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aaliyavatsla ¡ 6 days ago
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aaliyavatsla ¡ 5 years ago
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Today's your birthday, Ahmad Hamed Mehr, and I remember you as I have always done. I never came to know you properly but when you were gone, I and your friends felt the loss. I hope you are in good hands wherever you are, and your family is doing well while loving and honouring your memories each day. We will meet again, someday. Till then, remember, we love you. #Happybirthday #happybirthdaybaby #happybirthdaytoyou #happybirthdaycake #happybirthdaylove #happybirthdayson #happybirthdaymylove #happybirthdayniall #worldsuicidepreventionday https://www.instagram.com/p/B2PbDJNg-IJ/?igshid=1igw6jna9nkkd
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aaliyavatsla ¡ 6 years ago
Last Night (Explicit) - Nik Ryder x MC (Leah Mendoza)
Summary: “After last night I…I thought I meant something to you.” They have been breaking down each other’s walls and are a team, and they wait one night before meeting with the Fae.
Tagging: @furiouscloddonutpeanut @indiacater @aneutronstarcollision @ethan-jonah-ramsey @dr-brianna-casey-valentine @wildflowersandmessyhair
Author’s Note: Hi, this is a repost of the same fic and I deleted the original post. What happened is that when I reblogged/tried to edit it I accidentally deleted the text of the entire story and I honestly have no idea how to fix it besides reposting it. I tagged all the people who originally asked to be tagged plus anyone who reblogged it, in case anyone was wondering where it went. I’m still new to this whole fanfic scene on tumblr. Sorry about that! Also, warnings still apply that this fic depicts explicit sexual acts and it’s not for children.
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aaliyavatsla ¡ 6 years ago
Dream Alone (Pt. II)
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Book: Nightbound 
Pairing: Nik Ryder x MC (Faith Rose Westland)
Rating: Mature (or Explicit) for sexual content and some violence mentions 
Tag List (per request): @somegdchoices @brightpinkpeppercorn @lilyofchoices @mistychoices @highfunctioningfangirl19 @i-only-signed-up-for-fanfiction @flyawayboo @nighthunternik @coffeebeandragon @samara-rani @waytooattuned @nitta-jaeguet
Word Count: 
Suggested Track: If You Let Me- Sinead Harnett
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aaliyavatsla ¡ 6 years ago
Dream Alone (Pt. I) Nik Ryder x MC
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Book: Nightbound
Pairing: Nik Ryder x MC (MC: Faith Rose Westland)
Rating: Mature (or Explicit) for sexual content  
Tag List (per request): @somegdchoices @brightpinkpeppercorn @flyawayboo @highfunctioningfangirl19 @lilyofchoices @i-only-signed-up-for-fanfiction
Word Count: 4,303
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aaliyavatsla ¡ 6 years ago
Insomnia (Nik Ryder x MC)
Author’s Note: This is a little something I was working on over the last couple of days because, after that confession scene in the house of the Fate about being in love, I needed some more build-up behind the scenes. There are some suggestive elements that can border in NSFW but not full on 
Tag List: @blackcatkita @ethan-jonah-ramsey @somegdchoices @mistychoices @brightpinkpeppercorn @lilyofchoices @highfunctioningfangirl19 @i-only-signed-up-for-fanfiction @flyawayboo @nighthunternik @coffeebeandragon @samara-rani @waytooattuned @nitta-jaeguet @choicesaddictedd @loveoutofbounds @nanieuniverse
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aaliyavatsla ¡ 6 years ago
Bewitched (Nik x MC)
This was something I had in my drafts for a while and decided to finish after PB denied us the thirty diamond scene again… sigh. I just want Nik Ryder to [redacted], okay? Anyways, enjoy this throwback piece to a little steamy moment at Persephone in earlier chapters shared between Faith Rose and Nik. THERE IS SMUT SO BE ADVISED. 
