first, but what she said was true when you paid attention to him more.
Why is he like that around you? Did you do anything wrong? Those are the questions that can never be answered, or so you thought.
You’ve been trying to figure it out so many times even asking him to get lunch with you multiple times but Fushiguro would always come in and interrupt your convo. You find that weird, Itadori is never a busy man.
You’ve never considered this, but could it be possible that Itadori has a feeling for you…? This was brought up once in a conversation with Nobara but you just ignored it because you think that no one could ever like a person like you.
As time goes by, you completely forgot about that thought you had and continued living your normal life and going on missions once in a while.
“Y/n would you please wake up now, it’s 1 p.m and you’re still here like the sleeping beauty” You woke up to your best friend yelling beside your bed which woke you up right away.
“Hey today’s my day off!” you said half awake. “You promised me that you’d go shopping with me today y/n, so get up already!” you got up and whined a bit, you forgot about the promise you made with Nobara 2 days ago, and you thought you would get a free day to sleep in today.
You got up and gazed over to the small table beside your bed and saw something that wasn’t there when you went to bed last night, it was a letter with a little cat sticker to keep it sealed.
“Hey what’s that letter over there, is that yours?” you asked while you try to open the letter without ruining it
“Nope. I saw it in front of your door when I came to wake you up, so I picked it up and left it there for you” then she suddenly gasps and ran over to you very excited
“What is this, a love letter or some shit?” you said sarcastically opening the letter and reading it out loud for her to hear
Dear y/n,
Hey, I hope you don’t find this weird or anything, but could you meet me at the tree behind the school today at 6 p.m? I have something important to tell you, and I’d rather do this in person with you.  I promise this isn’t a prank! I hope.. I see you there.
(p.s. you looked great yesterday! well, you look great any day but- anyways, if Gojo-sensei tries to tell you anything, please run away.)
“Fuck it’s actually a love letter”
Your head is empty now, you don’t know what to say or do, who could this person be? Could it be someone trying to hurt you? That's all you could think about.
Nobara seems even more excited than you are for some reason, but you just can’t stop thinking about the letter. What if it’s a prank? You’ll feel humiliated for life, you’re debating whether you should go.
“Just go! what if its someone who actually likes you? Or could it be Itadori?” she shakes your arm excitedly.
“Don’t think it’s Itadori. Him? Like me? Nah, impossible.” as you said that, Nobara took a big sigh “Plus I don’t look anything like Jennifer Lawrence”
“Let’s not go to the mall anymore, you’re getting dressed up today. I have plenty of pretty dresses you can borrow and I’ll make you look pretty and dressed up.”
“Wait, wait, hold on - when did I say I would go? Noba-” You didn’t even finish your sentence and she already dragged you around your room throwing dresses in your face and forcing you to change, it was very chaotic.
After almost 3 hours, it was already 4 pm you were finished getting dressed up and you hated the process of getting ready. You were always careless about your looks, you were really surprised when the ‘secret admirer’ complimented your looks and you never touched makeups like ever, unless it’s Nobara testing her new pallet on you.
You suggested that you both go get breakfast - or rather dinner first since you didn’t get to eat anything at all since you woke up.
While crossing the streets you coincidentally came across Gojo Satoru. You did remember that you were told to avoid him so you didn’t know if you should greet him or not.
“Oh hey y/n and Nobara, what a coincidence meeting you here!”
You both remembered what was said in the letter, so you stared at him awkwardly.
“Are you going anywhere tonight with the fancy dress? Ooh, don’t tell me you’re going on a date...by any chance is it with Itadori?”
You almost choked on your saliva and instead of answering him you just grab Nobara’s hand and ran away from him. For some reason, you felt like Gojo was in on this somehow but that couldn’t be possible, right?
Both of you guys asked each other why Gojo brought up Itadori out of nowhere, but brushed it off and continued to walk to the bakery store.
Time flew by quickly because it was already 5:30. Nobara suggested you to leave and fixed up your makeup a bit one last time.
