aadrianknight-blog · 11 years
Ah, makes sense. You two want an autograph?
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Matt.... MATT.
No! Merlin. We couldn’t imply that about the greatest fucking chaser on FUCKING PUDDLEMERE UNITED.
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aadrianknight-blog · 11 years
Hi? I'm... what? Do I have something on my face?
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Matt.... MATT.
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aadrianknight-blog · 11 years
Owl Post | Frankie
frankiesaysno replied to your post: My dad didn’t believe me when I said I went on a date with Adrian Knight. Actually, it took him three hours and threatening to break my bookshelf to get me to spill the news in the first place, but even afterwords he didn’t believe me. Felt like sharing that with you. Hope practice is well — Frankie Scott
You want to thank my dad for blowing a load? That’s weird. Maybe? I don’t know. I mean, the other option is I be subjected to them pestering me until you do. Oh, no. You do that, and I’ll have to do other things.. like introduce you. — Frankie Scott
The jokes go right over your head through letter, don't they? I don't think that's the most appropriate option, unless you're really wanting it. Am I going to get attacked by your da? And them? -AK
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aadrianknight-blog · 11 years
My dad didn't believe me when I said I went on a date with Adrian Knight. Actually, it took him three hours and threatening to break my bookshelf to get me to spill the news in the first place, but even afterwords he didn't believe me. Felt like sharing that with you. Hope practice is well -- Frankie Scott
Are you insinuating I've got to prove it? I could always autograph a photo for your dad, make it personalised, thank him for making you, that sort of thing... -AK
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aadrianknight-blog · 11 years
The first date, he'd seemed to notice, was always more than awkward, and Fran-- Frankie was making this apparent that this would always be true. It wasn't exactly hard for him to gauge other people's emotions and try to make them as comfortable as he possibly could, but with Frankie, it was a whole other story. It wasn't that she was complicated, it was that he didn't know how to read her, or know how to approach her without her thinking he was doing it out of pity. He genuinely liked her, and he knew that he needed to show it. “Then you're being called Frankie.” He knew it sounded simple, but he wanted her to let down those walls that she'd built. He knew that Hogwarts had to be less than desirable for her, and so many of her barriers were built during that period of her life, but he knew that with a little work, she would open up to him as the time passed along. He wasn't a bad bloke, he was never one of the stereotypical jocks, and he wanted to prove it to her, that he was a good bloke at heart. Watching her easily, he smiled at her timidness, how unsure she was, and he was sure that he was going to continue to prod, because he wanted her walls to be non existent with him.
Shrugging at the way her face somewhat contorted at the way he spoke of Quidditch, he had known too many teammates that were so confident in the way that they played, almost to the brink of arrogance, in the way that it would hurt them every time they talked about it in public. Adrian knew he was doing this sport because he'd loved it more than anything in school, and that was about it. Not the money, or the fame, the love of the game. “Oh It'll always be an interesting sport” He mused, looking to her, “Fin to watch, and even more exciting to play, and I'm not saying it's boring or anything, just not something I'm too keen on talking about.” Letting out a loud laugh, he looked to her with a look of amusement on his face. “You really think I'd ask you out if you were like that? Hanging on every inaccurate detail? I'm not like that. I don't want someone that's going to kiss my feet every time I walk through the door. I want you to want to learn that stuff yourself, and while you're at it, treat me like an actual person.” Looking to her, he knew he hadto keep pressing. “I dunno, I think there's more to you.” He said simply, looking to her. “You can always prove me wrong.”
Swept Away | Adrian
She stared at him for a second, his words standing out as she chewed on the inside of her cheek. ‘As long as you want to be called Frankie’, she rolled her eyes at the thought of it. Of course she wanted to be called Frankie. She was Frankie. Frankie Scott. Taking a small bite out of the sandwich in her hands she looked down at her lap rather than over at him. “I want to be called Frankie,” She managed to murmur. If she didn’t look at him, if she just kept to her sandwich, or her hands, or anywhere else but in Adrian’s direction, then she would be alright. Pulling at the end of her skirt,  she unscrewed the bottle cap on her drink, taking a small sip. Fidgeting was her enemy, as she sat on the grass as lady-like as she could. Really, she wanted to lay back and watch the cloudless sky drift by aimlessly. But she wasn’t sure Adrian would be the bloke to want to do that. Hell, she was afraid to ask. Her timid nature stepping forward, as she struggled to hide it from him to the best of her ability.
