A Mix Of Chaos And Art
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A collection of whatever my hyper-focus decides to hone in on at any given moment.Ao3: bappy211
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
a-longer-love · 1 year ago
Since I’ve been thinking a lot about this fic again lately, and we are coming up on 3 years since I started posting it, I figured it was time to share it again….maybe it’ll help me find my motivation to finally write again, it’s been awhile
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SUMMARY: Castiel owns The Garrison, a popular club in a midsized Midwest town. He also has a dark past he can’t quite get away from and a darkness within, a dark, oily sludge, he's never quite been able to rid himself of.
Dean is in yet another new town, his brother just left for college on the other side of the country and his dad just up and vanished in the middle of the night without warning. He’s alone, angry, and bristling with a recklessness that mimics the untamed inferno raging behind his ribcage, something he’s fought to tame his entire life.
Does darkness always equate to evil? Does light always allude to purity?
Or do both extremes consume entirely, simply in different ways?
Can Castiel and Dean help contain the others demons before they become too much?
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a-longer-love · 2 years ago
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Hiya Shellers,
🐚Cockles HQ is a friendly Discord server where we chat about anything to do with Jensen and Misha.
🧑🏾‍🤝‍🧑🏽This server is most definitely not for people who are just looking for the latest goss. It’s a place where Cockles is what brings us together, but where kindness and community are the main focus.
💙💚Although most members ship Cockles as a romantic pairing, it’s certainly not a requirement. Of course it is a requirement that you like both Jensen and Misha. 
🏳️‍🌈We are poly- and LGBTQ+ friendly.
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦We respect Jensen’s and Misha’s relationships with other people. 
📜We have rules regarding the privacy of- and respect towards our members and the actors and we take these very seriously. 
🔞Only for 18+. The entire server is considered NSFW. (Yet we still open the server at work sometimes only to regret it seconds later. One day we’ll learn..)
🫂We believe that in safe spaces, it should be allowed to openly express opinions and vent. That in a truly safe space we learn to live with each other instead of enforcing unfair or toxic positivity or push for fake kindness. We’d rather strive for honesty, fairness and tolerance. However, we also believe a safe space provides other members a chance to avoid negativity if they wish to do so. We have special salt channels and rules for venting. Please keep this in mind!
[Edit: July 1st 2023 - Our doors are now open! (FROM 11 PM - CET)  If you’d like to join our little group of misfits (affectionate),you can send CJ a message on Discord (chaosmisha) ( Because for some reason instant messaging doesn’t work on here,) Please tell us: - Why you’d like to join HQ - How long you’ve been in the fandom and have “shipped” Jensen/Misha or Cas/Dean and how that came to be. We prefer it if newcomers have been in the fandom for at least a couple of months and know at least a little bit of the Cockles lore.  - What your boundaries are when it comes to shipping real people.
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a-longer-love · 2 years ago
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a-longer-love · 2 years ago
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I’ve done a terrible job of keeping up with Suptober…so at this point I’m just picking from the prompts I’ve yet to do and going with those that quickly result in an idea.
So here is Day 19: Ladies…honoring one of my favorite ladies in Ruth and characters in Rowena ❤️ we all need more badass women representation in all forms of media!
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a-longer-love · 2 years ago
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Something a little different for Subtober day 21: Haunted
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a-longer-love · 2 years ago
I may be behind a couple days, but prompt 5 is now posted! I’m hoping to catch up with some free time this weekend ❤️
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I’m attempting to complete as many prompts as I can this year…I haven’t been writing much at all the last year or so and desperately want to get back into the grove of doing so, and this is as good a way as any! Follow along if you would like, I’ll do my best to post daily!
Most of the fics will most likely be Destiel centered, maybe not all, but they tend to be the two I write about most. I’m going to challenge myself to expand my scope a bit as the month goes along though, hopefully!
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a-longer-love · 2 years ago
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I’m attempting to complete as many prompts as I can this year…I haven’t been writing much at all the last year or so and desperately want to get back into the grove of doing so, and this is as good a way as any! Follow along if you would like, I’ll do my best to post daily!
Most of the fics will most likely be Destiel centered, maybe not all, but they tend to be the two I write about most. I’m going to challenge myself to expand my scope a bit as the month goes along though, hopefully!