Tag List: @blackcatkita @ethan-jonah-ramsey @somegdchoices @mistychoices @brightpinkpeppercorn @lilyofchoices @highfunctioningfangirl19 @i-only-signed-up-for-fanfiction @flyawayboo @nighthunternik @coffeebeandragon @samara-rani @waytooattuned @nitta-jaeguet @choicesaddictedd @loveoutofbounds @nanieuniverse @unwrittennovel
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aaliyavatsla ¡ 6 years ago
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I rest my case. #Pride #PrideMonth #Pride2019 #PrideMonth2019 #prideweek #adamlambert #trespassing #NewEyes #Velvet https://www.instagram.com/p/ByX4IhWgm7D/?igshid=1cdt9d4pig3zj
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aaliyavatsla ¡ 6 years ago
Love At First Voice With Killer Queen
Love At First Voice With Killer Queen
Sigh! It has been more than a decade and I can’t get enough of Adam Lambert. Never in my wildest dreams I thought that I would fall head over heels for this man and it will stay.
My first memory of knowing about Adam is hazy. I was most probably in my second or third year of college when I heard about him. Or was it a fellow student who recommended For Your Entertainment to me? Nope, I don’t…
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aaliyavatsla ¡ 6 years ago
The Monster Within (Kassia Park x Damien Nazario)
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Word Count: 1897
Summary: The Kassia Park that Damien knows is kind and effervescent. The one facing him on the other side of her bedroom door is a far cry from her. What Damien cannot see are the demons that Kassia fights or the battle wounds those demons left behind. 
Warning: This story may contain some subjects that are disturbing and may upset readers. If you are offended by the following, viewer discretion is advised: eating disorders, abuse, and character death
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aaliyavatsla ¡ 6 years ago
Pillow Talk
Pairing: Damien x MC (Camille Jensen Park) Oops, I didn’t know her last name before!
Book: Perfect Match
Word Count: ~1,200
Rating:  PG-13 (Fluffy fluff with a hint of sexy times)
Author’s Note:  Oh the beginning of a new relationship … the bliss, the giddiness, the hot time between the sheets.  This little story is meant to capture those feelings for Damien and Camille.
I started this piece a while ago after the “Casual Night In” fic and hadn’t had the time or the inspiration to finish it.  Then last weekend I requested some fluffy fic prompts and I received three from @bobasheebaby and @lazychic28 that helped me make this piece into something I was proud of.  This includes the prompts #3 “I just feel safe with you. Like nothing bad can happen”; #21 “I made you some breakfast”; and #25 “You look really cute in that.”  Thanks for the asks guys! 😘😘
You can find all of my fics here - MASTERLIST
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aaliyavatsla ¡ 6 years ago
Morning Surprises
Pairing: Drake x MC (Emma Warner-Walker)
Book: The Royal Romance (Future)
Word Count: ~1,500
Rating:  NSFW
Author’s Note:  A little quickie (😂😂😂) incorporating three fic requests.  I don’t want to spoil anything so I’ll explain after the fic. 😉
Please let me know if you would like to be added to my tag list.  You can find all of my fics here - MASTERLIST
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aaliyavatsla ¡ 6 years ago
All Yours
Pairing: Damien x MC (Camille Park)
Book: Perfect Match
Word Count: ~1,900
Rating:  NSFW
Author’s Note:  You guys asked for smut, and I give you smuff (fluffy smut).  Sorry, not sorry. 😂 Additional notes at the end. 😉
Please let me know if you would like to be added to my tag list.  You can find all of my fics here - MASTERLIST
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Camille waltzed into her living room, lazily setting her glass of red wine and pint of Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food on her coffee table before plopping on the couch.  She nestled into the cushions and started flipping through her DVR, trying to find something to entertain her without reminding her too much of him.  Another lonely night at home with only my remote for company, she thought, picking up her glass and taking a large gulp in consolation.  
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aaliyavatsla ¡ 6 years ago
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Finally attended the postgraduation convocation 2019 by IGNOU. #Convocation #convocation2019 #ConvocationDay #convocationbouquet #convocationphotography #convocationphoto #convocationsale #ConvocationPictures #convocationphotoshoot #convocationmakeup #convocationdayindia #convocationdelhi #Convocationmemories #Convocationshoot https://www.instagram.com/p/BvyTv12guSL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8pgabypd4253
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aaliyavatsla ¡ 6 years ago
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#convocation #convocation2019 #ConvocationDay #convocationbouquet #convocationphotography #convocationphoto #convocationsale #ConvocationPictures #convocationphotoshoot #convocationmakeup #convocationindia #convocationfriends #Convocationshoot (at Delhi Cantonment) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvzALc6Ai6u/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=111smiu7dayup
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aaliyavatsla ¡ 6 years ago
Indescribable (Damien x MC)
Pairing: Damien x MC (Raya)
Word Count: 2,035 
Rating: M, NC-17, NSFW. whatever you wanna call it. 