Listening to his so-so nature about work made her raise her brows. Odd. Most blokes liked gloating about themselves, their achievements and the things they plan to do in the future. Adrian shut her down. She didn’t even bother to hide the shocked expression on her face as she pressed her lips into a pout, nodding slowly. “I mean, it’s still interesting. I don’t think I’ve been to a Quidditch Match since school, but so long as everyone left me on my own during the games, I always liked watching them.” She said, picking at a piece of grass next to her, as she lifted her head, giving him a small smile as she shrugged. She looked up at him, grinning slyly. “I don’t know that much about you, Adrian. I don’t sit around reading Witch Weekly, learning on how to pick up a Quidditch Player by knowing his favourite foods, or whatever other silly articles that magazine produces.” Looking over at him, Frankie shrugged her shoulders. “There’s not much really to tell about Frankie. I went to Hogwarts — but you knew that. I was in Hufflepuff — but you knew that… I think. And I’m studying to be a healer while working at the Three Broomsticks — but you knew that too. Between that and my family, there isn’t much to know about me.”
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aadrianknight-blog · 11 years
Ah, you're talking about Rich. Definitely not my mate. He's a friend of my mate Tommy, but I insisted he stay home before he met us here. He's a pain in the arse, literally, but he's going to pay you loads more than five galleons for groping you. Trying, technicalities, close enough. Yeah, we don't know about the 'stache. It's a bit shoddy, honestly, but it's good to laugh at him and not with him. It's always fun to see the many ways he can make a total arse of himself.
I guess you are, or I could be the lucky bloke that got to take you out on a date, yeah?
Well, that’s a shame. I mean — Not everyone values something you hold so highly. Plus it must suck to have to accompany that sea of stupid. And tell that tall one with the weird facial hair he owes me five galleons and an apology for trying to grope my tit. Me? Trust me, I don’t usually drink anyways. I’m not gonna lie — I’m totally prettier than that one thing with the — Is that a mustache or did he glue hair to his upper lip, I’ve been trying to figure it out all night, I just — Y’know, never mind. Doesn’t matter. I’ll be creeped out if I know the truth.
You prefer to talk to me? Oh how nice of you, I didn’t know Adrian Knight could be so sweet to me every time I ran into him. I must be a lucky bird, no?
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aadrianknight-blog · 11 years
They're all drunk, there isn't much to take me away from. I don't think they understood when I told them there was a game tomorrow, you know? Well, you're not drunk, you're loads prettier to look at, and easier to talk to. I think I prefer you.
I-I.. Um, Yeah. I mean, you can sit here if you’d like. I don’t want to take you away from your friends or anything. I just — Hang on, hang on, I can’t even try to pass that. You’d rather be with me? Are you that bored with your mates you’d prefer to spend it with me?
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aadrianknight-blog · 11 years
I dunno, I had some buddies drag me out and honestly, I'd rather be home. Or with you. But I'll let you take your pick.
Oh — Hi. Um… When am I not working nights?
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aadrianknight-blog · 11 years
I'll get a -- Frankie! Working tonight?
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. And for the last time, No. — Merlin, who lets these creeps into the Three Broomsticks?
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aadrianknight-blog · 11 years
He knew that he was holding on to the past, and he had tried not to, but it was apparent that she still couldn't see beyond what she'd always saw in school, that he was a stereotypical jock that wanted to make fun of people, but he was more of the bloke to throw and waste chances on people that he wanted to take on, to get to know better, and after seeing her again for the first time in years, he knew the same girl was still in there somewhere, deep down. That he wanted to get to know her and not all of the walls that she'd put up. It didn't exactly phase him that she would've, seeing that the kids that they went to school with had used her for her intelligence and never even bothered to make friends with her, but he wanted to show that he was different, that he wasn't there for sex, or for anything but friendship... or maybe more than that. Definitely more than that. He knew that he was going to have to prove himself first, that he was ready to do so for her. He didn't want to be the boy that she once knew, the one that never got the chance to say a thank you. He wanted to be more, and he knew it. He'd found hear endearing all of those years ago, and he still did, but her beauty grew in stride with her maturity, and he wanted to get to know her outside of the girl that he used to know. "Frankie's fine, then." He lied easily, "As long as you want to be called Frankie, it's what'll call you, okay?" He said, looking her way. The first way to build this was to give in to some of what she wanted, know that he was trying and not being stubborn, which was hard.
