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Hello ^_^ All your A-Prince translation needs are here. If you have any requests, don't hesitate to leave it in my ask box or submit it. *note* They do a lot of fan talks through their twitter and I won't be translating all those, but if you want a specific one translated, let me know.
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[NEWS] 120803
Title: A-Prince's Sungwon Crowned Jang GeunSuk Doppleganger

The second half of the year's most anticipated Korean rookie group A-Prince, with a large foreign response is the topic of conversations. On the 25th of last month, A-prince released their pre-single 'You're the Only One' and are rushing to debut by this year. Foreign related sites are introducing them by calling them by the alias 'Jang Geunsuk Team'. The reason main vocal Sungwon's looks have drawn attention is because he looks very much like the Hallyu Wave actor Jang Geunsuk. K-POP fans overseas have commented 'I thought this is Jang Geunsuk' , 'Is he Asia Prince? is he Jang Geunsuk?'. A few clicks show that there is high interest in A-Prince. The talk of the town is that MBLAQ main vocal G.O. composed and wrote the lyrics to A-Prince's pre-single 'You're the Only One'. The lyrics describe lovers that after parting, meet by chance. The song starts with a yearnful harmony played on the piano. A-Prince which consists of the five members Sungwon, Taehyuk, Minhyeok, Seungjun and Siyoon, released 'You're the Only One' beginning their approximately 50 day 'Countdown Project' revealing their image step by step. They have announced that their first mini album is to be released in September.
Trans credit Kaeti@Unity of A-Prince; take out with full credits
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120807 Minhyeok Twitter
복날이라 치킨먹고 기분좋아서 사진투척!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I feel good eating chicken on this hot day, so I'll upload pictures!! kekeke
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120807 Seungjun Twitter
모두들 잘자요!!^^*

Goodnight everyone!!^^*
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120807 Seungjun Twitter
오늘폭염의절정을 견딜수있었던 나의 힘... 감사합니다!!^^*

Because of my strength I endured the heat wave today...thank you!!^^*
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120807 Siyoon & Minhyeok Twitter
크크크크킼키키키키 시윤이는 이렇게 웃어요 ...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 어때요 ??ㅎㅎ

Keukeukeu-kik-kikikiki Siyoon-ie laughs like this...kekeke Why's that ?? hehe
@daon_12: 남자라면 캬캬캬 하고 웃어야지ㅋㅋㅋ
If you're a man kyakyakya and you should laugh kekeke
@_si_yoon_: 형 !!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Hyung !!! kekekeke
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120807 Taehyuk & Sungwon Twitter
항상 고마워요! 언제까지나 제 옆에 있어주실거죠?>< Please always stay with me. いつも 私の そばにいて ください。

Thank you as always! Will you always stand by my side?>< Please always stay with me. Please stay with me always.
@sswonn: 당연히 우리태효기옆에항상잇어줄게용>_<
Of course we will always be by our Taehyukie's side>_<
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120807 Sungwon Twitter
잠깐안무연습후 쉬는시간><* 메롱~~~

Short break time after practice><* Me-rong~~~
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모두들 굿나잇!!^^* 대한민국 파이팅!!!

Goodnight everyone!!^^* South Korea Fighting!!!
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120729 Taehyuk Twitter
다들 좋은 주말 보내셨나요? ><

Did everyone have a good weekend? ><
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120728 Sungwon Twitter
오늘 폭염속에서도 즐거운시간들보냇나요?!^^런던올림픽 다같이 응원해봐요우리! ^^*대한민국 화이팅!!

Today in the sweltering heat did you guys have a good time?!^^ For the London Olympics cry out and cheer when you see us! ^^* Korea Fighting!!
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120728 Seungjun Twitter
흑.. 더워..엉엉 눈커플이 무거워지는 시간... 모두들 Good night ^^*

Sob..It's hot..crying. It's the time the eyelids become heavy...everyone Good night ^^*
(s/b: he spelled 'eyelid' wrong in korean lol he must be tired)
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120728 Seungjun Twitter
우아.. 정말덥다 오늘... 모두들 피부 안타게 썬크림 꼭!!ㅋㅋ 바르세용~~
Wow..today's really hot..everyone completely apply sunscreen to your skin!!ㅋㅋCover it~~
꺅 더워...
꺅* it's hot...
(*꺅 is like yelping or shrieking. I don't know what to translate that to lol)
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120728 Taehyuk Twitter
모두들 좋은 아침!!^^
Good morning everyone!!^^
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120727 Minhyeok Twitter
모두 잘자요 잘잡시다!!
Everyone good night, sleep well!!
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120727 Seungjun Twitter
으히휴.. 모두들 잘자요~~^^* good night and sweet dream

Sigh..Sleep well everyone~~^^*good night and sweet dream
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120727 Sungwon Twitter
오늘 여러분이랑 오래야기못나눠서 너무너무 아쉬웠어요,^^* 으잉...잘자요 여러분?! 내일바요!!굿밤:))

With everyone here today, having to part was such a shame,^^*Huh...sleep well everyone?! See you tomorrow!! Good night : ))
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