aaaaaamoo · 1 year
marauders x super Mario bros
Mario and Luigi: Sirius and Reg
Toad: Peter
Lumalee: Pandora
others idk
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aaaaaamoo · 1 year
jegulus but little shop of horrors au 🫣🫣
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aaaaaamoo · 1 year
The Death of Dobby By ChatGPT
Dobby had always been a curious and mischievous house-elf, but as he wandered the halls of Hogwarts one night, he never expected to meet his fate in such a tragic way. He had stumbled upon a glue trap that had been carelessly left behind by some careless human, and before he knew it, he was stuck fast.
At first, Dobby struggled and cried out for help, but as the hours passed, he began to lose hope. He knew that no one would be coming to his aid, and that he would soon be joining his fellow house-elves in the afterlife.
As he lay there, trapped and helpless, the sound of "It's Quiet Uptown" began to drift through the walls. It was a song that Dobby had never heard before, but there was something about the mournful melody that spoke to him.
As the music swelled and the lyrics washed over him, Dobby felt a strange sense of peace wash over him. He knew that he was going to die, but somehow, he found comfort in the music.
As the song reached its final notes, Dobby closed his eyes and let out one last, contented sigh. He was gone, but he had found solace in the music that had accompanied him in his final moments.
The Hogwarts staff later found Dobby's lifeless body in the glue trap, but no one knew about the song that had played as he passed. To this day, some say that they can hear the haunting melody of "It's Quiet Uptown" echoing through the halls whenever the moon is full and the night is still.
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aaaaaamoo · 1 year
i need an AU where regulus is crookshanks and “crookshanks” was the potters cat bc he faked his death and knew that there’s one place always safe for the Black children (the potters) but bc of the war and missions and shit Lily and James didn’t tell anyone that he was with them just that they “got a cat” (even the order/dumbledore
instead of them dying dumbledore did something to make them go into hiding (but convinced everyone they died and Sirius betrayed them) and reg knew something was up and that’s why he let Hermione adopt him (also to keep an eye on Harry), he probably also kept an eye on him while he was with the dursleys
he didn’t like scabbers bc he knew Peter was a traitor bc of his time as a death eater and he watches over Remus during the full moons when he’s a prof
And it could be jegulus/jegulily or just jily but good uncle regulus
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aaaaaamoo · 1 year
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aaaaaamoo · 2 years
make the list zar! need to see ur fav cr quotes!!
ones all of you have already seen:
Sirius' little brother. Always his little brother.
No one ever thinks to look up.
If I cannot climb, I will grow.
Without hesitation.
He always hesitates.
So close, yet never close enough.
Tragically inevitable and woefully pointless.
I'd die for them, but I'd live for you.
My treasure, the treasure I found in this sunken ship of a city. You glinted in the dark like the moon lights the sky, and I found you.
Behind the scenes, someone is always pulling the strings.
Minerva loves her like a mother, a mentor, and a friend. She loves her like a reflection. She loves her the way one loves their past self, just one that has a long way to go and different mistakes to make.
Sometimes, I look at myself and don't recognize the person staring back at me. She looks like—before. ... She's not even here anymore. It's just me now, and I—I want to see me. I've gone so long without seeing me.
Every breath, in and out, that's me and you.
A great, big tragedy.
Me and you.
those none of you have seen yet (spoilers below):
Losing a brother is losing a touchstone. How do we measure ourselves without the very criteria it takes to recognize ourselves? When you lose a brother, you lose you.
Is that not grief? Love that poisons itself without the beating heart it's aimed at still here to cleanse it?
The world needs people who care as much as you. That's what's going to save it.
Everyone bleeds, and everyone feels pain, and everyone is here until they're gone. It blurs, and it blurs, and it blurs.
The value of human life isn't measured in the connections they make.
I'd marry you in hell, love.
He had blood in his mouth more often than something sweet, and so that became his favorite meal.
There's no winning a war; there's only starting it, enduring it, and ending it.
Pleasure comes with no judge. It doesn't work on a karmic scale.
A mere statistic in the making; someday, people will look back on these battles and describe them in numbers instead of names.
Two bodies, one heart.
Sometimes people die, swift and sudden, and they don't get to say goodbye; they don't get to pass along a message; they don't get anything, because they are here, and then they're gone, and that's all there is. That's it, and that's all those left behind are left with. No closure. No peace. Nothing.
They cherish each other a lot, maybe even more than they try to rip each other apart.
The best and worst things come in threes.
These days, I climb and grow.
You wanted to be a hero. The fucking hero of the story, right? But in mine, James, you're the villain.
I know you won't remember, but I—I forgive you, sweetheart. It's okay.
Grief never goes away; that's a burden to bear for as long as you live when someone you love doesn't.
Let yourself be scared when you're scared. It just means you care, and that's nothing to be ashamed of.
I don't need everything. Something will do.
They're his. Please. He needs them. He needs his glasses.
Before Regulus ever found the sun in James, Sirius was the brightest light he knew; his guiding star.
I am the smartest person on this cloud.
What's important will always remain so if we make the choice to let it.
We should go into war completely fucking nude. They wouldn't know what to do.
Revenge achieves nothing; at the end, what hurts will still hurt, and you're no closer to peace than you were at the start.