He tried not to laugh at the atmosphere that had settled around them since they'd apparated outside of the city. He knew that it wasn't going to be easy, trying to bound through the barriers that she'd so easily set up for herself, but he wanted her to trust him first, and this was the best way, to go on a date, to show that he wasn't just that bloke back in school that she'd helped once. "Work's work." He answered simply, knowing it was more than true. "Not that I hate my job, but I talk about it so much already, I really didn't think you'd be interested in it." He said with a slight shrug of his shoulders. She'd never seemed like the kind of girl to even go to a match back when they were in Hogwarts, and he didn't want to pull something out of her to talk about when she didn't have the interest in it. His girlfriends didn't need to love his sport, but they did need a brain, and Frankie was that point. "Talk about something you like... people know loads about me. I'm sure you know stuff about me. Tell me about Frankie."
Swept Away | Adrian
Frankie cocked a brow at his words, tilting her head to the side as a warm breeze flowed passed them. She couldn’t help but scoff for a moment at his words. Why was someone like him so adamant on holding onto something she felt no need too? Why was he so interested in Francesca? She was gone. All that was left was Frankie, and people would simply have to to take it or leave it, right? She was curious to know why, but timid to ask. She wasn’t sure she’d like the answer. It wasn’t as though much had changed. She wore flattering clothing rather than sticking to things that hid her figure. She put some make up on, though most days she was just far to lazy to even try and make an attempt at it. Her hair hung in curls, the most she would do is brush it. While the outer shell of her still resembled the girl that was once at Hogwarts, it was far easier to drown her when Frankie’s gob opened, and her obnoxious nature came out. That’s what struck her odd most of all. He was nice. He was sweet. She was a bitch. What the hell could’ve snapped in Adrian’s mind to want to take her out for a meal? “Yes, it is but it doesn’t mean I go along with people calling me by my given name. Come on, I’m sure you’ve a few nicknames from your teammates that the call you more that Adrian. That’s what Frankie is to me. Frankie is who I really am. Francesca is… someone else. And I really don’t want to try and test to see if she still exists too much or not.” She said solemnly, as she shrugged. There was no argument on it. Her flat stood as the last remnants of Francesca, and she being the sole person to know of such a thing — aside from her family — made it easier for Frankie to keep her little world to herself.
She spotted his hands, much larger than hers as she blinked. Nervous nature. She wanted to kill Hayden for pushing the man to persuade her to go on this date. She was nervous around men. It was why she turned down first dates, she didn’t want to make a total idiot of herself. Catching his reassuring smile, Frankie nodded, giving him a small grin as she clung to his arm tightly, desperate to hold on and not let go. Looking at Big Ben — a clear symbol of the city she called home all her life, she turned to look at him, catching the items expertly. A waitress with a bunch of drunks, Frankie could’ve juggled the amount of tossed glasses in her time at the Three Broomsticks. Raising her brows silently, she pursed her lips, eager to hide the smile that threatened to break her blank expression, as she pulled her skirt under her legs, sitting down and crossing them in a lady-like way. Mum would be so proud, she thought, swallowing the urge to snort at her own little joke. “I don’t blame you. I rather be anywhere than in a stuffy pub all hours of the night.” She muttered, pulling back the plastic film on the sandwich in her hands, taking a small bite out of it as she sat silently. What the hell could she say to him? Nothing in her life was interesting enough to keep him sedated. Oh my God, I am the world’s most boring bird. She thought irritably to herself, as she chewed on the inside of her cheek. “So…” She started. “How’s work?”
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aadrianknight-blog · 11 years
I dunno, the laundry is beginning to pile up, but if you insist. Honestly, pubs aren't exactly my thing. Only on bad days.
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Merlin, days off are boring.
Clean your flat?! Oh, I’m sure you could save that for some other day. If this is why you do in your time off, I can’t say it’s very good, no. Though you liked pubs better.
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aadrianknight-blog · 11 years
I was going to clean my flat, but that's a bit advantageous...
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Merlin, days off are boring.
They are, aren’t they? No plans for today then? Even for an exciting Quidditch player such as yourself?
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aadrianknight-blog · 11 years
Merlin, days off are boring.
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aadrianknight-blog · 11 years
I mean, I waited through the year, really decided that this was what I wanted before I made any huge steps... do you not like it, or anything? This sport is basically the world to me, being Muggleborn and all, I thought it was important to show that I could shove this all down the people that've been doing this forever's throats, yeah? And I think I've proved it as much. He'll get back to you in time. Man always rights back, as busy as he is.
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Ah, shit!
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aadrianknight-blog · 11 years
I was just glad it came, I had to pay up front too, so that was the only way I was actually going to get what I needed, aye? Writing to him? I don't even think I've seen the man since I left school...
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Ah, shit!
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aadrianknight-blog · 11 years
You've got it mate. And I actually did. I had to order them, though, which was a major pain in my arse, didn't get to me for about a week. Had mind to owl whoever it was sendin' em, but their owl was a bit dodgy if you ask me. Had some kind of eye twitch, creeped me a bit.