Notes: I was Team “Damien Got Switched for a Robot” so I wrote this, but now there are too many theories and I guess maybe we’re we’re boinking robots now. So have a smutty little fic. Consider this a Damien got swapped scenario. Not quite PWP. more like…porn sandwiched by plot. 
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The safehouse on the coast of France, didn’t feel as “safe” as the last one. Maybe because Raya knew better: There was no safe until Eros has been destroyed.
And yet…
With Damien–the real Damien–beside her, his arm thrown around the back of her chair she couldn’t help but feel almost safe.
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aaliyavatsla ¡ 6 years ago
#6 for Damien x Maya pleasee ~the-everlasting-dream
Here it is! Thanks for the ask @the-everlasting-dream! 
#6 from the First Sentence Writing Prompts: “Explain it to me again - why do we need to pretend to be married?”
Playing Pretend
“Explain it to me again - why do we need to pretend to be married?”
Maya sighed.“Because this is the first time you’re meeting my grandmother and I wanther to have a good impression of you.”
“Right, I gotthat part but what’s wrong with saying that we’re engaged?”
She opened her mouthto reply, then paused, biting her lip nervously. “The thing is that she’sa little more … traditional in her views, and when we last met, I may have let it slip that I’m pregnant.”
Comprehension dawnedon his face. “And you don’t want her to know that the pregnancy happened before you were married.”
“You should’veseen me back there,” She groaned. “It was the soap opera trifecta of‘uh oh someone’s pregnant!’ She was already looking suspicious when I keptleaving the room to throw up and then on top of that, I hadn’t had any coffee oreaten any papaya when she offered and … I don’t know, it slipped out andthen she just assumed we were married.”
Damien winced.“Ouch. Yeah, that’ll do it.”
“I’m so sorry D, Iknow I should’ve set the record straight. It’s just been hard for her to accept me,given my own family history.” Maya’s eyes were downcast as she spoke.“She’s only started warming up to me after the whole Eros thing and Ididn’t want her to have a reason to judge me and especially you and I know I should’ve runit by you first-”
“Hey … hey,no worries,” Damien wrapped his arms around her shoulders from behind,kneading them gently to reassure her. “I get it. And I’m more than happyto play the part. Besides …” His hand moved to her left hand and intertwinedhis fingers with hers, where her sparkling engagement ring shone under themorning sun. “We’re already halfway there anyway.”
“Well aren’tyou sweet!” She giggled as he kissed her sweetly.
“Sooo, anythingI should know to keep the story straight? Big or small wedding? A train ofbridesmaids?”
“Weeellll, thestory I told her was that we had a private ceremony with Nadia present while wewere on the run from Eros, in order to stay hidden and keep our families safe.And that the wedding we’re planning now is the real one … the one we wanteveryone, friends and family alike, to be a part of.” Maya smiled at himendearingly as she finished that last sentence.
“DamnMaya,” He grinned broadly. “Sounds like an epic love story.”
“It doesdoesn’t it? She was actually kind of impressed.”
“I canimagine.” Damien was chuckling as he stepped back to smooth his dressshirt. “In fact, according to Nadia, she’s on the phone with my mother aswe speak.”
“Wait,really?! With your mom?”
“Yeah, Nadiafilled her in on the act. And so for the last hour, Mama’s been going on and onwith your grandmother about how lucky she is to have such an ‘amazing,wonderful woman’ as her daughter-in-law.”
“Wow . ..” There was a slight glimmer in Maya’s eyes as she took this in. “Ohmy god! I have the best mother-in-law ever!” Damien quirked an eyebrow and she shrugged nonchalantly. “What? Might as well get into characternow.”
He shook his head ather, chuckling. “All right then. Ready to get this show on the road?”
She noddedenthusiastically and hugged him tightly, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.“Ready if you are.”
@lizeboredom @darley1101 @indiacater @simplyaiden-blog @damienazarios @teamtomsato @tmarie82 @walkerismychoice @walkernazario @walkerduchess @brightpinkpeppercorn @jlouise88 @mfackenthal @nazariobae @boneandfur @indescribablechoices @too-poor-to-buy-keys @choiceslife @gardeningourmet @eileendannie @mysteli @flowerpowell @xxlillybug-powellxx @gingerjane15
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