“Good luck, and don’t be afraid to punch someone if they try to touch you, or I’ll do that myself.” she said patting you on the shoulder and wave you goodbye.
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As you’re walking down the little walkway to go under the tree you spot a person. His pink hair and red collared uniform stood out to you, you could immediately tell who it is.
As you stopped walking as you arrived in front of him.
The owner of the letter is Itadori Yuuji.
He blushed and stared at you for a while. You figured he wasn’t going to start the conversation first, you built up the courage to talk to him.
“Hey Itadori...was there any particular reason why you wanted to meet me here?” You asked even though you both already know the answer to the question.
“I um...I”
“I have a crush on you, y/n, please accept my feelings!” he said, handing you a small flower bouquet.
You stood there shocked. You didn’t know what to say or do, everything was just blurry for a few second -
“Wait- You like Me?” you asked him with confusion in your voice.
“Yes. Yes I like you, y/n. Whenever I’m around you, I just have this feeling I can’t describe. I want to be more than friends with you!” he said that with his eyes closed which tells you that he’s as nervous as you are right now.
After he finished his sentence, you couldn’t say anything but you instead ran up and hugged him. He was shocked but he hugged you back too, you could tell that it calmed him down a lot.
“So is that a yes..?” he asked so quietly, you almost couldn’t hear him
You nodded and he hugged you even tighter. You couldn’t believe that this was happening, Itadori is confessing to you. ‘Is this a dream?’ you asked yourself.
After the hug that lasted for like a year, you hear yellings from behind you.
It was all your friends and seniors coming in surrounding you guys, including your beloved best friend Nobara.
“Wait, you guys knew about this all along, Nobara you too!?” when you turned around, you see that Itadori is also as shocked as you are right now.
“How did you all get here? Don’t tell me Gojo-sensei told you guys about this..”
Everyone was just laughing and fooling around then you feel a hand slipping into yours softly pulling you away. You could tell it was Itadori. He pulled you away from everyone else.
“Sorry, I wanted some alone time with you,” he said grabbing your other hand “you look amazing today, as always,” he said with a shade of pink on his face.
You ignored his compliment and went straight to your point: “I love you Itadori”
“I love you too, y/n”
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aareesu · 3 years
✿° What I write for °✿
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(Please feel free to request anyone else who’s not on this list, these are just some people I prefer!)
◐ Genshin Impact
Childe / Tartaglia
Venti (platonic)
Bennett (platonic)
Razor (platonic)
Klee (platonic)
Qiqi (platonic)
basically everyone else, but these are just examples :)
◐ Attack on Titan
Eren Yeager
Armin Arlert
Mikasa Ackerman
Connie Springer
Reiner Braun
Jean Kirstein
Levi Ackerman
Hange/Hanji Zoë
Reiner Braun
Annie Leonhart
Porco Galliard
Zeke Yeager
◐ Haikyuu!
Basically everyone in haikyuu!
◐ Jujutsu Kaisen
Itadori Yuji
Nobara Kugisaki
Megumi Fushiguro
Inumaki Toge
Gojou Satoru
Nanami Kento
Toji Fushiguro
Others (specify)
◐ My hero academia
Izuku Midoriya
Shoto Todoroki
Katsuki Bakugo
Denki Kaminari
Eijiro Kirishima
Tamaki Amajiki
Hitoshi Shinso
Keigo Takami
and basically everyone else
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aareesu · 3 years
❁! Fluff
✪! Angst
Genshin Impact
⇢ nothing yet
Attack on Titan
⇢ How the attack on titan boys would react when you’re sad/had a bad day | Eren, Armin, Jean, Reiner, and Levi ❁
⇢ hq boys responding to their kids asking how they met/fell in love w the reader | Rintarō Suna, Kiyoomi Sakusa, Tobio Kageyama ❁
⇢ Morning with you | Miya osamu
Jujutsu Kaisen
⇢ Confession - oneshot | Itadori Yuuji ❁
My Hero Academia
⇢ nothing yet
(will add more in the future !)