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Ah, shit!
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aadrianknight-blog · 11 years
He was lucky that she hadn't left, because he knew that it was unlike him to be late for anything. He usually arrived at least five minutes early, but he was hoping either way that she would understand, and he thanked everything that he knew of that she was still standing there and hopefully still willing to go. Cocking a brow in her direction, he knew he had to fight the urge to fully smirk at her, lest she took it as some sort of insult, but he couldn't help the smile that came to his face. "But your name's Francesca, right?" He said softly as he looked to her, and when he was greeted with no response, he shrugged. "You may not like it... I like it. I think it's nice. And it's better than most the names I hear around here. It's different." Laughing slightly at the way she was judging him, he shot her a look, smile still on his face. "Oi, it's not like I meant to lose my keys. One minute, I've got everything all set, and the next, they're gone, you know? It doesn't really matter. There's nothing good in my flat and my neighbors are all harmless old cogs." Looking to her outfit quickly, he couldn't see much wrong with it, but maybe it was that shoddy sense of a bloke's intuition, and plus, he couldn't tell a nice dress from an old skirt anyway, and he thought she looked just fine in what she was wearing. "It doesn't matter. It's not a restaurant anyway, but you're going to have to trust me on this one, okay?"
Grabbing her hand in his own, he watched her face notably flush, but he cleared his throat immediately, not wanting her to get the wrong idea, lest she thought he was just going to use her. "Just for sidealong." He reassured, as he gave a tell tale nod that he was going to go, feeling the familiar pull at his stomach. Landing safely on two feet, he stopped Frankie's slight sway, as he shot her a smile, looking a safe distance from London, Big Ben in their general line of sight, but with a swish of water and fresh air before them. "I'd rather be out here than in some bar. Plus, I've got a sub that we're going to split. I'm not particularly the fanciest bloke, I hope you're okay with that." He said with a slight smirk, as he pulled a small bag from his front pocket, casting the charm on it to take the immobulius from the bottomless pit of his bag. Grabbing the sub and tossing her a bottle of water, he smiled as she caught it, taking a seat on the somewhat sandy ground, looking up to her. "Now come on, join me."
Swept Away | Adrian
She wandered down the street, kicking at the dirt as the summer’s breeze moved around her in the hazy evening. She wondered why she bothered waiting. She wondered why she was taking her time. She needed to get home, to go read a book, or hang her head in shame. The sound reverberating through the air, as she stood still, eyes wide. She recognized the voice quickly. Hell, she’d already agreed that the only person who called her Francesca. Turning on her heel, she watched Adrian walk in her direction, the grin brightening in the dim lighting around her. For only a moment, she felt a nervous flutter erupt in her stomach. What the hell was that? Frankie thought to herself, cocking a brow as she wiped the expression from her features, scoffing. “Frankie,” She muttered, shaking her head. “People call me Frankie now. Francesca is a seventeen year old nerd who was too spineless to make a friend because she feared what people would think.” She said, slowly exhaling a breath. Standing there with the lack of a counter in front of her, she realized how much taller he was than she. She raised tilted her head, lips parting as she pulled back, shaking her head. “Uh—” She muttered under her breath, licking her lips as she pulled back, her purse strap hoisted higher as the small bag swayed at her side, leaning against her hip.
“You left your house without your keys?” She asked, raising her brows for a moment, and shaking her head. “You sound just like my Mum, barking off about forgetting her keys all the time. I mean, there are other ways to find it. Didn’t think of a summoning charm?” Frankie asked, wiggling her brows for a moment as she pressed her lips together, trying to hide the smirk, as she smiled once more. Alright, she could kill the ape later. And she could stay up tonight reading a book she already had been through multiple times before. Her memory to preserving things she read was a well practiced art form for Frankie, and the words could all but float passed her mind as she stood in front of Adrian, shaking her long hair out as the strands splayed against her bare shoulder. “Running is still an option, you did leave me waiting. I assumed a bloke like you would live life on a schedule, but I’m being proven wrong left and right. Who knows, in some upheaval of oddity to this world, the Ape might be smarter than a rock too. But I’ll pretend that never happens.” She snickered, biting her bottom lip to stifle her laughter, as she hid her lips behind a hand, slowly dropped her hand in the same moment. “Er — Dinner sounds fine, but where? I mean.. most shops include pubs, and I’m not exactly dressed to go for dinner. Unless you like my outfit?” She sarcastically fawned out the ends of her shirt with her fingers, pinching the fabric and curtsying slightly. “Courtesy of the Three Broomsticks, the ultimate fashion sense for a bird.”
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