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Hey guys I normally don’t make posts like this but this is incredibly important.
Kevin, the little brother of one of my best friends, went missing last night.
I’m begging you all, if you’re ever going to reblog any of my posts, please reblog this one.
If you hear or see anything about him, please call 240-773-5400 and 301-279-8000.
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2017 memes so far
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Best starbucks story
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@therealjacksepticeye Do👏Not👏touch👏his👏Strawberry👏 smiggles👏
Yes I know that the strawberry smiggles guy dies at the end but just pretend that didnt happen the cropping is also messy hut whatever :/
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@therealjacksepticeye I really wanted to black out yours eyes but like youre eyes are an awesome blue so I didnt have the heart to do it XD
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A story of the egos
@therealjacksepticeye I wrote a “small” story on the egos that I love and want to share with you  :’) I wrote this and basically found a fun way to link all of the egos together.
Jack (Split)
A fun loving guy stuck with many demons. Jack found himself never being alone. A constant voice nagging words of insanity and sadness. Jack later discovered that this voice was none other than Chase Brody. An alter ego. They later came to an agreement that they could rotate who had control of the body so they could both live their own lives.
Chase Brody (In Between)
The reason we’re in this mess. He divorced from his wife after she caught Jack with his girlfriend causing her to assume he was cheating he was driven to insanity by wanting nothing more than to change so he could get his wife back. He performed many experiments on him and Jack. The insanity of his experiments created a new ego. Dr. Schneeplestein. A doctor bent on making Chase's dream a reality, fixing them.
Dr.Schneeplestein (In Between)
Dr.Schneeplestein. Created from Chase’s insanity.The doctor was created by means of nothing more than fixing Chase. This drove him insane as well. Although insane he was smart he had only ever made one mistake in his life. Anti. No matter how crazy he was he wanted to protect his brothers with his heart. So, he created Jackaboyman to protect them.
Anti (bad)
The Doctor’s worst creation hell bent on killing Jack and the other egos. He may be evil and cruel but he’s powerful beyond belief. He’s like a puppet master but wanting to destroy his puppets instead of putting on a show for children. His show would scar a child for life. He operates the other egos as nothing more than mindless puppets. The only thing momentarily stopping him is Jackaboy man. But once JackaboyMan slips up, It’s G A M E O V E R.
JackaboyMan (Good)
Another one of the Doctor’s creations. This hero wants nothing more than to protect Jack. He is a VERY powerful creation. Nearly strong enough to defeat Anti on his own. There is a never ending battle between him and Anti. Though Anti would’ve defeated him by now if it weren’t for one other ego, Marvin.
Marvin The Magnificent (Good)
Marvin is an odd character. Nobody really knows how he was created. It was rumored though that he was created by Jack out of the fear of Anti but nobody is quite sure. All that’s known is he has incredible amounts of magic on his side. He can nearly do anything but what he can do still isn’t nearly strong enough to single handedly defeat Anti. But he gets even odder. He fights for himself and only himself. He only dares to fight and protects JackaboyMan and Jack just so Anti doesn’t kill him.
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Lil Blurb
@therealjacksepticeye I wrote this out of pure boredom but I actually really liked it so Ii thought I send it your way.
Good and Bad 
Everyone has good and bad in them. Both sides manifest in their own way. Some may have an overpowering good side. They may seem like a hero, one who could do no harm. But that’s a mistake. Anyone can do harm. Now on the other side you have one’s who let bad take over. Tthe emobidement of evil and hatred. Not a good cell in their body? But everyone has a good side as well. They’re just not balanced.Nature will never balance them. But although some may manifest into good or evil some are in the middle. Balancing on the scale of good or bad. But you know what happens when something is on the edge? They can be pushed one way or the other. Easily corrupted. Vulnerable.  These people are mere puppets. Slaves to good or bad. But this scale is how some of the strongest are created. The villians and heros your mother tells you stories of as a child. Although I haven’t told you the story of a special breed. Those who can’t fall to a side. It splits them into many personas.Creatures who are they’re own in the same body.They run through one’s mind fighting for control. Some evil, Some good. Some may want to protect the original while others want them dead. THIS is what I am.Good, evil, insane,a genius, in between. I am all of them. I am many people. Chase, Dr.Schneeplestein, Jackaboy man, Marvin the Magnificent, Anti. But most importantly, I am Jack.
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Imma just leave this here... I dont have my computer so everything I make looks really gross woooops
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Welll I cant draw but I sure can edit so uh… here (Luv ya Jack!)
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