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a-longer-love · 2 years ago
Hey finally a new fic! It’s been awhile
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Title: You Need to Calm Down
Author: bappy211
Artist: PetraAmia
Song: You Need to Calm Down
Posting date: September 20, 2022
Rating: General Audiences
Any archive warnings: n/a
Top 10 main tags: Out and proud Castiel, charlie ships it, dean comes out
Summary: Cas has liked Dean Winchester since high school
Up until now, Cas's crush was simply a fever dream, falling for a straight guy never ended well
But now, years later, Dean confides in Cas about his own secret
One that could change everything for both of them
Author tumblr: @a-longer-love
Artist tumblr: @deancodedcastielenby
Link to Art: https://twitter.com/deancodedcasnb/status/1572242782441410565?s=21&t=ac2ttu6rEZzm_7IBP3snMg
Link to Fic:https://archiveofourown.org/works/41629794/chapters/104421234
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a-longer-love · 3 years ago
Those immediately coming to mind are all centered around one person, so I’ll give you two…
kissing her for the first time, we had been friends for months, hung out as just friends a few times, then something sorta just clicked in both of us. We don’t live close to each other, so we weren’t physically together when that shift happened, which only meant our anxiety about it had room to grow so by the time we were finally seeing one another again we were both absolute nervous wrecks. I remember pulling into the parking lot, my hands literally shaking so badly I just about hit the curb while I parked. Then, I saw her, and the nerves vanished, I had never been more sure of anything or anyone in my life. She helped me carry in my stuff, chatting and catching up, but as soon as the door closed behind us we locked eyes and both leaned in eagerly. It was my first time kissing no only her, but any girl, and all at once everything made sense, the shit they talk about in books and movies, the head spinning but feeling as sure as ever at the same time somehow, the things I had never understood before finally made sense. And it only took a few seconds to completely change my view on love.
During our trip to NYC over the holidays I became incredibly sick, high fever, the whole thing. Me being me didn’t want to burden her and just tried to tough it out. Thankfully we were hanging out in Cleveland for a couple days before driving to NY so I could rest and recover a bit. I still tried acting like I was perfectly fine, but she knew I wasn’t…but she never once called me out or made me feel guilty. She simply convinced me she just wanted to stay in and cuddle on the couch and watch various movies and tv shows, like it was something she HAD to do as soon as possible. Simply so I would “placate her” when all I wanted to do was sleep anyway, so she watched her movies and shows while I slept with my head in her lap while she took care of me. It’s the first time anyone has done that since I’ve moved away from home. Since then she has never stopped taking care of me, letting me be vulnerable without any type of judgement or thinking any less of me. She’s the only person I’ve ever felt completely and totally safe opening up to and being emotional with. I can’t thank her enough for giving me a genuine safe space to simply be me, whatever that looks like. I know I’ll always be met with support, care, and genuine love.
Tell me a soft memory
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a-longer-love · 3 years ago
Come join friends!
Our doors are now open. If you wish to join our merry band of misfits, please read our pinned post!
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a-longer-love · 3 years ago
By the way with the supreme court reopening Lawrence and considering making anything other than cishet vanilla sex illegal, the "kink at pride" debate needs to die, right fucking now. We're about to see firsthand why kink and queer rights are so closely tied together and what we need is to stand in unity. This also means queer discourse needs to die, right now.
Listen, everyone. You have pride because of leather daddies and Trans Women of Color. You have pride because of the same people you're ashamed to accept into the community.
We're all about to become targets, and we can't win separated. And we especially need to protect our most vulnerable, we need to protect the members of our community that will get targeted the most.
Discourse needs to end. The United States' fascism and hate is getting worse, and anyone that knows their world history knows things might get really bad here soon, and it's more important than ever that we can stand together. If we get caught up on labels or "is this person really LGBT" or anything like that, the people that hate us all for existing will divide and conquer and we will all lose.
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a-longer-love · 3 years ago
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Awkward prom picture with Ruth and Rob, family photos with Rob and misha, amazing hugs from Kim and Bri, and saying hi to a friend that couldn’t be with us with Jensens help…all in all it was an unbelievable weekend and first con experience ♥️ not to mention I got to share it with some pretty phenomenal friends! @rmcmisha2022
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a-longer-love · 3 years ago
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We see you and we love you❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍
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a-longer-love · 3 years ago
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Hey, someone on Twitter started this petition, requested by Creation to have JenMish panels
Sign it here
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a-longer-love · 3 years ago
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oh hey
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a-longer-love · 3 years ago
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a-longer-love · 3 years ago
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