last updated: 6/17/21
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aareesu · 3 years
How the attack on titan boys would react when you’re sad/had a bad day
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Characters : Eren, Armin, Jean, Reiner, and Levi x gn!reader Warning(s) : Nothing, just my bad grammar Contains : Fluff, Modern AU? A/n : this is absolutely my first time doing these kinds of stuff, please comment suggestions so I can improve in my future writings! please go easy on me (ㄒoㄒ)
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» Eren Yeager
He would go into your room hoping that you are willing to cuddle with him, but he instead found you buried in your blanket
You stood up and ran into his arms hiding your face in his chest. He stood there really confused about what is going on, it took him a while to realize that you were crying (he is really clueless)
He tries to cheer you up by patting your back
“Princess, what’s wrong?”
He would pick you up and carry you back to your bed tucking you in a bit
Even though he acts like he knows what he’s doing, inside he’s really panicking. He doesn’t know what to do at all
He would probably text his friend Jean and Connie since he thinks that they’re more experienced and asked them for advice (and of course both of them really didn’t help)
He comes back with your favorite snack and he will cuddle with you until you fall asleep
Bonus - So sorry but I think he would try to make you laugh by making jokes which will probably make you even sadder
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» Armin Arlert
He came home from getting groceries and he found you crying in the living room
Armin is probably one of the few people who knows what he’s doing to be honest, it’s just his special skill
He would immediately drop everything he was holding and run to you to make sure you’re not injured/hurt because he doesn’t want to see you hurt physically or mentally
Armin would hug you and gently pat your back
He would be really gentle with you, putting both of his hands on your face using his thumb to wipe your tears
“Don’t cry sweetheart, everything will be okay”
He would bake you your favorite snack because he knows that they’re your favorites ! (with extra toppings <3)
He would try to make you laugh somehow by making funny faces
Would also make you hot chocolate and wrap you around blankets then cuddle you lots <3
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» Jean Kirstein
He was wondering why you didn’t talk to him when you arrived home, so he followed you into your room shortly after you went in and stood by the door
“Hey sweetheart, how was your day?” he asks while you changed into your pajamas
After getting no responses, he walked over and hugged you from the back
Instead of turning around to hug him back, you lowered your head down and started silently sobbing
Jean was really shocked to see you sad, like Eren, he doesn’t know what to do either
He would turn you around and wipe your tears gently with his hands also patting your head
Would bring you to your living room, open your favorite show and cook your favorite meal because he thinks that it will make you feel better
He would tell you that he loves you lots of time
He would probably tell Connie and others about what happened, and they would make fun of him for how he handled the situation
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» Reiner Braun
When he came home, you didn’t come out to greet him like you always do every other day so he figured something was wrong
He found you scrolling through your phone while sniffing in your kitchen so he can tell you’ve been crying
Reiner would be extra gentle with you and hug you from behind
“Bad day sweetheart?”
Instead of answering, you lie your head on his shoulder and let out a big sigh which confirms Reiner’s assumption about you
He would pick you up to your shared bedroom and sat you down gently on the bed (he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable)
Would massage your neck and back to help you relax and he thinks you deserve it after the long day you’ve been through
He would be really kind and tell you about his day and he really knows how to cheer you up
He really loves you and you know it
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» Levi Ackerman
After watching you close your house door and running to your room aggressively, he could tell something was up
He would knock on your door first before getting in because he doesn’t want to walk in on you changing
“Hey y/n. How was your day?”
After getting no responses, he walks over to you and lightly grabs you by the arm to make you face him “We’re ignoring each other now, huh?”
Shortly after Levi said that tears started running down your face
That caught him a bit off guard since he didn’t mean to make you cry like this, he also doesn’t know what to do
I feel like he would have some trouble showing affection just because he’s never had this happen to him before
Definitely a lot of back rubbing and hugging, then he would brew you tea after. “Hey look, I didn’t mean to be aggressive, okay? I’m...sorry darling"
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