Somewhere out there, long ago, there might have been a softer Remus, one who didn't dive head-first into chaos and violence, one who never had to to survive, one who would feel remorse for the blood staining his hands. But they whipped that out of him. But it died with his mother. But it was muzzled like a dog and left to snarl and foam at the mouth, defiance building until he never misses a chance to bite. But they silenced it, and he has found his voice, and now, now they hear him scream.
I care about myself so much that I'm asking for you, because I need you, alright? I—I need you to be here. I need you to hold me.
There's a war on, and James wants to plan his wedding.
They do that until they don't have to keep doing that, and then do that some more, just because. They kiss lazily, just because. They breathe the same air, just because. They lay there pressed together, just because. They're in love, just because.
Pain manipulates us all, and yet we find ways daily to overcome it.
I lack what those in this genre like to call a deus ex machina.
The angel turns a marvelous shade of red.
Go on, give it a go, I dare you. Torture me out of my fucking head, leave me a smear across the wall, and still—watch—I won't break. I don't break.
Here they are, on the other side of hell, and what do they have to show for it other than the demons they brought with them?
Before her, it could have been you.
The very things they're afraid of, they're made of. They're fit to burst with it, freedom and love clawing on the inside of them and begging to get out.
I was always trying so hard to wait for you. I've just been waiting for you.
A garden that bears no fruit is still a garden.
I'll get to wherever I damn well please, and do whatever I deem suitable to get there, because the difference between you and me is that my brother will always have me.
You exist past this war. You exist for more than the war.
Mirror, mirror sitting before me, which of us could the most miserable be?
Hear me, Hallow is not hollow. Hallow is harmony.
I'm still so in love with you that, sometimes, I think I could kill you myself, just so no one could ever take you away from me. And I think, in my worst moments, I even want to.
Every breath, in and out. I'm with you, you're with me.
I am but your puppet. Go on, then, tell me how you'll make me dance.
I need to be loved for the monster I am just as much as I need to be loved for the monster I'm not.
A toxic waste type of love.
Grief is love, and love shouldn't be done alone.
All wars come to an end.
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aaaaaamoo · 2 years
james potter definitely laughs like chris evans
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aaaaaamoo · 2 years
james potter james potter james potter <3<3<3
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aaaaaamoo · 2 years
He just needs a Minute (1/1) (jegulus)
James is falling apart. It's everything in him to hold himself together right now, here, in front of all his friends. All the people that need him to his happy, bubbly self. But he can't. He just... it's too much. He takes a deep breath, trying to steady himself, but instead it gets caught in his chest and then someone asks him, "hey James, you alright?" And of course he isn't, and that question, right now, breaks him.
The tears are spilling out of his eyes before he can do anything about them. His breathing is fast and shallow, and he can feel every muscle in his body tensing as he begins to tremble.
He looks around the room, everyone is looking at him. Sirius has dropped whatever he was doing and started moving towards him. It must have been Peter who spoke to him because he is closest. Remus is one step ahead of Sirius, and Lily, Mary, and Marlene have gotten up to rush over to him all together. But James can't take it. Not all of them. All week they have been telling him to cheer up. But he can't. He's been letting them down all week and especially now.
He moves his hands with too much effort to cover his face and as he turns to hide, he spies Regulus watching curiously. He is standing next to Evan and Pandora, and it looks like he just stopped talking mid-sentence. And James, oh James just wants him. Before he can think, because he cannot think, he is moving toward Regulus.
He nearly collides into him, except Regulus receives him with open arms. A softening really, as Regulus catches him. Regulus is surprised that James came to him since all of his friends are right there, and it takes him a moment to realize he needs to be comforting. Once it clicks, once Regulus wraps his arms around James, begins to stroke his back slowly and calmly whisper, "it's okay. Let it out. I've got you," James just sinks further into him and his tears become sobs. The weight Regulus wasn't ready for, but he would protect James with his life. And as everyone looks at him, he glared daggers at anyone who would dare say or doing anything more to take the focus off of James.
Sirius does try, in his effort to help. "Ja-" he starts but Regulus says pointedly, "just give him a minute," and then quickly changes his tone to comforting and soothing, in James ear, "take all the time you need. It's okay, I've got you." And James hugged him tighter, as the tension eased out of him.
And just like that, Regulus learned that he comforted James just as much as James comforted him.
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aaaaaamoo · 2 years
james about lily/regulus about james:
On the way home
I wrote a poem
You say, "What a mind"
This happens all the time
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aaaaaamoo · 2 years
mastermind is very james potter coded
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aaaaaamoo · 2 years
“There’s no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid.”
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R.I.P. Robbie Coltrane (March 30, 1950 - October 14, 2022)
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aaaaaamoo · 2 years
James potter is peak dad friend energy
like he’d buy you some random snack constantly for years and then when you finally ask why he says it’s “because you like them,” yet you’ve only made one comment about them ever
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aaaaaamoo · 2 years
Jily is stay stay stay by Taylor swift
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aaaaaamoo · 2 years
call it what you want by taylor swift is regulus in fluffy jegulus aus
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aaaaaamoo · 2 years
i like to think that james is the type of person to be overly loud about the person he’s attracted to until he actually gets with them… then it’s like some sort of treasure he keeps between just the two of them :)
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aaaaaamoo · 2 years
James Potter is the equivalent of “If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you. Drive highways and byways to be there with you”
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