a-space-enthusiast 18 days
ah, oh no
everyone rise for the truest of all ancient texts:
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a-space-enthusiast 2 months
he found a poster for a phineas and ferb theme party and just. decided to go. oh my god 馃槶
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a-space-enthusiast 2 months
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This is frustrating.
I love the comparison, but I hate how they are comparing.
They are acting like she is using optics to give herself an advantage. But the device she is wearing is just for comfort and essentially does the same thing as closing one eye and squinting the other.
The little thing over the left eye is basically like an eye patch.
And the thing over her right eye is a mechanical iris, like in a camera lens, but it is NOT a lens.
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Different lighting environments are going to be brighter or darker and you may have to squint more or less to let in the same amount of light into your eye. Squinting allows the shooter to get the sharpest possible vision in order to shoot a bullseye the size of a 12-point Times New Roman period.
But if you have to squint for hours for practice and in competition, this can strain your face muscles and become uncomfortable. So this iris basically squints for you.
It's more like wearing comfortable shoes so your feet do not hurt than a lens magnifying the target and giving an advantage.
Both athletes have access to these items. One felt more comfortable without them. The other didn't feel like getting a muscle cramp from squinting all day.
Either would have shot the same if they had or had not used these devices.
Just a funny difference in gear preference.
I should also add, the Turkish dad is the only one using lenses.
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a-space-enthusiast 5 months
Tumblr Code.
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a-space-enthusiast 6 months
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Happy Leland Melvin Day!!!
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a-space-enthusiast 8 months
I fought a crack head at 5am on the train once. I won that. I am very proud.
no "see results" option you'll have to pick one if you want to vote
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a-space-enthusiast 8 months
Some people have been complaining that Hazbin storyline is getting rushed and I have some thoughts.
Series are getting shorter and it鈥檚 concerning.
Like, few years ago they would have at least 15 episodes, Hazbin only has 8. How do networks expect to create a great narrative when there is so little time?!
Now, you can make an argument that Hazbin isn鈥檛 using all it鈥檚 runtime properly and that some plot lines could have been cut, but it鈥檚 undeniable how this 8 episodes thing is hurting the series.
Percy Jackson also suffers from the same problem, the writers have so little time that they end up recurring to exposition and thus making the narrative worse.
Bring back 15-20 episodes seasons please 馃檹
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a-space-enthusiast 8 months
Where are all the "slow" kids, the challenged kids, the burnouts from birth, the burden to have in class? Where are the autists who can't mask, who self harm, who are loud and can't stop stimming? The NDs with processing disorders, brain damage, brain fog? The ones with down syndrome, FAS, and other conditions that people treat like curses or defects. I hardly ever see them past 18 and I know they don't just dissolve once they become adults.
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a-space-enthusiast 9 months
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why can rockstar games institutionalise you for life like nikita kruschev for being autistic
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a-space-enthusiast 9 months
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a-space-enthusiast 9 months
Everybody stop what you鈥檙e doing RIGHT NOW and celebrate the last Out of Touch Thursday of 2020
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a-space-enthusiast 9 months
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a-space-enthusiast 9 months
why is religious Christmas imagery all so joyful and pleasant? where is the inherent horror of the birth of Christ? A mother is handed her newborn child, wailing and innocent. Her hands come away sticky. Red. Simply by giving her son life she has already killed him. He is doomed from the beginning. Her love will not save him from suffering. Because the thing cradled in her arms is not a baby, it is a sacrifice: born amongst the other bleating animals whose blood will one day be spilled in the name of what demands it. the night is silent with anticipation. Mary, did you know? That your womb was also a grave?
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a-space-enthusiast 11 months
It's almost time for Zack and Cody's reservation at the Italian restaurant
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a-space-enthusiast 11 months
i am not joking we need to force teach cooking in schools. like. it is an essential thing for survival. do you know how easy it is to make things if you know even the bare bones shit about how cooking works. we need to teach teenagers how far you can take an onion and some other veggies it''s sad that people grow up not knowing how to prepare literally anything. and i'm not talking about oh this home ed class taught me how to make chicken nuggets at home i'm talking about learning the balancing of sweetness and acidity and saltiness and bitterness and shit like that and techniques and oil temperatures and how meats cook. it needs to be taught because it's literally not even that difficult and it matters so much
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a-space-enthusiast 11 months
103K notes View notes
a-space-enthusiast 11 months
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